A Queen

Chapter 1084: I will defeat you without negotiation! The true meaning of martial arts!

Chapter 1084

The dragon held the knife, and then...

Huge strength, dragon power, an inch of breaking!

Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh!

The knife broke into seven pieces!

The broken knife turned into demonic energy and exploded.

"You bastard!" Murong Qiu Shui couldn't believe it. His magic sword... was cut off so easily?

How can this be!

The green dragon occupies the sky, and the knife has been broken.

Murong Qiushui's situation was suppressed!

Suppressed from start to finish.

"Is that really Murong Qiushui?"

"This is the first time I have seen Murong Qiu Shui beaten so badly...Who is this person!"

Soon, someone with sharp eyes saw the waistband on Dai Li's waist. At a glance, it was the young prince of the Demon Palace?

Sensitive people instantly thought of the previous rumor that shocked many masters in the Demon Palace.

On one side of the river, under a row of smoky willow trees with catkins fluttering, a row of men in black stood coldly on the river bank. A man in the lead frowned: "I didn't expect that this new young prince has such strength and can steadily suppress Murong. "Autumn Water"

"Murong Qiushui is only the number one in the weakest of the five halls. He is not the overwhelming number one. He is completely incomparable to our master. He is usually domineering and domineering. This time he is unlucky." A man next to him said sneered.

"Hey, we can't say who will win yet, but this person is a master of martial arts, and his martial arts attainments are superb. Before, we suspected that this young prince was Jun Zili recruited by Master Gong and the Thirteenth Lord. We were wrong... no matter how strong he was. It doesn’t match the fighting style...but her subordinates are pretty good. Jie Jie, her fighting ability is pretty good."

This person refers to Jie who is fighting on the other side, one to seven. But it is suppressed in all aspects!

This made this group of people very surprised and amazed.

"Anyway, it's the matter of killing Chuandian. It has nothing to do with us. It's just that the master is still in Qinyuan..."

"It doesn't matter,

Originally, the master just came to have some fun..."

The communication between this group of people was unabashed, and the badges hanging around their waists undoubtedly revealed their status as members of the Demon Palace.

But at this moment, Murong Qiushui hung in the sky, and his clothes were full of fierceness. Wiping the blood from the corner of his mouth, he stared at Dai Li ahead.

"who are you!"

"I told you... Misdai"

"Your skills are not from our Demonic Way at all. It doesn't even belong to the Demonic Palace, let alone such a martial art. There is no one like you in the Demonic Palace, and there is no one like you in the Shachuan Palace!" Murong Qiushui felt as if he was being caught by a net. The net is stuck. The harder he struggled, the tighter he became.

This person made him feel a little uneasy, and this feeling made him panic.

Even though he still had a trump card, the opponent's inscrutable appearance minimized his sense of security.

"How many of the new members do you know? Don't your Demon Palace value the most capable people? I have enough strength to join the Demon Palace..."

Dai Li put his hands behind his back and smiled lightly: "But I don't like to be inferior to others. Since I am assigned to Shachuan Palace, then, I want to be the number one in Shachuan Palace..."

With these words, contemporary Li cut off Murong Qiu Shui's last nerve, and a terrible trembling sound emitted from the piano courtyard...

Nine sound waves!

All the great rivers were filled with ups and downs and nine waves!

All the monks on the river bank changed their expressions. The soul is dizzy...even if you are at the monarch level!

What's this!

Oh my God!

The ninth song...the pinnacle song!

Thousands of musical notes burst out of all the windows, just like the Buddhist characters offered by an enlightened monk using the supreme Dharma.

Someone once said that one day music can conquer the world. Because when it can conquer one person's soul, it can certainly conquer the souls of thousands of people.

Now, this song probably has this meaning.

The sound of the piano was vast, spreading out from the inside of the piano courtyard, covering the entire Luoshui River, from the river to all the residential areas around the river.

The hustle and bustle has reduced the murderous intention, and the tranquility has reduced the tranquility. It intensifies the sadness and exaggerates the despair...

It amplifies everything.

And shrink everything.

The twenty people in the piano courtyard were covered by nearly a thousand notes...

A thousand notes. How strong are the sound waves produced?

It can shatter the soul of an ordinary monarch!

Puff puff!

One by one they vomited blood and their bodies exploded...

Seventeen people shot out from the piano courtyard, grabbing notes!

It was a very bright stream of light, and you could see the snow and poison fight between Snow Fish and Fu Ruoshui!

You can also see Xu Yidao and Xie Ru's killing of the sword master.

You can also see the alternative battle between Ming Taihe and Hua Gulong.

Of course, there is also the elegant fight between Master Liu and Dongguo Ziyi!

Many fights!

The fight around the piano courtyard, the fight among a thousand notes!

But it can't compare to the fight between those two people.


To hell with it!

This is a fight for glory, a fight for dignity, a fight for destiny and future!

It’s also the number one battle to kill Sichuan!

The loser goes down, the winner goes up!

Murong Qiu Shui's eyes darkened, and with a flash of his body, he rushed in front of Dai Li...


The melee combat that demons are best at!

In particular, Murong Qiushui, who was born in the Shachuan Palace of the First Combat Legion, is best at close combat. Just when Daili was paying attention to the ninth song of the Qinyuan, he took the opportunity to get close...

good chance!

