A Queen

Chapter 1092: You are allowed to find a few more people (Tiaoxi is the one who is blocked)

Chapter 1092

"I want spiritual blood, a lot of spiritual blood, as much as you want... I will weigh how much you can give and I will teach you how much."

After saying that, she looked at Snow Fish, but found that Snow Fish's expression was strange.

"What. Can't do it?"

"No..." Xue Zhiyu looked at Dai Li.

"I just feel that your conditions are much more relaxed than I expected. I thought..."

"You still think you need to sell your appearance? Are you thinking too much... What kind of person am I? Even if I am... I may not like you... You have a vicious mouth and a dark heart, and especially like to kill people and silence them. Although She has a nice face and a good figure, but..."

Snow Fish has turned around and left.

Snow is flying all over me...it feels so cold...

Until many years later, the Snow Queen still regretted sending the sheep into the tiger's mouth today...

Very good, I finally got rid of one of them. Dai Li is satisfied, but he is not afraid of cultivating a strong enemy. Firstly, the woman Xue Zhiyu is one of the few promising young people she has not made enemies with (are you sure she has not made enemies?), and secondly First, she has no grudge against Wanxue Qunyu. Third, this woman is cold-faced and cold-hearted, but she is very principled. If you help her once, she will simply come to your side...

Besides, she said before, how strong the martial arts scroll is depends on who uses it and who learns it...

Speaking of which, it feels like a sudden counterattack to suppress the Snow Fish...

So cool!

"I still relish this and will never forget it. I told you that your taste is quite strong. You dare to eat such a high-end deep-sea snow fish as Snow Fish, and you are not afraid of freezing your teeth to pieces..." Xiangxi Palace complained while eating melon seeds. . Dai Li rolled his eyes at her: "That's better than your golden abacus. At least I still have meat. As for you...even if you're a pearl...one bite can stretch my teeth!"


"Hey, it seems that you are not in a good mood because you lost the bet with Zi Weiyang? Tell me, how much did you bet? How many dragon scales?"

"..." Xiangxi Palace's face turned dark as expected... he gritted his teeth, "Do you know it's a dragon scale?"

"You guessed it..." Dai Li took a melon seed from the woman's hand.

"Say quickly, how much!"

Xiangxi Palace flicked three melon seeds and fell into Dai Li's hand.

"Three hundred thousand? You guys are really stupid..."

Xiangxi Palace did not respond. With such an expressionless face... Dai Li shook his hand and asked tremblingly: "Three million?"

Xiangxi Palace's face turned dark.

"Haha" Dai Li laughed loudly and slapped his thigh: "That's right!"

Xiangxi Palace stood up, "I'm going to Qinghuanghai to talk to the beautiful woman about how her lover recently accompanied Zangxue and ate snow fish to see her off late, and she also planned to bite me..."


It was not easy to catch Xiangxi Palace. Dai Li curled his lips: "You can't come here just to let me tease you, right? After all, what do you want to do? Don't tell me that you want to join forces with me to ambush and knock down Zi Weiyang! This is too outrageous!"

Zi Weiyang is very strong...junior level? King level? Who knows...

"Why, are you afraid? You know you are afraid! Humph!"

"No," Dai Li said, "At least we need to call one or two more people...one is responsible for poisoning, two are responsible for laying hands, and the other one, haha, you know~~..."

Xiangxi Palace: "..."

Who is the evil profiteer?

"Okay, as brave as you are, you don't dare to move even if that woman is lying in front of you... I'm here to ask you to help me continue to extract the dragon essence."

"...How many dragon scales have you collected?" Dai Li was a little unbelievable.

"You don't care how much I charge... Anyway, this time is the same as last time. Three million dragon scales, six hundred thousand remuneration."

"Okay!" It was an easy transaction, and Dai Li was very happy to accept it.

Xiangxi Palace was obviously prepared. He gave all 3.6 million directly.

"Aren't you afraid that I will run away? I can't be imprisoned by you this time..."

"You run all the way, and I'll go find a beautiful woman and cry...I want double compensation..."


Xiangxi Palace left very simply, leaving melon seed peels all over the floor for Dai Li to clean up...

With a flick of his hand, the melon seed peels were turned into powder, and Dai Li sighed: "Women today are so rich and have such bad tempers, and are also greedy and unhygienic. How will they get married in the future..."

"It's the fault of us women that I bother you, Mr. Jun, to worry so much."

"Thank you. I just..." Dai Li's smiling face suddenly froze, and he turned around to look. When he saw the stunning purple under the row of peach blossom trees, he felt that the whole world was quiet.

"Uh...Senior Zi," someone shouted respectfully.

"I'm not used to jumping from girl to lord to senior all at once... or maybe... I'm getting old too fast?" Zi Weiyang's half-smiling expression made Dai Li's bones tingle, and he laughed. He said: "Where... Miss Zi has always been young and beautiful, but the night is long. Should Miss Zi come here to admire the moon or the peach blossoms?"

"Originally, I was waiting for someone, but the person waiting was too busy, so I had to wait forever..."


So, you hear it all the time?

