A Queen

Chapter 1095 Red Cliff!

Chapter 1095

The results of it?

The landscape and scenery are not too good,

After a while, Dai Li sat in front of the hospital bed, picked up one of the fruits on the plate next to him, wiped it with his sleeve, and took a bite, ignoring the stunned and trembling medical staff next to him.

She looked at Murong Qiu Shui, who was half sitting in front of her. His face was paler than before.

"Jun Zili, what are you doing here?!" Murong Qiushui was filled with fear and resentment, but more importantly, she was powerless.

"Look at you... I've been too busy these days and haven't been able to take the time to see you..."

"No need for you to be so kind!"

"I don't have good intentions... I really just came here to take a look... By the way, I would like to express my apologies for taking your place in taking the Qishan Road assessment..."

Murong Qiu Shui already knew this, but just saying it from Dai Li's mouth still hurt his heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys.

"If you came here to show off your power, then you will be disappointed...it was just a failure. I...

"Also, you still owe me 50,000 spiritual fires and haven't given them... I just remembered it today, so I came to see you and brought you 50,000 spiritual fires..."


The medical staff felt that the person they finally revived was probably going to die from anger. Look at the pale face and panting...

"You!" After all, this was something that many people had witnessed. Murong Qiushui couldn't say anything to refute, so he could only give Dai Li a cold face and took out 50,000 red fires.


Dai Li took another bite of the fruit. Then he said: "I like honest and well-behaved people like you..."

After taking the money, she naturally wanted to leave. When she got up, she took another piece of fruit.

"By the way, your fruit is really delicious. Who gave it to you?"

roll roll roll!

Murong Qiu Shui immediately stood up!


The news about killing Chuan Dian spread quickly.

The other temples had different reactions, but in the end they were frightened by this man's style.

I heard that Murong Qiushui, who had just woken up, fainted due to her anger again, and is still being rescued...

I heard that the group of people who were plotted by Murong Qiu Shui to counterattack were also sent to the sanatorium for treatment. I heard that when the person walked out of the sanatorium, he was carrying a fruit basket in his hand... and he told the nurse to take care of him all the way. So good Murong Qiushui...

This is such a crazy thing!

It eats people without spitting out their bones, and irritates people to death without even breathing.

Zha Zhenhai was so angry that he went to Dai Li to scold her. As a result, people hung up a sign at the door to prepare for the war in Qishan, please do not disturb. Otherwise there will be consequences at your own risk.

Haha, the deputy palace master was instantly defeated.

"Kill the Chuan Palace, the gentleman is gone..." When Duan Ze, a man of all fire, heard the news, his expression was very strange.

He turned his head. He said to Che Yuankai, "Tomorrow is the Qishan Road assessment. Are you ready?"

"Of course" Che Yuankai smiled, holding a fireball in his palm and narrowing his eyes: "This time we will definitely defeat Xiao Bai and Nie Yongshang!"

"Perhaps you should also pay attention to this Jun Zili, she is very powerful." Duan Ze's words made Che Yuankai stunned for a moment, then nodded with a smile.

After all, he didn't take it to heart so Duan Ze didn't mention it.

The Demon Palace is not the right path, and even the master is too lazy to mention anything to his apprentice. Anyway, you have to walk your own path.

the other side. In Hanfeng Palace, the woman in palace clothes sighed slightly: "I always feel that the appearance of this gentleman is too strange...and his style..."


Very dangerous weirdo.

"Since it is the person brought in by Mr. Chun Shisan, he must have a few brushes. But there is no need to take it too seriously. We will know how strong or weak it is in a few days." In the shadow, he crossed his arms and leaned against his chest. The man on the wall said calmly.

"Also...after all, your most powerful enemy may not necessarily come from our Demon Palace. This year's Qishan Road assessment...may have continued the golden period of the previous one...all the heroes have come together."


Dai Li has never left the Demon Palace these days, so he naturally doesn't know how much Fenchuan has changed.

First. The border gate of Fenchuan was opened, and a large number of people from Fenzhou poured in. If she had gone out to take a look these days, she might have seen some familiar faces standing out among the crowds of people...

Second, all kinds of peach blossoms, plum blossoms, and cherry blossoms have been deliberately brought into being. They bloom in all kinds of delicate and beautiful ways. There are a lot of beauties and handsome men. There are young ladies and gentlemen everywhere. As soon as the aristocratic families, powerful people and other important people appear in Fenchuan. In the street...

Third, Wujia has risen again...

On the opening day of the Qishan Road assessment, Dai Li had already woken up, dressed up as usual, yawned and dragged his clogs out of the house.

By the way, another difference between the Demon Palace and other righteous paths is that when it comes to such a meaningful large-scale competition, he does not have any teachers or tour guides to lead the team, nor does he have a bunch of girls or little brothers to see off, let alone anything. The pomp can be arranged...

Get over here one by one!

Haha, then the lazy Lord Jun saw the almost empty Demon Palace Square. She was stunned. Did she get up too late?

He grabbed a servant next to him who was sweeping the floor.

