A Queen

Chapter 1,097 4 carriages!

Chapter 1097

After the Xu family stabilized, they married an ordinary female cultivator who worked under them at the age of forty. Five years later, they had a pair of twin children. Fifteen years later, that is, today, the Xu family is the head of the Fenchuan family. ..."

Dai Li thought for a while and couldn't help but said: "You are the winner in life." (There are so many talents in the world. This is a typical inspirational novel about the CEO's struggle and the unspoken rules of success for the successful CEO...)

"No, I heard that he still only has one wife and never touches other women...anyone who is slightly sexually tempted will be killed by him..."

"Well, I suddenly discovered that his wife is the winner in life."


Compared with people like Xie Shu, Xu Liu is undoubtedly a thousand miles ahead of others. Not to mention Xie Shu, a surly and vicious young man who has given the family a headache, how much can he compare with Xu Liu in terms of achievements? Just from the perspective of life alone When it comes to big things, he has a loving wife and children in his arms, so that the elders of the Xu family can happily tease their grandchildren and teach their younger generations... They are compared to scum again.

Especially Xie Ru's style of killing after he's done playing, and Xie Huan's style of wanting to have fun with everyone...


The children are probably also cheating, and they should be motherless.

Fortunately, Kun Yan is getting married.

Dai Li met Ye Xiaoxiang's cold but calm eyes and curled his lips slightly.

So calm, either resigned or ready... I'll just watch.

"But Xu Liu is not good at everything... at least he is suppressed by Kun Lie and the others in terms of strength. Even Kun Yan can't compare. He relies on Xu Yidao, which can be regarded as one of the most powerful."

Speaking of Kun Yan. Dai Li found that this man seemed to have no time to show his hostility towards her, because he was talking to Ran Lao.

Dai Li couldn't help but laugh when he saw Ran Lao and Guan Lei behind Ran Lao.

The other families didn't seem to understand yet, but they saw Kun Yan sarcastically sarcastically as always.

"Ran Lao, there is only you in the Ran family. I am really worried about your Ran family."

There is no doubt that the Xu family is the strongest among the four families. Now that Xie and Kun have joined forces, they can compete with the Xu family and win. Why fear a Ran family!

Besides, he can defeat this Ran Lao,

The Ran family was undoubtedly trampled under their feet by the Xie family...

Kun Yan's spicy words made many people look at him. Yiye Xiaoxiang also turned around after seeing Dai Li's smile.

Ran Lao, the rumored Young Master Lao. At this moment, he was not very angry after Kun Yan's sarcasm. He just said with a very calm expression: "You have the wrong person."


Not only Kun Yan was stunned, but Xu Yidao and others were also surprised. They didn't understand the meaning of this sentence for a while... Only Xu Liu glanced at Guan Lei lightly.

"My name is Guan Lei, and I am a subordinate of Master Lao..." He took a step back, and Guan Lei from behind came forward and said to Kun Yan seriously: "I'm sorry that I have been asking you to admit your mistakes all these years."

The whole place fell silent, and then...


A large number of people burst into laughter.

The faces of everyone in the Kun family turned dark. Kun Yan, in particular, looked livid, looking back and forth at Guan Lei and Ran Lao in disbelief...

"It's a beautiful play," Dai Li chuckled. Suddenly his eyes changed, and outside the four major families, a group of people came.

Emperor Ming was undoubtedly the highest master of Mahayana. When he came, he was followed by some people from Yanyu Chonglou. There were not many people. The momentum released is not strong, but the elegant tower decoration on the sleeves is enough to suppress almost all the forces here.

Glory and power from large groups and powerful forces. Wherever he goes, he can make people bow to him.

Maybe the people in the Demon Palace don't have to bow their heads here.

So Dai Li calmly watched this group of people coming, but she didn't see Yu Ji.

Maybe it has been sent back to Yinge...

When Dai Li was thoughtful, Emperor Ming turned around after meeting people from the four major families, and came over unexpectedly by many people.

Chun Shisanniang had already let go of Dai Li a long time ago, and now she doesn’t know where she is...


"Senior Ming Emperor"

Emperor Ming looked at Dai Li up and down. After being surprised, he smiled: "Your progress... I still underestimated you."

She is indeed a master in the integration stage. It seems that she has already seen the energy aura in her body?

"Excellent, just so so." Dai Li also smiled, "Yu Ji..."

"She refused to stay with me, so I sent her back to Qinhuang Pavilion..."

"Qinhuang Pavilion?" Isn't it Yin Pavilion...

"Yin Pavilion is not suitable for her.. It's too low-level. Qinhuang Pavilion is okay." Emperor Ming's indifferent tone made Dai Li's heart twitch. Brother, have you considered the feelings of the people in Yin Pavilion?

Dai Li was about to speak when his eyes suddenly changed and he turned his head subconsciously.

The most powerful force in Fenchuan has arrived.

Coming fiercely from one place on the plain.

There was a mass of darkness.

The green grass was overwhelmed by their momentum...

The Aristocratic Family was also defeated, and after seeing this group of people coming, they had to lower their heads.

The local people in Fenchuan must bow their arrogant heads.

Watching this group of people slowly coming...

Overwhelming success.

