A Queen

Chapter 1082: Drive him crazy!

Chapter 1082

Just when everyone was suspicious...suddenly, the demonic energy roared!

Murong Qiu Shui reached out with his big hand, and the demonic energy turned into a demonic wolf claw, and he grabbed it in the air!

Finally I couldn't bear it anymore~~

Dai Li held the wine bottle in his right hand and without raising his head, he grabbed it in the air with his left hand!


Thunder turns into claws!

Thunder Dragon Claw!

This claw is confronting the wolf's claws!


Like the roars of demon wolves and thunder dragons, the wild and ferocious aura of slaughter covered the entire place, even overpowering the fighting spirit brought by Xu Yidao and others who were fighting fiercely.

If they were fighting fiercely, then the last two people were really fighting.

People of the devil's way are the best at killing and have full murderous intent. Since these two people are both people of the devil's way, their attacks are naturally full of murderous intent.

The murderous intention even turned into the roar of wolves and the roar of dragons.

It was so ferocious that the other people fighting were affected to some extent.

"So strong"

"These two... how can Misdai not fall behind!"

"What kind of dragon claw is that?"

Seeing this dragon claw, some people subconsciously thought of a person.

Especially Xie Ru, who was suspicious, his eyelids twitched fiercely, but he quickly dismissed the possibility after seeing the tyranny of the Thunder Dragon Claw.

Even if he takes the elixir, it is impossible for Junzili to make such great progress in a short period of time, so it is impossible for him to be Junzili.

Others thought so too.

Just thinking that Demon Palace Shachuan Palace obviously has a terrible competitor...

Murong Qiushui's face was extremely cold. He controlled the wolf's claws with an expressionless face while locking Dai Li's energy...

The note moved back and forth between the dragon's claws and the wolf's claws.

As time passed, the fight between the two of them became more and more intense. Murong Qiu Shui's strength became stronger and stronger, and his murderous intent and demonic aura became stronger and stronger...

Different from the deadly fight between these two people, other people have already won one note after another. They have only tasted it briefly and stopped as soon as they got it. Therefore, the flow of time goes back and forth, but these two people are the only ones. It's like being on drugs, fighting endlessly for a note!

The fight between the two of them was exactly the same as that of Mingjian and E Hongyuan. The frequency of the sword attacks of these two people has drawn thousands of sword shadows.

The four attacks continue to fight in the air, and these attacks after leaving the body can only rely on two abilities to continue fighting.

One, the toughness and intensity of energy, and two. The ability to control energy, and third, the persistence of thoughts and consciousness.

The person who can persist until the end usually wins!

But even if they persist until now, these four people are enough to scare others.

"A tie?"

"It's a tie!"

It's hard to tell the strength and weakness of each person in this kind of attack. After all, it's not a real fight, but it's absolutely impossible to draw a tie without any strength.

For a time, many people were paying more and more attention to Dai Li and Ming Jian, secretly wondering to what extent these two people would reach their limit...

Is it possible to counterattack and defeat these two powerful enemies, Murong Qiu Shui?

"How can it be!"

But Murong Qiu Shui's expression became more and more ugly. It was not because Misdai had defeated him, but because he realized how much his strength improved every time. The other party also improved accordingly, creating a stable tie.

One hundred percent tie! A perfect tie! There is no difference at all!

This was very strange, and he suspected that the other party did it deliberately. But he couldn't believe it. If he really had this ability, wouldn't it mean that the other party was better than him?

How can it be!

The second song passed quickly, and soon, the third song!

Three people playing the piano!

The fourth song! Four people playing the piano!

The fifth song! Five people playing the piano!

The sixth song! Six people playing the piano!

The seventh song! Seven people!

Song eight! Eight people!

By the time of the eighth song, many people felt great pressure.

Eight different musical tones merge into one tune. There is sadness and despair. Joyful, murderous, peaceful... the eight kinds were intertwined like a symphony, forming a sound network that steadily covered the entire hall, making it difficult for everyone to move, and it was even more difficult to catch the notes.

But people like Xiang Yunhong did the math, and most of the notes fell into the hands of those eight pairs of people.

It's just that it's hard to tell who got more, because these people shot too fast and too many, and it's impossible to tell them apart when mixed together. Maybe they themselves are a little weak.


"Those two snakes are still fighting!"

"The notes of the second song are still there..."


"are you crazy!"

Led by Xiangxi Palace, many people present complained about the two claws in the air.

From the second and fifth songs, these two people were fighting in mid-air until now...

Are you crazy?

"I don't think Murong Qiushui is crazy. There is someone else who is crazy." Xiangxi Palace glanced at Dai Li.

Why is there such a lunatic in the Demon Palace? He even deliberately pesters Murong Qiu Shui to prevent him from stopping!

"But Murong Qiu Shui is going crazy now."

Murong Qiushui is indeed going crazy!

Damn it, where did this lunacy come from!

Originally, he planned to easily defeat Misdai and win the note, but Suyi found out that Misdai was very good at fighting against each other. Even though he repeatedly improved his strength, he could only achieve a slight balance but could not win. Originally, this was not possible. It's nothing, it's just that Quan has added a good opponent.

