A Queen

Chapter 1,076 Too few gentlemen

Chapter 1076

Naturally, I am sure that this person is true.


This person is not Jun Zili, so who is he?

After a while, after many people looked away with suspicion, the dull and indifferent young man stood at the edge of the stairs and was about to walk down the steps...

An object on his waist shook, and Xie Ru's eyes suddenly shrank and locked on the object.

"He has a belt!"

"Demon palace waist card?"

When everyone was confused, Xie Ru suddenly said: "People from the Demon Palace?"

The young man raised his eyebrows and looked down at Xie Ru at the foot of the stairs. His eyes were a little cold and he looked at him for a moment, then spat out a few words as if they were words like gold.

"See for yourself"

This tone added some deep elegance to the coolness, as well as a hint of domineering.

Xie Rulin raised his eyebrows, and suddenly raised the corners of his mouth, saying in a high-spirited manner: "Anyone who dared to talk to me like this is now dead."

It's thin and sharp, and there's something sinister about it.

Looking at each other up and down, one face is full of anger, the other is as deep as the sea...

God, is this person more awesome than Jun Zili?

Dare to confront Xie Ru directly!

Wu Yarou was a little stunned. Le Zhengzhi beside him was quite confused and scratched his head: "Who is this person? I have never heard of this person among the people I have paid attention to recently..."

But suddenly Xiang Jinghong and the two whispered at the same time: "It's not the case."

At first glance, they thought it was true, but now they looked carefully and found it was not. That man is a monster and a disaster.

And crazy and bold.

The man in front of him was like a pool of stagnant water, and Xie Ruo's sharpness could not disturb his tranquility.

There are two people at all!

Everyone felt the strange aura between the dull young man who came in and Xie Ru.

A lot of wry smiles from the older generation. Where does this change come from?


"Are you the newly promoted young prince?" Murong Qiushui's voice came at the same time as his gaze, and the young man slowly turned his head.

Murong Qiu Shui's eyes were cold, his leaning posture was domineering, and his expression was more unruly, but his hostility was restrained, seeming to show his contempt for her.

——You are not worthy of my action.

However, those people from the Qiu Shui Army around him did not have such abilities as him. The hostility and murderous intent are out there, strong and dark.

Is this Murong Qiushui?

Had a face-to-face meeting. In response to the other party's disdainful inquiry, the young man tilted his head, his eyes light and heavy.

"It's me, you are Murong Qiushui..."

A question with restrained murderous intent. One is affirmative and meaningful. What is the deep meaning in it?

Murong Qiu Shui looked at Dai Li calmly, her eyes falling on Dai Li's waist.

The waist card of the young prince of the Demon Palace.

Kill the young prince of Sichuan.

He is a major general, one level higher than this man.

But that was years of hard work, but it only took this person one month.

Even if he knew that the other party used special means, Murong Qiu Shui still would not allow anyone to challenge his authority like this.

"Young Marquis!" Kun Yan and others were surprised. Unexpectedly, it was not Jun Zili who was waiting for them, but the mysterious Young Marquis from the Demon Palace.

It was obvious that this young prince was indeed very unpredictable. He looked calm and composed even after being looked down upon by Murong Qiu Shui. And he stepped on his wooden clogs and stepped down the stairs with a few clicks.

The seats in the main hall of Qinyuan are not regular large round tables, but separate and casual individual seats. Some are adjacent to each other in a row, and some are open. At first glance, they look like booths in a modern coffee shop.

The young man chose a seat in the area where no one was sitting yet.

Shi Shiran sat down.

Completely ignoring the attention and suspicion of so many people in the hall.

He is so calm that he can scare others to death.

——This person is either born with a short-sightedness or is as dull as a rock.

Anyway, it can't be Jun Zili.

Behind him was a cold-faced young man, who seemed to be a subordinate, with a paralyzed face.

The paralyzed face followed the dull young man, like two mummies. The whole process was silent.

After this person sat down... Xie Ru and Xu Yidao were about to turn around and find seats when suddenly...

"Uncle. A beautiful woman is here, the fierce and scary one you mentioned." Xu Er's reminder made Xu Yidao frown and turn his head to look.

The appearance of Snow Fish made the appearance of this hall suddenly improve a lot, and there was another person beside her.

Although a woman's appearance is not as eye-catching and special as the Snow Fish, she is as fresh and radiant as the flowers blooming during the spring equinox. There is a kind of stunning grace in her steps, eyebrows and eyes, and her steps are like orchids.

"This woman seems to be...?"

"It's Cen Banlan. I heard someone say that she came from the sky a few days ago, as if she came from the beautiful sea of ​​flowers... There are so many beauties in the beautiful sea of ​​flowers. Today I finally got to see her."

"Cen Banlan and Xue Zhiyu? I haven't heard of any friendship between these two people~~"

But to put it well, whether a beauty becomes a friend or an enemy is only a moment of meeting each other, but whether they are an enemy or a friend cannot be determined by a moment of meeting each other.

