A Queen

Chapter 1089 **Professional households

Chapter 1089

By the way, am I the only one who thinks that when this person calls Master Cha, he sounds like a scumbag...

What an obvious tease.

Zha Zhenhai took a deep breath, clenched his fists slightly, and regained his momentum...

"Sharp teeth and sharp tongue. As expected, you won't obey my discipline at Killing Chuan Palace... Don't you know that he is a contestant in the Qishan Road assessment? This is a major event in my Demon Palace. Now that you have caused Murong Qiu Shui to be seriously injured, I don't know if he can participate in the next one." Assessment..."

After he finished speaking, the man in front of him had already replied clearly and crisply under his pressure.

"Master Cha, there is no need to worry..."

Forehead? Are you sure he's okay? It seems that you are a bit cautious in your approach...

"It must be too late to participate. He is already disabled. Even if he takes good care of him, he will still need at least a month of training."

Upon hearing this, Zha Zhenhai's face turned blue.


All the adults here were squirting!

"Hahaha" a rough man slapped his thigh and laughed: "Haha, you are so funny... so funny!"

It's more overconfident than interesting.

Ridiculously confident.

An elegant middle-aged man in black in front was drinking tea and suddenly asked: "Misdai, you haven't said why you were so cruel to Murong Qiu Shui."

Although there are constant fights in the Demon Palace, those who are so ruthless at this critical moment are either stupid or have ulterior motives.

Dai Li looked at this person and quickly retrieved the information of some high-level adults in the Demon Palace. Then he compared the seating arrangement of these people present.

Each of the eight halls of the Demon Palace has different titles of office. However, both the hall master and the deputy hall master are necessary, but there is only one hall master, but there are many deputy hall masters. From two to more than a dozen.

Shachuan Palace is the weakest, with two, but the other palace masters are far more powerful.

After thinking for a moment, Dai Li quickly guessed the identity of this person.

——Duanze, one of the eight auxiliary halls of Wanhuo.

His status and strength are indeed the highest among the auxiliary halls here.

This person is not comparable to Zha Zhenhai.

Because Duan Ze spoke, the others also lost their smiles and turned to look at Dai Li seriously.

If there is no reasonable reason, the crime of disrupting the Qishan Road assessment is not a small one.

Zha Zhenhai sneered. Let’s see what excuse you can come up with. I can’t get rid of this crime!

"A carrot and a pit. If I don't pull Murong Qiushui out, how can I replace him?"

The adults in the Demon Palace present thought of countless reasons, but they were stunned that it was the simplest reason and she had to say it so directly.

Duan Ze was stunned. Then he raised his eyebrows: "You mean you attacked him because you wanted to replace him?"


"Then why did you choose this period? Don't you know how much impact this has on our Shachuan Palace? Because of you, the Qishan Road Assessment..." These words were poured out by Zha Zhenhai impatiently...

Dai Li glanced at him sideways and said, "It's just because this period is the best..."

Forehead? Zha Zhenhai didn't react for a while, but Duan Ze and others' eyes flashed, this person couldn't be...

"What I want is the qualification for the Qishan Road Examination! And obviously... I am more suitable than Murong Qiushui."

The scene became silent for a moment. The muscles on Zha Zhenhai's face trembled a few times and he suddenly sneered: "It's just you?!"

"Otherwise, who else will kill Chuan?" Dai Li's rhetorical question was so short and sharp. Zha Zhenhai was silent for a while.

Dai Li then said calmly: "In terms of personal strength, if I can defeat him once, I can defeat him countless times. In terms of command ability. His Qiu Shui Army has been destroyed by me, and the Demon Palace has always been dominated by the strong... I am just Just being in the right place at the right time and decisively complying with the purpose of the Demon Palace..."

"You are not in compliance with the rules..." One person said something. According to their interests, it would not be beneficial for them to have such a person in Shachuan Palace to take part in the assessment.

"There is only one rule in the Demon Palace," Dai Li said with a deadpan expression.

"Everything has the final say based on strength."

Can you imagine a subordinate saying such words with such a pressing posture? For a moment, everyone present felt like they were being filmed.

Duan Ze narrowed his eyes. He took another sip of tea: "So, can you tell me the martial arts you used to defeat Murong Qiu Shui? Is it a martial arts scroll?"

It seems that this news is not unusual for the senior officials of the Demon Palace.


"Three volumes complete?"

"No, one volume is complete and two volumes are rubbings."

"I remember that the message you passed to our Demon Palace was that only a complete Tao scroll can exert the true power of the Tao scroll, but the power of your incomplete martial arts is not only that..."

This Duan Ze really has two brushes!

Dai Li's eyes flickered and he said: "The strength of the power does not depend on whether the martial arts scroll is complete or not, but on the person."

With a glance, Dai Li smiled slowly: "My martial arts talent is enough to make up for some incomplete martial arts attainments... I wonder if you are satisfied with this answer?"