Many thoughts flashed through Dai Li's mind. Her soul power was even more powerful than those of the deputy palace masters. Almost none of the people in Xiangxi Palace could see through her illusions and could not completely hide in front of her. But this Zi Weiyang was between the two of them. There was a silent presence beside them that they didn't realize...

what does that mean?

No wonder Xiangxi Palace lost.

"Haha, wait for me?" Dai Li wouldn't even mention the unbridled quarrel she had with Xiangxi Gongkou before.

"Well...three million dragon scales, can you help me extract the dragon essence?"

"Um..." Dai Li was just about to discuss the business seriously, but he saw Zi Weiyang smiling slightly and adding: "But I don't have any extra 600,000 to give you as reward..."

"No reward!" Dai Li said quickly: "It is my honor to serve Miss Zi, how can I ask for such a vulgar thing as reward!"

"Thank you very much..."

Zi Weiyang smiled happily. Stretching out his hand, with a ring between his fingertips, Dai Li hurriedly stretched out his hand.

Watch her gently place the ring in her hand. Ice and cold.

"I'm sorry," Zi Weiyang said and then faded away.

Dai Li breathed a sigh of relief.

Suddenly I heard something...

"If we want to join forces to overthrow Zi Weiyang, I'm afraid three or four of you won't be enough... She allows you to call a few more."

Zi Weiyang's brisk and long voice floated in the air..

Dai Li held onto the peach blossom tree next to him..


Dai Li returned to the residence of Shachuan Palace. If others looked at her with squinting eyes before, now they all lowered their heads and dared not look directly.

Murong Qiushui's era has passed.

"grown ups..."

"I've met Lord Jun"

When Dai Li was walking in the corridor, she was a bit unlucky and met Zha Zhenhai, but it seemed that this guy was waiting for her on purpose.

"Junzili" Zha Zhenhai stopped Daili. He was a little annoyed because this guy actually ignored him after seeing him!

"Is something wrong?" Daili's attitude was very cold. He didn't take Zha Zhenhai seriously at all.

The attendants nearby were all frightened. There were secret rumors that this new man was naturally unruly and did not take anyone seriously. Now it seemed that he was not just contemptuous. It’s as if the person doesn’t exist!

"This is your attitude towards the deputy palace master!" Zha Zhenhai was furious and wanted to kill the boy in front of him...

Dai Li crossed his arms across his chest, squinted his eyes, looked at Zha Zhenhai and smiled: "Although the Demon Palace also has a hierarchy, the weak are inferior and the strong are respected, but whatever you gain, you must lose something. For example, the deputy palace master has no power. Those who attack elite members in the palace can only do so with the permission of the palace master...and obviously. Your Excellency, you are not the palace master yet, and I happen to be the leader of the elite disciples of the Sichuan Palace."

Only after you understand the rules of the game can you play the whole game.

Although this Zha Zhenhai is not bad in terms of strength and status. But he is not a good gamer.

"You!" Zha Zhenhai knew that what Dai Li said was true, which made him even more annoyed. This kid is too hard to guard against and difficult to deal with...

After calming down his anger, Zha Zhenhai said slowly: "You don't have to be so hostile to me. After all, I am several levels higher than you now... It won't do much good for you to offend me like this... Murong Qiushui has already been You were injured. I don’t mind letting you take his place, and I will give you shelter. You..."

Before he could finish speaking, Dai Li interrupted him and said with a smile: "I have no plans to hug my thighs right now. Besides, even if I do, I don't think a deputy palace master's thighs will be thicker than the palace master's..."

"Even fishing for donkeys requires a carrot. Vice-Prince Zha, why don't you think about what benefits you can bring to me, otherwise..."

"I am very busy"

Daili just passed him and walked into his house, opened the door and opened it...

Zha Zhenhai's face was darker than the bottom of the pot.

There is something to do as soon as you enter and leave, "There are 6.6 million dragon scales in total...it will take a few days, Xiao Xie, come out quickly!"

Scorpion slowly crawled out of Dai Li's pocket, just in time to see Dai Li take out two rings, one from Xiangxi Palace, and the other... it pinched one over; "That one belongs to you, this one belongs to me... Division of labor Cooperation... Hey, this is from Xiangxi Palace? 3.6 million..."

"No, it belongs to Zi Weiyang, three million."

"No, it's 3.6 million," Scorpion retorted.

Forehead? Dai Li was stunned for a moment, looked at the two rings, and suddenly smiled bitterly.

Turns out you were just teasing me!

These sisters...

If they were going at the previous speed, these 7.2 million dragon scales would have taken the two of them at least nearly a month. However, now that Dai Li's strength has greatly improved and his soul has broken through, the efficiency has been greatly improved...


The quarrel between the Demon Palace and the Qishan Pavilion was private. Dai Li thought he would have to wait for several days, but he didn't expect it to be settled the next day.

Looking at the Qishan Road assessment certificates and notices placed on the table in front of him, Dai Li sighed softly: "The thighs of the Demon Palace are really thick... I can't hold them with both hands..." (To be continued)


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