Although these two people are from the northern region, they have a good reputation in Fenchuan. As soon as they appeared, many people stood up to say hello... Even Murong Qiushui raised his glass and chuckled: "It is indeed right to come to Qinyuan, beauty so many"

These words were a bit frivolous. Cen Banlan had already known this person's identity and style, so he just smiled lightly and pretended not to hear it. However, the person next to him was obviously not easy to mess with.

"It's a pity that there are too few gentlemen." Xue Zhiyu's words were so light and concise, but they included Murong Qiu Shui, Xie Ru and even Kun Yan in one moment.

Everyone present was worried, and they all understood it once they thought about it.

It is said that among the powerful young men present, there are indeed very few who can be called a gentleman.

If you are a gentleman, like Xiang Yunhong, your strength and talent are not enough to impress people like Xue Zhiyu, so she said this...

It has a scornful attitude.

Is this the true power of the eldest princess? Hidden domineering...

He was not afraid of Murong Qiu Shui, the little overlord of the Demon Palace.

Murong Qiushui sneered. The murderous intention was faint, and Snow Fish turned a blind eye, just looking at the hall in front of him with a faint gaze. His eyes were as light as snow drifting across everyone...

Just when the two seemed to be about to fight.

"It's my first time to come to Qinyuan. I can see two people fighting each other as soon as I meet each other? You're lucky." Hearing this, Xue Zhiyu curled up his lips and stepped forward, just in time to get out of the way for a group of people who came in behind. Road.

It was like the prelude to the beauty's appearance. Before the group came, there was a faint fragrance and the magnetic lingering sound, and everyone raised their eyebrows.

seven people. Not too much, not too little.

The leader was a woman with short hair.

Very aura and personality. But exquisite and unforgettable.

Qinhuang Pavilion is where the fox stays.

She brought six people from Qinhuang Pavilion to Qinyuan!

Are you looking for a show or are you just here to listen to the piano?

Qinhuangge vs. Qinyuan?

That silent yet moving rhythm of elegance and calmness is the feeling that Qinhuang Pavilion always gives people. Even though these women seem to be very young, their demeanor and behavior are innately everyone's style.

——The glory and heritage from Qinhuang Pavilion.

Hua Yushang suddenly thought of Qin Zhige. Now I realize that each of these disciples of Qinhuangge has a certain charm similar to Qin Zhige. Is it Qinhuangge who made Qin Zhige or Qin Zhige made Qinhuangge?

The appearance of Su Li was just right to break the tension between Xue Zhiyu and Murong Qiu Shui. Because the identity of Qinhuang Pavilion was not trivial, Murong Qiu Shui, who had just been warned by Qishan Pavilion, was not stupid enough to attack another Fenchuan overlord. He sneered and withdrew his murderous intent.

As if nothing had happened, Snow Fish nodded to Su Li and said, "Miss Su, long time no see."

To be precise, we haven't seen each other for a long time after we said goodbye to Guiweixia.

"I think as a Qishan Road examiner, not many people would be happy to see Miss Snow." Su Li smiled lightly.

"each other"

The PK between beauties is vague. It disappeared in a moment. After smiling at each other, Xue Zhiyu and Cen Banlan glanced at each other. Where to sit?

Xue Qiange stared, this is not nonsense, why don't you sit with your sister?

But Suxue's fish eyes didn't even give her a single one. She walked directly to a place with few people and sat down gracefully without saying a word.

Coincidentally, they were sitting not far from the young man.

There is a small table in the middle.

soon. Su Li and others also sat down, and they all chose this area...

"I guess they chose the south location because there are people like Murong Qiushui on the northeast and west sides. According to the temperaments of these people, they would not choose a place with many men, so..." Wu Yarou, who has always been a bit gossipy, analyzed seriously. With.

Hua Yushang covered her mouth lightly and smiled: "Then according to what you say, that young man is not a man?"

"There's only one, and he's so dull and stone-like. Look, there are beauties like Xue Zhiyu and Cen Banlan sitting next to him, but he didn't even give them a look. What's more, there are also those from Qinhuang Pavilion beside him. Woolen cloth!"

Since Qinhuang Pavilion is one of the four pavilions, every member is extremely talented. The six young women brought by Su Li are all very young, but their cultivation seems to be above that of the Grand Master.

Such six little beauties and three big beauties with talents, talents, beauty, and temperament couldn't make this man look away from the wall...

This man must be a eunuch!

Many male cultivators were jealous and cursed. Xue Zhiyu glanced at this man, tilted his head slightly, then quickly changed his gaze and started talking to Cen Banlan beside him.

The hall was bustling and noisy.

But no one knew that after the man sat down, he turned his head and glanced around, slightly raised the corners of his mouth, and transmitted a message to the people around him.

"It seems that my pretense worked well, and no one recognized it... But it seems that your face has no features. Even Xiang Yunhong and the others didn't recognize you... Obviously I specifically asked you to directly Showing your true face to others"

"They don't have much contact with their subordinates, and their faces are not too conspicuous. It's normal that they can't remember them." Jie is right. You must know that the Vatican only appears once or twice. This vampire has tens of thousands of faces, and most of them have facial paralysis. Except for Li Qing and the two of them who often come into contact, how can Jie, who has always been taciturn and low-key, be remembered by Xiang Yunhong and the others. (To be continued)

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