A Queen

Chapter 1093: Specializing in fattening opponents

Chapter 1093

"Then just wrap it with your legs."


"You are now in the position of Shachuan Palace, but your foundation is not stable. There are still many Murong Qiu Shui's team members who will definitely give you little shoes to wear. Plus Zha Zhenhai is so small-minded. It will definitely not be boring." Chun Shisanniang said with a smile while waving her fan.

Dai Li glanced at her and said lazily: "I'm not that leisurely. Besides, I don't want to build a big foundation in the Demon Palace... I'm just messing around..."

"It's not a good idea to say this in front of a demon like me."

"I'm not your concubine"

The two of them laughed, their smiles a bit sinister.

"But this Qishan Road General Assessment is not that simple..." Dai Li thought of people like Mo Yao and Xue Zhiyu...

"It just depends on what goal you set, right?" Dai Li touched his chin, and Chun Shisanniang asked her, "Then what goal did you set?"

"I never like to be taken advantage of by others..." Dai Li said lightly.

Chun Shisanniang smiled, "I know... maybe you like to ride on others..."

Dai Li's face became expressionless: "Sister, this is not Lichun Courtyard, please be careful..."

This place is the public area of ​​the Demon Palace, and people from the Five Palaces come and go.

"Don't worry, no one dares to eavesdrop on what I say..." Chun Shisanniang's words revealed her arrogance and confidence.

After a pause, she said: "But don't say that the examiners outside are not easy to deal with. Even the four in our Demon Palace are not easy... maybe one or two of them may be your strong enemies."

They are all from the Demon Palace. But it doesn't mean that they are not enemies.

"That's why you need to give me more information about my mistress, such as about the other people..."

"I know Huo Jiangli, and you know how good he is. As for the other three..."

Chun Shisanniang wrote three names on the table with her finger.

——Xiao Bai,

Che Yuankai, Nie Yongshang.

"These three people are Han Feng, Wanhuo and Lixindian. Those who participated in the assessment can also be regarded as the first person in their respective session."

"What about strength and weakness?"

"It's hard to tell who is stronger. After all, they have been practicing outside for these years... In terms of total points for completing tasks, Xiao Bai has the most points, but in terms of reputation in our Demon Palace, Che Yuankai still has the highest..."

"Nie Yongshang is the weakest?" Dai Li raised his eyebrows.

"Who knows..." Chun Shisanniang disagreed.

"I don't know what they look like. Do you have any photos of them?"


"Okay, then I can only see them again in a few days."

"It won't take a few days. Look behind you on the right..."

Daili turned around and looked. There were two people standing there, seemingly talking...

One is Huo Jiangli, and the other is a handsome man slightly shorter than Huo Jiangli. He wears red and white robes. He doesn't look like someone from the Demon Palace. On the surface, he doesn't have much violence or viciousness. He has the elegant demeanor of a noble family, which is very different from the cold and handsome Huo Jiangli.

"that is?"

"Che Yuankai, a man of ten thousand fires... he has good fire skills... He once killed Murong Qiu Shui with one move... Now, Murong Qiu Shui usually turns away when he sees him."

"It sounds very powerful. He has a good relationship with Huo Jiangli?"

"In the Demon Palace, even if you are hooking up with anyone and hugging each other now, tomorrow you can fight to the death for a mission, an order for a treasure, not to mention they haven't hugged each other yet..."

"Okay, if that's the case, then you might really like the Demon Palace." Dai Li took a sip of wine, picked up the things on the table, stood up and left.

"Where to go?"

"Sell out"


Daili didn't know when she left. Huo Jiangli turned around and looked with cold eyes.

"Haha. It's just a new kid who has appeared and made you so angry. It seems that your level is getting lower and lower," Che Yuankai said with a smile.

"I think your ability to talk to yourself is getting better and better, Che Yuankai." Huo Jiangli's face was so cold that it could freeze the air.

"Ha" Che Yuankai shook his head, "Then just listen to what I have to say..."

"Huo Jiangli, if you can't even defeat this fool who killed Chuan Palace, then don't even think about challenging our Third Palace."

Shachuan was the weakest, so Jiang Xue was suppressed by Han Feng and Wan Huo!

Che Yuankailang walked away with a smile, while Huo Jiangli was expressionless.

The strong are respected, this is the bloody devil's palace...


Although she had just met Qin Ji and the others and was worried about the traces of some people, Dai Li did not go out of her way to find them. After all, one person's power is limited in searching. Li Qing and the others could not find any traces. She What can one person do?

We can only wait for the Qishan Road assessment date...

The most important thing right now is to get the dragon scales!

One day later, someone suddenly knocked on Dai Li's door. Fortunately, she was not in seclusion, so she heard the noise and opened the door.

"Lord Jun, there is a girl here looking for you"

Um, Daili actually wanted to say that ordinary visitors can be brought in directly like this? It seems that the Demon Palace is not so easy to enter...

But when she saw the graceful lady standing not far away, she calmed down.

