A Queen

Chapter 1,069 Buying and Selling

Chapter 1069


As expected, the news about the Flame Mountain spread quickly, and various versions spread like a plague, shaking the entire Fenchuan River!

An inn in Fenchuan residential area.

People like Jiang Chuan were sitting in the room, all with complicated expressions. The pot of tea on the table had been hot and no one drank it.

They had only been able to enter Fenchuan recently, and they were thinking about taking an adventure together to the Flame Mountain to see if they could get some spiritual fire to improve their cultivation, but they heard the news before they could collect the huge number of spiritual crystals.

Everyone looked shocked.


"Is the name wrong?"

"It should be right...but this news is too..."

Before their Grand Master arrived, they had already reached the Lord level and killed more than 10,000 people with one kill... and two or three thousand of them were distracted... It's simply unbelievable!

"It's nothing surprising. That person has always liked to do such wicked things." Linjiang Xue leisurely peeled the fruit and said to Jiang Chuan and others: "There are more than one hundred and twenty thousand people who were tricked by her." Well, it doesn’t matter if there are ten thousand more here.”

You are so calm! Sure enough, is it easier for people with black hearts and mean mouths to accept each other?

Tang Junyi suddenly slapped the table: "It's absolutely true. Didn't you hear that Gong Zangxue also went there? He even killed someone from the Confucian Taoist Pavilion with an arrow... She is indeed my goddess, she's amazing!"

Gui Que holds your forehead, can you have some normal pursuit, is that a goddess? She's obviously a female murderer, okay?

In fact, everyone is already very sure. Because this style is completely based on the same model.

"By the way, let's not mention it for now. I'm actually most curious about another thing." Lin Jiangxue bit into the fruit. Jue Ge, who had been listening quietly, turned their heads.


"What does Gong Zangxue have to do with her? What's going on with the Snow Fish?"


Everyone was deep in thought,

There was a knock on the door. Who was it?

Everyone who came to Fenchuan and met countless dangerous people reacted very keenly, and they all became alert...

"I, Lao Li!"

As soon as the door opened, Li Qing's chubby body squeezed in from the door with a smile on his face. There were three people following behind.

One is Fanli, the other is Jie. There is also a thin young man.

Jiangchuan and others had also become acquainted with Li Qing and others outside Fenzhou during this period. They were all from Southern Xinjiang, so naturally they had a very good relationship. At this moment, they suddenly saw acquaintances. Even Jue Ge smiled, but he was also curious.

"Why are you here?"

It seems that the entrance to Fenchuan will only be opened during the Qishan Road assessment period. Now it is only open to people with special status, such as them, the assessors.

"Fat man, you didn't break the door with a spiritual crystal, did you?" Lin Jiangxue was frightened when she thought of the high entry fee.

"Although we have money, our methods are not so shabby. In fact, someone went to pick us up."


Everyone is confused...

Suddenly, the thin young man walked forward on his own, ignoring the people present, and sat down on the chair. Picking up the teapot, pouring water, and drank.

Amid everyone's astonishment, he raised his face. He raised his eyebrows and glanced at the many people present...

"You beauties, after a few months, you are still beautiful..."

This is typical teasing.

It stands to reason that Jiangchuan and Guique should be sharpening their swords to kill people, but...

"Dai Li?"

"Or...Junzili" Linjiang Xian said slowly.

"It's me" Dai Li grinned, his face changing. Changed into a handsome look with short hair...

Upon seeing it, Jue Ge, Tang Junyi and other women were stunned for a moment...

The atmosphere was silent for a moment.

"Um... I don't think you would recognize me if I cut my hair. My face hasn't changed that much." Dai Li suddenly escaped from a mirror and looked around at his face.

"Dai Li" Linjiang Xue suddenly said.

"Eh?" Dai Li turned to look at her.

"As a woman, how can you be so embarrassed to put yourself in this state?"

Even for a beauty like Lin Jiangxue, who prides herself on treating all the beautiful men in the world as dirt, her heart stopped for a moment when she saw this face and short hair.

But Tang Junyi had already rushed over, and Feng Ling couldn't hold him back...

This is the reason why beauty is so charming!

"Oh, am I that good-looking?" Dai Li was stunned and suddenly asked Jue Ge: "Sister Jue Ge, what do you think?"

The ultimate song: "..."

She never liked lying, so...how to answer this?

Jiangchuan and Guique grind their teeth~~

"By the way, about the Flame Mountain thing..." Before Tang Junyi, who rushed over, finished asking, Dai Li took out a bunch of rings and placed them on the table.

There are at least five hundred rings.

"The main reason I came here this time is to deliver something to you. I'm a bit pressed for time. I have to leave after delivering it. You can keep it by yourself... You can also go to the Flame Mountain. Remember to find a woman named Mugino. Generally, you are not someone to mess with. If you are someone from a noble or aristocratic family, her group can protect your safety..." After giving the things and drinking the tea, Dai Li changed back to his normal self without waiting for anyone's reaction. The three of them left directly with Li Qing.

