A Queen

Chapter 1094: That turtle grandson!

Chapter 1094

"Want to take it back? Hum..." Xiangxi Palace sneered while looking at the Snow Fish. It was not long before a certain fish could teach this person "personally". He taught him for several days, and now he even Do you want to intercept all the goods that I have legitimate rights to?

How can there be such differential treatment!

She stood up, ignoring Dai Li's embarrassed expression, and smiled: "Don't worry, what's our relationship? Even if we really meet, I won't be able to fight you to the death."

Hehe, that's good, Dai Li breathed a sigh of relief.

"We must fight to the death!"

Xiangxi Palace's words were rude and forceful, Dai Li's expression collapsed, and Xue Zhiyu couldn't help but smile.


"Uh? Did you do this?" Xiangxi Palace just happened to check the ring, and his expression changed drastically.

"Yeah" Dai Li nodded.

Xiangxi Palace was so surprised that he looked up and down at Dai Li, and after a while, he said: "Maybe I can't fight you... Okay, tomorrow is the test, let's go."

Before leaving, she glanced at Xue Zhiyu, that look was so deep...

It was like looking through the deep abyss water and seeing the snow fish on the bottom of the sea.

She left one last sentence.

"Snow girl, remember to close the windows and doors before going to bed to prevent fire, theft and neighbors..."

"I will leave today"

"....That's good"

Miss Xiang was so satisfied that she left with the dragon spirit extracted from three million dragon scales.

Regarding the items traded between her and Daili Tan. She didn't ask a word, but handed Dai Li her last batch of spiritual blood after he wrote the last volume of the essence of martial arts.

These three transactions. Almost 13,000 bottles of spiritual blood were given, which is an extremely huge resource. However, after all, spiritual blood is not a mainstream consumable for cultivation, so it is easier to collect than common resources such as spiritual fire. In addition, the Snow Fish It is not difficult for the Wanxue Dynasty behind it to gather them together in a short time.

"This is the last time,

Already completed. I declare in advance that this is the essence of martial arts that I have processed. There may be some differences from the original one, and it all depends on the individual as to how he will cultivate."

"Yeah." If it were anyone else, Xue Zhiyu would think this was a shirk, but he has been practicing martial arts these days. She has already felt that the martial arts essence exchanged by Dai Li is of high quality, and there is not much concealment. The benefits she gets from it are also huge, and she has a real martial arts scroll, so she can judge whether the essence in it is correct. .

Through her discussions with Dai Li these days, she already had some idea.

But it still takes a lot of energy and difficulty to completely fit and complete the essence of one's own martial arts.

Finally satisfied, Dai Li exhaled. Suddenly I heard Xue Zhiyu add: "I have already told Emperor Wanxue that if something happens to me while practicing, it will definitely be because of you. So you don't need to worry."

Are you teasing me, scaring me, or intimidating me?

Daili: "The most poisonous woman's heart is"

She knew that day that this person was joking...

Xue Zhiyu was about to stand up and say goodbye when he suddenly saw that Dai Li was still writing...another volume in his hand?

"Have you prepared another set?"


"Giving it away?"


Although I had known that this man was cruel and generous to his own people, I still felt a little strange after seeing it with my own eyes after paying a huge price.

After thinking for a moment, Xue Zhiyu said, "Tranquility?"

Wisdom is like a fish in the snow. Naturally quick thinker.

"Yes, how do you know?"

"Just think about it. The one with the most outstanding martial arts talent around you is Jing Jingyuan."

As a person with extremely talented martial arts, she had already paid attention to her.

Dai Li raised her head and twirled the pen on her fingertips. She smiled: "So you are very concerned about me. You know the people around me so well."



Snow Fish picked up a volume of his own and dropped a sentence as he flew up.

"These days when I was collecting spiritual blood, I discovered that there is also a group of people in your Demonic Palace who are collecting spiritual blood...even more than I have collected."

"Oh? Which palace are you from?"

"Guess for yourself"

Guess your sister!

Could it be Huo Jiangli? Jiangxue Palace... This is the palace with the most blood spells in the Demon Palace.

Dai Li quickly put this matter behind him. After preparing the martial arts essence for Jing Jingyuan, she fell into the busyness of refining dragon essence. Other people and other things had nothing to do with her...

Speaking of which, she now has a lot of things in her hands that can improve her strength, including 1.2 million dragon scales, 13,000 bottles of spiritual blood, 500 yellow fires and 50 blue fires.

She has already sent all Honghuo to the Qinyuan, only Huanghuo and Lanhuo still have some. However, it is not that she has no need for Honghuo. On the contrary, her need is still very large.

Because she has invented the method of cooking with thunder, which is equivalent to a serious cook, the effect of spiritual fire on her has undoubtedly been greatly improved, so the demand for spiritual fire is even greater...

"I'm short of spiritual fire...it seems I need to go for a walk."

In fact, the people in Shachuan Palace have been waiting for Daili to come out of seclusion these days. In fact, the Demon Palace has some rules. You can fight, but you must not disturb others when they are practicing in seclusion, otherwise you will be punished by the Demon Palace.

