A Queen

Chapter 1072 Ten thousand soldiers condensed!

Chapter 1072

Dai Li stood up from the ground, patted his clothes, and said lazily: "Then what can I do? I want to spank you, but it's a pity that I can't push you down~"

"..." Xue Zhiyu felt that he should kill people and seize the treasure.

After the transaction was completed, both of them flew up. When the Snow Fish heard the sound of rushing water, he lowered his head and saw the man tying up more than a dozen Cuilu ducks with blood chains...

"What are you doing?"

"Eat, it would be a pity not to eat to grow so fat. For a woman, duck is very nourishing...what do you want?"


bandit! Rogue!


When Daili returned to Taishou Cave, he found that the Vatican's headquarters had been built. It was a blood-red ancient-style building with wooden houses linked up one after another. It looked ordinary, but because there were so many houses, it gave people a sense of grandeur.

However, the army of 50,000 was reduced to 40,000 in one fell swoop, and 10,000 died?

No, twenty thousand died.

The other ten thousand were added by monsters.

One can imagine how horrific the killings and deaths were.

There was no response to Dai Li, except that he left five hundred of the highest-grade spiritual blood, and distributed all the rest. Such a huge spiritual blood resource made Jie very happy: "My lord, with these spiritual blood, we can cooperate with you." The hunting in this beast cave is enough for us people to rise to a big level."

"Well... you all have blood soldiers, right?"


"That's good"

Daili's eyes flashed. Of the 600,000 dragon scales, she kept 300,000 for herself and used the remaining 300,000 on these people's blood soldiers. You must know that blood soldiers are the strongest attack method of a vampire. The blood soldiers become stronger, such as Qianji Yu, whose combat power is enough to reach another level, so...

As soon as Daili arrived at Taishou Cave, he started refining dragon essence without taking a break...

This time she didn't let Scorpion help,

Instead, I refine it myself, doing each piece very carefully but also very quickly. Devote yourself wholeheartedly, one piece after another. After lasting for a day and a half...in the early morning of the next day.


When Dai Li was extremely tired, his face turned pale, his forehead was covered with cold sweat, and he almost fell down. He had to use the last ray of his soul to refine a piece of dragon scale blood...

The essence and blood were extracted, and her soul power was instantly emptied...

Success or failure depends on this! Dai Li gritted his teeth. Suddenly, Tianchen was urged to refine his soul!


Tianchen Soul Refining breaks through instantly!

It’s like the brain and soul space suddenly opened up!

Whole new look...

Dai Li understood and started Tianchen Soul Refining, hiss, hiss, hiss, hiss, hiss, hiss, his soul power quickly recovered like a river from all directions, more than ten times faster than the previous recovery speed!

"Ten times!" Dai Li originally thought that she would be satisfied with two or three times, but she didn't expect it to be ten times. With such a soul recovery speed, she can continuously emit momentary fire and momentary light for a long time, achieving continuous Soul attack effect...

What's more, it's Qianji Swordsmanship!

The most important thing is that the soul is strong. The detonation effect time of the blood energy dual core can be greatly extended.

Horrible, terrible!

When Dai Li thought about the effect of this kind of battle, his palms became hot, and he wished he could rush out and kill those monsters right now...


Dai Li turned into a stream of light and flew out of the room.

Taishou Cave is not a mountain cave. Rather, there are countless caves in the plains, and underneath are the lairs of many monsters. Many monsters hunt and live on the ground, and most of them live in groups, so the beast cave is so dangerous.

At this moment, the Vatican army is fighting a huge herd of wildebeests, fearing that it is a wild way of killing. The scene is very bloody and violent, with Dai Li floating in the air. He was somewhat surprised by the combat strength of the 40,000 troops under his command.

Well, the average is actually at the Grandmaster level?

so fast.

"Your Majesty" Jie came over to pay homage to Li.

"You did a good job.. Their strength is improving very quickly."

"It's because the master is progressing too fast." The blood lineage is assisted by the upper ones. The stronger the people at the top, the stronger the blood descendants below. Even the indirect blood descendants can benefit, so Dai Li's subordinates The Vatican can also increase its strength after her repeated breakthroughs, not to mention the huge and uninterrupted resource support. These vampires are not comparable to the vampires on earth who can only absorb the blood of ordinary humans.

"Really?" Dai Li smiled, "Then we can go one step further."

As soon as she finished speaking, she raised her eyes, and in the sky where the two groups were massacred, a pair of huge eyes of the moment appeared, the light of the moment!



A flash of light?

No, those lights have been shrouding more than 50,000 wildebeest...

Bang bang bang!

The souls of wildebeests exploded, and large pieces of their bodies fell...

Three breaths, a large number of wildebeests with a high average strength, all died.

Li Qing and Fan Li were stunned.

Jie was also stunned there...

By the way, such a method... is terrible.

"Okay, don't worry about the spiritual blood for now, just come over here."

Dai Li's simple words made the vampires who were originally eager for the spiritual blood of those corpses gather together one by one.

