A Queen

Chapter 1,078 How do you know this is yours?

Chapter 1078

It's just that there are some evil sects in her area. Women like Xue Zhiyu and Cen Banlan are so good-looking that even a famous swordsman is enough to impress the majority of women. They are generally very good-looking.

To put it bluntly, Daili is the one who looks the most unlucky to the audience among this group of people.

It was also because of this that Qinsheng, who was pouring out from both sides, glanced at...

They all went in three directions: east, west, north and west!

It's surprising that only a dozen or so women didn't rebel!

The beauties are fierce, and even a famous sword cannot seduce these women...

But what remains, what dares to come here, is that he is really indifferent and looks good.

For example, this one...

When Dai Li saw her approaching Ming Jian, he raised his eyebrows.

"Master, it's yours"

Lan Zhiyou did not know Mingjian. Although he was a famous swordsman who brought disaster to the country and the people, Lan Zhiyou was only slightly surprised. Then he naturally passed by. Chao Daili glanced at the two of them, and his eyes seemed to tremble. The stack of papers sandwiched between them was the next one scattered freely.

It floated diagonally in front of Snow Fish, and she just bent down...

Two fingers touched together.

They all looked up.

These eyes...Snow Fish narrowed his eyes.

Both of them bent down to pick up the paper, but they touched their fingers and looked at each other...

The staring time was a bit long and the distance was a bit close.

"Ahem" Cen Banlan coughed.

When Xue Zhiyu came back to his senses, he suddenly felt the paper held under his hand being pulled out instantly.


Daili held the paper between his fingers. He raised his eyes and looked at Lan Zhiyou. He had no intention of giving or withholding. He looked at her so calmly and quietly.

Lan Zhiyou looked at Dai Li,

The eyes flashed with broken light, flickering, and then quickly spread. His eyes glanced at Jie again, then withdrew and smiled gracefully. "Thank you sir"

Long time no see. Junior brother.

Long time no see, Senior Sister Lan.

The two looked at each other. They all have the feeling that the changes in the world are not as good as what is seen before them.

Lan Zhiyou was able to quickly recognize Dai Li due to her first physical constitution, but she was able to do so without showing any signs of it, which made Dai Li very surprised by her changes. It seems that in the past two years... not. Three years have changed a lot for them.

"You're welcome, the left and right are for me, just take what belongs to me." Daili said goodbye with her fingertips, and the reverse side of the paper fell into her eyes. Before she could take a closer look, the Snow Fish next to her said: "It turns out Is there a name written on it?"

How do you know this paper is yours?

Su Li and Ming Jian both turned around and saw Xue Zhiyu looking at the dull and strange young man seriously.

By the way, the young prince of the Demon Palace, right? I don’t know his name yet.

Xie Huan and these young masters are secretly happy. This kid is so ungrateful. Isn't he offending Snow Fish?

Xue Qiange couldn't help but silently light a candle for Daili!

But soon she discovered that the wax burned out in an instant, because the young prince of the Demon Palace took a breath. After thinking seriously and taking a breath, Shi Shiran took out a pen and wrote his name in full view of everyone.

Then he showed the black and white words clearly to Yunzhiyu.

Now you know it's mine.

Snow Fish: "..."

Damn it! Are you provoking me?

Phew, the two young girls in Qinhuang Pavilion couldn't help but laugh, and they were also joined by idiots like Xiang Baobao and Xu Er.

After Cen Banlan couldn't help but smile, she was also surprised by this man's temperament. He looks really stupid, look at his honest and courteous appearance. How dare you tease the Snow Fish like that...


"Is this your name?" Snow Fish suddenly asked.

Well, it seems that Snow Fish is particularly interested in this person. Could it be...

Xie Ru's eyes turned cold, could it be Jun Zili? No, if it was Jun Zili, why would she pretend to be like this? Snow Fish would not be stupid enough to cause trouble, so it can only be because~~

Everyone soon understood why.


What the hell kind of talisman is this?

"You don't know him?" the young prince of the Demon Palace asked quietly, with a tone of disbelief and suspicion.

So you are illiterate?

Snow Fish frowned, thoughtfully...

"Misdai, my name," the young prince of the Demon Palace said calmly, and in a very airy tone: "You don't know the language..."

Are you laughing at me?

Before Xue Zhiyu could attack, the insane young prince of the Demon Palace turned away as if he was disgusted, as if to tell others - I am not talking to you. The cultural level of the circle is different.

Xue Zhiyu was calm and calmed down as if nothing had happened. However, Xue Qiange wiped the sweat from her head and said to Jue Xue Ge, "I bet with a cart of cucumbers that she will go on a killing spree today."


Lan Zhiyou looked at Xue Zhiyu, feeling amused and helpless in her heart. This person was really indebted as always, but his ability to provoke others was getting better and better.

Look at the jingling snow fish, it’s so exciting.

Daili, who pretended to be stupid and successfully dealt with the snow fish, looked at the piece of paper in his hand and was stunned, what is this?

