A Queen

Chapter 1091 Professional ** girl for a lifetime

Chapter 1091

However, Dai Li learned the results of the previous piano duel from Lan Zhiyou and others.

"I didn't expect Xiangxi Palace to lose to Zi Weiyang..." Lan Zhi sighed sadly. For Xiangxi Palace, he is still very famous in the world, much more famous than Zi Weiyang who rarely enters the world.

Dai Li chuckled lightly. The woman from the Xiangxi Palace was good at calculations. Her beautiful fingers were better at playing the abacus than playing the piano. Even if she was good at the piano, she couldn't compare to the mysterious Zi Weiyang... But for those few A gambling match, the result is quite interesting.

Dongguo Ziyi and Master Liu tied, the results of Xu Yidao and Xie Ruo, and Xue Zhiyu and Fu Ruoshui were unknown and not made public. However, Ming Taihe defeated Hua Gulong, and then Mingjian and E Hongyuan.

"The famous sword has not been defeated, but E Hongyuan has not won either, so it should be considered a draw."

"It's interesting that there are so many draws." Dai Li took a sip of wine and squinted his eyes. Draws are the most special kind of game results. They are often accompanied by great accidents, but in her opinion... they are usually intentional. .

"Then what about the first place? The one who can go to Qinhuang Pavilion Huangyin Cave..."

Could it be Suli? still..

"That person is the first one." The person who answered Daili was Zhongli Guiwan.

It is indeed Mo Yao.

Dai Li glanced at her and smiled without saying a word.

comfort? That's too fake. The people in Qinhuang Pavilion need comfort?

As the night grew darker, Zhongli stood up to say goodbye. As he left, he glanced at Daili... Daili thought that this woman was distant and indifferent on the surface. After all, I am still a little curious about her, and maybe now I am wondering if she will take the opportunity to stay overnight.

After all, she is now a man and has a good relationship with Qin Ji. So...

"It's late at night, Qin Ji, I have to leave too..."

"Okay... then I'll trouble you to send Gui Wan off." Qin Ji's words made Zhong Li Gui Wan stunned, and then chuckled: "Even if it's dark, I don't think anyone would dare to take action against me."

She still has her own confidence and pride.

"No matter how strong or weak it is, it is every woman's privilege to be sent home safely." Dai Li had already picked up the robe on the back of the chair and rolled it on his arm, "Let's go."

A subtle strength that cannot be rejected.


Qinhuang Pavilion is in the Holy Land, and the Demon Palace that Dai Li is going to is also in the Holy Land. We were traveling together, in the dead of night. The huge pavilions and halls of Qinhuang Pavilion are bathed in silver moonlight, dotted with lights in the pavilion, and the faint sound of the piano is dotted... very intoxicating.

In the water garden of Champs Elysees in front of Qinhuang Pavilion. Two figures fell.

"I'm sorry to trouble you, Mr. Jun." Zhongli Guiwan nodded slightly.

"You're welcome, let's go in." Dai Li smiled faintly and watched Zhongli Guiwan turn around...

They didn't have much of a friendship, they were just acquaintances at most, so they didn't have much to say goodbye.

After such a brief contact, Dai Li also knew that Zhongli Guiwan was the young master of the Qinhuang Pavilion. His own strength was unpredictable, his heart was brilliant, and he looked at people like water. He can be seen through easily, he is exquisite and translucent, and he is the kind that is very difficult to make friends with. And how much she was polite to him didn't ignore how much it was just to give Qin Ji face.

But Daili was probably a little grateful to Zhongli Guiwan, so he was so friendly and sent him home... (I'll knock you down, just to make him look good).

But thanks is thanks, and she won't come up to her and say thank you for taking care of our Qinji...

If you say it but don't do it, then it's nonsense, so why bother saying it.

And just when Zhongli Guiwan turned around and left. While Dai Li was watching, two people also walked out of the gate of Qinhuang Pavilion.

Unfortunately. Face to face.

Su Li was obviously very surprised that her senior sister was actually with a man!

This man is actually her!

Dai Li was also surprised, because the person next to Su Li...

Black clothes and veil.

Mo Yao.

Mo Yao saw her and looked at her intently, his eyes deep and playful.

Su Li, on the other hand, watched Zhongli return home...

Very good, Daili and the two have experienced what it means - the feeling of being suspected when you have a relationship.

Zhongli Guiwan was very calm, walked forward, and smiled at him: "Within one day, your Excellency only spent less than half a day... It's amazing."

"Excuse me, but I just went in and learned a lot..." Different from Zhongli Guiwan's elegance and gentleness, Mo Yao's voice was slightly hoarse, and it was the ultimate lazy and sexy voice. Even a woman felt very excited when she heard such a voice. It is easy for the mind to be slightly agitated.

Zhongli Guiwan smiled slightly, and was about to say something when he heard the man add something profound: "But I think now is the time to really see..."

She laughed and walked away.

This is somewhat interesting.

Before leaving, Zhongli Guiwan felt that the man's eyes had passed her and fell on the man behind.

Then leave.

Does a gentleman leave...

