A Queen

Chapter 1100: Jiangwang Pavilion, Ye Ziqing (Shao Si Ming Chen Yu Ling’s Favor + Nine)

Chapter 1100

In the solemnity, Xiahou Dun quickly adjusted his mood and smiled: "Then I wonder if Mr. Jun still dares to fulfill his previous promise?"

Do you have the backing of the Demon Palace? Haha, don’t forget that you took the initiative to propose a bet before. One person fights, the loser has no say, and life or death depends on fate!

Not even the Demon Palace can interfere!

In the eyes of the people in the Confucian and Taoist Pavilion, Jun Zili, who originally had the Demon Palace as a strong backing, was just seeking death when he proposed that condition. With the Demon Palace coming forward, they, the Confucian Dao Pavilion, would not make it so ugly. of.

She is totally looking for death!

"Of course" Daili's answer is not surprising, after all, her character and style are well-tracked.

"That's good." Xia Houdun opened and closed his palms under the murderous gestures of almost everyone in the Confucian Dao Pavilion, and the elegant and righteous aura inherent in the Confucian Dao Pavilion's Taoism quickly emerged from his body...

"Looks like he's serious." Jiange only cares about battles, not politics. The whole audience is respected by the domineering Jiangwangge. Among them, there are three small giants in Jiangwangge, one of which is Feng Yingxun.

Speaking of this Feng Yingxun, his appearance is absolutely first-class. He has the handsomeness of a noble family and the heroism of a warlord. Combined with this, he also has the noble aura formed after practicing the King's Pavilion technique. However, this noble aura has not yet been released. He is domineering and looks as luxurious as a prince.

The prince was obviously watching a show.

The two people next to them seemed to have no desire to watch the show. One was looking at the sky and the other was looking at others...

The main reason is that the standard of this competition is not enough for them to watch it in a humble way. It has no reference value at all. It is not as interesting as watching the clouds.

As soon as a cloud passed by, Xiahou Dun's golden characters burst out.

Press with both hands!

One presses, the other shocks!

Double Confucianism!

Superimposed damage!

The three counties have been exceeded!

At that moment, many people's breathing tightened, and their eyes were occupied by the bright golden light. They only saw Dai Li's figure being swallowed up by the golden light pressing down from above, and only a vague outline was revealed.

Some powerful people, such as Zhongli Guiwan, can clearly see everything about Daili through the light.

The dragon's claws rise, and the spear is held in the palm of the hand.

Or a spear?

But something seems to be different...

A spear!

Paused! Not fully formed?

Was it an accident?

Zhongli Guiwan and others only saw Junzili looking straight up at one place as if something extraordinary had happened, or his soul was shackled.

In a fierce battle, a moment's mistake can be fatal, not to mention Daili's confusion in this situation.


Two golden characters suddenly hit her.

No mistakes or omissions!

You really have to hit it right!

Zhongli Guiwan frowned, and Su Li also frowned. The people in the Demon Palace seemed to be confused and annoyed. For example, Huo Jiangli sneered, and Che Yuankai laughed softly.

Is this Junzili?

But that's it.

This is what many people think...

Until Xie Ru noticed Xu Yidao's strangeness.

He was looking at that place too.


Not far away, there was a person who had just arrived. He was hanging in the air, his clothes flying fiercely and making a rustling sound. He seemed to have seen the movement in front of him, so he paused.

Just watch from afar.

The white clothes are very white, the sword is very long and thin, very ordinary.

She is thin but tall, with very calm eyebrows.

The greatest indifference in the world is not being cold as ice, but being indifferent.

No one or anything could make the slightest splash in her eyes. She wore an ordinary white dress and emptied her heart into a vast expanse of white.

Without any decoration or embellishment, she is the heartless lover walking in the clouds. Behind her is the blue sky with white clouds floating through it. She is more dazed and misty than the clouds.

Can't catch it.

Such a woman is destined to make people's hearts flutter, but they dare not take action.

"Jiangwang Pavilion, Ye Ziqing" Dongguo Ziyi said slowly... suddenly turned to look at Ming Taihe: "Now you still think that such a woman is not worthy of my pursuit?"

You can't get it if you are too good. If you can't get it, you are the best. Since it is the best, you always want to occupy it.

There are too many men who want to keep this piece of nostalgic cloud.

Ming Taihe was silent. He had never seen Ye Ziqing before. He only felt that not all women in the world were like that. They would look the same when they were naked on the bed, or they would be nobler and more powerful. With their status and strength, they all looked the same. Pounced upon.

Therefore, he has always been disapproving of women, and he does not think that a woman is worthy of Dongguo Ziyi, a man who admires him, stooping to pursue her.

Until he saw Xue Zhiyu, Xiangxi Palace, these women with good conditions and outstanding appearance, none of these women would look at him for a second time, which made him annoyed and frightened, and then he saw Ye Ziqing...

Well, it was mainly because the person he met at the beginning, Mo Yao, broke his contempt for women and made it easier for him to accept Ye Ziqing.

