A Queen

Chapter 1071 Dragon scales, spiritual blood, trade again!

Chapter 1071


Xiangxi Palace snorted, stood up and straightened her clothes: "Come on, I'll let Qian Xuan take you to the furnace... these ten days... you are mine~~" Her fingers hooked Gou Daili's jaw.


Dai Li rolled his eyes and knocked her hand away, his appearance changed and became ordinary. At this moment, Qian Xuan had already walked in, followed by someone else.

Not taboo at all.

The other party obviously didn't expect that there was already someone here.

He glanced at Dai Li in surprise. Well, he was just ordinary, with no real or false features at all, but it was precisely this type of person that made him remember him.

When Dai Li saw this person, he was even more surprised.

Ran Lao?

Is this person Ran Lao? This is not that...

What a scam!

Who is that in the Flame Mountain?

Dai Li met each other face to face. Both of them looked at each other calmly, and then Qian Xuan took Dai Li to the back room.

Xiangxi Palace turned a blind eye to what happened between the two of them, and immediately started to talk diplomatically with Ran Lao.

Qian Xuan listened to the serious conversation coming from behind. When he heard it again, someone beside him seemed to mutter: "Who is he? He is so polite and elegant to others, but he is like a snake to me..."

Qian Xuan pursed his lips, our shopkeeper only cares about you and the girl, so you just have to be content!

"By the way, Senior Qian, was that Ran Lao just now?"

"Yes. Ran Lao from the Ran family"

"What a coincidence, there is also Ran Lao in the Flame Mountain..."

"It's just that a person has different identities in different places. I think Mr. Jun has a deeper experience in this."

"He is different from me. His identity in the Flame Mountain... seems to be Guan Lei, an unknown guy from the branding sect.

He was so good at hiding that everyone was deceived by him."

Qian Xuan seemed to have known about this for a long time, so he smiled and said: "Although this is the customer's secret, obviously Mr. Jun has already learned about it, so I won't hide it. This is indeed the real Ran Lao, Lao He also created the sect. However, this person has always been alert and found a substitute in front of him at the beginning. In private, he plundered the spiritual fire and strengthened himself without the Yan sect noticing. Now, I am afraid that Kun Yan is no longer him. rival"

The children of the aristocratic family... really do the same thing.

"A very good method, even I was deceived." Dai Li smiled. Her insightful eyes couldn't tell. Either this person originally looked like this, or he used a special method to hide his appearance. But no matter which way it was, this person's forbearance and methods were better than Kun Yan, and he should also be a Strong enemy.

There was no conflict of interest between the left and right, and Dai Li quickly forgot about it.

The smelting room that handles dragon scales has many mechanisms. After a while, Dai Li was brought to the huge smelting room that was sealed by countless formations.

There are already thousands of people operating here. Among them, Dai Li glanced at more than a dozen monarchs, but Qian Xuan did not let her meet these people, but passed through the secret passage. Taken directly to a separate cubicle.

"Master Jun, this is the place prepared for you. You can operate here..."

What this means is that you have already started preparing~~ That woman is very knowledgeable about things, and she is so sure that she has special abilities with dragon scales...

"Okay, that's it, go get three million dragon scales." It takes about ten days to earn 600,000 dragon scales. This deal is simply a bargain.

A huge profit!

Qian Xuan had obviously been instructed by the Xiangxi Palace and nodded. The dragon scales were brought after a while.

Thus, Daili's journey to dragon scales begins!


Of course it is impossible for one person to solve all three million dragon scales with Dai Li, but Su still has a scorpion. One person and one scorpion started the all-round mode of refining dragon essence, and he refined it non-stop for ten days. During this period, no one from Xiangxi Palace came to disturb...

Ten days later, outside this compartment, Xiangxi Palace was drinking tea with a calm expression. Qian Xuan next to him said with a smile: "Shopkeeper, it seems that you are very at ease with her. In these ten days, you are not worried at all that she will not be able to complete the work." protocol"

"Although this person has a mean mouth and a dark heart, he can always do what he promises. I have no doubt about this... But I would rather she couldn't complete it, so that I don't have to pay the 600,000 dragon scales." Already.."

"But she still has three million of your dragon scales on her body."

"It's okay, she can't get out of this door."

In fact, your heart is quite dark.

At this moment... the door opened, and Dai Li leaned against the door frame: "I'm sorry to disappoint Shopkeeper Xiang..."


Of course it was completed. Dai Li walked out of the house with a tired look and pressed her temples. Ten days of non-stop refining had caused a great loss of her soul. However, such consumption was conducive to the cultivation of Tianchen Soul Refining. Just now, she She felt that Tianchen Soul Refining had reached a bottleneck. Unfortunately, all the dragon scales had been refined, otherwise she could have taken the opportunity to break through Tianchen Soul Refining...

“It’s really good”

Although they were mentally prepared, it was another matter to actually see it. Anyway, Qian Xuan and Xiangxi Palace had very complicated feelings.

