A Queen

Chapter 1081: Seize the note! (Shaosi Mingchen Yuling’s favor + seven)

Chapter 1081

"That's very good." Dongguo Ziyi smiled kindly. Judging from Dai Li's hundreds of years of life experience and his doctorate in psychology, this man's warm smile is not fake. To put it in a more fashionable way - this is a man with wealth, education and ability. A warm man with a clean and handsome face.

In the world of immortality, beautiful men are definitely easy to come by, but warm men are rare, so Dai Li, who has always been a good-looking man, took a few more glances at this man.

"It seems that the bet is inevitable. Xu Yidao, do you dare to fight with me?" Xie Ru made a challenge to Xu Yidao.

"Why not?" Xu Yidao drank the wine in one gulp.

The fight between these two people is very common. After all, the Xie family and the Xu family have some grudges and fights. These two people also have consistent styles of conflict, so it is natural for them to fight now.

"Ha, Xie Ru, it seems you have stolen my goal... Then who should I fight with?"

Hua Gu Long originally had the intention of fighting against Xu Yidao, but he was not annoyed at being kicked in by Xie Ru. He just had a playful expression and his eyes swept across the audience.

"Hua Gulong, right? I heard that you are quite famous in Fenchuan. Why don't you play with me?"

The person who spoke was the red-haired young man next to Dongguo Ziyi, who had also made rude remarks to the Snow Fish and others before.

Now he still has a contemptuous and rude tone towards Huagulong.

"You are also from the Dongguo group? Who are you?" Hua Gulong smiled cruelly.

"Dongguo Mingtaihe, remember this name" Mingtaihe is very tall and has fiery red eyes. You can tell at a glance that he is a person with fire immortal roots. However, the fire element aura on his body is restrained and not exposed, and his strong and powerful muscles are hidden under the tight robe, and his chest muscles protrude. When he looked at Hua Gu Long, his eyes were very unruly.

It just so happened that two people who were both warlike and unruly at heart met together.

This is the fifth pair of gambling games, and they all follow the gambling rules of the two people. If counted, this is a total gambling game of 250,000 yuan or 500,000 yuan.

"It's a bit bad that there are only two women among ten people...Snow Fish. How about the two of us come to have some fun?"

First of all, this is a woman. And if this person has the courage to challenge Snow Fish, then her status is definitely not low. Among the female cultivators here, there is no one who can meet this condition...

Su Li and Cen Banlan looked at each other.

not me.


A piece of blue gauze skirt peeked out from behind one of the pillars, and then everyone saw the beauty who was as clean as a narcissus but with a free and uncertain temperament.

"Fu Ruoshui" Cen Banlan's expression became playful. These two are indeed mortal enemies as rumored.

Xue Zhiyu glanced at Fu Ruoshui, "It happens that I'm short of spiritual fire recently, okay."

Fu Ruoshui smiled.

Six pairs, twelve people!

"Famous Sword" E Hongyuan called Mingjian's name and pointed at her with the tip of the sword's hilt. Even if he didn't say it, the provocative meaning was very strong.

Mingjian didn't say anything, just didn't refuse.

The seventh pair!

In one place, Wen Zhiqiu couldn't laugh or cry. He said to Xi Zhixin next to him: "You won't participate?"

"Everyone I can choose has already found someone, who can I choose? Suli?" Xi Zhixin looked delicate and smiled helplessly: "I'm not good at Qin Dao. Although I can deal with other people, Suli... I will lose. No doubt, haven't you noticed that no one here picked her..."

"It's really..." Wen Zhiqiu secretly thought that these people were thieves, but he also knew that Su Li's Qinhuang Pavilion elites had a good reputation. Even among the younger generation of Qinhuang Pavilion, they were ranked extremely high. The most important thing was that she had few Take action. It feels quite mysterious.

"It seems no one dares to challenge Suli anymore."

Looking at this place, who can surpass Su Li on the piano path? Even Qintao is not as good as him. If you want to carry out a violent robbery based on strength, you must also consider the strength of Suli. The three people who took action before did not get any benefits...

"Not necessarily." Xi Zhixin's expression was a little deep, and he looked to the east...

"Huh?" Wen Zhiqiu looked around and saw only the profile in black clothes.

The woman in black touched the side of the wine glass on the table with her fingertips, and a drop of wine floated on the surface. It floated up and transformed into crystal. In front of everyone's eyes, a beautiful and crystal-clear hop blossom bloomed and slowly fell... .

It fell on the table in front of Su Li. It was not broken, but just rotated on the table. What was very strange was that it emitted soft and cold music, and its crystal light was almost dreamy, as if it could move people's souls.

It disappeared in a moment.

All the disciples in Qin Huang Pavilion changed their expressions, while Su Li looked at the woman in black to the east with a solemn expression.

"Manipulating a drop of wine to rotate and rub in the air to create a rhythm... Such control..." Dai Li looked at Su Li.

A very formidable enemy, Su Meiren.

Everyone, including Xiangxi Palace, looked at this person, secretly doubting his origin.

