A Queen

Chapter 1090: Don’t let the beauty be in trouble (Shao Si Ming Chen Yu Ling’s favor + eight)

Chapter 1090

Compared with Misdai, who had just caused such a big incident, Jun Zili seemed to be on a lower level, but this did not prevent her from being regarded as a good source of information for everyone, so many spies looked straight at the face of Jun Zili who had recovered. Dai Li shook his short, flying hair and Shi Shiran walked out of the Demon Palace...

The pair of wooden clogs were like hot wheels under his feet, very fortress.

On the tall building on the other side, Chun Shisanniang watched Dai Li leave feeling refreshed after taking a bath and changing some clothes.

Yu Linglong chuckled at the side: "She did this very beautifully... unexpectedly beautifully."

Chun Shisanniang raised her eyebrows and said with a long tail voice: "No, that's not true. I thought I needed to take action... Unexpectedly, I told her a little information, and she took care of it all by herself."

"You sound very proud..."

"No... who made her my mistress~~"


It was already dusk when Dai Li saw Huang again. The sunset reflected on Huang's body made him look more and more like a blood-like cinnabar mole, so beautiful that everything faded away.

I always feel like this person has lifted a veil and revealed his true self...

In the past in Daxia, this person was more dignified and low-key, but now... he's a little wild, but he doesn't look like an ordinary person anyway.

This ordinary tavern was empty except for a man sitting on the balcony, bathing in the sunshine.

"What, you opened this store?"

“I just packed it”

Ah. Booking a store in Fenchuan is no small feat.

"Are you showing off that you are rich?" Dai Li sat down and poured himself a glass.

"You wouldn't dare in front of the first genius of Shachuan Palace." Huang put a hand on the railing. The long nails are well-groomed.

Dai Li raised his eyebrows and said, "It seems that you have lived a good life these years."

Huang smiled, "So for what happened to you, it would be too bullying if I said my condolences, right?"

"I don't mind this... Anyway, you can just pay for the drink."

"How dare the person who first proposed drinking have the nerve to say this?"

The two looked at each other,

Suddenly he laughed.

Although the years have passed, they have all changed a lot, but fortunately some of them have not changed. At least they could still drink together.

But after having a drink, Dai Li said, "Didn't you see Qianshan? Didn't she follow you to the west?"

Huang was surprised. Then he laughed: "You actually think that she will follow me?"

"I think so. You have always been unable to do anything to her." Dai Li's words were a bit irritating. Huang narrowed his eyes: "I thought she would come to see you."

"You overestimate me..." Dai Li lowered his eyes, "I have never seen her. Maybe she went to a large group area..."

Dai Li's words made Huang's heart skip a beat, and the look he stared at Dai Li became unpredictable. Could it be that this guy knew something?

After drinking in silence for a while, Dai Li said: "Since you are already from the west side, you are also an examiner, right?"


"Then please show no mercy when we meet again in the future."

"Haha, I thought I had to say this." Huang took a sip of the strong wine, and her body felt a little hot.

"I never put beauty in trouble"

Huang smiled, a bright smile, just like that year in Daxia. The laughter that night in the Fairy Palace.

"You always do that"

"Lianxiangxiyu has never changed. No wonder she treats you differently."

"Cherishing beauty and cherishing jade? Do you think that woman from Qianshan can give me this chance?" Dai Li rolled his eyes and complained, paused, and glanced at Huang with an angry look. "But why do I feel a little bit sour when I hear what you say~~"

I hate your sister!

"Go away, or you'll have to pay for the drinks later..."

Dai Li stood up decisively, walked a few steps, and suddenly thought of something, turned around and asked, "Can you tell me the origin of the beautiful woman in black wearing a veil?"

Perhaps this is one of her strongest opponents.

Huang seemed to accidentally mention this person for Daili, that is...

"How do you know she is a beauty? She can't be ugly?"

"To me. Every woman is a beauty."

Haha~~ Are such loving and affectionate words really good coming from a woman?

Huang picked up the small wine glass with both hands and sipped it with squinted eyes.

"I know her name is Mo Yao...if she's not at the king level. It's best not to mess with her." I guess there must be some people who don't know how to pronounce this word, just like myself...pronounce it with me~, the same pronunciation Mo Yao or Mo Yao)

"You can provoke me when you reach the king level?"

"You can mess with it, but the consequences will be more serious."


This girl has a deep background. Dai Li turned around and left thoughtfully.

After Dai Li left, several people appeared behind Huang.

"This friend of the master is very special...she just discovered us"

"Of course it's not simple..." Huang's expression was a little dark, without any trace of the smile before.

The wine is poured from the spout into the cup...

"None of the few people who came out of Daxia are simple."

A glass of wine, drank in one gulp.

The wine glass fell on the table, completely shattered, and her eyes were filled with murderous intent.

"Check again...I don't believe she is really dead! She will definitely come here..."



Everything in the piano academy was over, and the students left one by one.

Now, sitting quietly in the dusk, I feel a bit of gentle and beautiful tranquility, but also a bit of a lonely feeling after the song ends.

