A Queen

Chapter 1,085 King vs. King is over!

Chapter 1085

At that moment, Murong Qiushui suddenly found that his whole body could not move.

Because the whole world in front of you is the sharp tip of a spear.

Perfect suppression from martial arts.

Any instant shadow, any killing knife, they are all scum!


Instant penetration!

A bunch of people were penetrated with knives.


Digging into the river....

A small whirlpool was opened on the river surface, and the whirlpool expanded...

A breath, a large vortex a hundred meters in diameter and a hundred meters deep...

At the center of the whirlpool is Murong Qiushui, whose heart was pierced by a spear...


The huge waves rise and then fall.

Thousands of water droplets splashed...

Among such splashes.

In the blink of an eye, people saw Dai Li holding the light spear and stepping on Murong Qiu Shui's chest.

The dust has settled.

The whole place was quiet.

Hula la...

The water fell out of the way of Dai Li. The surface of the water was like pearls and jade falling on a plate, which looked beautiful for no reason.

"Murong Qiushui, you can't go crazy anymore..."

It was a complete defeat.

Looking down at the man who was trampling him into the dust, Murong Qiu Shui took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and suddenly opened them again.

"You think too early!"

There was a dark shadow on the water below the two of them.

The large black shadow is huge in scope, as if a giant beast is awakening underwater...

"Qiushui Army, counterattack!"

That was the roar coming from the mouth of Murong Qiushui, who was trampled all over the water. ...

Blah, blah, blah!

A large demonic shadow rushed out from the water...

The water breaks out...

That was huge. The majesty of the entire river was overturned.

One hundred thousand troops!

"Hey! It turns out that the Qiu Shui Army is hiding under the water!" The demonic man on the river bank suddenly shouted.

"No wonder we didn't find anyone just now... This Murong Qiu Shui is such a thief!"

"Ha, the master had expected it. He just didn't take it seriously. But he didn't expect that Murong Qiu Shui would be forced to drag out the entire Qiu Shui army. It seems that he was really forced into a desperate situation."

"It's not a desperate situation, but it's already defeated. If you want to escape from this man with your life, you must use the Qiushui Army..."

One hundred thousand Qiushui troops. Average combat power Grandmaster level!

The combined power and power can overwhelm several low-level monarchs, which is indeed a killer move under Murong Qiu's sailor.

"There are so many people... Are you going to bully the few with the many?" Even if the surroundings are surrounded by the overwhelming Qiu Shui army. Dai Li still stepped on Murong Qiu Shui's chest, lowered his body slightly and looked at Murong Qiu Shui.

"Let our master go quickly, otherwise..."

The men of Qiushui Army roared!

Daili raised his eyes. He glanced at them and said calmly: "The time for king versus king is over. It's not my turn to take action against you."

These words made people's hearts skip a beat.


Come scream!

The long knife in Jie's hand tore apart the bodies of the two high-level distractions. They were covered in blood. The sword light turned and boomed, and blood wings sprouted from their backs...

What about the other five high-level distractions?

Five bodies floated in the air.

He faced Daili: "Master, he has been killed."

The speed is not bad. It seems that the blood soldiers have a great benefit to Jie. I don't know what the combat effectiveness of other blood clans is.

Dai Li waved his hand.

Twenty thousand blood shadows appeared out of thin air.

The bloody aura floated and controlled. Reflected on the lake, it was completely red.

Twenty thousand Vatican.

With a wave of his sleeves, there is an army of 20,000!

Xiangxi Palace stared: "It's them!"

"Haha..." Zi Weiyang knew about the Vatican. After all, the Dongyuan Group was the first public appearance of the Vatican on behalf of the commander-in-chief. We have always known that this bloody army has amazing combat power, but it only numbers ten thousand, and can be easily destroyed by people at their level.

But I didn’t expect a few months to pass.

The number of people has increased a generation, this strength...

Zi Weiyang frowned. Such an improvement in strength was comparable to that of most geniuses in Fenchuan. How did she do it? (Someone seems to have said that the strength of the Vatican under the protagonist has improved too fast. In fact, I have explained that they are all blood descendants. They also have immortal cultivation, which is basically the same type of equipment as Daili. With the strength and blood of the master above With the increase, their strength has also improved rapidly, and Dai Li has used a lot of resources and means to increase their strength. It is a pure army, and there are no other trivial matters at all. They just kill, kill, suck blood and so on every day, and their strength has improved. If they are too late, what else does Dai Li want them to do? This is the saying that one person can achieve enlightenment, chickens and dogs can ascend to heaven.)

If the Qiu Shui Army is the epitome of the demon army under Shachuan Palace, then the current Vatican army will definitely overwhelm the opponent in terms of momentum and quality.

With one finger...

Beast-like roar, crazy blood shadow...

Swish, brush, brush!

Twenty thousand versus one hundred thousand!

kill! !

The appearance of 20,000 people has shocked many people, and the effect of these 20,000 people killing 100,000 demonic soldiers...

The momentum is overwhelming!

Everyone felt blind again.

The people in Nanlin couldn't bear to look at it.

"The Vatican... knew it was her"

"It's really her...haha" Linjiang Xiandu chuckled.

