A Queen

Chapter 1,104 Eighteen thousand eight hundred and eighty-eight people

Chapter 1104

Seeing the promising young people from two big aristocratic families scolding each other on the spot, many people were still happy to watch the show, especially the people from the four major aristocratic families. They wished that the people from these two aristocratic families would have a fight on the spot, but Feng Wen Lun didn't give them such a chance, he just frowned and glanced at Feng Shaoling, meaning that enough was enough, but who was Feng Shaoling? He had always been extremely noble in the Feng King clan: his mother was favored, and his mother clan was powerful. He was vaguely considered to be the next successor, so he didn't have much respect for the titular eldest brother, so he pretended not to see it...

But on the contrary, the Qinghuang clan...

Luan Qingyi only glanced at Luan Yidan.

With just one glance, Luan Yidan immediately became quiet and stopped talking.

Just like a quiet handsome man.

It's completely different from the hot temper just now.

——On the stage effect of a look.

Following the Fengwang family are two extremes.

But obviously Feng Wenlun is not a simple character. He just smiled and looked good-tempered.

Fortunately, the leaders of the two major families did not want to take too much limelight, and soon the lighting effect of the stage was all on Master Fen.

It is estimated that no one knows the specific strength of this man, but the surname Fen is enough to make him the focus of everyone. At this moment, with his hands behind his back, he glanced at so many young and carefree young people in front of him with some satisfaction, and smiled. , said: "Today is the general assessment of Qishan Road...Although it is not the first time, it is the first time it is held in Fenchuan...it is of great significance."

Of course it's significant. Xu Yidao and others glanced meaningfully at the giant red cliff not far away.

A chibi is already a very obvious hint.

Of course Mr. Fen knew what the looks in the eyes of these young people with very high average IQs meant, so he just pretended not to notice and glanced to the side. Yuli stepped forward.

The so-called promotion is no joke - he became the assistant to the head of the library.

Equivalent to the emperor's close ministers.

After brushing, Yuli had an extra scroll in his hand, and Shi Shiran spread it out.


The scope of the candidates for this general assessment is centered on Fenchuan and spreads to about a hundred counties in the southeast, northwest and all counties and forces as well as casual cultivators. As long as they are qualified for the assessment, they are included. There are a total of 18,888 people participating. "

18888, do you dare to say that this number is not deliberate by your Qishan Pavilion?

So superstitious!

Many people secretly cursed. However, some people are frightened. Generally speaking, there are only about 20 places in the small group domain. Similar to Nanlin, there are more powerful group domains ranging from twenty to fifty, but according to the scope of the group domains mentioned by each Yuli, there are only five hundred group domains included. After all, there are only a few powerful group domains. For example, there are definitely no more than fifty medium-sized group domains. In this way, the number of people occupying the official quota of the group domain is about 12,000 to 3,000 people, and the rest should be people from specific forces. .

There are 4,000 people from the force, 13,000 people from the group area, plus Fenchuan's local...

It seems that with such a huge scope and the intervention of external forces such as the Demon Palace, more than 18,000 people are not too many.

"It seems that in such a huge area, the number of people who have participated in the regional assessment has reached at least 10 billion. To select more than 18,000 people from them is already considered very tragic."

People from many forces are very clear about this data. So I'm not surprised to see 18,000 people.

It’s just that many assessors still feel that Alexander, especially when looking at so many masters,

It is not uncommon to be at the monarch level.

Whichever group you are in can be regarded as the king of a prince, and most of them here are less than three hundred years old. Outside, they look like young people

This is the essence cultivated by all the human monks within the scope of the five hundred groups!

The strongest elite!

"There are 18,888 people. Our Qishan Hall treats you equally regardless of your origin, background or strength. Your names have all been scrambled and placed on this list."

The scroll spread out in Yuli's hand was very long, with names densely packed on it.

One of them is yours!

"At the end of this list, only some people can be selected to climb Qishan Road. It depends on your ability to be recognized by Chibi and Qishan Road. But the higher the ranking. The benefits you get from Qishan Road The more, if it is the first place..." Yuli's words were gentle and measured. At this point, the ending sound was specially lengthened...

"How amazing it is, just refer to the previous winners."

Past winners!

Those people are now in the large group area!

Either he was sucked into the power of a large group domain, or he became famous in it...

The hearts of those present became excited. For people like Nanlin, Fenchuan may already be a great place, but as for medium-sized group areas and people from Fenchuan locals or big forces, no one would not target large group areas. of.

That is the world of the strong!

The people present became restless, but Yuli handed the list to Fen Sanye.