"Sacrifice all the bloody soldiers"


Except for Li Qing, everyone else was a pure vampire. Even if they all sacrificed their blood soldiers, there was no doubt at all.

But before they could get rid of the blood soldiers, Dai Li waved his hand, and all the blood soldiers used by the 30,000 human vampires flew into the air and spun into the air!

The huge power of those 30,000 blood soldiers is too terrifying, let alone controlling so many blood soldiers in one fell swoop!

Li Qing and Li Qing stood there stunned. How terrifying is the soul secretly possessing Dai Li?

After taking control of all the blood soldiers, Dai Li flicked his fingertips, and a dragon spirit appeared. With a pinch of the dragon's claw, 30,000 blood lines were shot out, brush!

Golden lines!

Like silk, it shoots across the space, wrapping up handfuls of bloody soldiers!


Qianji was condensed from weak to strong by Dai Li. Therefore, in terms of the blood soldier condensation technique, this guy has definitely reached a very terrifying stage. Now that he has huge soul power support, he is even more comfortable, even if he can control the condensation of 30,000 blood soldiers at once. She can handle it too.

As time passed, the auras of the bloody soldiers increased exponentially. People like Li Qing were on fire. Once such powerful blood soldiers were successfully condensed, how much could the Vatican's strength increase?

A quarter of an hour later, Dai Li ended his action, and with a look... all thirty thousand blood soldiers flew in front of all the vampires.

"The blood soldiers have been condensed. The spiritual blood has been prepared for you. Now let me enter the state of all-round cultivation... Next, it is time to assign tasks to you... Fight to support war."

With a flick of his sleeves, Dai Li turned around and glanced at all the vampires. That glance was meaningful: "My men never leave waste behind."

It was the absolute ruthlessness and supreme authority from a vampire ruler. A look....

Forty thousand vampires knelt down and worshiped.

The whole place was quiet.

Li Qing pressed his chest: "Ali, do we have to find a woman to have a baby first, and then..."

"You can consider it." Fan Li took a deep breath.

From following them when they were young to holding the power now, they have watched all the way...

No one understands better than them what it feels like to have a huge force born in the palm of your hand...

Later, she asked Li Qing, Jie and Fan Li to arrange two things for the Vatican. First, the expansion and downsizing of the Vatican must be carried out simultaneously, after the Taishou Cave massacre. It is also necessary to dedicate a part to complete some tasks. Secondly, it is necessary to divide the functions of the entire Vatican. There are generally only two types of combat corps and supervisory corps. Too many of them can easily lead to cross-over of powers and confusion*. "You make your own arrangements as to how to recruit people. Anyway, you are not allowed to do anything to children who are happy or unwilling to do so."


Li Qing nodded, thought for a moment, and then asked: "Should we assign this task ourselves? Or..."

"No, it's a mission to the Demon Palace." Dai Li touched his chin. "I am a member of the Demon Palace, but my status is very low. If I want to improve my status, in addition to showing my talent and strength to make those big bosses happy to reuse them, I can only use the simplest and crudest tasks to get a few points, so as to improve my status. ..."

"You mean to let us help with the task?"

"Yes, I don't have that much time to complete those tasks... You are my forces. The Demon Palace does not care about the strength of its members, so it does not care about how the members of the Demon Palace complete the tasks. As long as you have the strength... ., anyway, your existence will definitely be recorded by the Demon Palace. In this case... then fully demonstrate your presence!"

Dai Li, from Gong Jiu and Chun Shisanniang, can cultivate his own personal guard, which shows how domineering the Demon Palace is. He is not afraid of you having your own power at all, as long as you are loyal to him personally... It seems that he will never be afraid of your rebellion. .

In the words of Chun Shisanniang, that is: "Rebellion is just right. Let other people in the Demon Palace practice their skills, and it can also deter others... The old men in the Demon Palace wish that the people below would rebel often, so as to support war with war."

This is the difference between the demonic path and the righteous path. You must know that rebelling against the master and sect in the righteous path is the most serious sin, and it is punishable by a thousand cuts.

Therefore, the demonic path is full of chaos and killing, but its combat power is abnormal, and geniuses and perverts emerge in endlessly...

Li Qing understood immediately: "That's good, otherwise it would be a waste to maintain such a large legion without using it... We will also make arrangements for the internal division. Jie, you know these people relatively well, right? Those who are relatively Those who are good at fighting, those who are good at surveillance..."

"Well, I have recorded my daily routine and made a list." Jie seemed to have prepared it in advance, which made Dai Li very satisfied with him. He smiled, crossed his legs and said, "The best thing is that, do it as soon as possible. Come out as a team and practice their monitoring and tracking capabilities... Help me check a few people."

It seems that this second mission exists just to investigate these people.

Ye Ziqing them?

Nature includes clear leaves.

"My cousin, Shang Biejie, Qin Ji, Bai Shutang, etc. I want to know the traces of these people as much as possible, as well as the situation in Nanlin. By the way, there is also Yiye Xiaoxiang. Don't go too deep, just let I know it’s probably okay” (To be continued)

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