A Queen

Chapter 1,080 Gambling Competition!

Chapter 1080

I dare you, these two words, neither light nor heavy, echoed in the hall and echoed in everyone's ears.

Xu Yidao's fingers curled slightly, and he unconsciously increased his strength while clasping the knife on his waist.

Swordsmen have always been more powerful and domineering than swordsmen, but he also knows that there are some people in the world who can silence the whole world with a look or a word without using the sword.

This is called potential.

This young prince of the Demon Palace obviously has such potential.

——After she just said righteously that she would never rob others and was a peerless good man in the Demon Palace,

After the vibration, the Demon Palace Young Master held the note with his fingertips and a few words escaped from his cold lips.

"But I don't want it, who dares to want it?"

This sentence came unexpectedly.

Why not? You don't want it? You don’t want the things you snatched from Murong Qiu Shui?

Everyone looked at this man.

The young prince of this devil's palace.

What's her name? Miss Dai?

During the first song, this Misdai actually tore apart her low-key and dull appearance, vaguely revealing her sharp fangs, pointing directly at Murong Qiu Shui!

Is it accidental or intentional?

"I want it!" someone said!

who is it?

Le Zhengzhi and Wu Yarou looked at Xiang Yunhong with firm eyebrows in astonishment.

Do you know what you are talking about!

This is an initiative to provoke Murong Qiu Shui!

Will die! ! !

That Murong Qiushui didn't even care about the four major families of Fenchuan!

The two were worried and stunned. I secretly think about how calm Xiang Yunhong is on weekdays.

Why are you so irrational all of a sudden?

Could it be...

The two of them looked at the Hua Yu Shang in their hands, and Wu Yarou was a little envious.

The hero of the world is Modu. But he is willing to be arrogant and angry for you. This is what every beautiful woman wants his talent to do for her.

Obviously Xiang Yunhong regards Hua Yushang as more important than life.

"Very good, he's a man." Dai Li took a deep look at Xiang Yunhong, secretly thinking that this guy had lived up to her trust, and flicked his fingertips!

Notes shot out...

Some people thought that Murong Qiushui would take action, but he didn't, and in the end, no one stopped the note.

Snapped. Falling into Xiang Yunhong's hand, he held the note tightly. Looking at Dai Li, I felt a little confused, and then I looked at Jie again, feeling a little suspicious. In the end, he suppressed it and Chaoda Liqing nodded: "Thank you very much."

Then An Ran pressed the notes into Hua Yushangsuo's piano score.

He didn't care at all about the cold looks from the Qiu Shui Army people around Murong Qiu Shui.

Xie Ru suddenly chuckled: "Haha, brother Murong, it seems that you have become more magnanimous recently, and you are actually willing to give in."

It was said that it was transferred, but in fact it was robbed.

Murong Qiu Shui was actually robbed. After being robbed, he just let it go?

Everyone present was curious and found it strange.

Under the attention, Murong Qiu Shui lowered her eyes and took a sip of wine. He raised his eyes to look at Dai Li, his eyes burning and a little cold.

"It's rare that someone dares to jump out and make me less bored. It would be too boring to kill me all at once..."

"A mouse has to be teased to be interesting. What do you think, Mr. Xie~"

At this moment, Murong Qiushui was quite enchanting, and the demonic energy around him was burning wildly, distorting his cubicle, making him look like a demon.

Wu Yarou and others were a little worried about Misdai.

However, Xue Zhiyu and others saw this man flipping his short hair with his fingers and taking a sip of wine. He slumped on the chair again, like a fish fished out of the water without any strength.

The domineering attitude just now was revealed. What about the fearless look?

The anger value was suddenly cleared?

Xiangxi Palace rubbed his smooth chin with his white and delicate fingertips and smiled faintly, "Your Excellency is so courageous. I wonder what his name is?"

She wasn't there before and didn't know this person's name.


"Good name"

"Thank you for your compliment on behalf of my mother."

"You're welcome, mother."

A professional person tells lies with open eyes, and a cold-faced person complains coldly. Such a quick and off-track conversation can obviously give everyone a strange feeling.

Everyone also had a little more speculation about this Misdai Shaohou.

"The first song is over." Lan Zhiyou suddenly said, paused for a while, and reminded: "The second song will start in a while."

It was said that it would be a while, but in fact, I was not sure at all. It had arrived silently before, and no one dared to let go of their nerves easily, but they were still waiting in their hearts...

Sure enough, what you were waiting for happened!

"Misdai, since someone is betting on the game, then I wonder if you dare to participate in my betting game?"

The previous one I dared! Now, do you dare!

The sudden bomb thrown by Murong Qiu Shui made everyone else's nerves suddenly excited, but it did not frighten Dai Li.

She had already expected that this Murong Qiushui was not someone who could swallow humiliation.

"Haha, although today is the Luoshui Festival of Qinyuan, daily gambling is good for physical and mental health... It seems that I am not the only one who is so interested... What do you think, Your Excellency Misdai?"

Xiangxi Palace is a person who is born to fear that the world will not be chaotic. Due to the instinct of a businessman, she really wants to know the outcome of a battle.