Daili's eyes met the sword slashed from close range!

Her expression was a little strange. Was she frightened? Didn't she react in time?

He must have failed to react in time, otherwise how could he be stupid enough to take the knife with one hand!

Well, not even a hand to be exact.

But two fingers.

The knife was caught between the index finger and the middle finger.

Clamped firmly and almost perfectly.

Murong Qiushui: "..."

Everyone: "...."

——Suddenly I felt like I was blind.

"Compared with me in close combat?" Murong Qiushui heard Dai Li say this in a low voice.

Then. She smiled.

The Eye of Insight can discern all your attack trajectories!

With the body of a half-dragon clan, he can receive the magic sword with his bare hands without any pressure!

Complete practice of Tianchen Martial Arts Volume. One-stop service for any martial arts moves!

With this kind of software and hardware configuration, are you going to have a close fight with me?

Dai Li chuckled and twisted his fingertips.

"One finger of resonance"


The knife broke for the third time!

Murong Qiu Shui's eyes widened, and before she could take a breath, there was darkness in front of her eyes...

A silent palm pressed down on his chest.

“Straight to the point”

I'll give you a mountain as soon as I open the door...

Delivered to your heart...


Murong Qiushui was blasted into the river for the second time!


Big waves are rising!

Brush...move in lotus shape!

Dai Li rushes down!

When Murong Qiushui burst out of the water for the second time...

The Ganges flows into the sea!


The third blast!

Break out for the third time!

Kanglong has regrets!

The fourth blast!

The fourth time to rush in!

Boom boom boom!

See the dragon in the wild!

Change the clouds and rain!


Seven moves in a row!

Seven times suppressed, seven times defeated!

The whitecaps on the water rolled like snowflakes. After being blasted into the depths of the river for the seventh time, Murong Qiushui's body exploded with bright blood. Mixed with the rich demonic energy, the originally crystal clear water turned into dark red...

Has been ravaging. Suppressed all the time, never counterattacked.

The people on the river bank were stunned. The expressions of the demonic people were purple——o(—□—)o

Seven martial arts combos in three breaths with an attack power of more than two counties... They were also intoxicated by such ferocity.

Are you sure this person is not a monster? Do you have a human ID card?

"Ah~~~" Murong Qiushui under the water was already on the verge of collapse.

His body was covered in blood and flesh, and his face was especially ferocious. Every piece of good meat on the body...

"If God wants to destroy people, he must first make them crazy..." Someone in the piano courtyard softly chanted this sentence...

Then he smiled lowly.

"As expected, it has gone completely crazy. So, where is the end?"

The river suddenly became quiet.

The people in Xiangxi Palace were actually quiet.

The main reason is that these two people are too violent and they can't help it. Even people like Xie Ru and others are more eager to know the outcome of these two people... Besides, no matter who wins between these two people, they will be their opponents in the future. It would be good for them to pay more attention to their cards. As for the notes... they won't run away from left to right!

In the silence, there was only one figure floating in the sky on the right, his sallow and ordinary face still dull. The clothes on her body were as clean as ever... fluttering in the wind.

This was the Luohe she suppressed by herself.

But there is another monster under the river. Is he seriously injured and dying? still....

People on the river bank are speculating, doubting, and waiting...

Suddenly, something changes underneath...


Murong Qiushui is out!

What everyone could see with the naked eye was that Murong Qiushui's body turned into black smoke, and his whole body was covered in smoke. Howling in the air...


The speed increases tenfold!

Shadow of Shachuan!

That speed was terrifying, at least making most of the first-level monarchs frown.

Is this an instant acceleration of the Shachuandian technique?

Even if it's just for a moment. But it's enough to defy the heavens, isn't it? After all, the Shachuan Kung Fu is a typical critical strike and instant kill magic technique. It emphasizes killing with one hit and being extremely domineering.

If combined with this speed and the critical strike of the magic knife...

The lethality is terrible. Basically, all opponents from two counties can be killed with one blow.

Just like this person with extremely terrifying martial arts...

Since it was an instant kill, the speed must be terrifying. The smoke body instantly transformed into a neck and head above the shoulders, black hair flying, arms raised, and a magic knife condensed in the hands that were more than twice as thick.

"Mistai, you can't hide! Die!

The killing of Shachuan!


The strongest attack!

The power of the three counties exploded!

Instant kill...!

Crash...the stars in the space are shattered, and the demonic energy is raging...

Such murderous intent shook the notes flying around, and also disturbed some of the piano sounds... "Escape? Murong... you still don't understand?"

Dai Li raised his hand and took a shallow breath.

He said something that everyone heard.

"Luoshui Festival, I'm here for you"

He rose with a faint voice and raised his hand slowly.

"Martial arts has eight true meanings: spear, instant, attack, shield, killing, courage, martial arts, domination..."

Press down with your palms.

Daili closed his eyes.

"The first true meaning, the spear of martial arts"

There is light in martial arts, and that is the spear.

The murderous spear!


If there is a Luoshen in Luoshui, then Daili at this moment is the god above Luoshui.

The god waved his hand and dropped a spear.

From the top of the sky, directly to the river...

A perfect match for Murong Qiu Shui's instant killing sword. (To be continued)

ps: Thank you for taking a leisurely stroll ~ He Shibi from Children's Shoes. I have something to do today, so I won't update it~~.

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