Su Li stepped forward and looked at Dai Li: "Want to come in and sit for a while?"

"Are you inviting me?" Daili smiled.

"Perhaps I'm inviting you on behalf of my uncle," Su Li said calmly.

"That's not necessary...it's not good to be alone at night..." Dai Li's words made Su Li and Zhong Li Guiwan stunned. After Dai Li left, they realized that this guy had actually become the two of them. Humanly, I teased the piano master uncle of Flower of the High Mountain.

It was also the first time that Zhongli Guiwan knew that her junior sister was actually related to Daili, but she also knew Junzili's reputation. When she thought about it carefully, it suddenly dawned on Linglonghui, and she smiled: "No wonder you said Junzili is Interesting people..interesting indeed”

To be able to be valued so highly by Qin Ji, coupled with Uncle Qin Master's attitude... he is probably not an ordinary vulgar swinger.

"I think if I get along with her for a long time, it won't be interesting anymore."


Su Li didn't say much, just glanced at Zhongli Guiwan and shrugged: "Anyway, I think senior sister, you don't want to get along with this person more... As a woman, you will never get along well by her side..."


Zhongli returned home thoughtfully. Without asking, he entered Qinhuang Pavilion with Su Li.


Dai Li went to the Taishou Cave again and released Jie and others. Dai Li saw the Scorpion fighting on the plain with the Vatican.

"Is the matter done?" Scorpion ran over and landed on Dai Li's shoulders.


"Has anyone been killed?"

"Can't kill... His identity is still there... It's a pity." Dai Li touched his chin and didn't stay much. He met Li Qing and others, said a few words, and left with the Scorpion.

It's not that she can't stay here, but the imperial edict has to be conveyed to the Demon Palace. At least she has to stay in the Demon Palace these few days.

But she didn't expect that she would be left waiting again.

And there are still two people.

"Um...Miss Xiang, Miss Xue. It's so late at night...it's really embarrassing for you two to come to me together."

Can you not speak?

Xiangxi Palace looked like a fish in the snow. She curled her hair and smiled: "It's okay, I don't mind waiting for you for a while. Who told us to have a good relationship..."

Then walked away.

Snow Fish looked calm. After leaving the Xiangxi Palace, he got straight to the point: "What price do I need to pay to let you share the real martial arts scroll, the complete..."

This woman is really direct.

Dai Li narrowed his eyes and touched his chin: "If I say what I want, will you definitely give it to me?"

Don't look too obscene in that look.

The usually calm Snow Fish frowned and looked at her: "Are you sure you want to take advantage of me in this regard?"

"Which aspect? Can you explain it more clearly?"


Can you be even meaner?

Seeing that Xue Zhiyu became more and more silent, but the light in his eyes flickered... Dai Li's expression stiffened, and he rolled his eyes: "I'm thinking about killing people again, seizing treasures, and then destroying the corpses to eliminate traces."

"Yeah" Snow Fish nodded.

Haha, this woman is really...

"You should know that we are now considered competitors. Would I be stupid enough to share my advantages with my opponents?"

"As far as I know, you have given Tao scrolls to others more than once..."

"That's not someone else, it's one of my own. It's my person, aren't you!"

Um... Xuezhiyu realized later that he had been teased again. He twisted his eyes and sighed softly: "That's why I asked you where the bottom line of the transaction is. I need to weigh whether I can get it, even if the price is not small. .”

I really don’t want to give up...so persistent.

Dai Li looked her up and down. The look in his eyes was a bit revealing... which made Snow Fish's originally calm expression gradually become unnatural.

The main reason is that this person's eyes are too aggressive...

"It seems that I am delusional...Sorry to bother you." Snow Fish finally realized that he had done the biggest stupid thing since he was a child.

She actually sent herself in front of this nasty guy. He also took the initiative to contribute his initiative.

Snow Fish is about to leave...

"Look, I can't bear to look at you like this a few times. How dare you pay a big price..." Dai Li's ridicule made Xue Zhiyu stop in his tracks.

"If you don't have the slightest intention to trade, then you don't have the capital to make fun of me..." Snow Fish said calmly.

"If you weren't very talented in martial arts and so eager for martial arts scrolls, you wouldn't have sent yourself to me..."

Regarding Daili's speculation, Xue Zhiyu did not ignore it, but said deeply: "Compared to you who can complete the incomplete martial arts scroll, I feel ashamed."

"It's easy to say...but it's not impossible for me to share some complete martial arts scrolls with you."

"What are the conditions?" Snow Fish said with a solemn expression.

"I want you..."

Snow Fish's expression suddenly changed...

After taking a breath, her face calmed down, and she looked at Daili with a sly smile on his face and said word by word: "Is this... interesting to you?"

"Yes" is such a heartless reply.

A professional who flirts with girls for the rest of his life...

Dai Li smiled so brightly that he flicked off the peach blossom petals on the top of the peach blossom tree next to him, "Hey, a complete martial arts scroll cannot be printed. It is mainly about realm perception. I can only teach you... But I Tuition required”

"Say..." Xue Zhiyu was as direct as ever, but immediately added: "Be more serious" (to be continued)


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