For example, who will win between the young young prince of the Demon Palace and the veteran genius Murong Qiu Shui?

As soon as Xiangxi Palace said that, Su Li and the others all looked at Dai Li.

Everyone can see that Daili has suffered a bit.

This person doesn't seem to be very good at music.

Not a single note was caught from before, and even the response was slow...

But if you don't take it, you will obviously be at a disadvantage.

This Murong Qiushui is somewhat vicious.

"A man who doesn't gamble is not a good man..." Dai Li's words made everyone stunned. Is this the answer?

Facts have proved that they still thought too simply.

Dai Li's palm fell on his neck, and he narrowed his eyes: "Thirty thousand red fires. Or sixty thousand spirit crystals, do you want to bet?"

Instantly become the main customer!

Murong Qiushui's face darkened, he disliked this person less and less.

Thirty thousand prosperous? Sixty thousand spiritual crystals?

Great appetite. But being the first person of the younger generation to kill Chuan Dian is not unbearable. The most important thing is that he doesn't think he will lose.

The bigger the bet, the better it is for him.

"Don't bet," Murong Qiushui said suddenly, when everyone was surprised, "50,000 red fires, or 100,000 spiritual crystals, do you dare?"


Are these two people from the Demon Palace fighting for wealth? This appetite is so huge!

This kind of gambling money has already made Xie Ru and others sink their eyes. My heart is a little hot...

Put your fingertips on the armrest and make a crisp sound.

"Ok, deal"

After Xiangxi Palace and Zi Weiyang. The second private gambling game is generated!

Lan Zhiyou was a little helpless and glanced at Chao Daili without asking if he was sure or anything. Anyway, since they met this person, he had never suffered a loss in gambling.

"Haha. What a huge amount of gambling money!" A person in the corner who had been keeping quiet spoke up.

When everyone took a look, many people recognized this person's identity, especially those who had been around the Flame Mountain, who knew this person to some extent.

"Master Liu"

"That Master of Cooking"

In Fenchuan, the spiritual fire cooking master is a more respected profession than the weapon refiner and alchemist, and the spiritual fire cooking master has always been very powerful, otherwise how can he control the spiritual fire.

Therefore, Master Liu was born to be a symbol of strength. At least people like Kun Yan did not dare to offend him. Xu Yidao and Hua Gulong, who had collaborated once in the Linghuo Lair, were also quite afraid of this person.

"Since the four people before me have set a precedent, I also find it very interesting. I wonder if anyone here is willing to take a gamble with me."

Since this game has a theme of competition, the people from the piano academy didn't interfere at all. The people present had also gotten angry over the previous competition, and the huge gambling sum set by Dai Li and the two aroused their greed. Master Liu's words undoubtedly affected the gambling* of the people present.

It's just that Master Liu has always been a bit unpredictable, and no one knows his background. Even an arrogant person like Xie Ru directly agreed.

But there is strength in numbers, and someone who has been hiding from the enemy finally emerges.

"If Master Liu is interested, then let me be the one." The person who responded to Master Liu's words was located in the east.

"Dongguo Ziyi"

Dai Li glanced at Dongguo Ziyi and found that his insight was obscured. Um?

This man is quite capable. Dai Li did not alert him. Just when he was about to look away, he suddenly felt a strange force...

Turn your gaze suddenly!

Their eyes met instantly.

Half-covered by a black veil, the upper part reveals a pair of eyes.

It is extremely dark, but there is something like the moonlight in the dark night. It is a pair of eyes that make people's hearts suffocate at first glance. They are hidden in the middle of the night, but they are exposed to the darkness because of that mysterious light.

Tempting but too tempting to touch.

A woman in black.

She was very slender, about 1.65 meters tall, huddled in the soft soft seat, looking at her quietly.

That look was direct and profound.

At the moment of eye contact, both of them narrowed their eyes, and then looked back calmly.

She is on Dongguo Ziyi's side, the east.

From the mysterious east?

Lifting the bottle and taking a sip, Dai Li's lips curled up slightly. Unexpectedly, she was only surprised at Dongguo Ziyi's power, but she didn't expect to find a more terrifying opponent.

Soul Master~~This is the first soul master she has encountered.

A woman who is more dangerous than anyone here.

"Master Dongguo? Okay, how about the same gambling money as the two above?" Master Liu smiled.

"Okay, but I'm new here and don't have much spiritual fire. If unfortunately I lose, it might take a while to collect it, so I'll replace it with a hundred thousand spiritual crystals. How about that?"

Whether it is 50,000 red fires or 100,000 spirit crystals, it is considered a very huge wealth, basically the entire net worth of a first-level monarch.

But at this important moment, the value of such resources is even higher, and one can imagine the extent of the wealthy people taking such a gamble.

But few people could have expected that the mysterious Dongguo Ziyi would use such a humble and calm tone to plan in advance the outcome of his possible loss.

So considerate.

Is it cowardice or...

"Young Master Dongguo is joking. The outcome is still uncertain, but if that's the case... of course it's okay." Master Liu also seemed to be very talkative. (To be continued)

ps: I have something busy these two days, so I won’t update it... I will update it the day after tomorrow.

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