A Queen

Chapter 1,070 The true nature of a businessman

This is not polite. You must know that Qian Xuan is the second-in-command of Wanbaozhai. He usually takes over the business with aristocratic families or big forces. How can he be downgraded because of a small business like Dai Li?

However, Dai Li was very straightforward and frank, without any embarrassment or restraint. In addition, Qian Xuan didn't know how special and confident this person was, so he naturally wouldn't be annoyed. Instead, he smiled: "This is my honor. Who doesn't know that Qian Xuan is now The most popular person in Sichuan is Jun Zili, Lord Jun... the ghost hunter... defeated Kun Yan, toyed with Cloud Splitting Crocodile Lord and applauded him, and then fought against ten thousand people, and defeated the Yan faction and Xie family's combined ten thousand Many people have been buried in the Flame Mountain... I am so surprised that even the Confucian and Taoist Pavilion can't do anything to you..."

In fact, the Flame Mountain is so soul-stirring that it could write a novel. Qian Xuan can express its domineering and grandeur in just a few sentences.

The one in front of me is the ghost hunter.

"What happened in Confucianism Pavilion was not my fault. It was because Gong Zangxue was too cruel... But just this reputation is not good. I have been here all the time because of Junzili's murderous behavior... I don’t even dare to show my face anymore, look at my face..."

"Your face is the same. There is an aura of bitchiness all over your body. I can smell it from afar..."

Before he finished speaking, the door was pushed open. Xiangxi Palace walked up with noble and slightly enchanting steps. He paused his feet, folded his hands around his chest, and looked down at Dai Li in front of him: "I heard that you just said Wanbao Zhai, the person you are most familiar with is Old Man Qian? You are still familiar with me... When did the two of you hook up? "

This was really an indiscriminate attack. Qian Xuan smiled bitterly and left, turning a blind eye to Dai Li's glare before leaving.

This damn old man. It must have just been announced...

"Stop staring. Look at your face in disguise. It's so ugly. Change it back quickly! Don't hurt my eyes~~"

This woman from Xiangxi Palace is definitely a arrogant master, and she almost pounced on her to tear Dai Li's face apart.

"Yes, yes, I can't change."

Dai Li had short hair and a handsome face, and then Xiangxi Palace calmed down, sat down, hooked Erlang's legs...

This guy is wearing a red cheongsam.

Those thighs...

"If you watch it again, you will be charged..." Xiangxi Palace's cool words made Dai Li quickly look away, and said seriously: "You are really a businessman..."

"Who is it?"


Instead of pouty mouth.

After drinking tea: "I'm here to do business."

"Forget it about selling yourself. If you're an artist, you can consider being my chef or something..."


Dai Li put the ring on the table, "There are thirty thousand red fires in it. I want to exchange it for spiritual blood. Any kind of spiritual blood will do. Will you accept this deal?"

"Thirty thousand red fires?" Xiangxi Palace paused in the act of pouring tea and narrowed his eyes: "Is this the small business you are talking about?"

This is a big deal, isn't it?

"I don't think it's big." Dai Li's method of spiritual fire was too cheating. He killed Yingye and made a fortune. Xiangxi Palace calmed down after thinking about it. "Of course we can do the business. But the price..."

The two people quickly entered negotiation mode, a quarter of an hour later. A list was drawn up, which was densely packed with names and quantities of spiritual blood. Not counting the quality, there were probably five thousand bottles.

Dai Li smiled after just one glance: "You remember so many types and names of spiritual blood so clearly, it's amazing."

"Better than your girl?"

"..." Speaking of Qing Yi, Dai Li's eyes darkened, "How is she?"

"She was brought home. Don't worry. Her talent is so good. Her ancestors treat her like a treasure and keep her with them to practice every day. But she is also tolerant and doesn't think you will die at all. I quite admire her, she is so good at judging people~~" Xiangxi Gong said quietly, while glancing at Dai Li's proud face: "She said that you are so thick-skinned and tough, even if the top magic weapon pokes you in the face with the blade, If you are dull, you will not die.”

"Sure enough, you are really not dead... and you have killed so many people." Xiangxi Palace praised him with great admiration...


Anyway, it’s a compliment~~ Dai Li lowered his brows and said with a smile: “It’s okay, as long as Qing Yi praises me, I will accept it, but the shopkeeper of Xiangda, do you have to ask someone to fulfill this deal? I’ve been a little busy lately”


A light flashed through Xiangxi Palace's eyes, "Busy about the Demon Palace? It seems like your status is very low..."

"Do you know all this?"

"Don't block me with your favors...I also have a deal to discuss with you."


"Dragon Scale"

"I'm gone"

Knowing that this woman wanted to ask this, Daili waved his hand honestly: "It's already used up."

"So honest, I guess you also guessed that I guessed it..." Xiangxi Palace smiled half-heartedly: "You have so many dragon scales hidden on your body. You have never used them on yourself before, but when you were in the Flame Mountain, those of yours The sword suddenly possessed the essence of dragon scales, and it suddenly became dozens of times more powerful. I think you have at least hundreds of thousands of dragon scales on your body, but they were all used on it..."