Not dissatisfied, but scary!

When everyone heard this, their expressions changed, especially Zha Zhenhai, whose forehead veins throbbed...

"You mean you can significantly simulate and complete two incomplete volumes of martial arts?" Duan Ze finally lost his composure, put the tea cup on the table, and asked seriously.

"It can be said that" although it is because of Tianchen's soul refining... it can be regarded as the growth of our soul...

Dai Li is not talking nonsense.

Quiet, everything was quiet. No matter how stupid Zha Zhenhai was, he knew that the situation in front of him was out of his control. This Misdai was no longer something she could easily touch.

But he didn't understand why a low-level disciple would behave like this... It was strange, really strange.

It was quiet for a moment, maybe ten breaths.

No one present spoke, but Dai Li heard a voice echoing in the hall.

"The candidates for the Qishan Road assessment of Shachuan Palace must be replaced!"

Just one sentence and nothing more. Many people present stood up and nodded, "No"

Feeling that the person was gone, Duan Ze raised his head. When he turned to look at Dai Li, he was heartbroken. The boy's expression didn't seem to be surprised at all by the appearance of the palace master.

"Mistai, the master of the palace agrees."

He actually agreed...many people had complex thoughts and complex expressions, but there was also no shortage of people who were curious and appreciative of Dai Li.

The performance is outstanding!

"Yes" Dai Li nodded and was about to turn around and leave.

"Do you know who that person was just now?" Duan Ze suddenly asked.

"One palace is in charge of one thing, and it can suppress all the adults in terms of status. It must be the only way to kill the master of Sichuan Palace," Dai Li replied.

"I thought you had already seen that the palace master is here." Duan Ze's words were a bit scary and profound, which shocked the people next to him. Brother Duan, stop talking nonsense...it's scary.

How much cultivation level does this kid have? Can he feel the presence of the Palace Master?

"Dare not" Dai Li lowered his eyes, his eyes darkened.

What an invulnerable slick guy. Duan Ze took a deep look at Dai Li and secretly kept the person in mind while waving his hand: "Okay, you can go down and wait for the notice."

In fact, the Demon Palace wants to argue with Qishan Pavilion and change the candidate... Listen to what this kid just said... Did she deliberately choose the location of the trouble to be at the Qinyuan and the Falling Water Festival?

In order to make the matter bigger and unable to cover it up, causing Murong Qiu Shui to be seriously injured and unable to participate in the competition, should we first take a precaution?

Is this guy planning everything? Not so evil!

Duan Ze was a little unsure for a moment, but thinking about how the palace master of Shachuan was so simply replaced. Obviously he is very optimistic about this person, otherwise he would not abandon Murong Qiu Shui so simply...

While Duan Ze was deep in thought, he and everyone heard what Dai Li said before leaving.

"That's right. Sirs, if you succeed in arguing with Qishan Hall, you must not write the name of the new contestant of Shachuan Hall as Misdai."


What do you mean by this?

Not participating?

Then you were having sex before?

Just when the adults in the audience felt that they were being teased again, Dai Li wiped his face with his palm, revealing a face that was completely different from the ordinary sallow face before.

"Because my name is Jun Zili..."

The corner of his mouth curled up and he smiled. she left.

That stunning beauty stunned the entire hall and confused the minds of all the adults.

She...disguised herself!

But they are at least king-level people. No one noticed it!


At that moment, the same thought filled their hearts.

——Shachuan Palace This is where an incredible evildoer comes. (Do you think this kind of teasing is cool?)

From the beginning to the end, Chun and Gong, the new and talented Demon Palace Shaohou whom they suspected, never said a word.

They are the most incompetent thighs and the most competent background.

They were so calm, comfortable, and quiet as they watched the handsome man hugging their thighs teasing these superior adults over and over again...

Oh, you were teased? normal...

Because we have all been teased, let alone you.


Jiang is still old and spicy. In fact, what Duan Ze suspected before was right. What he did in Qinyuan during the Luoshui Festival, almost everyone in Fenchuan knew about it again...

——Hehe, for those who know Daili, they all know that this guy is like this, always able to do things that the entire Demon Palace knows~~

Now that everything is known, the question arises. I heard that Comrade Misdai is going back to surrender?

Dead or not?

The people who had spent a lot of time came to the front of the Demon Palace. Of course, not everyone can enter the Holy Land. The main reason is that the various relationships of the big forces are operating, and various spies are coming...

I actually saw this man dragging Murong Qiu Shui's "corpse" into the residence in a grand manner, and then...

Three hours later...

They saw a man walking out wearing a black coat, black tights and wooden clogs.

"I'm coming!"


Short hair, black clothes, clogs!



The face is different!

"It's not him, this person is that Junzi Li..."

"No wonder, I don't think so, otherwise he could still come out of this intact?"

"It's just Jun Zili, she finally showed up!" (To be continued)


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