A Queen

Chapter 1,087 The cruel man! Xiao!

Chapter 1087

Su Li had experienced how terrifying this man was, and heard Zhongli Guiwan's faint message: "There is only one soul master in the east..."

"what is it call?"

"I don't know... I'm afraid the people she killed don't know either," Zhongli Guiwan's tone was very calm, but a little more solemn than usual.

Sound attack is a soul technique, but when faced with a real soul master, they feel even more afraid.

Anyway, Su Li felt that she was inferior to this person, but she just didn't know how her senior sister would fare against others.

But there were so many people here today, one by one exploded, and all the great gods were blown out.

At a glance, Quan is a god.

But when this strange woman in black looked at Huang silently and Huo Jiangli and others were silent, the whole place didn't seem to be quiet, and cruel killing sounds broke out from time to time. One person in particular was so frightened that he called out "Master Huo," "Save me"...after.

Poof! His neck was stabbed with a finger.

Inserting and pulling out, Jie licked the blood on his fingers, looking at the 20,000 people who were besieged and living in front of him with extremely bloody eyes...

These are the strongest 20,000 people. At this moment, they are covered in blood and their faces are pale...

There are still 17,000 people in the Vatican. They surround them, kill each one and collect the corpses. They approach as brutally as a bulldozer...

The cruel and ruthless killing spirit made everyone in the Qiu Shui Army swallow their saliva and wailed in their hearts, God, where did the animals come from? Are they all murderous beasts?

"Uh... Qiushui Army was defeated!"

"You still failed so miserably!"

Everyone who had been attracted by Huang and others suddenly realized that the battle of 120,000 troops in the sky was now coming to an end.

Three thousand people were lost. Killing 80,000 people, haha, the effect of this combat is really...

Holy crap!

Zhongli Guiwan and others finally set their sights on the Vatican army.

He also looked at Daili.

By the way, no one dares to ignore this guy. The previous battle was no joke, it was just that when Huang and others appeared before, she kept a low profile.

He was so low-key that he stepped on Murong Qiu Shui's chest and watched his Vatican swallow 80,000 people from Qiu Shui's army.

At this moment, she lowered her head and looked at Murong Qiu Shui, who had an extremely ugly face, and said something that made the color drain from his face instantly.

"Why are you so quiet? Oh...Have you recovered half of your strength? When are you going to sneak attack me?"

how do you know! ! !

Just like the tragic feeling of a military crocodile being repeatedly provoked and plotted by Dai Li, at this moment, Murong Qiushui felt as if his last leg had been broken by a mallet.


Murong Qiu Shui wanted to kill this man with a mouthful of blood!

But at this moment, he heard Dai Li turn around and say to the 20,000 Qiu Shuijun: "Any little bird with some brains knows how to find a stronger tree to rely on... Your tree has been chopped down by me. What are you waiting for? Are you ready to let your corpses take a dip in the Luo River?"

Is this a threat?

Haha, it's a threat.

To die or to surrender? Choose yourself!

Zhao Zhao’s demonic arrogance!

"This man plans to conquer the Qiu Shui Army!"

The people in Jiangxue Palace beside the river were a little anxious. They were from the Jiangxue Palace, and although they didn't care about the Shachuan Palace, which was much weaker than them, they were not happy to see someone from the Shachuan Palace who was much stronger and more powerful than Murong Qiu Shui come to the throne and annex some of the strongest core members of the Qiu Shui Army. member..


"Wait a minute. Let's see how the master reacts." A man waved his hand.

Huo Jiangli narrowed his eyes and smiled faintly across Luohe Chaodaili: "Misdai... are all from the Demon Palace. It seems inappropriate for you to do this."

Dai Li turned to look at him: "What do you mean, I should kill them all without leaving any one behind?"

"..." Are you pretending to be stupid?

Huo Jiangli raised his eyebrows and said calmly: "Murong Qiushui is also a contestant in the Qishan assessment. You are like this..."

Not finished yet.

He saw Dai Li lift his foot and step on it again, blood could flow into it...

Cut off the meridians, cut off the soul!

"Ah!!" Murong Qiushui suddenly screamed. His orifices were bleeding, he was frothing at the mouth... He rolled his eyes in the blink of an eye, not knowing whether he was alive or dead.

Everyone was frightened.

Is this person crazy? Is this a blatant provocation to the Qishan Pavilion or a provocation to the Demon Palace?

Although Master Liu and others have strange expressions, they may not be too afraid of this person in terms of strength. But in terms of domineering and cruelty, this person is definitely the only one here.

Shockingly ferocious.

"Misdai...?" Dongguo Ziyi frowned slightly. He vaguely felt that this person was a bit strange.

Somewhat mysterious.

This bastard is deliberately provoking me! Huo Jiangli's expression turned cold, and the demons by the Luoshui River all expressed their murderous intentions, but they had not spoken yet.

With his back to the fight that had already settled, Dai Li carried the unconscious Murong Qiu Shui by the collar. Lift him up and face his seemingly unconscious face. A faint line: "The autumn water of Shachuan has passed, but the peach blossoms of Luoshui are blooming just right... Murong Qiushui, Shachuan is mine."

This is a cold but extremely domineering propaganda, announcing the end of an era.

