A Queen

Chapter 1079: Grab the notes! I dare!

Chapter 1079

"Bet?" Zi Weiyang did not refuse, but was a little interested, "What if you lose?"

"Of course I'll give you mine..." Xiangxi Palace curled up his lips.


Zi Weiyang turned her face, smiled slowly at Lan Zhiyou, and said softly, "I'm sorry..."

Although it was a gambling match, these two people had sufficient status and strength, and it was a personal agreement that had little to do with the piano academy.

It's just that such an outstanding and powerful person can apologize so calmly, which makes her temperament even more charming.

"Palace Master Zi and Shopkeeper Xiang are welcome to come to the Qinyuan." Lan Zhiyou waved her hand and invited the two of them to come in.

There were not many free seats in the audience, and as expected, Xiangxi Palace did not hesitate at all, and came to the south where the appearance was the most outstanding, and even sat in the group of Yunzhiyu.

What a coincidence.

Dai Li has a place beside him.

Would Xiangxi Palace sit so close to a man? She sat down at a different position, and that position...

Zi Weiyang sat next to Dai Li so naturally, and a faint purple fragrance came, just like the first sight of a giant shark on the water.

Dai Li felt that the eyes of everyone had massacred her n times.

The seats spread out in a spiral shape obviously allow people like Su Li and people like Xiangxi Palace to face each other.




Just like the competition between Xie Ru and Xu Yidao.

Women also have battlefields.

There are two "men" in this battlefield

I know the famous sword. This man...

Xiangxi Palace has never had a deep first impression of people who don't look very good, but businessmen have always liked to watch their actions.

She is particularly knowledgeable about observing a person, so most people only look at their faces, but she scans them all over.

Then... the waist card of the Demon Palace fell into her eyes, and she didn't think too much about it. She just secretly thought that this person was the new young prince who appeared in the Demon Palace?

He looks ordinary and has an ordinary aura, but his current posture...

His back was leaning against the back of the chair. One leg is bent inwards and the other is stretched out. It is very slender and the curves are very pleasing to the eye, although it is much slender compared to a man... His left hand is placed casually on the left armrest, and his right hand is holding a small wine bottle, shaking it slowly. His eyes were blurred, his expression was cold, and he was very quiet.

Quieter than the lake outside.

Xiangxi Palace narrowed his eyes.

It looks ordinary, but it's not easy to mess with.

Zi Weiyang turned her head slightly, looked at the profile of the person next to her, swept her eyebrows slightly, when did such a person come to the Demon Palace?


Silently, Lan Zhiyou and others had retreated to each pillar. After a while, Qinyin came.

The soft sound is so moving and pleasant to the ear!

Those present may be careless. Either take it seriously, or close your eyes and listen...

I have said before that Daili is not an orthodox music practitioner, and she has very little contact with music practitioners, and even less with classical music, so this kind of competition is very disadvantageous for her, but she is not very competitive about it. . After all, that's not the purpose of coming here. At the moment, most of the people are just watching the excitement. Therefore, I have more leisure to observe other things.

The entire hall is a circular structure. There are nine compartments on the side of the window, and there are piano players inside. However, the first song in front of you is not played by everyone at the same time, but the sound of the piano comes from one compartment...

But which one...

The sound of the piano is so far away and so light. It is obviously not so easy to distinguish the place where the soul is suppressed...

But it also shows how accomplished the player is and how powerful this formation is.

"It's so difficult, shit, where did the note come from? Why didn't I see it..." Dai Li complained in his heart, suddenly!


Su Li moved his palm, and a stream of light shot towards a compartment!

If you count from left to right, it should be the third compartment.


Su Li was the quickest to react, and it was indeed in line with this person's Lexiu ability. When Void grabbed hold, the streamer grabbed it in front of the curtain of the third compartment. A flash of green light revealed Dai Li and others. That one cyan note.

"It's a musical note!"

"She was caught so quickly!"

When everyone exclaimed in astonishment, the other three lights were already approaching in an uproar! The green light controlled by Suli was instantly coiled up!

"It's the Snow Fish, Xie Ru and that..."

"Dongguo Ziyi!"

Slightly handsome and fair-skinned, with a gentle temperament, and a slender but tall body, he seems to be a little frail, but he has the unique literary style of an aristocratic prince in the Wei and Jin Dynasties, and even his bones have an oriental flavor.

Unlike Xie Ru, who was already close to the third cubicle, he was obviously much farther away, but he was the fastest!

Faster than a snow fish!


Four streams of light intercepted each other in the air, and the murderous stream of light burst out, making a sharp sound of metal friction. The moment Daili's insightful eye swept past, the winner had been decided!

The first one to come wins, and the other three are instantly recovered.

Dai Li raised his eyes and saw that the light in Su Li's palm faded away, revealing a ball of musical note light, which was pressed by her palm and embedded in the locked piano score.

One of the bars of the first song lit up!