Therefore, Daili, who always hangs a no-disturbance sign outside these days, is really not disturbed by the Demon Palace people, but the Demon Palace people can't help but complain.

"What kind of retreat? I think that turtle grandson is just hiding!"

"That is, if she is practicing in seclusion, then Xiangxi Palace and Xue Zhiyu can come to her? But what are they doing to come to her..."

No matter which one of these two women is a top-notch beauty, and they both bring huge "dowries", even the elites in the magic palace may not be able to kiss each other. But the result is good, both of them came to the door on their own initiative, and one of them returned the favor. They simply lived next door to the turtle grandson. Thinking of the beautiful and moving figure of the snow fish, the people in the Demon Palace felt sour in their hearts. They secretly cursed that with such a beauty, how could he remain in seclusion with peace of mind?

"Aren't you afraid of us... Let me see if the turtle grandson can come out tomorrow. She..."

The sound is stuck.

Among the many people from the Demon Palace in the large square in front of the Shachuan Palace, about one-third were members of Murong Qiu Shui's team, while the other third were not, preferring other elite disciples. The last third was neutral and still watching from a distance. These two groups did not comment on these people's verbal ridicule of Dai Li. They mainly wanted to exclude the oral rumors from others. I have never met an elite person, let alone gauge the other person's background and depth before choosing whether to join him or not.

Until the sound of clogs came...

At the same time, the sound of the clogs was so rhythmic with the flying black robe. It makes people's hearts beat unconsciously.

"It's Jun Zili who killed Sichuan Palace!"

"Good guy! Finally out of seclusion!"

"Is she going to kill Sichuan Palace? Let's go and have a look!"

People from other temples are spread throughout the entire station. At this moment, after seeing or getting the news, they all started to move!

So Junzili finally knows how to take over the team?

But this opportunity seems to have been missed too much.

Generally speaking, after defeating Murong Qiu Shui and getting the approval of Shachuan Palace, one should act decisively and sort out all the people in Shachuan Palace. How could anyone not even show their faces, and let the people of Shachuan Palace become restless and brew for nothing? A rebellious atmosphere.

This must be Murong Qiushui's counterattack.

They all followed from a distance to watch the excitement, and naturally they saw the group of people in the square who were slandering and making fun of Jun Zili and happened to meet Jun Zili face to face.

Ah. The square suddenly fell silent.

The show is coming!

Dai Li was suspended in the air, looking down at the crowds of people...

Since these people are from the Demon Palace, they still have the foundation and courage. At this moment, they stand silently in a group, gathering momentum with each other, forming a huge murderous intention, locking the generation in an instant, and each murderous intention is hidden...

Under the murderous eyes of these people. Dai Li's eyes were very light and he tilted his head casually: "Where is Murong Qiushui's thing?"

Find Murong Qiushui!

These people were stunned! One of them suddenly said coldly: "Master Murong is in retreat, no one can disturb him!"

Retreat? It's a matter of self-cultivation...

But this attitude is really bad.

Take off your chin. One look passed...


This man's body suddenly distorted his expression, and he made a loud sound! ! The whole person flew out, his chest was sunken, and a large amount of blood vomited out of his mouth...

Everyone just stood there in a daze, eh? What happened just now?

Why did it suddenly...

Junzili took action?

But none of them saw it!

The faces of several monarch-level elites watching not far away turned pale.

They can't even see it! ! !

One-third of Murong's team was restless and uneasy. Scared! The previous murderous spirit was shattered to pieces by a face-to-face encounter, leaving only uneasiness and fear!

God. Why is this person so scary...

Looking at the person with her clothes flying violently in the sky, her hands in her pockets, her short hair flying uninhibitedly, the tail of her hair was slender and soft, slightly covering her eyes, and her eyes were filled with glass.

She said quietly: "I ask again, where is he?"

Can you not say it?

No one present dared to say a word. Even if they were afraid of this person, they did not dare to betray Murong Qiu Shui easily.

After all, Murong Qiushui is not dead yet...

The other people watching the show were curious, what would this Jun Zili do in such a situation? Are you trying to show off your power to these people and get them to come over to you?

"If it were me, I should have taken advantage of the situation to conquer these people from the beginning. How could I delay today so that Murong Qiushui had time to arrange..."

"So this Junzili still lacks some abilities..."

These people just said this.

Dai Li, who was stroking his chin with his slender fingers, had already raised his left foot, raised it and stomped it down again!


The stone slabs were shattered and dust and smoke were billowing all over the ground. Dai Li picked up a person's collar. Before he could ask, the person was already trembling and pointing in one direction...

Abandoning the people, Dai Li simply stepped on his wooden clogs and walked away.

The environment of Murong Qiu Shui's cultivation place was quite good. In fact, the Demon Palace was very different from what Dai Li had imagined before. The main reason was that he had always thought that the Demon Palace was dark and deep, so the place where he lived should be the same. (To be continued)


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