A Queen

Chapter 1088: Return to the palace to plead guilty!

Chapter 1088

In other words, this is the difference between Xu Yidao and others and Xie Ru. The latter is always doubtful and worried, and does not want others to make progress. In Xu Yidao's place, he pays more attention to his own improvement, not to mention that he thinks this Misdai is very scary. , it seems unwise to provoke him now.

——Only the arrogant and cold Xie Ru dared.

This Misdai had gone to the inside of the Demon Palace, and Xie Ru was not afraid because of the Xie family.

Dai Li turned to look at him and found that the eyes of this man and Huo Jiangli seemed to be twinkling.

Oh, do you want to round her up after leaving here?

"What, you want to escort me back to the Demon Palace?"

Back to the Demon Palace? ! Everyone was stunned.

Xie Ru frowned and suddenly realized that Dai Li had arrived in front of him..

Dragging Murong Qiushui's body...

Wow, this speed!

Xie Ruyi frowned~~

Dai Li was in front of him, very close, and his voice spread far away, entering the eardrums of hundreds of thousands of people present.

"It's your turn to take care of the affairs of the Demon Palace? Who do you think you are?" If it was Dai Li who threatened Huo Jiangli and others before and used his power to suppress others, then now he is 200% arrogant towards Xie Ru malicious.

It's full of hostility and disgust.

By the way, people like Xiangxi Palace have always known that this person has a poisonous mouth, but they rarely use foul language so intuitively.

(⊙﹏⊙)b! Lin Jiangxue and others were all embarrassed. By the way, who was this person who was disliked by this guy and then scolded him?

He looks so much like Young Master Xie who was running rampant in Burning River and frightened many children!

Xie Ru's expression instantly distorted. He just happened to attack Dai Li who passed by him.

But he saw Dai Li Chaohuang speaking with a very natural expression and a calm tone.

"Would you like a drink?"

"Ha. I thought you had to pretend to be stupid in front of me." Huang's lips curled up.

"How can I... No matter how I change, I can't hide it from your eyes..." Dai Li glanced at the respectful and quiet people behind her.

It really has a lot of background.

"Really? How many times did I look at you when I came here, but you didn't even look at me... Sure enough, you've become ruthless as you grow up."

It feels like you changed diapers for me when I was a child.

"You are the one who suddenly changed your nationality and jumped to the west. Besides, you are not here to find me today."

Dai Li raised his eyebrows and sneered, and surprised many people with his familiar and casual conversation with Huang.

Why are these two familiar again?

The network of relationships between these people is so complicated!

"Then who do you think I'm here to see?" Huang chuckled.

"I haven't seen her yet... but if you are willing to have a drink with me, it will be later. I have to go back to the Demon Palace first."

"Go ahead"

Dai Li turned around, dragging Murong Qiushui with him. Suddenly he turned his head and glanced.

Cool, icy. Unruly, arrogant...

Passing by Xie Ru, Huo Jiangxue and other people who were hostile to her.

"You can't even tell who I am, so you have the nerve to jump out and scream...you must be brain-dead"

There was a pause. She showed a strange smile again, and seemed to say: "But Qishan Hall assesses companions and so on... After today, he will not be the same."

With a flick of her sleeves, Qiu Shuijun and the Vatican were all gone, and her people turned into lightning and disappeared instantly.

No one reacted for a while.

This person's two sentences contain a lot of information, let them digest it before talking...

But Dai Li, are you going to take over the entire Fenchuan enemy with your eyes that are full of murderous hatred?

The bystanders were so messy in the wind, so thoughtful and entangled, but people like Xiang Yunhong were smiling bitterly, not long ago. They also felt that the young prince of the Demon Palace was a lone warrior and that he was seeking death when he faced Murong Qiu Shui!

What now?

She has already contracted all the geniuses and strong men here, and even the internal Demon Palace competitors...

"It's so annoying to compare people to each other." Xiang Yunhong sighed quietly...

The people from Nanlin also mentioned this: "Actually, we stopped treating her as a human being many years ago."


The inexplicably hateful contractor is gone. The turmoil has stopped, but there are more people around the piano courtyard. They have not forgotten the piano fighting competition in the piano courtyard during the Luoshui Festival!

What about the outcome of the seven-pair betting match? And what about first place in the game?

The monks flew into the piano courtyard one by one. Qin Ji said a few words to Lan Zhiyou and others, and these people went to tally the results.

People like Su Li are still here, it's just about the results. It doesn’t necessarily have to be known.

Zhongli Guiwan didn't care about this, but looked at the sky. The red flame has dissipated.

Huang's departure was as smooth as her arrival.

But she seemed to hear the woman in black speaking slowly and without covering up to Dong Guo Ziyi.

"Looks like I have a rival."


Before Dai Li returned to the Demon Palace, the Demon Palace had actually received the news. There were quite a few adults in the Demon Palace who had mentioned Fenchuan. When they heard the news, they thought they had heard it wrong. After several attempts to confirm it, they got the news. It was only after Huo Jiangli's men sent a message that it was confirmed.

It's impossible not to be angry, but it's not because Dai Li killed Murong Qiushui himself, but because they don't know anything about this Misdai!

The Demon Palace can allow the people below to fight, but it cannot tolerate them fighting without knowing who they are!