The eyes of people like Hua Gu Long are very complicated...

Fenchuan Jiuge is here!

The leader is naturally Si Ge. At first glance, Dai Li pays attention to the people he knows, such as Su Li, Zhong Li Gui Wan, Yu Ji, Ming Jian, etc...

The famous sword is not here! That person doesn't like groups by nature, so he probably wandered alone again...

When Dai Li was thinking about it, the Jiuge was already in front of him.

The diagonal left corner is the four major aristocratic families, the diagonal right corner is... Yanyu Chonglou.

Directly ahead is the Demon Palace!

Only then did Dai Li notice that there were already a bunch of people like Chun Shisanniang.

In other words, the only reason why the scattered Demon Palace people could be brought together was because they sensed the arrival of the people from Jiuge.

Here, only the people from Demon Palace Nengjiu Pavilion can compete.

Although only some people from the Demon Palace are here, there are only five palaces.

But in terms of status and background, there is no doubt that the Demon Palace, which dominates many group areas and even dabbles in large group areas, can suppress Jiuge.

Just in terms of momentum in front of me. Still a tripartite...

No, it should be said that there is still more.

People from the southeast, northwest and four directions stood in the direction of Qishan Pavilion, that is, the group of people from Xue Zhiyu and Dong Guo Ziyi occupied the other side.

Leaving aside those who are not considered as assessors, they can only be regarded as people watching the excitement.

Magic Palace. The four major aristocratic families, Jiuge, and Sifang Group Domain were the four giant carriages that carried the Qishan Road assessment.

Other hidden forces, such as Splitting Cloud and others, can only be regarded as rickshaws hidden behind these four carriages...

But among the four carriages, the one with the fewest participants is the Demon Palace.

Just five people! Okay, Dai Li slipped aside, there should be only four of them now! !

The aloofness of this game will put a lot of pressure on the first elite of the five halls who have a large background but few people.

"The Demon Palace is as streamlined as ever. There are only four more people than our Yanyu Chonglou."

This voice made Dai Li feel uncomfortable, so he did not immediately see what the famous Four Pavilion elites looked like. She turned her head and saw Liu Hongxiu walking behind. The other party obviously saw her and smiled seductively in return.

"Xiaojunjun, long time no see..."

He is obviously a demonic person. What's more, the words are more dangerous and seductive. Dai Li looked at Emperor Ming expressionlessly. Emperor Ming seemed to turn a blind eye and turned to talk to the Confucian and Taoist man next to King Yan...

What kind of master is this? What the hell!

"Long time no see" Dai Li chuckled.

"I miss you so much..." Liu Hongxiu said with a smile.

Dai Li glanced at him and glanced back, "Don't miss me too much. As the saying goes, when you look back, that person is in the dim light... As long as you look back, you will see the beautiful young master Yuan. Waiting for you behind you, he has been waiting for you silently."

Liu Hongxiu was stunned for a moment. Turning around, he saw Yuan Qi with a stiff face...

His expression quickly adjusted, and Yuan Qi smiled lightly: "Young master Jun, you are joking...how can I compare with you?" Dai Li also smiled: "There is no comparison in love...you are so afraid of me but you still risk it." Going up to the Flame Mountain and hiding aside to watch me fight with the C-crocodile Army group, how much life risk did you risk... You didn't even risk your life. Dare you say it wasn't for Lord Liu?"

After a pause, she added expressionlessly: "It's impossible to love me too much. To the point where your love turns into hatred, and you wish you could kill me~~"

Yuan Qi had nothing to say, really nothing to say. Whether he fell in love with Liu Hongxiu or this guy, it was a devastating blow to him...

The people nearby looked at me strangely.

Yuan Qi, who had always been sinister and calm, mentally whipped Daili Bianzi n times, n times~~

Based on this disadvantage, Liu Hongxiu finally smiled and rescued her subordinates: "Xiaojunjun, you misunderstood... Xiaoqi is not like this."

"He just loves me too much, and then hates me for loving you too much, so he wants to kill you. Don't blame him for this. It's all my fault."

A violent double kill!

Daili and Yuanqi were both killed!

What's even worse is that Liu Hongxiu, who has always been bad, also used a medium-sized loudspeaker...

The four giant carriages that were facing each other with a majestic aura all looked over. When they saw the three men...

That expression...

They are probably all thinking, who are these three people? What are they doing? What is this for!

Gong Zangxue and Emperor Ming, who had just arrived at the Demon Palace, both had their foreheads raised...

The face of the Demonic Palace/Misty Rain Chonglou!

By the way, Dong Yuan's face also came with it... The faces of the Yuan family who came all the way to watch the battle were ashen.

Are they going to follow in the footsteps of the Fei family?

The young man they are so proud of is being shamelessly unspoken? Or has it been unspoken? As the best and most mysterious representative of Dongyuan in Fenchuan, Zi Weiyang just smiled softly: "Everything in the world is impermanent."

——Human nature is inherently chaotic.

Under so many bright eyes, Dai Li was so calm that he flipped up his short hair with his beautiful white fingers. He didn't say anything, but lazily glanced at the people in front of him with his faint and blurred eyes.

The first thing she looked at was Jiuge. (To be continued)


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