Tang Junyi is a cruel and domineering girl. If you weren't so funny, I would actually admire you~~

However, after seeing too many generations of inconsistencies, Tang Junyi felt that his mood collapsed instantly as soon as he entered a high-level image like Gong Zangxue, so it was better to treat this guy as a friend.

Not to mention Xiangxi Palace, once you see the dragon scale patterns on the bloody soldiers in the hands of those 20,000 people, and the dragon light that rises during the killing...


Suddenly she felt that she had been stabbed so hard by this man, cutting off a large piece of meat to feed this guy's huge army...

But this weapon is branded with dragon scales... is it her method?

Xiangxi Palace's eyes flickered.


"Kill them!"

There are too many people in the Qiu Shui Army and the Vatican. The roar of the killing of 120,000 people shook the sky, blood and corpses continued to fall from the sky, and the sound of the piano in the piano courtyard reflected each other...

Musical notes were swirling around... Daili stepped on Murong Qiushui. Behind is the blood-stained sky, and the momentum is a bit like I have the world in my hands, and I am the only one who dominates.

And when they were looking, she turned around and gave them a look that was a little playful.


"I really didn't expect..." Xie Ru's face didn't look good, this Misdai was so pushy. He also killed Murong Qiushui in one fell swoop. His extremely domineering and profound martial arts cultivation made him very frightened.

No one wants to meet such a pervert with extraordinary physique and endless martial arts moves!

What's more. She also knows the true meaning of martial arts!

"The true meaning of martial arts..." Xu Yidao gritted his teeth slightly, looked at Xie Ru, and quietly clenched the knife in his hand.

"Xie Ru, others have already decided the winner. The two of us can't fall behind."

"Naturally" Xie Ru narrowed his eyes.

Dai Li turned around and saw Xie Ru and Xu Yidao stabbing each other in the sky!


The sword's light is bright, and the power of the three counties is there... Their strength is no less than Murong Qiu Shui, the victory or defeat is probably 50-50, after all, no one knows since they have never fought.

The main reason why Murong Qiu Shui defeated her so miserably was that she could see through everything with her pupil skills. It would not have been possible for the two people without pupil skills.

"Haha, Shachuan Palace is the weakest. It's true..." Dai Li flipped up his short hair and secretly said that the four major families of Fenchuan are still very solid. It can be seen from the fact that these two disciples are comparable to Murong Qiushui. However, this cannot be used to compete with the Demon Palace. You must know that Chun Shisanniang said that the Shachuan Palace is the weakest palace, equivalent to the outermost of the Demon Palace's power. Putting Murong Qiu Shui in other palaces will not be good. .

After the sword-to-knife fight, Dai Li glanced at them and clearly understood the strength gap between the two. His eyes jumped again and fell on Xue Zhiyu and Fu Ruoshui.

It seemed to be affected by the fact that the battle between Dai Li and Murong Qiu Shui had been decided. The previous pairs of people who were betting on the game all took action now!

Decide the winner?

At least E Hongyuan's sword was aimed at the famous sword. Thousands of swords overlapped, like open sword wings, slashing!

Fu Ruoshui smiled on his face, moved his hands gracefully, and a ball of dark poisonous water formed in his palms. He said on his lips: "Zhiyu, we have been fighting for so many years, can we end it today?"

Xue Zhiyu didn't even raise his eyes, "Isn't it because you are covering up and half-revealing your strength? What's more, what about the Qishan assessment?"

The implication is that Fu Ruoshui repeatedly tested her.

"Haha, the Qishan Road assessment... this is just a warm-up before the assessment... the poisonous water smoke waves~!"

When the ball of poisonous water was pressed down by her palm, it surged like ocean tides...

Like smoke and waves!


When the terrifying black water smoke wave swept away, the spectators saw the snow floating on everything, white and flawless.

I also saw the sword flying into the sky.

I also saw Ming Taihe's punch, which was so domineering, and I also saw Hua Gulong's bone dragon hand knife...

The only thing Dai Li didn't see was the fight between Dongguo Ziyi and Master Liu, who were watching the battle like her.

Just opposite her, on the surface of the Luo River.

So they naturally saw Dai Li's eyes. Master Liu smiled at her and seemed very friendly, but Dai Li knew that this person was very cunning, and he must be doubting her origins in his heart.

But Dong Guo Ziyi had a very clean and polite smile, nothing else. (How do you know there is no other? They are both warm smiles? They are different...the latter looks better).

Poisonous water, snow, swords, knives, the most domineering thing is the poisonous water. The poisonous water that blocks out the sun covers an area of ​​hundreds of acres of sky, layer upon layer, surging like the sea, covering the famous sword and everyone else. Time forced back a large number of monks and fell downwards.

As soon as they landed on the ground, these people shouted with lingering fear: "It's too scary. Is that Fu Ruoshui?"

"It is said that Wan Xue has troubles and waters like immortals. It is indeed true. Immortals are like disasters and waters."

"Look! There are still people who haven't come down..."

Who else?

The three people from Daili are all on the water, and Suli seems to be in the Qinyuan again, so the three people in the sky...

The golden Xiangxi Palace and the purple purple Weiyang each occupy one side, but in addition to gold and purple, there is also red.

A piece of red (to be continued)

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