So the hall was in chaos at the moment.

It can be mentioned here that due to the unique practice methods and styles of the Demon Palace, three types of people can be formed.

One, the fiery, arrogant and belligerent one, that is, the one who is waving his fists and yelling and complaining endlessly.

Second, the cold, sinister, sinister and calm person, that is, sitting peacefully drinking tea and talking about what you had for lunch...

Third, those who can easily change between fierce and belligerent and sinister and calm, such as Gong Zangxue at the moment.

In such a strange hall, Chun Shisanniang was drinking tea calmly, with Gong Zangxue next to her. She was very sure that this girl was already in a state of trance. So she pulled her sleeves and reminded: "Little bow"

Gong Zangxue turned away expressionlessly, why?

"Someone asked you if Misdai is one of yours."

Gong Zangxue looked over. It's the deputy palace of Shachuan Palace...Zha Zhenhai.

Murong Qiushui was promoted by him single-handedly, and he was regarded as his teammate. At the moment, among the people here, Zha Zhenhai was undoubtedly the most angry.

However, this man has always been sinister, and while drinking tea, he asked politely.

"She was the one who killed Chuan Dian. You asked me if she was mine...Are you provoking me or teasing yourself?"

Gong Zangxue's unemotional and rude retort made Zha Zhenhai's face darken, and those who were noisy or watching the show on the wall looked silently.

Ah. It's time to fight!

However, Beauty Gong’s style is as impressive as ever.

"When this person completed the four hundred tasks, you were the one who covered it up. Otherwise, I would not be able to find out her identity. It is ridiculous to say that the person I killed in the Sichuan Palace was actually protected by your Divine Gong Palace... It seems that This person is not suitable for me to kill Chuan Dian." Zha Zhenhai sneered and directly carved a label of cheating on Dai Li's forehead.

This counterattack is also very sharp.

Gong Zangxue frowned. Thoughtful... In fact, it was Chun Shisanniang who helped cover up Daili, but this woman had a dark heart and disguised her troops, and she didn't know what An was thinking.

When everyone thought Gong Zangxue was silent and submissive...

She said.

"You mean you don't want her to stay in Shachuan Palace?"

Nonsense, of course that’s what it means! After all, they are not my team!

But... can I just say this?

Zha Zhenhai narrowed his eyes and said calmly: "Even if you feel that someone who is so unruly and has no heart in Shachuan is still a human being, don't stay in Shachuan."

The meaning of these words is already very obvious: expulsion.

Gong Zangxue raised his eyebrows and smiled in a very strange way.

Chun Shisanniang gently held her forehead and sighed quietly.

The others had different expressions, and I didn't know what they were thinking...

There are more than twenty people here, several of whom are deputy hall masters. The palace master would not deal with this kind of thing, but they still felt that Zha Zhenhai's decision was hasty. At least you have to see someone before you tell me...

"Report~~~" Suddenly a subordinate called.

"My lords, outside... Your Excellency Misdai is back," the man said after considering his words.

"Huh? I'm back!"

Many adults were surprised. Zha Zhenhai stood up and sneered: "You are quite brave, you dare to come back..."

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw someone walking into the front hall.

exactly. It was a man dragging someone along.

Um, is this Misdai?

Looks very ordinary...

Dai Li raised his eyes and glanced over. The first person he saw was Zha Zhenhai, the only one standing.

This is Murong Qiushui's old godfather.

Raising his eyebrows, Dai Li threw Murong Qiushui at Zha Zhenhai's feet. Many of the deputy palace masters and other senior managers who were watching the show stared wide-eyed.

That... did this kid do it on purpose?

Just as Zha Zhenhai was about to have a fit, Dai Li stopped him and said, "I heard that because I had a fight with Murong Qiushui and knocked him unconscious, I will be expelled from the Sichuan Palace?"

After a pause, Dai Li raised his eyebrows: "It turns out that the rumors outside about the freedom of competition within the Demon Palace are just to tease me. If I had known this, I would definitely not dare to touch Murong Qiu Shui."

These two paragraphs are so numb, and they don't fit this man's sallow and dull face.

But as soon as it comes up, check Zhenhai’s excuse!

If I do this to you, it’s because I’m showing favoritism!

He also adhered to the usual rules of the Demon Palace...

Zha Zhenhai's expression was suffocated... Just as he was about to speak, he was blocked again.

"Who is your Excellency?"

Don't be too cold in your tone.

Zha Zhenhai pulled a face and said coldly: "I am the deputy palace master of Shachuan, and you are the one..."

That Misdai who beat Murong Qiushui like a dog and then dragged him back all the way?

Zha Zhenhai really couldn't say such a slap in the face, so he gritted his teeth and said, "Are you the Misdai who rashly attacked Murong Qiu Shui and let others see my devil palace joke?"

"Master Cha, what you mean is that the Demon Palace suffered ridicule and ridicule because of this? So the Demon Palace is so fragile? Before I was pulled into the Demon Palace... Unfortunately, I have different views from Master Cha on this point. I have always been I feel that the Demon Palace is rough-skinned and thick-bodied and can withstand the righteous path and withstand internal friction."

Everyone present felt that Colleague Cha was blocked again. (To be continued)


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