However, the East and the West have always been places where they have little contact. Even for Dongguo Ziyi, it is only because the Qishan Pavilion has more recorded information and has a greater reputation, but they only recognize this person, but do not know his identity. Deep and shallow, let alone this woman.

The whole place was quiet for a moment. Su Li picked up the wine, bowed to the woman, and drank it all in one gulp.

I accept your challenge!

The woman in black had a black veil on her face, and others could not see her expression. They could only see her returning a glass, but unfortunately she only took a sip.

"Senior sister, this person..." Several girls in Qinhuang Pavilion were arrogant, but still very discerning. They had an instinctive fear of this challenger who suddenly appeared, and they became more and more worried about Su Li.

Su Li waved her hand, "Winning or losing is normal... maybe this would be more interesting." Her eyes were shining.

Obviously very interested.

Eight-pair betting contest! Xiang Yunhong and others were shocked. These eight people were already the strongest eight here.

"This generation has both strong men and geniuses. Everyone is so strong. We can only be spectators." Many people were drinking and watching with the old strong men, and had no choice but to admit that they had been beaten to death by these latecomers. On the beach.

But they were also curious about who would come out on top. For example, which eight of these eight pairs are the final winners, and which one is the strongest...

Of course, it is only for this dual assessment of Qin Dao and strength.

Lan Zhiyou saw all this clearly. On the surface, he remained calm and looked towards the cubicle...

The figures in the cubicle were all very quiet, and after a while, the first sound of the piano came.

It still comes casually and unexpectedly.

In less than a moment, the second piano voice echoed!

Double piano sound!

And it is obviously much more profound than the first song. Before, Daili could still catch some traces, but now his eyesight went completely black. I just heard the sound but didn't know where it came from..


The first one to take action is still Suli!

No, the woman in black also took action at the same time!

Like a stream of lightning. In an instant, they each captured a note...and the streamer did not return directly to the hands, but swirled in the air!


The second note was captured too!

very scary!

"Awesome..." Xiangxi Palace's eyes flickered, and she, who was always unwilling to be outdone, closed her eyes for a moment. He also suddenly took action...

This time Zi Weiyang did not fall behind, she also took action!

The streams of light pass by...

There are already four streamers in the air!

These are the four fastest people~~

One after another, Master Liu, Dongguo Ziyi, Xue Zhiyu and Fu Ruoshui all took action. This is the second echelon!

As expected, the two strongest ones were Su Li, but the other four had always been restrained in their methods, so it was not surprising that they suddenly surprised everyone.

The third echelon is Xie Ru and others.

Among them, Xie Ru was the most ruthless!

"They've all taken action... What a pervert. I was so stunned that I couldn't hear it at all."

"All of these people have extraordinary backgrounds and have some understanding of the way of music. However, what is amazing is that they are not good at the way of music but can attack so quickly..."

But everyone discussed it. It feels weird again.

Four people did not take action.

E Hongyuan, the famous swordsman, and the two most quarrelsome people from the Demon Palace.

Cen Banlan looked sideways, past the Snow Fish, and saw the old god Dai Li.

This person is so calm. Does he have everything in mind?


What Daili looked at was the famous sword.

Mingjian This person is best at swords. But she was very sure that this guy who carried out your noble son's style to the end was already extraordinary in his music skills.

After all, a soulmate like Die Wu would not fall in love with someone who has no musical ability...

But why didn't she take action?

When Dai Li looked at her. Ming Jian suddenly raised his eyes and met Dai Li's gaze...

A moment of light and shadow.

Daili understands instantly.

You want that too? Young Master, you are so wicked! How about your noble demeanor?

Others are still suspicious...

E Hongyuan suddenly took action!

Bravely caught a note!

No, it should be said that it snatched a note!

It was a note that a girl from Qinhuang Pavilion heard, but he intercepted her and killed her!


It was as if someone heard the sound of a sword being unsheathed...

The sword light stabs!


The streamer broke and the notes burst out.

"Famous sword!" E Hongyuan frowned, and with a flick of his eye, he also unleashed a sword light.


Two sword lights instantly clashed in the air!

The sword is indeed the most powerful attack method that combines aggression and skill. At this moment, attacking in the air is like lighting a fuse. Xu Yidao and Xie Ru both used their swords!

And Hua Gulong and Ming Taihe did not hesitate, they both used violent power to control the stream of light into two claws...

The fighting was going on in mid-air, accompanied by two perfectly coordinated piano sounds, like a battlefield of killing songs...

Pearls and jade fall on the plate, the Yellow River falls, the ceiling sparkles...

Such a fierce fight almost makes it impossible for people like Kun Yan to start, but...

"Why don't those two take action?"


"Misdai and Murong Qiushui"

Some people speculate that either the two of them are not good at Qintao, or they are waiting for the other to take action.

Murong Qiu Shui frowned and looked at Dai Li who was drinking quietly, this kid still doesn't want to take action? Are you waiting for me to make the first move?

Humph, I feel confident...

Then I'll see how you steal my notes! (To be continued)

ps: Forget it, let’s add it~~

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