A Queen

Chapter 1,101 Shameless and painful meat show route...

Chapter 1101

Chu Xiuling has seen it.

After many years, it is still unforgettable.

But after her family was wiped out, she could still laugh like this. Was it heartless, was she really overjoyed, or was it...deliberate?

It is said that a smile can put an end to grudges, so can a smile...

"I've already guessed it, so why be happy?"

Ye Ziqing's reaction was very calm, and his eyes were so quiet that burning bubbles and smelly pus burst out from the depths of Daili's heart that was originally filled with joy and peace.

She still remembered the time when she went to the Qing Sect. This woman had bright eyes and wet hair. She asked her to help wipe her hair. She smiled faintly and spoke with a calm and leisurely tone.

She is light but not cold. She keeps the entire Ye family in her heart, and even those who are related to the Ye family by blood are taken under her wing.

That was a cloud that was always there and could be touched by her.

Until that day...everything was ruined.

Before Ye Ranqiu died, did he think that his daughter was too stupid to come to die? Fortunately, his best niece was not there.

Does Ye Yunkai hope that his only daughter who escaped alive can float freely in the sky from now on?

If it has no roots, the clouds have nothing to rely on.

Dai Li felt that he couldn't hold on to his cousin anymore.

"Do you have to be so cold?" Dai Li still maintained a smile.

Ye Ziqing raised his eyes and frowned slightly: "I think you should have known why I was like this..."

Now that you know. Why be so dissatisfied and angry?

"You are Junzili, you will just be Junzili from now on..." She closed her eyes.

"I can't worry anymore"

These words are decisive.

The people from Nanlin helped their foreheads.

Is this still the good cousin who dotes on her cousin and wants to live in China?

You know how much these words hurt Daili.

How could she let it go?

Yes, how could you give it up?

So many people are annoyed by her talkativeness and heartlessness. But he still didn't want to hurt her, just like she never wanted to hurt them.

She was so careful to maintain her hard-won family and friends.

This most important family member, after she came to Fenchuan and met her for the first time with her heart in mind, she said so calmly,

I can't worry about it anymore.

So... we have nothing to do with each other anymore.

And it was in front of so many people.

Anyone who is attentive will notice that Daili's expression changes rapidly at that moment.

She said: "It seems that the problem is more serious than I thought. If this is the case, then I really have to do something."

He seemed to be talking to himself.

Then, with a completely expressionless face and no room for rejection, he said to Ye Ziqing: "You are ruthless. It doesn't matter if you are ruthless. I can be more ruthless than you... I remember that you hated me going to the brothel the most... From now on, whenever you reject me Once, I went to the Evernight Building to find a man to stay with me once at night. If you refused, I would stay with you once."

"Now. Give me your hand!"

It seems that the tide has turned, this time it was Ye Ziqing's turn and his expression changed instantly...

But she just frowned and didn't take action.

"It seems I still need to take the initiative."

Before anyone could react... Ye Ziqing's right hand, which was hanging on one side, was directly held by her and pulled up.

Everyone: (⊙o⊙)! ! !

Ye Ziqing, who was said to have an extraordinary existence in Jiangwang Pavilion, was actually held back like this!

Still passive!

Dai Li turned around and said to the people in Jiuge: "It's a personal matter. We'll talk about the follow-up of this matter after I come back."

Then he turned around and glanced at Ye Ziqing, "Let's go."

Pulling Ye Ziqing, turned around and walked away.

Clothes are flying. The short hair is broken and the long hair is fluttering.

The stunning young man wearing clogs pulled over a cloud and left without looking back.

From the beginning to the end, he didn't take anyone else seriously.

Although plain and simple.


I always feel so domineering that it makes people feel scared.

The people in Nanlin were solemn. Tang Junyi slowly closed his mouth and said, "Suddenly I feel that at some point, her meanness is not so obvious anymore."

Because he is too domineering.

The people in the General King's Pavilion and the Confucian and Taoist Pavilion have not yet come to their senses, including the elite disciples...little giants and so on.

The people in the Demon Palace were also confused.

This plot is a bit twisted.

Not to mention people like Xu Yidao who were in love with Ye Ziqing, dark clouds were rolling above their heads, and thunder and thunder struck their hearts extremely anxious.

Emperor Ming and the older generation also frowned secretly. I always feel like something is not quite right...

Until Chun Shisanniang was very sad and said: "Why are you looking for a man to spend the night..." Most people were finally stunned.

Damn, right!

Why is she looking for a man!

Liu Hongxiu smiled. Said to Yuan Qi: "Isn't the result obvious? She is completely ready."

Yuan Qi chuckled.

, when will you find out that this demon is actually a woman!

But thinking about that woman's argument about refusing to pay for one night at a time...

Chu Xiuling, Qin Ji and others all had myocardial infarction.

Damn it, are you threatening Ye Ziqing or are you pissing us off?

