A Queen

Chapter 1,077 The Beauty God

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Chapter 1077

Daili just smiled at this and said, "It won't be long before they remember you..."

This is very meaningful.

Jie didn't understand why Daili still changed her face after entering the Qinyuan. Maybe it had something to do with her purpose of coming here, or maybe it was just because of the Lord's bad taste.

Su Li, who was opposite Dai Li, also glanced at Dai Li with a slightly hesitant look. Why did this man... make her feel a little strange.

"Senior Sister Su, why haven't I seen a few powerful people?" a baby-fat little beauty in royal attire pouted her cheeks and said, "I thought there would be those people around during the Falling Water Festival."

"Who are these people?" The girl next to her tugged her chin lightly and smiled softly: "Fengzhou Five Pavilions are not within your eyes, and you don't know many people from other groups. How many people can you spot?"

Another girl chimed in: "Let's not talk about people like Xue Zhiyu. Isn't there another Xi Zhixin outside Fenzhou? The master said she is very powerful."

"Just one Xi Zhixin? I'm talking about fighting... It's a pity that no one from the Jiang Pavilion and the King's Pavilion came. The Confucian and Taoist Pavilion has also been quiet recently..."

Although there is not much arrogance and contempt, it can also be seen that these girls have very high vision. Even people like Kun Yan are not in awe of them in their eyes. Listening to Dai Li, he felt that they As if expecting something...

And those who are looking forward to it must not have come yet.

Seeing the conversation between these girls, both Snow Fish looked over. Suli took out a bottle of wine and poured himself a glass. He said calmly: "There is more than one Fenchuan in the world, and there are more than just four pavilions in Fenchuan. Take a closer look. You will find that there are people from the Dongguo family in the Dongguo group in the east, and powerful men in the Demon Palace besides Murong Qiushui, as well as the Tianqiong Sword. How many people do you know from the valley...or those who don’t come from powerful families but still managed to pass the Qishan Road exam without falling behind?"

Picking up the tea and blowing on the hot air, she said faintly: "To say the least, even if you all recognize them...how can you see through them even if they are here?"

These words definitely made my heart skip a beat. Chao Suli glanced at it, ah. She seems to have forgotten that this woman has a special ability... her sense of smell seems to be very powerful.

Did you see it?

Xue Zhiyu and Cen Banlan didn't have much impression of these disciples from Qinhuang Pavilion.

But after hearing these words from Su Li...

"A pavilion elite lives up to its reputation." Cen Banlan smiled lightly and said to Xue Zhiyu: "It can be compared with it. Wan Xue has you, and Fu Ruoshui can only be counted as half of Wan Xueren, let alone her. , as for our sky..."

"You" Snow Fish glanced at her.

"Me? I'm not... those two are, but the elites of Qinhuang Pavilion who are not good at fighting are like this. So what about Jiangwang Pavilion, Jiangge Pavilion and Confucianism and Taoism Pavilion?"

"I don't have much contact with the Three Pavilions, but I know that there is a famous sword in the Sword Pavilion. The one who just joined is very powerful. The style of a gentleman, the sword that pierces the heart." Snow Fish said calmly, and suddenly raised his eyebrows: "Maybe there is something to be reckoned with. The last one was not very reliable”

"Junzili?" Su Li suddenly interrupted.

very good. For the first time, the two groups reached a consensus on the topic. When the three words "junzili" came out of Su Li's mouth, many of the observing monks became unhappy.

Damn it, it’s that person again!

"Jun Zili? I hear about this guy a lot these days." A gentle and handsome young man said slowly in the seat on the east side.

"The rumors are exaggerated, but if they are 10% or 20% true, they are just men who have not yet reached the level of the two counties..." The red-haired man next to him disagreed.

"This Suli and the Snow Fish are rare and strange. If people like that can be talked about, then who are we?" The red-haired man's smile was quite confident and unruly.

The gentle young man smiled and said nothing, only looking towards Snow Fish and the others.


He believed even more groundlessly.

"Miss Xue is familiar with Mr. Jun?" Su Li suddenly said.

"Generally, where is Miss Su?"


Very good, these two beauties talking indifferently are discussing the opposite sex with an average relationship in a nonchalant tone...

This is a bit trivial~~

Someone noticed that the dull man with a little red among the thousands of flowers did not pay attention to the words of these people. He stared at the pillar on the side, his eyes were a little vacant, and he didn't know what he was thinking...

In fact, they didn't know that Dai Li was rehearsing martial arts scrolls in his mind. After the practice, he was still thinking about people like Qinyuan and Ye Ziqing. He had something on his mind, so he must be absent-minded, so he didn't pay attention to the discussions around him...

Until there was a clear and crisp sound.

Dai Li came back to his senses, glanced around, and suddenly saw that the empty area on her side was almost full of people. Moreover, there was another person sitting next to Su Li opposite. As soon as she sat down, the whole place became quiet. A lot.

This is a male god.

The male god who can make those beauties in Qinhuang Pavilion who are dignified in appearance and arrogant in heart silently stir up their restless lust.

Is this a famous sword?

"It's a famous sword, but who is that person?"

