A Queen

Chapter 1,103 The two tribes are coming!

Chapter 1103

"Zang Feng? The one in your store?" Ye Ziqing thought thoughtfully.

"Yes, that's him. That guy knows a lot of things. Unfortunately, he is too strong and I couldn't handle it, so I just pretended to be dead and didn't ask. By the way, he has a daughter who is suspected to be my sister..."

Ye Ziqing glanced at her lightly. Is there anyone who recognizes her sister so randomly? Her aunt must not be angry to death.

"According to what you said, he knows about your biological father, and your biological father is probably related to this group of people."

"Yes!" Dai Li snapped his fingers, and then added: "His daughter's name is Gong Zangxue..."

"I know that you were captured by her and used as a male pet. You spent some time on the spaceship, and then you were dragged into the Evernight Tower and lived there for a while." Ye Ziqing's tone was cold and murderous.

I don’t know who the murderous intention is for...

Dai Li shivered again and changed the subject angrily, saying: "That's not the point. The most important thing is that she is a demon and a demon palace. I guess that Zang Feng is also a demon... That's why she sneaked into the demon palace to watch. Let’s see if we can detect some clues.”

"The base camp of the Demon Palace is in a large group area, but I don't know which group area it is yet... but it also agrees with the circle of origin of that group of people..." Ye Ziqing thought for a moment and seemed to be hesitant, but when Daili noticed it sensitively, At that time, he still said: "Actually, I have noticed this hidden front before..."

This person seems ordinary, but just because he is ordinary, some qualities make him more eye-catching.

"I saw him meeting his aunt"

"Before that happened"

Eh? Dai Li was stunned.

Ye Zi Qingqing narrowed her eyes. "With the strength of the two of them, it's impossible that they didn't know my existence and saw them, but they still didn't hide it. It means they don't mind me knowing, maybe they just want to let me know..."

"What did they say?"

"They didn't say much, and I didn't hear much, but there was one sentence that left a deep impression on me."

As if thinking about it, Ye Ziqing was silent for a while before softly reciting a sentence.

"The seven souls are awakening, and they must search for their souls..."

Seven souls,

Seven clans!

Dai Li immediately remembered what he knew about the souls of the seven clans. And told Ye Ziqing that he had a piece of blood.

"I have vaguely heard Master talk about the seven clans, but he didn't say much. He just mentioned the Qinghuang and Fengwang clans, saying that they are a relict clan, born with extraordinary blood and strength. I came because of the blood inheritance. I came here to protect and have soul for generations to come."

"Is it also blood?"

"It's not blood soul... blood soul should be something that people of your bloodline can use and absorb. People from these two tribes don't have such abilities. What they have should be the innate soul... spirit in cultivation! Yes, "It's courage." Ye Ziqing finally found a word to describe it.

As soon as he said it, there was a memory in Dai Li's mind. The memory from the fading true dragon seemed to be really called Qi... Anyway, it was related to Qi.

"From the perspective of the bloodline talents of the children of the two tribes, their cultivation speed is far faster than others. Have you seen Feng Zijun? In fact, his talents in other aspects are very poor, but his cultivation speed is still very fast, because of that Because of blood. Feng Shaoling, the third young master of the Feng King clan, is not very old, but her cultivation speed is extremely fast... If you include Qi Qingyi... You should call Qingyi by now, her cultivation speed is even faster I have only awakened in the past three years, and my age is almost the same as yours... It has always been a myth here in Qishan Hall."

Dai Li is quite sure about this, after all, he was on the Linglong Ship. The level of this guy's performance still makes her find it difficult even now.

What's more, what will happen to her in a few months?

The two explored for a while, and finally felt that the most likely identity of the enemy was one of the seven tribes or the Big Mac in the demonic path.

No matter which one it is. They all need to practice quickly to enter the large-scale group territory with stronger strength, and the clues from the Demon Palace and the Seven Clans must not be let go...

After the conversation, the two heard the bell ringing and knew that the opening ceremony was coming to an end, and the next step was to prepare the assessment arrangements...

They both stood up, paused, and Dai Li suddenly asked: "By the way, can I still call you cousin in front of those people?"

It's not that she's afraid of exposing her identity. Anyway, she has exposed enough now. If her enemies had sensed it, they would have killed her long ago.

It's just that she is worried about Ye Ziqing's current status in Jiangwang Pavilion...

"It depends on what you like." Ye Ziqing looked at Xiang Daili, his eyes a little uncertain.

"Well, then I won't bark..."


"Be mad at those who want to pursue you."


The identity and everything else are just excuses. In fact, it is the little cousin who has the unique protection and possessiveness of the Ye family, and exerts Ye Yunkai's loving father's love for his daughter - all wolf cubs with evil intentions will be kicked out of me!

Just as the two of them were preparing to go to Chibi, hehe! Rays of light flew across the sky.

Soon, the momentum was magnificent.

Looks like a daytime meteor.

Dai Li was a little surprised, watching the group of meteors fly past beautifully in two separate trajectories with streaks of white light. He vaguely felt that one of them seemed to have stopped for a moment...but he still flew past.

