A Queen

Chapter 1096 It turns out to be Long Yang~~

Chapter 1096


Dai Li stared at Zi Weiyang's beautiful, flawless and serious face..

Are the ladies these days already so skilled at teasing quiet handsome men?

Or my words are too difficult for people to understand...

"Besides, I don't regard you as a man." Zi Weiyang added a faint sentence that made Dai Li raise his eyebrows.

Then Zi Weiyang walked away with a smile, as if she was an acquaintance. Dai Li turned around and saw King Yan and Yan Qi, and next to them was a tall and elegant man, very elegant, and his whole body was like a jade moon. Ze's demeanor is the true elegance of everyone. One look can see through all the evil in the world.

The look in his eyes at Zi Weiyang was a little gentle.

Touching his nose and winking at Yan Qi, Dai Li smiled and walked closer to Chibi.

There are the most swordsmen and swordsmen here, and they are probably all trying to understand the sword marks and knife marks on it, but Daili is not an orthodox swordsman, so what she wants to understand is the murderous intent on it.

As he watched, Dai Li heard someone shouting that people from the four major families were coming...

Retracting her mind, she turned around and looked around. The first thing she saw was not the people from the four major families, but the people standing diagonally behind her.

When they met, she was actually stunned.

Because this person feels a bit familiar, but at the same time he doesn't look much like him, mainly because his appearance and temperament are so different...

But there is no doubt that this handsome young man with a black sword on his back is extremely eye-catching.

Black and crisp short hair, red lips and white teeth. He has sharp eyebrows and starry eyes, a very straight nose, and a somewhat pointed chin. Her facial features are very good, with a Korean-style handsomeness, and there is an eye-catching sharpness between her eyebrows.

In terms of looks, they are second only to the exquisite nobility of the famous sword and the peerless elegance of Qin Zhige.

But combined with the tall and slender figure of almost 1.9 meters, the tight black cool and the muscles wrapped under the black clothes... paired with a big black windbreaker...

A proper male god~~ (I can tell you clearly that this is another male god, a grown-up male god. The one who said before that he is very talented. Guess who he is?)

Xu Shidaili’s eyes were too naked,

This stern and beautiful man who was looking at the stone wall glanced at him.

After seeing her, his eyebrows were slightly raised. The originally cold eyes became darker, as if filled with crimson white ice and snow...

In other words, this is a confrontation between their eyes.

But to outsiders, that scene seemed a little...

Dai Li, who is now 1.75 meters tall, is not tall among men, and he is considered semi-disabled among male gods.

But her figure is well-proportioned and slender. The skeletal figure looks perfect in every aspect and has a graceful elegance, so even if he is not tall enough, he still has great looks and temperament to match. In the eyes of others, he is naturally a male god.

It's just that normally, this guy doesn't show any aura or momentum. If he is paired with a tall and powerful male god, then the feeling will come out...

Not being compared, but being compared to...weak feelings.

Such as now. The cold and arrogant handsome man who was a swordsman was just a meter and a half away from her. One looked back sideways, and the other looked sideways.

Eyes looking at each other...

The wind blows... black and white demons. The pure black and lonely swordsmen, they are under the eternal and majestic Red Cliff, on the green and vibrant grassland...


Maybe it's the aura or the fact that these two people are too conspicuous, or maybe it's all just too much of a coincidence.

Surprisingly, many people diverted their attention or stopped in their tracks.

Jun Zili, there are still people who can recognize him, that is, people other than the Demon Palace. No one knows that this guy is just Namisdai, so a gentleman is far from here. His status is not enough to attract so many people’s attention!


You have a good face!

People around me have noticed the arrival of Daili but have not directly stepped forward or prepared to step forward...

Xiangxi Palace, who strode forward with a large number of Wanbaozhai local tycoons behind him, paused and rolled his eyes: "The taste is too strong again."

Not far away, Chu Xiuling, who was standing among a group of people in Nanlin with a gun in his hand, said: "Fuck, here comes another one!" The group of people in Nanlin silently lit the wax for him, you worked so hard~~ But it was Jiangchuan and Guique. The expression is a little strange.

Standing with Xue Qiange and others, Xue Zhiyu, who was treated respectfully by Wan Xue's masters, turned sideways, glanced at it and then looked away, thoughtfully: "No wonder..."

No wonder this man, although he was very fond of women and had many beauties around him, had never acted in a romantic way... She had teased her in various ways before, but once her eyes became clear, she knew that this man was only teasing her verbally, but he was actually molesting her internally. I haven't thought about that, otherwise a person's eyes would not be so clean.


This is so strange for a man.

Many male cultivators here, even many Confucian cultivators in Confucianism and Taoism, have always had that kind of relationship with many female cultivators, not to mention men with excellent conditions like Junzili. If many of them have physical problems, it means they have character problems...

"It turns out to be Long Yang," Xue Zhiyu whispered, causing Xue Qiange's expression to freeze.

Long Yang, who?