This comes and goes.

As soon as the door was closed, everyone looked at the pile of rings on the table and fell silent for a while.

So much loot...

It was indeed her doing it!


These trophies have not been checked. Firstly, she does not have the time and energy. Secondly, she already has experience in this area. Zero calculated that the storage rings of these people should have an average of thirty red fires and spiritual crystals. It should be quite a lot. For people like Nan Lin, it is definitely a huge fortune, which is enough for their cultivation speed to increase by leaps and bounds.

Of course, her income from the Flame Mountain is definitely huge, enough to make even a high-ranking monarch jealous, but she also has a Vatican under her control!

The three of them, Li Qing, have long been accustomed to their boss being so powerful. They also know that Dai Li, who has now gained such a large fortune, will definitely have to improve the power of the Vatican, and they are very excited.

This is Fenchuan, they have already entered, next...

"Sir, where should we set our base next? We now have fifty thousand people." Dai Li also has tens of thousands of Vatican members in his sleeves.

"Where is Ding..." Dai Li's smile was a little weird, making Li Qing Ping shiver in vain.

"Tai Beast Cave"

Taishou Cave... is one of the most dangerous places in Fenchuan Realm. Unlike the Flame Mountain where the spiritual fire is a great tonic for cultivation, Taishou Cave is a typical monster paradise, where monsters are overwhelming and everywhere. , is an extremely terrifying place of experience.

Daili wants to put all the people like Li Qing in the Taishou Cave, which shows his ambition and ruthlessness...

But Jie and other vampires couldn’t ask for it!

The inexhaustible supply of monsters is their food, not to mention the spiritual blood strength of the monsters in Fenchuan is several times that of the monsters outside, which greatly improves their strength!

Dai Li quickly paid the transmission fee for one hundred spirit crystals. When she arrived at the Taishou Cave, for her whose strength had reached this point, the Taishou Cave was actually not challenging. She had no pressure to fight in and out, so she Flying directly in this giant plain, many monks who were practicing on the periphery were amazed.

"Hey, why are there so few monks in this beast cave?" Li Qing was very surprised. Logically speaking, there should be a lot of people coming to practice.

"The Qishan Road assessment is coming soon. For the Spiritual Fire, which can directly improve the strength, the Taishou Cave obviously has no advantage... And if a large number of assessors and the younger generation go to the Flame Mountain, it will inevitably make the experience here more dangerous. So it's normal that not many people come." Fan Li's analysis was correct, and it was actually the same, so Daili felt relieved to bring them here...

After flying at high speed for half an hour, Dai Li landed and released all 50,000 people. "Following the usual procedures, we eliminated the weak ones and kept the strong ones. I also embraced the monsters with high bloodlines for the first time..." If you really can't deal with it or can't embrace it for the first time, let me come back... Li Qing, you two are responsible for the overall affairs, including the station, etc... This ring contains 10,000 red fires. You can use it to improve your immortality. "Why, I'm going to Wanbaozhai now to get part of the spiritual fire to exchange for spiritual blood and other treasures... Just wait."


Dai Li didn't give too many instructions. After all, Li Qing and the others were very skilled at this. Her further reminder would be unnecessary and a waste of time.

As for this 50,000-strong team, she is quite ruthless. To get an extremely powerful vampire army, they can only use this primitive killing method to temper them. Obviously, they themselves enjoy this process very much...

After making arrangements for the Vatican, she had one more thing to do.


The location of Wanbaozhai was not difficult to find. Dai Li rewarded a local with ten spiritual crystals and got the address directly.

Big, big, grand, huge building, just one building, covering a wide area and extremely luxuriously decorated.

As soon as Dai Li opened his insightful eyes, he saw the hundreds of complicated formations. He took a breath of cold air. Then he looked at the two green bull beasts tied with huge iron chains at the door. He gritted his teeth. This was Let’s collect treasures from the green bull. It is said to be a rare spiritual beast that can lay the foundation for wealth. One of them is worth millions of crystals..

What a rich man.

Walking into the door, the ordinary-looking Daili was lost in the dense crowd in the blink of an eye.

"Hello, I'm looking for senior Qian Xuan."

The beautiful maid in charge of reception became more respectful upon hearing this: "Who are you? Do you have an appointment?"

"Uh... Just tell him my name is Jun Er."


Dai Li only waited aside for a while, and then someone came out and respectfully led her into the inner court, leaving the customers stunned for a moment.

"Hey, Mr. Jun, long time no see..." Qian Xuan had the air of a businessman as always, and he was diplomatic when he came over...

Dai Li didn't have the time to spend time chatting, he just smiled and said: "It's been a while...but I came here today to make a deal with Wanbaozhai. Although it's not big, I only know seniors at Wanbaozhai." You, that’s why I came directly to my door” (To be continued)

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