——Beauty is indeed the most powerful key card in the world.

The purpose of Snow Fish coming to Dai Li is very simple.

"This is the spiritual blood you have searched for in the past two days. Take a look."

When Dai Li opened the ring and took a look, his heart suddenly jumped.

Five thousand bottles of rich spiritual blood.

"Uh, pig blood?" What Dai Li blurted out made Xue Zhiyu give her a cold look: "It's a pity that pig blood can't be found. It can't correspond to your blood type."

Um...it's not a good idea to just burn bridges as soon as this deal shows signs of success.

"They are all the spiritual blood of Nascent Soul stage monsters, and five hundred bottles of them are from the distraction stage..." Xue Zhiyu said slowly and then looked at Dai Li.

It is not obvious on behalf of Li. He just put away the ring, hooked his fingertips, and took out a book.

"I wrote this. You take it and read it first."

Xue Zhiyu frowned: "It's not that you can't express it with rubbings. Are you perfunctory with me?"

"I'm talking about ordinary people. You can tell after you look at the booklet."

When you open Snow Fish, you will be greeted by the rich breath of soul. If you look at the page carefully, you will see that it is full of flowing fonts and human body action paintings. After looking at it for a while, you can feel the artistic conception in detail...

This is..

"I used soul magic combined with talismans to make it... How about it? My painting skills are very realistic..."

"Not bad" Snow Fish is naturally satisfied with this. I asked casually: "I didn't expect someone like you to like painting."

"Nonsense, I drew all the erotic pictures in Li Chun Yuan..."


Snow Fish decisively closed the book. Let’s just say, “How many parts of this is this?”

"one third"

"Then I'll come see you tomorrow..."

"No, I don't have time these days... you may not be able to come in."

“I live here”


Then Dai Li discovered that Beauty was not just a room card...it was actually a bank card.

The people in the Demon Palace actually agreed! ! ! !

The reason turned out to be that Snow Fish was also a young genius and was very powerful behind the scenes, and he wanted to build a large and far-reaching network for the Demon Palace in the future. Sir, it is necessary for you to sacrifice the room next door to you. If you really need to sacrifice your beauty, please give it a try...

So before Xue Zhiyu took the exam on Qishan Road, Jiang Zi was inexplicably forced to live next door to Dai Li.

However, they rarely meet, maybe once a day, usually at noon. Snow Fish will bring the booklet on the essence of martial arts behind the spiritual blood exchange, and by the way, she will ask Dai Li what she doesn't quite understand.

Ask very little, but deeply. Dai Li was actually very surprised in his heart, because if it were her, without the help of Tianchen Soul Refining. Her understanding of martial arts may not be as good as this girl's, mainly because her talent in martial arts lies more in physical fitness and instinct, while the latter is stronger in realm.

"What a lunatic. A person like Wan Xue who plays snow magic has such a terrifying talent in martial arts. I even taught her the martial arts scroll..." Dai Li soon regretted it and felt deep resentment. So much so that I even thought about whether to change the martial arts scroll, just like how the Nine Yin Manual made Ouyang Feng crazy...

All right. Just think about it.

The day before the Qishan Road assessment, another person came to visit.

When she saw two people sitting very close to each other on the stone bench, one was painting, and the other was leaning over to look at the two people who seemed to be very close, childhood sweethearts, affectionate and ambitious...

I said you have a strong taste, but you still said you don’t have it, but in the next two days you started eating it, oh shit!

Regarding the arrival of Xiangxi Palace, Dai Li didn't think much about it, but he just felt that the man's eyes were a bit strange.

"Why do you look like some of your body's functions are uncoordinated... Do you still remember that you were defeated by Zi Weiyang? Why bother... You are not young anymore, you are angry and wrinkled... Come on, give me a smile ..”


Xiangxi Palace took a picture of Dai Li's wolf claws, sat down, and smiled at Xue Zhiyu: "Miss Xue came early enough, it's only noon..."

"I came in the afternoon"

"Eh?" You're kidding me. It's only noon now. Did you come back from time travel?

“Two afternoons ago”


Very good, I’ve been eating this for two days!

Tsing Yi, you are so good-looking and have a bright future!

"What are you here for?"

"Practice martial arts"


Xiangxi Palace glanced at Dai Li coldly and said, "You're a showman, so you're not taking advantage in vain."

Rolling his eyes, he got straight to the point, "You promised me you'd get it done, have you done it yet?"

"It's only been a few days..."

"Then leave it to me to finish the work in the past few days."

It was very urgent. Dai Li handed over the ring and looked at Xiangxi Palace with some suspicion, "You are not also an examiner, are you?"

"What, no?" Xiangxi Palace chuckled.


Damn it, am I funding another enemy?

Dai Li suddenly wanted to take back the ring. Unfortunately, the moment she stretched out her claws, Xiangxi Gong had already grasped the ring tightly. Dai Li picked it out but failed to pull it out... (To be continued)


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