A Queen

Chapter 1086: Qin Emperor’s senior sister, Huang from the south

Chapter 1086

Burning flames, blooming phoenix flowers, shocking fire.

She stood in the turbulent black water. The black water seemed to be afraid of something. It maintained a level three meters in front of her and could not move forward.

It was as if there was an invisible powerful force pushing back the black water where she was.

On one side there is poisonous black water, and on the other side there is red clouds all over.

"That person..." Dai Li looked at the other person's face and his eyes widened.

is her!

It's her!

The change in Dai Li's expression was too obvious. Fortunately, not many people noticed it at the moment. Mainly because the appearance of this person was so stunning. The rich colors were difficult to describe with words. I can only say that when she appeared, everything Both Du Shui and Luo Shui seemed to be burned away by her.

Only the flying phoenix flowers are left.

The expressions of Linjiang Xue and others were a little strange, dazed and suspicious. After seeing the change in Dai Li's expression, this suspicion became more serious.

That...illusion? Did they get it wrong?

However, there are ten people behind this woman, standing in an orderly manner, with unknown strength, just standing high in the sky, standing behind this woman.

She put her hands behind her back and looked at the poisonous water smoke waves ahead.

This is a kind of aura, a very powerful and compelling aura, burning like fire.

"Could it be her..." Dongguo Ziyi's slight change in expression made Master Liu's eyes flicker, "Does Master Dongguo recognize this person?"

"Know?" Dongguo Ziyi shook his head. His expression was incomprehensible: "We people in Dongguo have only heard about it... We recognize his name, but not his person."

Such a slightly fearful tone coming from Dongguo Ziyi's mouth is quite thought-provoking.

The woman reached out her hand. There are notes spinning in the palm of my hand, and I can't escape. When I close my fingers, it's like a whirlpool!

With a crash, large pieces of musical notes gathered crazily towards her palm, forming a round ball of musical notes...

getting bigger.

She was looking down at the piano courtyard.

Like a provocation.

Inside the piano courtyard, a person among the nine pavilions has already pressed the last string...

Only two people continued to play the piano...

Two people. In cubicles one and nine.

The ninth song has come to an end.

The lingering sound is lingering, and the whole world is singing.

When the last sound falls.


The notes bound in the woman's palm flew out in an instant.

Like the petals of a peach blossom that were shaken off in an instant. Flying...

Vibrato swept through, and everyone felt the perfect chorus of a song deep in their souls.

Dai Li pressed her temple lightly. Her soul was too strong, and this song had a great impact on her.

What a powerful piano sound. If someone wants to kill people, everyone below the monarch level here who hears the music will die instantly. Even those at the monarch level will be seriously injured as long as their souls are not good enough.

The most beautiful piano sound can kill people invisible.

"Is this person provoking Qinyuan?"

"There's someone in Qinyuan!"

The doors of the nine compartments in the piano courtyard opened, and a man walked into the corridor, walking calmly and gracefully. The slender hands that had just been playing the strings slightly opened the curtain. Look at the red sky.

The color of the smoky green floating shirt changes from the smoky green at the top to yellow like smoke, and the tail is light purple. The folds and curves are just right, like vertically flowing smoky blue water. She stands quietly, with a waist like a willow branch, standing in front of the railing.

Seeing this person, Dai Li suddenly felt like Jiangnan Yanliu. The feeling of Hanjiang Yinsu.


A completely different temperament from Su Li, but they both contain a rhythm that makes people's hearts throb. A look and an action from her silent moment.

The eyes of the six girls in Qinhuang Pavilion lit up, it was the senior sister!

"Qinhuang Pavilion, Zhongli returns late," the woman in the sky said with a smile.

Zhongli Guiwan, this name is famous in Fenchuan, even higher than Su Li or Xie Ru, because she is a representative of Qinhuang Pavilion.

Qin Zhige is the symbol of Qinhuang Pavilion. He is hidden behind the scenes and out of sight in front of others, but Zhongli Guiwan is the opposite.

She is the first serious person in Qinhuang Pavilion.

The master of Qinhuang's young pavilion.

Talent comes first.

She is also the legendary eldest sister. To a certain extent, her status can be equal to that of the heads of the four major families.

She was one of the people who played the ninth song.

"It's me...is it your Excellency?" Zhongli Guiwan had a slight smile on his fair and delicate face, neither thick nor light, just right.

There was absolutely no anger at being provoked.

It even makes people happy because the sound is so nice.

"This person's voice will make all those who control her believe in her..." Dai Li looked at this person a few more times.

She secretly thought that it was no wonder that Su Li was not called the number one genius in Qinhuang Pavilion. It turned out that there was such a girl suppressing her.

But Zhongli Guiwan’s identity is clear, but what about this person?

"I... come from the west... As for my name, you can ask this person."

Zhongli Guiwan looked around and saw black water frozen by countless frosts, wind and snow...

Blackwater was cut open.

The beautiful young master in white clothes stood with a sword in hand. The black crystals flew away. She stood in the air, her fingers pressed on the hilt of the sword, and the blade reflected the cold light.

E Hongyuan, Xue Zhiyu and Fu Ruoshui all appeared.

No one was injured, and everyone looked restrained. It was impossible to tell who was winning and who was losing.

However, the famous sword and the snow fish are on the same side.