There were many people in the courtyard, but there was only one girl playing the piano in the pavilion.

Her eyes were a little blurry and distant.

As the sound of the piano drifts farther and farther...

This harp is neither fast nor slow, but it stretches endlessly. It is deeper and heavier than the water of Luoshui, and it is farther and closer than the sunset on the horizon.

The sound of the piano suddenly faded away, and then died.

Lan Zhiyou, who was not far away, suddenly smiled and waved his hand, causing the people nearby to move away.

I just wondered in my heart who the person who suddenly appeared...

She actually...

Qinji felt a slight touch on her head...

A not broad but slender and cool hand fell on her head. Caressing gently...

"Qinji..Thank you for your hard work."

A very gentle tone.

Qin Ji turned her head and paused when she saw Dai Li standing behind her. The corners of his mouth are faintly smiling, and his eyebrows and eyes are as curved as the moon.

She said slowly: "I remember the young master said that it doesn't matter how long you wait...it's just that you won't be able to wait."

"Fortunately I waited"

Qinji is the person who has followed Daili for the longest time. When her relatives are almost dead and her only cousin has not yet met, she must be a grain of cinnabar in Daili's heart.

Dai Li sighed slightly: "Fortunately, you are still fine... They..." Dai Li darkened his eyes and sat next to Qin Ji. Talk to her.

It doesn't necessarily require too many exciting and moving voices, they just ask each other about their experiences over the years...

No need to cover up either.

Because we all know that the past three years will not be easy for the other party.

Watching the two people dimly dimmed in the dusk light from a distance. Lan Zhiyou leaned against the wall, and Montaigne next to her stretched out his hand to touch her head.

"Junior brother is finally back...are you happy?"

Lan Zhiyou was stunned for a moment, then turned to look at Montaigne with a strange expression: "Why do I think there is something in your words..."

"...." Montaigne was embarrassed. That's what I'm asking, what's wrong...

"Where did you think you were?"

Lan Zhiyou's expression was suffocated, she lowered her eyes and secretly thought that she would never let Montaigne and Fu Chong stay together in the future. Such good men have been led astray...


When there was only the last glow of sunset left in the sky, it was time for dinner, and the moving aroma drifted from the huge and ethereal piano courtyard, replacing the ethereal piano sounds of the past.

The person who walked into the Qinyuan at this moment paused and had a slightly strange expression.

Walk in and take a look...

There is a large round table on the water platform near the water. On the bright table are plates of delicious food with all colors and flavors.

The food was extraordinary.

——Spirit fire delicacies.

A man stands by the water. With his back turned to them, his fingertips were filled with lightning, and a yellow fire suspended in his palm was being cooked into delicious food step by step...

"Okay. The last set."

Dai Li turned around, flicked his fingertips, and dropped the plate of yellow fire delicacies on the table, and said with a smile: "This plate is called love at first sight..."

The plate was dropped on the table, but Dai Li was stunned.

Qin Ji turned around and looked. He saw a woman in plain clothes standing in front of the stage with a calm expression, holding a stack of piano scores in her hand.

Standing brightly. There was a slightly strange light in his eyes.

She looked at Dai Li, then turned her eyes briefly to Qin Ji, and smiled slightly: "I'm here to return this manuscript. Excuse me."

"You say that, which makes me feel embarrassed... Gui Wan." Qin Ji stepped forward and took the manuscript. She gently held Zhong Li's hand and walked over. She was about to introduce Dai Li, but was replaced by Dai Li. Far from the lead.

"Hello, girl, I am Qin Ji's old friend. Today I reunited after a long absence. I am a little presumptuous, so please forgive me."

She could see that Zhongli Guiwan had a good relationship with Qin Ji, but Qin Ji was now the master of the piano courtyard. If she told others that she was the master, it would be a slight to herself, and Dai Li did not want to do this.

What's more, Zhongli Guiwan, whose status is so valuable, still takes turns with Qin Ji as her equal, why should she lower Qin Ji's status?

Qin Ji was so smart, she understood the intention of Dai Li, so she softened a little, looked at Zhong Li Gui Wan, and said softly: "I told you...she is it."

Did you say that? What did you say?

Dai Li was stunned for a moment, and then saw Zhongli Guiwan, who was originally indifferent and gentle, showing a slightly warm smile and said: "When I first met Qin Ji, she often mentioned that she had the most important relative in her life, but she could live and die together. , it must be you...Nice to meet you, I am Zhongli Guiwan."


Do you still have any relatives after your family is destroyed?

Qinji, you understand me best after all.

Daili smiled: "Nice to meet you, I am Junzili."

I don’t know if this person saw that she was Misdai, but it didn’t matter if he didn’t.


Zhongli Guiwan is not a talkative and curious person, but she is definitely a considerate person. Regarding the relationship between Daili and Qinji, she didn’t ask a single word. She was not far away from Qinji when she invited him to stay for dinner. It was very natural to accept it, and I didn’t feel rigid because of Daili’s existence. Instead, I gave a few words of praise to Daili’s cooking skills, and nothing else happened after that.. (To be continued)


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