Dai Li saw Ming Jian turning sideways and looking at a man in a seat to the east. The man was also standing.

The face with strong outlines is extremely cold, and the silence also brings a sharp temperament.

Very tall, at least 1.88 meters, with a straight back.

To a certain extent, this man is a male god.

"It's E Hongyuan from Jiange"

"E Hongyuan? That E Hongyuan who is called the Little Swordsman?"

"It seems that he hasn't passed the Jiange assessment yet, so he is not considered a young swordsman, but his winning rate is very high. He is considered to be the strongest among the younger members of the Jiange."

Jiange assessment? Li Qing, a know-it-all, likes to inquire about gossip, and there is a lot of information about the four pavilions, especially the two most powerful pavilions, Jiange Pavilion and Jiangwang Pavilion. Rating - a recognition of your strength and a symbol of status.

Little swordsman. The middle sword general, the upper sword general, this is the saying of Jiange. And the General King's Pavilion is the little king, the middle king, and the upper king.

Generally speaking, in Fenchuan, or even in the medium-sized group area, the monarch level is considered to have the superior combat power. Even the four pavilions do not dare to ignore a monarch level, and the little sword general and the little king are already super elites within the two pavilions. If you are at the level of Zhongjian Jiang or Zhongjun King, you will be the mainstay of your combat power. It must be the core management level..

Therefore, it is assumed that E Hongyuan is very likely to become a small swordsman, and he naturally has considerable strength.

Dai Li glanced at Mingjian and narrowed his eyes. What strength does Mingjian have now that dares to confront E Hongyuan?

As a good friend. Dai Li was a little excited, wishing that the famous sword could kill E Hongyuan right now!

Of course, the ending is surprising.

The two people sat down silently, as if the confrontation just now was nothing more than a dream.

Dai Li didn't see anything strange from Ming Jian. It seemed like the other party didn't recognize her?

Even the talent of six senses and heavenly knowledge cannot identify her?

Dai Li was a little suspicious.

"E Hongyuan, Famous Sword... The battle in the sword pavilion seems to be quite fierce, but in the end..." Xie Ru's eyes were a little cruel. For someone who was so unwilling to be subordinated to others, many people here were his enemies.

the other side. The people around Murong Qiushui also whispered to him: "Master, that person... wants me to wait to deal with her?"

"Today I'm here to listen to music... No nonsense can disturb me... Let's talk about it after it's over... I can't run away." Murong Qiu Shui casually looked at the fish in the snow. People like Xie Ru and E Hongyuan have been ignored many times.

There are a lot of people coming!

After listening to it, you can move your muscles as much as you want.


Some things often start inadvertently, some people often arrive inadvertently, and some songs often flow in silence.

I don’t know when the sound of the piano started, coming from afar and gradually getting closer. Dai Li saw that at the end of the seats separated by pillars were a series of partitions, separated by curtains of gauze. Hazy shadow outlines appeared one after another, and the sound of the piano came.

People who used to talk loudly began to lower their voices or simply fell silent, and those who drank became more and more drunk.

The people in Qinhuang Pavilion seemed to be more immersed in this world than others. All six of them were silent, except for one Suli who was drinking quietly. He drank a little indifferently and carelessly. When he met the casual gaze of his predecessor, he raised his hand. Raise your glass.

Xue Zhiyu glanced sideways and saw that this dull and indifferent young man also raised his glass, gestured from the distance, and then finished the glass.

"What? You seem to care a lot about this person," Cen Banlan said with a smile.

"It's rare to see such a quiet person." Xue Zhiyu's white and tender fingertips lightly pressed the cold porcelain cup, "It's too quiet."

It was indeed too quiet.

Fortunately, there is a famous swordsman who is as quiet as her.

The pearls and jade fell on the plate, and the first song finally passed.

The large curtain that separated the main hall opened on both sides, and some casually dressed and ordinary Qinyuan disciples came out. From what I could see, there were many people I knew who were present.

"You girl! When did you join the piano academy?"

"Hey, why are you here..."

Most of them were women, and now they came forward, which made many local people in Fenchuan feel surprised. However, some of them had already known about it. For example, Wu Yarou’s cousin was a student of the piano academy. She walked up with a smile and shouted loudly. One sentence: "Cousin", his eyes turned again, and he glanced at Hua Yushang and the two of them, and smiled: "I have heard from my cousin that there are dragons and phoenixes among the children of Qingniao. Now I see that my sister is beautiful, my brother is handsome, and What a perfect match”

Hua Yushang couldn't help but blush after saying this, and Wu Yarou patted her, "You can't come out here just to make fun of your sister Hua, right? What kind of regulations does your piano academy have regarding the Luoshui Festival..."

The Luoshui Festival is a relatively traditional festival in Fenchuan. This year it was held in Qinyuan, otherwise so many people here would not have dared to come. Mainly because the higher-ups had hinted...

However, the piano academy has always had a simple style, so it probably won’t be a big deal~~

"I... look at this!"

The cousin smiled and touched her hand...

Dai Li and others also came here one after another, women, most of them young and elegant. People who love Qin must be like this. They seem to be called Qinsheng here. (To be continued)

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