He didn't dare to look down upon him. That woman's look had already made him lie on the bed for many days, and every day he wished that this woman would never look at him again...

However, although Ye Ziqing has a good reputation in Fenchuan, not many people have actually seen her. I heard that this person rarely appears in Jiangwang Pavilion, only occasionally in the tavern, and has almost never been seen in other places. She, just every time she appeared, was always accompanied by rumors like this that a certain gentleman and a certain genius were devoted to her and pursued her. It was only later that Fenchuan was said to have many people pursuing her.

That Linglongling said the same thing.

It seems to be really accurate.

Xue Qiange subconsciously looked at her elder sister and said in a low voice: "Sister, this is accurate."

"Huh?" Snow Fish looked confused.

"Uh..." Xue Qiange shrank under this gaze, but she still said with a mixture of mischief and worry: "The Linglongling said that you would fall in love with someone, and then you would never get what you asked for, and you would end up alone. Woolen cloth.."

"..." Xue Zhiyu was really surprised, but he wasn't angry either. He just glanced at her lightly and said, "That's nonsense."

Although Xue Qiange thought this was a bit unreliable, she was still angered by her sister's decades-long dislike.

"Then it also said that you have a bright future!"

"That's a half-truth."


Xue Qiange feels that her sister has become more and more shameless these days...

Snow Fish often ignored her own sister, and now she also looked at Ye Ziqing in the sky, and it turned out that this was Ye Ziqing.

Fenchuan is the mysterious genius who has attracted the pursuit of many geniuses but whose whereabouts are unclear.

I heard that he only joined Jiangwang Pavilion in recent years... maybe he only joined Fenchuan in recent years.

His origins are mysterious, his talent is mysterious, and even humans are just like Yun.

Everyone is looking at her, who is she looking at?

Xu Yidao was a little excited. It was the first time she was so excited because she looked here.

Could it be...

In the silence, someone suddenly shouted.

"Oh my God!"

"She's not dead!"


In front of Ye Ziqing, Xiahou Dun and Jun Zili were obviously ignored before, but now they were reminded that many people subconsciously looked at them.

The light has faded.

Xiahou Dun's expression was very unbelievable, as if he had just been forced to swallow a turtle alive.

How can this be!

She... was unscathed.

"Are you going to resist Xia Houdun's blow..." Zhongli Guiwan was slightly surprised, his eyes fell on Dai Li's elegant and dustless black robe, and he blinked slightly.

"Very powerful physical defense"

The fact that he could physically withstand the power of three counties and Confucianism and Taoism proves that this person is invincible below three counties.

With such a physique as a shield, to defeat her or kill her, one must be at least four counties strong.

This kind of strength is enough to occupy a place among the many geniuses here.

At least Xiahou Dun couldn't ignore it.

The people in the Demon Palace were also a little restless. Huo Jiangli frowned. He was no longer very sure.

Kun Yan had a cold face and was very frightened. He whispered a few words to Kun Lie next to him, as if he was applying eye drops.

Kun Lie just said calmly: "The grasshopper is jumping around, but it can't make waves."

On the other side, Xie Ru's expression was not very good-looking, and there was a dark light in his eyes. He didn't have as much self-confidence as Kun Lie, and he was even more worried about Jun Zili's progress...

A month ago it was less than two counties, but now it has reached three counties! And it will probably take four counties to be completely sure of taking her down.

This rate of progress is terrifying.

Army Crocodile, what do you think?

Military Crocodile's current expression is ugly.

He stood among a group of people in black, breathing a little unsteadily. Dao Tuo next to him patted his shoulder and smiled lowly: "I told you, this person should not be underestimated..."

"I know now." Jun Crocodile smiled bitterly, but after thinking for a moment, he narrowed his eyes and said, "But we, Xianyun, are still sure to win her this time, after all..."

Dao Tuo smiled and said nothing, he couldn't say anything...

Let’s see the result in time.


"Very good, it seems that your strength is even more than I expected, but that's it for now..." Xiahou Dun was telling everyone that he was going to be serious.

No matter how many trump cards are hidden, it must always be done under the premise that you cannot lose.

What's more, he lost to this person who had a conflict with the Confucian and Taoist Pavilion.

He has to reveal some of his cards...


Xiahou Dun's palms had just gathered together, and someone who looked extremely majestic with his physical body suddenly moved.

This move made Xiahou Dun immediately alert and everyone else excited...

She took a step.

One mile per step.

Arriving in front of Ye Ziqing.

When no one reacted...

Between laughter and non-smile, the fusion of heavenly immortals and fallen demons is the devil.

Simple black and white are the real colors of this world. One black and one white, they look stunning together.

"I'm here." Dai Li looked deeply at Ye Ziqing. Although he tried his best to suppress the happiness on his lips, he still couldn't hold back.

I'm coming, cousin.

The smile is extremely bright and brilliant, without any impurities. It is a smile that comes from the heart.

Such a smile is rare, at least people like Xiangxi Palace and Gong Zangxue have never seen it before.

It was a smile that only appeared in Hongfengju and Ye's family during the Great Xia period. R1152

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