The third master's eyes were so deep that he scanned everyone present: "Any assessment adopts an elimination system, and this time is no exception. This list is your elimination standard... You failed! Your name will disappear from here... But how to disappear depends on how Chibi looks."

With that said, he flew up, reached the center of the red cliff, pressed his hand, and pressed the fully unfolded scroll onto the surface of the red wall.

Yuli, as well as Qishan Pavilion, at least a hundred formation masters flew out and stood in front of Red Cliff. Each one made seals in their hands, and some were muttering something unknown...

"This is an ancient sacrificial inscription that can communicate with all the spiritual beings in the world..." Duan Qingyi whispered to the curious Duan Yidan next to him.

Master Fen is communicating with Chibi?

Everyone was in awe, and the majestic aura of Chibi seemed to be getting stronger and stronger...

After a while, the scroll list in the third master's hand glowed, visible to everyone's naked eyes, and burned into the red wall.

Blink and disappear.


Mr. Fen Sanye clasped his hands in a respectful manner: "Please also ask Chi Ling to offer sacrifices."


Everyone is still suspicious. Just saw something strange about Chibi.


“On the red cliff is”

The red cliff was originally a bumpy stone surface, mostly marked by various marks of knives and swords and other signs of fighting, but at this moment, the stone surface seemed to have an invisible thug controlling a pen. Names were strangely carved on it.

Red Cliff is so big that if all 8,888 names were written on it, each character would be as tall as a person, and there would still be a lot of room left.

But it was enough for everyone to see the names clearly.

The speed of name worship was very fast, the dust fell from the red cliff, and soon a red cliff with names engraved on it appeared.

What a feeling when you see your own name on the famous Red Cliff.



Of course yes

But someone has questions.

"Senior Third Master. I wonder what standards must be met to be selected into Qishan Road?"

This issue is very important, and only a few people are confident about it. Most of the casual cultivators or people from Nanlin are absolutely not clear about it. Even people from Dongyuan or Yunling have a blank look!

"It's hard to say what the standard is." Fen Sanye is quite friendly personally. He did not avoid this question, but this is the answer.

"Anyway, I'm telling you that there were so many Qishan Road assessments before. The one with the best results had thirty people selected. For the others, there were generally about a dozen. There were only a few who were poor, and one was the worst. , not a single one~~”

His tone was so calm, not intentionally scary at all.

But the effect is amazing.


Definitely a large number of people vomiting blood!

Everyone, including Snow Fish, silently lit a candle in their hearts.

"No wonder there is a saying that the road to Qishan is difficult to reach the sky!" Dong Guo Ziyi smiled bitterly, but he heard Ming Taihe next to him say nonchalantly: "Anyway, I will kill anyone who blocks my way!"

This is so rude!

What if it's a girl?

Several female nuns nearby glanced over meaningfully.

Well, don’t you think the biggest problem is what if it’s a boy?


"Eighteen thousand and a dozen people are weak and incompetent."

"There are only a few names on the huge red cliff. It must be a great feeling!"

The assessors are eager to try.

"But if we lose, the name will be gone and only the names of a hundred people will be left. Haha~~" Xie Rui sneered with narrowed eyes. The weak are not qualified to leave their names on it!

"Okay, now your names are all on it. We need to check that the assessors are in place first. As long as all assessors stand under the red cliff, our Qishan Pavilion will register your information."

Such a large and serious assessment naturally needs to be more standardized. Although there are no requirements for spectators, there is still a system for assessors.

As a result, examiners quickly emerged from the crowd of hundreds of thousands of people.

The people at Qishan Pavilion are ready.

When registering, Xie Ru glanced around, suddenly his eyes flashed, and he asked the person in front of him at Qishan Pavilion: "What would have happened if I hadn't come to register?"

The person who registered didn’t even raise his head, he just said coldly: “disqualified”

Although their attitude is very bad. Young Master Xie rarely received such anger, but after all, he got a satisfactory answer. He curled his lips and said to Huo Jiangli, who was registering in the row next door: "I'm really worried about that person in your Demon Palace. When we talk about love, we don’t seem to pay attention to the Qishan Road assessment.”

These words definitely hurt a lot of people, such as Xu Yidao, who had thoughts about Ye Ziqing. They definitely put the name Junzili on the soles of their feet and stepped on it countless times.

However, Huo Jiangli raised his eyebrows and said nothing, because

"What Mr. Xie said is really interesting. How can I take it seriously in the Qishan Pavilion assessment?"

The words came slowly, and everyone turned around, only to see Shi Shiran, a man wearing wooden clogs, walking from the grassland in the distance, and beside him was Ye Ziqing, who had his hands folded on his chest and looked dull. (To be continued)

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