In a corner, an equally beautiful gay professional raised her eyebrows, put her hands behind her back, and smiled: "It seems that she has been working hard to cultivate herself recently and prepare to become my person..."

Behind him, Yuan Qi's eyes twitched and he sighed speechlessly.

After facing such a monster opponent, and then facing such a perverted boss... he was also drunk.

Yan Qi, who was shyly asking for a walk with King Yan, paused when he saw this scene. King Yan and others looked at...

King Yan: "Haha, it's this boy. I haven't seen him for a long time, but he has short hair... He's a good-looking young man."

Zi Weiyang glanced at Yan Qi who was struggling, then looked at the man again, and secretly sighed: What a disaster.

In full view of everyone, someone finally broke the weird atmosphere.

That one finger wrapped around someone's waist softly, from behind, and her undulating breasts pressed hard on her back. Her gorgeous face pressed against someone's shoulder, and she moaned sadly: "Lang Jun~~You don’t want to be my concubine anymore?~~”

Creepy, goosebumps, surging blood...

Xiangxi Palace, etc., a large number of people's nerves tightened for a moment, and then their expressions froze or their faces turned dark.

The cold and handsome man finally came to his senses, raised his sword eyebrows fiercely, glanced at Dai Li coldly, as if he were looking at a cockroach, turned around and left.

The person involved, the husband, watched helplessly as he was being despised by a young young man. He sighed quietly and calmly took Chun Shisanniang's claws away from her waist.

"Sister, is Jiang Zi fun to play with?"

"Yes..." Chun Shisanniang pointed her finger at Dai Li's lips and smiled coquettishly: "Now everyone will regard you as my concubine... and will subconsciously despise you... I am looking forward to you when the time comes. You looked like you were trampling them all under your feet~~ By the way, they probably don’t know what kind of Misdai you are~~”

I've realized since I was fifteen that it's been more than ten or twenty years now. The girl who disguised herself as a man and was always bitchy and coquettish is already as tall as her...

Time is ruthless.

"You really have a bad taste..." Dai Li held his forehead and sighed, paused, and twitched the corner of his mouth, "But I like it~~"

Therefore, only perverts and perverts can live harmoniously together.

And this scene of unparalleled beauty and enchantment was so cruel that it attracted the attention of everyone present.

The people from the four major aristocratic families who had been attracting much attention all came to watch.

After seeing Dai Li.

People like Xie Ru and Xu Yidao were naturally more hostile and challenging. People like Xie Huan and Kunyan were full of hostility, but it was not these people who attracted the most attention.

"Who are those two people?" Dai Li, who was hugged by Chun Shisanniang, asked.

Ran, Kun, Xie, Xu.

Except for the fact that Xie Ru is the eldest son and the next young master of the Xie family, the next heads of Kun and Xu are not Xu Yidao and Kun Yan.

But the other two.

One of these two people is the eldest son of the Kun family, named Kun Lie, and the Kun family is headed by him.

The Kun family and the Xie family stood very close to each other, as if they were making a vague announcement. It could be seen from the fact that there was a woman standing next to Xie Ru.

Yi Ye Xiaoxiang, she is next to Kun Lie. This is an inevitable marriage that has been planned for a long time.

The stunningly beautiful and elegant Yiye Xiaoxiang has a reputation but is rarely seen in person. Today I finally saw her, but she stood next to Kun Lie.

His facial features are similar to Kun Yan's, but his outline is more rigid, his eyes are cold and fierce, and his figure is taller. He is a beautiful woman, his marriage is imminent, and he has the Qishan Road exam ahead of him. He naturally has a high-spirited look. A sense of pride.

"Kun Lie, the number one member of the Kun family, he has joined forces with Xie Ru..." Chun Shisanniang said lightly,

"Join forces?" There were originally four families, but before it was too late to fight, they joined forces and planned to divide and annex them?

"Because the Xu family is too strong... Look at that one, that is the eldest son of the Xu family,...Xu Liu" or the family's genes are too strong. Most of these direct bloodlines look somewhat similar, such as Xu Liu, who is just like Xu Liu. Xu Yidao is somewhat similar, but less heroic and sharp, and more steady and gentle.

Gentle? Dai Li suddenly gave her a slightly familiar feeling from this person's body shape and posture...

"Xu Liu is a benchmark among the four aristocratic families."

"Benchmark?" Dai Li looked at Xu Liu. He seemed to be a very orthodox descendant of aristocratic families, but he had the kind of temperament reserved for a heir to a powerful position. At first glance, he was different from the people next to him. , even people like Xie Ru don't have his temperament.

Too stable and reserved, like a real head of the family.

He got to that stage earlier than anyone else.

"The last head of the Xu family died unexpectedly. Contrary to the expectations of everyone outside, they did not recommend anyone else to take the throne. Instead, they supported the head of the family's eldest son to succeed. He was only fifteen years old at the time. He succeeded to the throne at the age of fifteen. Over the past twenty-five years, he worked hard and decisively to manage the Xu family without leakage. He also made a comeback from a disadvantage and turned the Xu family around. (To be continued)


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