"Today is the daily piano playing time in our Qin Academy. Since it is also the Luoshui Festival, the gentlemen of Fenchuan asked our Qin Academy to celebrate on your behalf. That's why we have this locked piano score."

Lock the music score? Dai Li had no idea what this thing was and was about to send a message to Lan Zhiyou to ask...

The space is locked.

"To ensure fairness, all sound transmission within the Qianmu area, including the Qinyuan, will be banned. Please forgive me." Lan Zhiyou's words made Xiang Baobao and other people who had just planned to cheat suddenly tremble.

We also isolate the sound transmission, should we be so cautious?

Daili was a little surprised. He originally thought that today was just an ordinary Luoshui Festival. It seemed that Qin Yuan had received an order from above to do something big?

"Game? I don't know what the rewards are. Games without rewards are boring..." Murong Qiushui said lazily while looking at Lan Zhiyou.

The gaze is a bit revealing.

However, these words also aroused the curiosity of others, since it was something explained by the superiors. You can't just let them play in the mud like children and leave.

Or...a little red flower?

Lan Zhiyou turned a blind eye to Murong Qiu Shui's wantonness and continued: "There are nine music grids on the locked piano score, all of which are hollow. Later, the nine music music characters will come one after another. Grab the notes and insert them into the grid. Among them, the person who completes the nine-melody score most completely is the winner..."

After a pause, she said: "The winner will be allowed to enter the Qinhuang Pavilion Huangyin Cave for one day."

"What!" Most of the people present were stunned. There was a sudden commotion, and even Xie Ru and others were very surprised. His eyes flickered.

Huangyin Cave turned out to be Huangyin Cave!

No wonder, no wonder seven disciples came to Qinhuang Pavilion at once, and they might have gotten the news a long time ago.

Just take a look. Obviously none of the six girls in Qinhuang Pavilion knew about it. As for Su Li... she closed the lid of the cup calmly and said a few words when everyone looked at them suspiciously: "If I knew in advance, how many of them would I take? "

The tone was a bit disgusting.

The expressions of the six people were purple——o(╯□╰)o.

Senior sister~~ Although you know that we are not blinking in the pavilion, there is no need for you to be so naked.

We also need dignity~~! !

In the midst of the crowd's commotion...

Dai Li touched his chin and suppressed the thought of asking what the Huangyin Cave was under the vague gazes of Xue Zhiyu and Su Li.

These two thieves must have suspected her. It didn't matter at first, but they were obviously ready to laugh at her...

So Daili pretended to be silent.

"Now that you all have a copy of the piano score, we will start soon..." Lan Zhiyou just finished speaking. I heard a sound coming from outside.

"I think you need to send me a few more locked piano scores..." This voice was somewhat elegant and confident, the kind that no one could refuse, the typical aura of a superior person.

Everyone turned to look.

Xiangxi Palace was dressed in a gorgeous dress, with a skirt that was neither too long nor too short. He walked in with a perfect manner, tiptoed, and glanced at everyone in front of him, with the kind of arrogance that treated everyone equally.

But due to her beauty and wealth, this arrogance was accepted by everyone present.

"The Master of Wanbaozhai..."

That tycoon who is incredibly wealthy!

I heard that even a brick in her toilet can be sold for tens of thousands of spirit crystals...

Why is she here?

Lan Zhiyou was a little confused and looked at Chao Daili. Speaking of which, she had already known the traces of Dai Li, much earlier than Dai Li knew about her. So I also know something about the relationship between this person and Xiangxi Palace.

Did you bring it?


Dai Li shook the cup to deny it. She was also surprised. This woman had completely digested the dragon essence she helped to extract? Why do you have time to listen to music here?

However, she knew that this woman had never come without any benefit, and now that she was here, she must have ulterior motives.

Sure enough, a purple figure slowly walked out from behind her, making the whole place slightly agitated.

The purple clothes are still young.

She has a more mature and dignified charm than Xiangxi Palace, but she also has the freshness and elegance only found in a daughter's family, and her every move is charming.

Looking at the whole place, her expression was a little playful, "Nishimiya, you brought me here, but you don't want me to listen to the piano."

Xiangxi Gong turned his head and glanced at her, "Can't I play the piano for you?"


"Don't worry, what's the relationship between the two of us..."

Do you have a good relationship with them? Dai Li complained in his heart to Xiangxi Palace, but he heard Xiangxi Palace add another sentence: "Who told me to want what you want, and you won't give it to me~~"

When Dai Li bet on a cart full of cucumbers, she was not the only one to think wrong.

"...So?" Zi Weiyang seemed not to notice the strange expressions of everyone present.

"For what I want, if others don't give it...there are only two ways." Xiangxi Gong raised his hand, pointed at the piano courtyard, and said word by word: "Bet, or rob."

"It just so happens that there is a Luoshui Qin Tournament here. Let's make a bet. If you lose, give me that one." (To be continued)

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