She didn't have insight and couldn't see clearly who these people were.

"The people of the Wind King," Ye Ziqing said lazily.

"Well... we are here after all." Dai Li put his hands behind his back and smiled softly, Feng Shaoling... Today is different from the past.

She actually had some expectations.

"There are quite a few people from the Wind King coming."

"The other group is Qinghuanghai"


Came together? Maybe something happened before, Dai Li thought in his mind, and walked towards the opening ceremony with Ye Ziqing.


Under Red Cliff, the strong men from the Qishan Pavilion gathered together. Standing on one side, they saw many examiners and various forces in front of them, with at least 200,000 heads.

Even though there are many local Fenchuan people with low level of cultivation, there are so many people with high level of cultivation among them that any one picked out will be an elite.

At this moment, the opening speech is over. The old owner of the hall, that is, the burly man in Yu Ran's mouth - Fen San, known as Fen Sanye.

It is no longer known which generation of the museum owner he is, but this person does inherit the bloodline of the Fen line, one of the two ancestors of Fenchuan.

He looks like an ordinary person with a somewhat rough appearance, but please don’t ignore the majesty and strength of a Qishan Pavilion leader. For example, when the people from the Wind King and Qing Huang clans fell to the ground and caused a large number of people to become restless, he looked at him After sweeping over, the agitation in the audience was calmed down by the cold force, and then he looked at the people of the two races indifferently.

Said: "The opening ceremony has just ended, you came just in time."

These two clans are not the local aristocratic clans of Fenchuan. Their foundation lies in other places, but it is undeniable that they are very powerful in infiltrating the Qishan Pavilion assessment. It can be said that Qishan Pavilion dominates the world.

One line is Qinghuang, one is Fengwang, and the other two are Fen Hechuan.

Regarding the origin of the Qishan assessment, it is a historical issue. Fen Hechuan did not belong to the founder in the later period of history, but to the selected responsible persons. Therefore, this time the Qishan Road assessment was chosen in Fenchuan, which is undoubtedly considered This Qishan assessment is extremely special and has a huge implication.

Maybe it’s because there are so many talented people in this class?

But there is no doubt that the four major families in Fenchuan feel the pressure.

The pressure from these two ancient families, even though there were not many of them and no elders took the lead, still made them feel that unrivaled arrogance.

"The Hidden Clan... really has a profound heritage... this aura is different." Emperor Ming looked at these two groups of people thoughtfully.

Liu Hongxiu behind him suddenly sneered.

Emperor Ming's expression changed, and then he sighed and stopped talking.

Everyone present noticed that the young people of both groups took the lead. In other words, none of their elders arrived, and all the examiners took the lead.

It felt like Xu Liu was in charge, which made Xie Ru and others a little uncomfortable.

But the Qinghuang clan...

Luan Qingyi, who was dressed in Tsing Yi, was undoubtedly more conspicuous than the two handsome young men from the Feng King clan. It should be said that he was too conspicuous.

Her face is still that ordinary, and her temperament is mainly temperament. Maybe she is the only one who can kill most of the beauties here with just her temperament.

Even women like Snow Fish can't help but feel a lot of fear in their hearts.

I always feel that this woman's temperament has changed a lot compared to a few months ago, and she is more restrained and solid. There is a natural look between her eyebrows and eyes. Her figure is frail and thin, but she has a natural aura. This Many giants couldn't help but frown.

Due to the concerns of their respective forces, they do not like other people's children to be too outstanding.

Fortunately, this kid's style is not sharp and he is not from the local area... Just turn a blind eye.

Anyway, the four major aristocratic families would not dare to fight with these two clans even if they were beaten to death.

"It's Luan Qingyi...I heard that she was originally a senior executive of Qishan Pavilion..."

"Yes, I heard people say about Linglong Club, she is..."

"Lead the team, isn't there a man beside her?"

The Feng King has two assessors, one is Feng Shaoling, known as the Third Young Master Feng, who is very noble and has an extraordinary bearing, and the other is Feng Wenlun. Feng Wenlun is the eldest young master and is Feng Shaoling’s older brother. He is older and has a very calm and reserved demeanor. Although he has a handsome appearance, he is more charming like a mature man.

Both of them looked at Luan Qingyi. The former was more casual and smiled as soon as they met: "Luan Qingyi, long time no see. Are you leading the team today? I remember that the top management of the Qishan Pavilion cannot participate in the assessment. "

The tone is so frivolous.

Duan Qingyi just glanced at him and said nothing, but the young man next to him replied: "Feng Shaoling, you still have such a mean mouth."

This young man is not as handsome and noble as Feng Shaoling, but he is white and tender, with a little baby fat on his cheeks. He looks a bit naive, but he is not lacking in delicacy. However, he is very tall, and when he stares, he is very imposing.

"Luan Yidan, three years ago you were still number one in the family, but after losing to Duan Qingyi, your temper has softened... It has changed so fast!" Feng Shaoling also knows how to poke holes in people's bones. (To be continued)


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