It also means the beginning of an era in Shachuan Palace.

Everyone's hearts were shaken, and some of the demonic people who were watching secretly had complicated expressions. Although the demonic people were said to be arrogant, such domineering and fierce people were rare, especially after she finished speaking, she turned her head and looked at her.

Huo Jiangli heard this man say...

"So after I defeated Murong Shachuan, you people from Jiangxue are also going to join in the fun? If so... I have to consider whether to go to Jiangxue or stay in Shachuan."

Arrogant, too arrogant!

So domineering!

Huo Jiangli's handsome face perked up for a moment and then fell!

Xu Yidao, Xie Ru and Hua Gulong were not in a good mood, because this man's arrogance and domineering had greatly stimulated their sense of crisis.

"This person came here in a strange way. And every move seems to be specially planned. He only came here for Murong Qiushui... How could such a person have no reputation at all before?" Xu Yidao analyzed in his mind, and his fear of Daili became even deeper. ..subconsciously. He looked at Master Liu and saw him shaking his head at him.

The people in Jiangxue Palace also took a deep breath. Is this person too cruel and lawless? Which ancestor of the Demon Palace dug him in!

Xiangxi Palace, who had already guessed the identity of this guy, rolled his eyes, dear, can you stop being such a man? Are you still a woman?

Ming Jian slightly raised his heroic eyebrows. Her expression was slightly weird. This person always said that she was a god of men and so on... Didn't she expect that she was more masculine than a man?

It's just that Yi Rong's face at this moment is not very beautiful.

Just when Huo Jiangli was ready to make a move. Holding the short sword on his waist with his palm, Huang waited and made it clear that he wanted to watch a show...

Qin Ji, who was standing next to Zhongli Guiwan, just leaned against the pillar, her expression light and ethereal, and she didn't make a sound.

Lan Zhiyou asked her, "Are you sure you don't want to take action?"

"She doesn't need it. Then there's no need." Qinji smiled softly, her tone quiet but determined.

"Ha" Lan Zhiyou chuckled lightly. She had personally watched Qin Ji transform rapidly in the past three years. It was just a matter of generation and generation. You can imagine how the soft-spoken Rou Shui Beauty back then was like this. Are you decisive and independent?

Qin Ji didn't know what Lan Zhiyou was thinking, but she just looked at Daili. Even if she had the position and status now, she would not take action rashly...

The main reason is that she knows that Dai Li is not afraid of fighting Huo Jiangli at all. It seems good to take down Shachuan and Jiangxue in one go.

So she just watched.

Watching her young master climb to the top step by step.

It's just that she's a little worried that others won't allow it.

"Are all men in such good health nowadays? They are always shouting and killing... But today is the Luoshui Festival, so you should take it easy~~"

A sound coming from the sky made many people in the audience gasp.

A middle-aged man stood in the air. Looking down at everyone, with his hands behind his back, he said solemnly: "Master Xu, the supervisor, is ordered to refrain from killing on the day of the Luoshui Festival. The previous matters are over here. After the result of the Qinpu battle is known, the winner will go to Qinhuang Pavilion on his own. Receive rewards”

After saying that, he left directly regardless of everyone's reaction.

It seems that there is no consideration that the people here will disobey this order.

"It's Mr. Xu"

"It's actually Lord Xu who hasn't shown up for hundreds of years..."


Kartsa. The half-unsheathed dagger was put into the sheath. Huo Jiangli closed his eyes. The four inspectors of Fenchuan, Xu, Tu, Fu, and Yuchi, among them, Xu was the strongest and was the first inspector. In Fenchuan, he He is one of the strongest people, with terrifying power, mysterious origins, and unpredictable strength.

But I heard that I haven't shown up for a long time, so why did I suddenly take action today.

The name Xu was quite scary, so Dai Li had no choice but to regret it. He picked up Murong Qiushui's collar, waved his hand, and showed a smile to Huo Jiangli.

This smile really made Huo Jiangli feel a little uneasy.

Could your expression be more harmless?

Sure enough, only when you face him face to face can you know how bad this person is.

But no matter how angry he was, Huo Jiangli was unable to take action because of Xu's previous order. Moreover, everyone could see that Misdai obviously had back-ups, which made many people very afraid of him.

The people in the Qiu Shui Army are not stupid. They already know the general trend. Comparing the strength of Murong Qiu Shui and this Misdai, thinking about the domineering side of the other party, and looking at the unified blood soldiers of the Blood Army in front of them, they are obviously equipped by the above. , if they also join...

Without any hesitation, the group simply surrendered.

Originally, it was common for demons to be at odds with each other, and loyalty was always very low, so there was not much of a psychological burden, but they were easily subdued by Jie and others.

Dai Li didn't pay attention to them, and was about to leave with Murong Qiushui in his arms.

Xie Ru suddenly said: "Huo Jiangli was right what he said just now. Sir Misdai, Murong Qiushui is also a companion of us who participated in the Qishan Road assessment. It's not good for you to take him away like this, Master Qixu." The order must be for the Qishan Road assessment, do you still insist on going your own way?"

He was even more worried that after taking Murong Qiu Shui away, this person would get all the treasures from Murong Qiu Shui. Wouldn't this person's strength be even higher? (To be continued)


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