The problem is that this guy is so difficult!

Even after Murong Qiu Shui continued to increase his strength, he still couldn't defeat the opponent. If he strengthened further, he would have exposed his trump card. You must know that he has many powerful opponents here, such as Snow Fish, Su Li, Xu Yidao, etc. The first time he saw him today, he Knowing that each of these people is very powerful, if he exposes his trump card on Misdai, he will undoubtedly expose himself to these people. There will definitely be some disadvantages during the Qishan Road assessment, but if he does not expose it Well, we can’t defeat this bastard!

alright. Should I expose it now or not?

This is a problem!

After weighing the pros and cons, Murong Qiushui, who focused on the Qishan Road assessment, decided not to be exposed.

Take your hands off, the left and right are just one note. After this matter is over, he will deal with this damn Misdai secretly. They are all from the Demon Palace anyway, so they can be investigated in the future...

But he didn't expect that after he endured the humiliation and wanted to take a step back, this Misdai would cling to him like a dog-skin plaster and wouldn't let go... (Our queen is so bad~~)

So from the second song, I used my claws to tear each other apart to the eighth song.

Misdai succeeded in making him a snake in the eyes of everyone~~.

His spirit is also on the border of madness!


The eighth song is over!

Everyone stopped, including Mingjian and E Hongyuan.

The battles between these two people mostly involve brief exchanges, with no clear distinction between strength and weakness... In the end, they are still no match for the two insane claws above.

"It's the last song"

"Almost over"

"The complexity of the eighth track and the number of notes are eight times that of the previous one. It has reached sixty-four. I think the last track, the ninth track, must be more terrifying."


Such a high-intensity battle made many people present a little tired. And Xiangxi Palace suddenly said: "I said you two are planning to use your claws to pull until the end of the ninth song?"

Her stomach ached looking at it.

So did we.. Others silently liked it.

Murong Qiu Shui sneered: "That depends on Sir Misdai."

Dai Li drank wine and said calmly: "I am always prepared to be defeated by Mr. Murong. Unfortunately, Mr. Murong is always so polite. From the second to the eighth song, he never broke out..."

Even when the people in Xiangxi Palace heard this, they felt that this man's badness and shamelessness were outrageous. Not to mention Murong Qiushui.

Sonorously, the wine bottle was crushed by Murong Qiushui. After his eyes became extremely fierce...

He suddenly laughed.

"Haha, I thought I could bear it, but it seems I can't."

This was to tell everyone that it was not that he was invincible, but that he had some scruples.

"If a man wants to endure it, he either doesn't dare or he can't. I don't know what kind of young master Murong he is." Dai Li glanced at him.

Elegant and cool.

Murong Qiu Shui's forehead veins twitched violently, and he said with a sullen face: "You will know..."

With a paralyzed face. Daili raised his glass and said elegantly: "Waiting for you."


This person is simply... Xiangxi Palace feels that this person has set a new limit for a person's provocation. It turns out that the most mean thing is not the bitch with a playful smile and a mean face, but this kind of serious and sinister face with a paralyzed face that makes people angry!


The ninth sound suddenly comes!

The sound of the piano made everyone’s faces change!

The sound of the piano... is so distant.

Su Li looked at the woman in black in the distance...

I wonder if she can hear it...

Just when everyone is calmly capturing the existence of notes...


Murong Qiushui finally couldn't help but burst out!

The breath instantly tripled! Wolf claws triple in size! He slapped the dragon's claw away and grabbed the note directly in his hand!

"Misdai. You are doomed!" Murong Qiushui's stern sneer swept the entire audience, and the demonic energy that was finally no longer suppressed was released...

Finally defeated!

As soon as they saw Dai Li being defeated by the explosive Murong Qiushui with one palm, many people shook their heads and sighed.


hold head high!

Covered by lightning, the huge thunder dragon claws covered...


The wolf's claws were scattered with one blow...

Damn it! As expected, this guy still has some strength that he hasn't used yet!

Murong Qiushui laughed angrily and pressed his palms!

The dragon claw appears again! It’s twice as big as before!

Come take a photo!

Dragon Claw strikes again!


Shoot it apart again!

Then simply and overbearingly made everyone in the audience breathe tightly before they could react...

Murong Qiushui's expression changed. Grit your teeth...

Another claw!

It's twice as big as a dragon's claw!

go to hell!


Or you have to defeat everything!

It was an almost physical dragon claw, showing a golden color.

The dragon's power is huge and crushing.

Even Xiangxi Palace raised his eyebrows fiercely. Damn, this isn't...

The note was knocked down, but the dragon claw didn't care at all. After slapping the wolf claw away, it stayed in the air.

Three times of beatings, three times of suppression, compared to the previous stalking, it was a one-second counterattack!

Everyone couldn't accept such a change, and they all looked at one place.

That dull and ordinary sallow young man.

Murong Qiushui was extremely angry. (To be continued)

ps: Well, there are still three updates for the spiritual pet fate. How many updates are there for the Heshi Bi? Which classmates gave He's Bi? It's been so long that I can't even remember~~Sweat~~

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