Ah, this woman guessed pretty well, but she only used tens of thousands of dragon scales... She didn't expect my blood soldier coagulation technique...

Dai Li touched his chin: "So? You want me to help you condense dragon scales?"


"I do not have time"

"I'll give you 10,000 crystals as a reward."

"I'm not short of money"

"you sure?"

"If I don't have money, I can go out and kill a few people and sell some spiritual fire. Why should I sell my time?"

Damn it, for people like this who are accustomed to killing people to make a fortune, it seems that lack of money is really just a temporary state...

Xiangxi Gong narrowed his eyes and lowered his head to drink tea: "Then what do you want?"

"Whatever I lack, I naturally want.."

This melon boy!

Xiangxi Gong raised his eyes and smiled faintly, a little pitifully: "I don't have that many dragon scales..."

"I still have something to do, let's go first." Dai Li stood up and was about to leave...

"Come back!" Xiangxi Palace gritted his teeth, "Ten thousand dragon scales!"

"Ten thousand?" It's indeed a lot, but...

Dai Li played with the small tea cup with his fingers and smiled: "Ten thousand is not the point. The point is how many dragon scales you want me to condense... Anyway, I want one-fifth."

one fifth!

The lion opened his mouth like this and made Xiangxi Palace so angry that he frowned!

"You are taking advantage of the fire!"

"Hey, I originally just wanted to pay back the money on the spot after asking for a lot of money. I didn't expect you to be so anxious now, so there is no need to pay back... That's the price!" Dai Li looked very surprised...

Xiangxi Palace's fingers trembled, and the attack almost came out. Bear it, bear it, this bastard is a good cook, and he still has some value as the concubine of the woman in Qingyi. He can't kill, he can't kill...

In the blink of an eye, Xiangxi Palace's breathing calmed down, and with a calm expression, he poured himself a cup of tea: "Your request is too exaggerated. I can't agree to it. It's just a waste of time..."

"I can perfectly refine the dragon essence inside the dragon scales~~"

These words caused Xiangxi Palace to suddenly stop toasting, and stared at Dai Li with a burning gaze: "Perfectly refined?"



Very good, the beauty of Xiangda has been hit in the heart. She will never tell the bitch in front of her that the refining ability of her group of advanced weapon refining experts is only one-third, and the time is extremely slow! Even if those people are king-level...

This is a matter of talent. Obviously, the great beauty, Prince Jun, has special talents or means in this regard.

With her mind turned aside, Xiangxi Gong softened her eyebrows. Suddenly she moved and sat next to Dai Li. Before Dai Li could react, one of her hands fell on Dai Li and folded his thighs. Go up... The slender white index finger and middle finger slowly lifted up through the pants, and the body came over... He breathed like a blue: "You..."

"If you touch it again, I will charge you... five thousand dragon scales for one touch."

As a business goddess who has never failed at the negotiation table, the Hunan beauty's reaction to being repeatedly frustrated by someone finally reached a peak after ups and downs.

After a while, sounds like this echoed in this gorgeous and exquisite living room...

"I just touch it, I just touch it, I just touch it!"

"You don't let me touch it, but I insist on touching it!"


Qian Xuan paused at the door and looked at Xiangxi Palace who was frantically moving his hands up and down Jun Zili's body...

Who can tell him who this female pervert is who is almost crazy because of her dissatisfied desires?

He didn't know for a moment whether to return it or to take it in... After taking a breath, he reminded him of his presence: "Shopkeeper, Mr. Ran, whom you made an appointment with before, is already here."

Xiangxi Gong withdrew his claws from Dai Li and raised his eyebrows: "Ran Lao? Just let him wait for a while..."

When he heard this name, Dai Li was slightly surprised. It was Mr. Lao. He didn't know what kind of deal he had with Xiangxi Palace...

After dismissing Qian Xuan, Xiangxi Palace's tone became solemn: "One-fifth... okay, but I also ask you to help me refine them all within ten days, and make sure that every piece is perfectly refined. , otherwise you won’t even want a piece of dragon scale.”

"Hmm...how much do you want me to refine?" Dragon scale is definitely a good thing for Dai Li to quickly increase his strength, not to mention that she has other uses.

"Not much, three million."


Dai Li sprayed.

Isn't this called much?

It seems that Wanbaozhai definitely takes advantage of dragon scales, otherwise it would not store so many dragon scales. You must know that the price of a dragon scale is not low, but she calculated it in millions...

This is definitely not the total amount of dragon scales in Wanbaozhai.

After thinking for a moment, Dai Li nodded: "Okay, I promise you, then my reward will be 600,000."

"It turns out that I just asked for an exorbitant price and paid it back on the spot, waiting for you to cut down on time. It turns out that ten days are enough for you...then, it will be ten days!" Xiangxi Palace is famous for its people. The Tao also heals the person's body.

Dai Li drank the tea in the cup in one gulp and chuckled: "My time is much more expensive than dragon scales." (To be continued...)


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