"They got the notes too!"

There isn’t just one note!

Xie Li and the three of them all got the notes!

"It's very quick."

"Cannot fall behind"

Dai Li just sighed at the power of the four of them, and then saw the streams of light rising and falling one after another.

Suddenly I realized that it wasn't that they were too powerful, but that most of the people here were very powerful. For example, the six girls in Qinhuang Pavilion who were disliked by Senior Sister Su's group all took action!

All clearly hit the mark!

Whispering, swishing, each note was captured, but many battles broke out in the air. The flowing light was their hands, and they fought thousands of times in the blink of an eye.

"It's really intense, Weiyang~~. Don't you want to take action?"

Zi Weiyang smiled lightly at Xiangxi Palace's slightly pretentious temptation and said, "I don't like being robbed."

"Would you rather rob someone?" Xiangxi Gong smiled and stretched out his hand. "Then give it a try"

The rose-red luster on the nails is blinding!


Xiangxi Palace took action...

A note was captured in an instant! Waiting for Zi Weiyang's interception... but when he saw Zi Weiyang catch another note very neatly, Xiangxi Palace's expression suddenly froze.

Crack! This woman...

When Zi Weiyang slowly grasped the notes in the palm of her hand and locked them in the piano score, she noticed Dai Li's gaze. She looked up, her eyebrows were light, and her tone was even lighter.


It seems like a question?

"Uh... I'll just take a look and won't rob you." Dai Li felt a little resentful.

I thought Zi Weiyang would not respond. As a result, she said calmly: "This is not like the devil's style."

Dai Li was confused, could it be that his low-key style could not change his attractive passive attribute? All beauties have no problem paying attention? Such awesome illusions and disguises can't change my gorgeous inner self?

(Are you stinky? Mainly because I love you so much, your mother, you know~)

A sentence with unclear meaning for Zi Weiyang. Dai Li said something that made Xue Zhiyu, Su Li and even Xu Yidao all look at it.

"There are also good people in the devil's palace"

After a pause, she seemed to notice the sneers from the others, so she added lightly.

"I'm such a good man"

Ouch. Are there any advertisements like this? Is it a blind date or a job application for a women's friend?

Is the Demon Palace going to raise a serious and professional wonderful flower of women’s friends?

Just when Zi Weiyang looked at Dai Li steadily, and Dai Li looked back seriously...

"Sister, this male prostitute is messing around with Zi Weiyang after you! How can you bear it!" Xue Qiange's convulsive gaze made Xue Zhiyu slowly raise her eyebrows.


"Not good!" Someone suddenly exclaimed!

Dai Li immediately turned around and looked.

There seemed to be some explosions in the seats.

....In the fierce competition, they seem to have forgotten that there is another kind of thing in this world called getting something for nothing, which is the legendary robbery!

Naked robbery!

"Caught it!" Hua Yushang relied purely on his personal knowledge of the piano to capture the notes and took accurate shots to win a note from these masters. However, he did not expect that a blocker suddenly appeared in the way, that black and fierce stream of light. In a flash, her streamer was crushed directly. The note was robbed!


"It's Murong Qiushui!"

"He really is from the Demon Palace..."

"It's so cruel!"

Indeed, although other people fought for the notes, they would not directly crush other people's streamers like him. After the streamer was directly crushed, Hua Yushang, who had no time to recover her mind, felt a backlash in her heart, and a little blood suddenly overflowed from the corner of her mouth.

If it were a man, no one else would say much. The problem is that Hua Yushang is a weak, intellectual beauty...

Many people in the audience suddenly became disgusted.


"Weak people dare to fight even if they are incompetent!" Murong Qiu Shui said coldly, and fierce demonic energy surged through his body. He was so overbearing that the person who was originally a little dissatisfied and wanted to stand out immediately lost most of his momentum. But this guy was full of energy and sneered, and no one in the audience could stop him.

This is the man from the Demon Palace who is the leader of the demonic path!

Murong Qiushui who killed Chuan Palace!

How arrogant!

Xiangxi Palace frowned and smiled softly: "The injured beauty seems to have a good relationship with that guy. If that person knows, I don't know how he will react..."

The words just escaped from her red lips, causing Suli and the others to have strange expressions, causing Mingjian to turn his face, and adding a different kind of strangeness to the silence of the whole place...

Seamless connection!

There was a flash of blue light, and at an astonishing speed, the violence of thunder instantly struck the black light!

The light shattered violently, showing sharp edges as it escaped. Suddenly, a note was ejected...

"Who is it! Let's see who dares to take it!"

Murong Qiushui roared with demonic energy angrily, and the note just floated through the air. Kun Yan and others were eager to try it, but they did not dare to pick it up. A hand stretched out and pinched the note.

The sallow face and indifferent eyes shot towards Murong Qiushui like a knife.

"I dare"

Two words, I dare!

The whole place was shocked! (To be continued)


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