"Um, where is the Qishan Road assessment location?"

The servant might have been frightened, so he was startled and said, "It's just at Qishan Pavilion..."

"Where is Qishan Pavilion?"

"East Side Chibi Area"


There is a holy land in Fenchuan, and there is Chibi in the holy land!

Chibi is the most noble place in Fenchuan. Legend has it that it is also the place where many strong men like to fight decisively.

Because it is open, majestic and domineering!

Daili remembered this name because there was also a red cliff on the earth.

The broken halberd sinks into the sand and the iron is finally sold. It will be washed and washed to recognize the previous dynasty.

Dongfeng doesn't want to be with Zhou Lang, and Tongquechun locks Erqiao deeply.

Du Mu's Red Cliff poems are somewhat impressive to Daili, but most of them contain lamentations about the Battle of Red Cliffs in the Three Kingdoms. There may be some regrets, but Daili prefers the iron-blooded style of the Three Kingdoms that the winner takes king.

It's a pity that Fenchuan's Red Cliff has nothing to do with the life and death of the country, and it doesn't have that lofty feeling of fighting for the country. Only naked power competition...the most basic battle between heaven and earth! Based on a personal battle!

No, maybe some are fighting for beauty.

The Red Cliff in Fenchuan is not comparable to the Red Cliff on Earth. It is also a wall, but it is like a mountain.

The whole body is dark red, red, very ordinary.

Standing on the plain, thousands of feet high. Thousands of feet wide, proud of the sky. Commonly known as Chibi!

As soon as Dai Li entered the huge Red Cliff area, she saw the towering and huge Red Cliff from a distance. Her heart was not without shock, especially because the killing aura that rushed towards her face could actually make her kill realm tremble.

There's something interesting about this place.

With a thought in his mind, Daili Biaofei's speed became faster. He passed directly over the large number of monks flying below.

"Who is that? So fast!"

"Looks like someone from the Demon Palace"

"Clogs? It can't be Junzili, right?"

"Crazy, there are so many people wearing clogs and having short hair now!"

The main hall of Qishan Pavilion in the past dynasties is located on the edge of Red Cliff. Bathed in the eternal carnage of Red Cliff, it feels like a ferocious beast is entrenched.

However, there are a lot of people coming and going outside this ferocious beast at the moment, and they are densely packed all over the vast grassland. There are black streams and black spots among the green...

Dai Li landed outside the Qishan Pavilion. The Qishan Main Pavilion had only one building. It is a huge conjoined building with no superfluous appearance, only a desolate and ancient stability.

Look up. Dai Li saw the giant red cliff at the back next to the Qishan Main Hall. Only when he looked closer did he realize that the red cliff was a red stone mountain with many pits and many marks from swords and so on.

The most terrifying thing among them is the traces of swords and swords.

Crossed, the knife mark is very wide and very domineering. The traces were burnt black and red, full of the burning feeling of killing everything.

The sword mark is not wide. It is very thin, but very deep, and the bottom is invisible. There is a little ice-blue water vapor and the murderous intention of the infinite abyss on it.

Dai Li, like many people, stood under the red cliff and saw something new and exciting.

What kind of battle could leave such strong traces and aura on it.

It hasn't faded away until now.

"It was left by the two strong men who fought in the first battle of Chibi, and they were also the founders of the Fenchuan Holy Land. The world calls them Fenchuan.

They fought here, and in their final decisive move, they each left traces on the Red Cliff. From then on, the two traces were called the Red Cliff Sword Mark and the Red Cliff Knife Mark. They are 10,000 years old."

Ten thousand years is also the time when Fenchuan was born.

After World War I, they jointly founded Fenchuan?

This is a myth in Fenchuan and even within the territory of medium-sized groups.

Those two are absolutely Mahayana level masters!

However, Dai Li turned to look at the commentator next to him, Zi Weiyang.

"You came quite early"

"You are too slow." Zi Weiyang smiled faintly, "But people in the Demon Palace are always lazy in twos and threes, so you are not particularly slow."

Dai Li has noticed that although there are many people from the Demon Palace here, not all the important people are here.

"Then you suddenly left your pitiful brother to come to me, but to urge me to deliver the goods?" Dai Li glanced at Zi Junhou, who was looking straight at him not far behind her.

"Who knows if he is looking at me or you?" Zi Weiyang's words made Dai Li stunned, and he gave her a strange look, "You didn't hesitate to drag your brother in just to tease me, you're really trying your best..." Haha , Zi Weiyang smiled, "Looking at your tone, do you think my dragon scales have been taken care of?"

She is calmer than Xiangxi Palace, and I don’t know if this guess is random or intentional...

"Yeah" Dai Li handed over the ring, "It's done, here you go"

Zi Weiyang was still surprised. She glanced at the dragon spirit inside the ring, her eyes sparkling, "I didn't expect you to be so powerful..."

This slightly playful tone makes people feel a little provocative.



Dai Li curled his lips and suddenly said: "Miss Weiyang... you can't just say this to a man..."

"I didn't say it casually, I meant it sincerely" (To be continued)


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