How dare the dozen or so Jun-level weapon refiners they support with high salaries not be able to compare to this man's ten days of work in several years?

This efficiency gap is so huge!

"Well, pay with one hand and deliver the goods with one hand."


It’s only 600,000 dragon scales. The work fees Xiangxi Palace spent on these refiners are enough to purchase 600,000 dragon scales. What’s more, Dai Li is right. For talented monks like them, time is the most important thing. of.

As soon as she took out the 600,000 dragon scales, Dai Li flicked her fingertips, and a gold liquid dragon essence sphere floated on her palm, with a diameter of one meter, and it looked very scary.

Xiangxi Palace's eyes were bright, and he directly collected the Dragon Essence Sphere. The smile on his face was not hidden, and his eyes looking at Dai Li felt a little...

"That woman in Tsing Yi is indeed very discerning. You are... quite capable."

"She didn't misjudge you either. You always have a sweet mouth when you find something delicious or good..."


The transaction was completed. Qian Xuan stepped forward and took out the rings one by one: "Master Jun, these are five thousand bottles of spiritual blood. They are from the previous transaction..."

"Okay, this is 30,000 red fires... By the way, there will be spiritual blood in the future... you know"

Many people now know that Dai Li's abilities are mainly divided into the blood power and the thunder method. The thunder method is mainly for critical strikes. She mostly uses the blood power to fight, including the pupil technique, which seems to be in the blood blood. , so her need for spiritual blood means that her vampire talent has a huge appetite.

"Of course, as long as you have something to change it for!"

With 5,000 bottles of spiritual blood and 600,000 dragon scales, Dai Lizhi left with great satisfaction. As soon as she left, Qian Xuan sighed softly: "I don't know how far such huge spiritual blood can make her breakthrough..." .But now it’s getting more and more scary.”

After entering the Demon Palace, I had a backstage, with blood energy and lightning skills, and also learned martial arts scrolls...

Xiangxi Palace was silent... Maybe it was Luan Qingyi's expectations for this person that made her predictability of this person infinitely higher.


Dai Li never thought that he would be blocked as soon as he left the door of Wanbaozhai.

A moment later, she stood by the Liuyang River in the Fenchuan residential area. Catkins were fluttering, the river was soft, ducks were swimming back and forth on the river, and the water plants were faint... There were countless handsome men and beautiful women going out for an outing, but no one could compare with them. These two are even more dazzling.

Liu Xiafeng, the young man in black, snow on the river, the beauty in white.

Looking at the beautiful woman standing next to the wind... Dai Li smiled: "Miss Xue, don't tell me that you have been following me."

"It's not difficult for my people to investigate your traces."

In short, there is no need for her to get her hands dirty.

"So, you waited for me behind Wanbaozhai for ten days." Daili smiled half-heartedly.

"It doesn't take more than five breaths from the time you walk out of the door and notify me until I arrive, but in the past few days, I have helped you kill 360 people from the Xie family and the Kun family."

Xue Zhiyu put his hands behind his back, turned his face, and looked into Shang Daili's eyes, saying, "You should have guessed why I'm looking for you."

"Martial Arts Scroll?"

"You have the top, the middle, and I have the bottom. I don't think it's rational for us to cultivate independently."

"Of course it's irrational. If you don't come to me, I will come to you."

"Killing people to seize treasures? It doesn't seem possible right now."

"Uh-huh, I can do that later."

The two looked at each other with sharp eyes.

A catkin floated past Dai Li's ear. She hooked her finger and smiled softly, breaking the silence: "I was joking..."

"I take it seriously... maybe I should kill you now instead of threatening you later."

"Hey, even if I am trying to seize the treasure, I will definitely not be willing to kill you. It's better for you... to kill me at every turn. After all, we share the same sorrow, okay..."

"Green Fire Elf..."

Xue Zhiyu got a headache when he mentioned this Dai Li: "Okay, okay, I have two volumes, which one do you choose?"

"All of them"

"No way, you only have one roll, it looks like I lost money."

"Green Fire Elf..."

Xue Zhiyu Qing Qing Ya De reminded him again. Dai Li broke off the catkins and rolled his eyes: "Okay, okay! Let's make the deal!"

Where can she go to find the green fire elf? She can't buy it even if she can afford it. Besides, Dai Li never likes to take advantage of people other than the enemy, especially when the promised spoils are swallowed by her alone. , she still feels a little guilty...

Daili knew that this woman was convinced of her, so he opened his mouth.

One roll for two rolls...haha~

Sitting by the river, the two of them quickly printed scrolls and handed them to each other, very smoothly and smoothly.

Only after Xue Zhiyu got hold of it did he respond to such a straightforward response: "You just let it go? It seems like you are not someone who is willing to suffer losses."

This sentence is like a person who took advantage and still asked the victim to express his feelings after the incident.

It’s so frustrating! (To be continued)

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