Xiangxi Palace held the photo stone in his hand, "After taking the photo, I'll show it to Luo Qingyi... she will be so angry!"

.... Qian Xuan raised his eyebrows, shopkeeper, are you really so insidious? By the way, who was the person with a livid face and gritted teeth just now?

The most distressed people in the whole game are undoubtedly Xiahou Dun and Rudaoge. You won't be able to shake the feeling of your opponent suddenly running to the toilet in the middle of the fight and never coming back!

There is also a problem in considering Wangge as the leader.

However, Ye Ziqing's origins were inherently mysterious, and the Prince's Pavilion was somewhat secretive about her existence. Naturally, no one asked, so they could only reveal the matter silently.

I can only expose it because the people from Qishan Pavilion are here.

The opening ceremony is about to begin.

Most people will participate. This is a ritual.

Except for some people.

Such as the distance.

Huang sat on a stone, looking at the jade in the distance and the large crowd of people gathered, and chuckled: "Ye Ziqing... I didn't expect that she was not the one who went to extremes in Daxia. Instead, it was Ye Ziqing..."

"The talent of this person who can walk the Qingyun Dao is also very terrifying. Young Master may consider absorbing her..."

"Forget it, the people in this family are not easy to mess with. Although there are only two left, the water behind them is too deep. I don't want to drag them in. Anyway, as long as we don't become enemies, it's fine."

Huang played with a bead and looked at the direction Dai Li and the two left...

"Maybe more than two"

In silence. She suddenly raised her head and looked somewhere.

"Someone's coming again"


The opening ceremony will obviously be long. Dai Li took Ye Ziqing to the edge of a lake, let go of her hand, took two steps, and took a deep breath. Turning his head to look at Ye Ziqing.

At this moment, Ye Ziqing crossed her arms and looked at her, "Bring me here, and then what? But do you think of a way to break my ruthless ways?"


"Then why did you bring me here?"

His tone was still cold, but Dai Li said, "You can always talk so much to others?"

Ye Zi paused and frowned, "What do you want to say..."

Dai Li suddenly smiled, winking and flirting. He walked over and hugged Ye Ziqing's shoulders, with a hint of teasing and frivolity: "Dear cousin Ye, just admit it... In your heart, your cousin and I are still very different. It's because you know that we are different. Deliberately trying to reject me..."

Before Ye Ziqing could say anything, she said: "There is a saying, love is hard to express in my heart...it doesn't matter, I understand...so I forgive you."

Looking at this extremely familiar face in front of me. Ye Ziqing closed her eyes, not knowing what she was feeling. After a moment, he said: "You are thinking too much."

We must not let this guy know that she couldn't help but go looking for her because she sensed that faint breath in the tavern...

But just as Ye Ziqing said these words, someone had already answered: "Your body is more honest than your mouth. Look at you, you didn't refuse me to put my arms around you... How can a person who forgets his love be like this?"

Then, she was already smiling like sparkling flowers, and tapped Ye Ziqing's nose with her long and beautiful fingers.


Ye Ziqing's expression changed rapidly again.

Suddenly realized...

"Are you going to use this method to break my ruthless ways?"

"To be precise, we are invincible, persevering and never giving up on our sustainable development strategy."

"It's called shameless?"


Dai Li paused and sighed to himself, she was still the same cousin as before, her ability to hit the nail on the head has really not changed.

"Actually..." Dai Li put his hands on Ye Ziqing's shoulders and said seriously: "Actually, I don't care if you have entered the ruthless path."

"Huh?" Ye Ziqing was surprised.

"Anyway, you can just treat me as you always have... I don't care about the rest of them. By the way, you have to be colder to those who have ill intentions towards you... As for the others, you weren't very enthusiastic before. , it’s not bad now.”


Even though Ye Ziqing's mood swings have been very slight due to the change in his cultivation path, there are still some ups and downs at this moment.

She had thought about what it would be like to meet Dai Li countless times. Would she cry with joy? Or look at each other speechless?

Unexpectedly...she said it didn't matter.

Ruthless is ruthless, it doesn't matter.

How could this be? Ye Ziqing frowned.

She has embarked on this path, and her indifference and ruthlessness will inevitably hurt those in the past, including Dai Li, whom she least wants to hurt. In this case, it is better to push it away from the beginning.

No, she couldn't take the initiative to push away this only relative, so she could only use words to force her to leave voluntarily.

This may be her greatest weakness.

But what should I do if Daili refuses?

Facing each other, behind us is a beautiful blue lake, green grass, and a clear sky...

The wind is so clear.

Ye Ziqing could see Dai Li's short hair moving slightly.

The wind flows, and the tail of the hair is nostalgic for the light.

After taking a quick breath, Ye Ziqing's tone was very calm and cool: "The Ye family has disappeared, my aunt has also left, your shackles are gone, the gentleman is gone... That's it."

She has always known about this cousin's inherent indifference and alienation. At first, for the Ye family... (To be continued)


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