A peerless swordsman and a stunning beauty in the snow, they are very harmonious and beautiful in the color of the snow.

When Zhongli returned home late, he couldn't help but admire him in his heart, what a beautiful young man.

But who is this person referring to?

"Mr. Mingjian, I haven't seen you for three years, but you are still the same as before." She smiled at Mingjian, her smile was somewhere between glamorous and cold.

Mingjian looked at this person, his talent of six senses and heavenly knowledge allowed him to detect some deep and terrifying aura on the other person's body.

This makes her frown every day, this person is...


She said this word. Not doubt, but certainty.


Zi Weiyang raised her eyebrows, the phoenix in the west?

"The one to the west?" Wanbaozhai under Xiangxi Palace is a trading company. The business involves a wide range of things, and his ability to collect intelligence is even comparable to that of organizations like Riyun. This person also spends a lot of time every day processing important intelligence from various places. Over time, he naturally becomes very familiar with the characters in various places.

Phoenix in the west, this was information she had only obtained in recent years, but unfortunately there was very little information.

Why did this man get to know Mingjian again?

The famous sword is not from Nanlin?

Xiangxi Palace is not the only one who is confused. Even people like Xie Ru were very suspicious.

"It's hard for you to still remember me... I thought you couldn't remember me." Huang smiled and Ming Jian glanced at her. His fingers rubbed the hilt of the sword.

"I never dare to forget the people I can't see through. Just like you at that time, you were one of them."

There is also a twilight snow in Qianshan Mountain.

Huang looked at her deeply and said nothing. Instead, he looked at Zhongli Guiwan: "I'm here to find someone today... The Qinyuan doesn't belong to you, right?"

"Of course not." Zhongli Guiwan seemed to have noticed something and smiled slightly: "I was just invited to help..."

A person walked out behind her. She belonged to Zhongli Guiwan. Different from everyone else's Jiangnan gentle and comfortable temperament, this girl was more ethereal in appearance. Her temperament was also like the white clothes, as clean as glass, but her eyes were... A light red color, a bit charming when looking at each other.

A very special woman.

She looked at Huang with a slightly surprised expression. Then he smiled: "Huang, long time no see..."

"It's been a long time, Qin Ji... I think the twists and turns in the past three years have made you change a lot. You have grown up... but it seems like nothing has changed."

Huang looked at her. She is undoubtedly aware of the drastic changes in the Great Xia three years ago. Three years ago, she was more mature than Qin Ji and others, and she looked down on people like Qin Ji. Now this gap has been narrowed by her initiative.

It means that she recognizes Qin Ji's achievements in supporting a piano academy on her own.

"Thank you...but I think I'm not the person you're looking for." Qin Ji smiled faintly. Although she was a little embarrassed to see Huang, Huang made it clear from the beginning that she was from the West. It seems to be a clear statement, and she will naturally not blur this boundary.

What's more, compared to the dusk snow on thousands of mountains. Huang felt a sense of distance from the beginning.

"It's not true, but I found it... and saw a pretty good fight."

After a pause, she looked past Qin Ji and Zhong Li Guiwan and looked inside the piano courtyard.

“I also saw some people”

As soon as she looked in, the three people in Qinyuan couldn't pretend they hadn't seen it.

After getting up, Su Li walked to Zhongli Guiwan and looked at each other. Su Li shrugged slightly, indicating that he knew nothing about the identities of these two people. Zhongli Guiwan raised his eyes and landed on these two people.

One male and one female.

She recognizes the male ones, the female ones...

The man had already raised the curtain. He was tall and handsome, about 1.9 meters tall. His long legs were wrapped in tight trousers. He wore a thin crescent-shaped singlet on his upper body and a long thin robe similar to a windbreaker on the outside.

Neat and neat short black hair, bronzed skin, a handsome figure that looks a bit mixed-race, dark blue eyes...

After walking out, the two dark green daggers on his waist were very conspicuous.

What's even more conspicuous is the waist badge.

Major General Jiang Xue of Mo Gong.

Like Murong Qiu Shui, he was a major general, but not in the same rank.

Dai Li looked at this person. She had noticed the existence of this person before and knew that this was another Demon Palace person. However, she did not expect that this person could sit back and watch Murong Qiushui being ravaged by her from beginning to end... It was like watching a play. generally.

The cruelty of the civil war in the Demon Palace is evident.

Huo Jiangli walked out and looked at Huang, with a curl of his lips, "Your Excellency Huang...it's been two years since we left Xihuang, and your style remains the same."

"In terms of style, that person is comparable to your Demon Palace... Huo Jiangli, your courage has improved a lot. You actually dare to stay in the same place with this person."


Huo Jiangli subconsciously turned his head to look.

Not far away, the woman in black was leaning on a pillar, covered with a veil, her expression was unclear, but her eyes seemed to be smiling but not smiling.

"Am I that annoying?" She looked at Huang, her eyes so deep that they could drown everything.

"Soul master...has always been very unpleasant."

"Your Excellency Huang, who has always liked to kill people, set fire to occupy land and carve out territory for the king, must you provoke me in this regard?"

This woman's voice is a little tender, and her speaking tone is very slow and measured. (To be continued)

ps: Wow, Huang appears, a girl on the same level as Qianshan girl

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