A Queen

Chapter 1,105 Sisters show their affection~

Chapter 1105

Her words were so arrogant that everyone in the Qishan Pavilion looked over when they heard her words.

Before reaching the front, Dai Li had already used her unique lazy sarcasm to emphasize: "Even if my eyes are big and bright, I will never be able to fit in such a grand assessment. But it seems that Mr. Xie, your eyes are better than mine." It's much smaller. If you can fit it in, I can only admire you."

After a pause, she said: "Look at these little eyes. They are made of rubber. They can be zoomed in or out freely."

Someone has said it a long time ago, arguing with this guy is definitely courting death!

You are the real rubber!

Xie Ru, who was once despised for his small eyes, was filled with anger and murderous intent. He subconsciously squinted his eyes, but he immediately reacted and turned to gritted teeth and sneered: "Sharp teeth and sharp mouth."

"It's better than having no teeth at all"


Seeing that Xie Ru was completely defeated in the quarrel, he was just about to stop talking to all the troublemakers in Dai Li, especially Xu Yidao. He took a deep breath and suppressed this person with force.


Xu Yidao and others still looked at Ye Ziqing who was next to Dai Li. He was as cold as ever. Fortunately, he was still so cold.

Maybe she just knew this Jun Zili, and there was some connection. After all, she was so indifferent, and there was no special relationship between her and Jun Zili.

Indeed, there is nothing wrong with the two of them in tandem.

It’s just that the person walking in front paused, allowing the leaves behind to come up. Then he took her hand again, and when she turned around to look

"Come on, you register first"

Then he pulled Ye Ziqing in front of him.

Just in front of the bowed registrar. She added firmly: "Those who helped me will also board together."

Ye Ziqing turned his eyes, looked at her, and said lightly: "Are you sure?"

"Of course, we are our own people." She also patted Ye Ziqing on the shoulder.

Then he was stunned and refused to let go! Just resting on Ye Zizhi's thin and slightly bony shoulders.

Damn it! This salty pig's hand!

Xu Yidao and others vomited blood and regurgitated it. Holding the knife in their hand, murderous intent surged for a moment, making Emperor Ming and others unable to help but look at it. One look at the person involved, ha!

It's the troublemaker again!

Is she planning to take over all the hatred points of the entire assessment group?

The most annoying thing is

The man added: "Ziqing~~ you are too thin!"

It's so clear~~The ending sound is so gentle. But it makes the female cultivators here feel very excited~~it also makes the male cultivators turn their eyes white and smoke.

This person is so mean!

"Isn't it good to be thin?" Ye Ziqing, who was writing with her eyes downcast, still had a calm expression, but her words were very soft, and her originally slender voice gave it a somewhat gentle and cool feeling.

Green and charming.

"Not good. It doesn't feel good."

Someone noticed that Ye Ziqing's movements paused for a moment!

Then the expressions of many male cultivators nearby became distorted.

Still feels good! Damn it!

"I'll give you a refill later," Dai Li added carelessly.

As soon as he said this, the whole place became a little quiet.

This is quite ambiguous.

Even though Ye Ziqing knew that Dai Li was going to drive away many admirers for her, this sentence sounded like he was taking the opportunity to tease her cousin.

It seems that she is still too indulgent.

Ye Ziqing stopped writing, put the pen aside, raised his eyes, and looked sideways at her.

The eyebrows are picturesque.

"Can your body handle it?"

The lingering sound is light but long, wandering gently

How many people were shocked to the point of being left naked and naked?

Even people like Zhongli Guiwan and Suli were stunned.

Is this Ye Ziqing?

That one never takes anyone seriously, just treats him as air. Ye Ziqing living in a cold and heartless world?

Nanlin people still feel very normal, mainly because they have seen this pair of cousins ​​have a crazy love for each other before, and they have also seen Ye Ziqing, who is as elegant as a fairy in the clouds, repeatedly making fun of his little cousin.

At the moment, it's just a replay of the old scene, and the two's appearance and temperament have improved a few levels.

But people from Fenchuan are not Jiangzi!

Especially those from the Four Pavilions, Jiangwang Pavilion. I feel like I've eaten shit at this moment!

——Xu Yidao and others were already full.

Just in the eyes of other people

"Did you see? This person is so heartless. I asked her to get me some food but she refused. Now, she actually takes the initiative to get food for this Ye Ziqing." Thoughts in vain while biting the handkerchief

Luan Qingyi glanced at her. "What do you mean compared to Ye Ziqing~~"

These words are so cold,

Xiangxi Palace suddenly trembled and narrowed his eyes: "You are asking yourself this, right? Look at the tone~"


"You said it wasn't you"

"At least she will make me whatever I want to eat, always."


Qian Xuan watched with his own eyes as his shopkeeper's blood tank was emptied and he died in battle. He sighed, feeling that he had done something wrong for himself.

However, after saying this, Luan Qingyi still pressed her temple lightly.

It seems like my best friend is worse than my cousin~~

Besides, she's not really my best friend~~

There is a businessman, Qin Ji, Qianshan Muxue, a famous sword, Tranquility, and now there are also Gong Zangxue and Xiangxi Palace, who are very malicious and aggressive, as well as the legendary Feng Zuixin and Qingxin, yes, there are also There is the hidden secret of Mu Qingyan

Oh my god, from a rough calculation, I can’t hit it with ten fingers!

The beautiful lady, who had always been extremely clever and thoughtful, suddenly turned dark.


After Ye Ziqing finished writing, he walked to the side. Dai Li walked forward with a smile, just like the little plum next to Lafayette.

"Has it been written?"


"Then let's go"

"Mine is fine. Yours is not."


When he saw this, Xu Yidao's blood returned and his eyes lit up. It seems that Ye Ziqing doesn’t take this person too seriously either.

Dai Li's expression was also embarrassing, but he heard Ye Zi Qing fluttering as he walked by.

"I am lazy now, which will not be conducive to my future life."


This show of affection is so loving~~

Qin Ji and others couldn't laugh or cry, and Lan Zhiyou sighed: "Sure enough, it is my cousin who can control her."

"Not necessarily." Qin Ji knew that she didn't have this ability, but

"It seems that Qianshan Muxue is also okay, but it's a pity that she's not here. As for the other one," Qin Ji turned her head and looked somewhere.

Just in time to see Fu Qingyi turning sideways to talk to Yi Dan.

It couldn't be done before. It seems possible now.

This woman.

The group of people Da Xia met, except for Dai Li who had always been the core. The strongest one is undoubtedly Qianshan Muxue following Qingyi, now there is another Ye Ziqing

Three pillars?

Ye Ziqing went to the other side. Dai Li picked up a pen and wrote his name on the square stone slab in front of him, and was about to leave.

"Also write down your age." This voice made Dai Li a little surprised. At first glance, this woman who just raised her head

"Oh, Yujiu, when did you join Qishan Hall~" Yujiu rolled his eyes at her, "After you die"


Dai Li quickly wrote down his age, and as soon as he put down his pen, he smiled at Yu Jiu: "We haven't seen each other for so long, let's have a drink later."

She was always more enthusiastic about these people from before Daxia. Perhaps it was the demise of the Ye family that made her appreciate them more.

Yu Jiu looked at Dai Li with a warm smile and raised his eyebrows: "Is Qin Ji coming?"

"Forget it. Just pretend I didn't say it."

Suddenly remembering that this guy had wild ambitions for her Qin Ji, Dai Li ran away immediately.

"Virtue! Stingy, bah!" Yujiu stared and continued working, but this hot and noble beauty still attracted attention. It's just that she has Qishan Pavilion and a powerful aunt as her backer, which is not something ordinary people can afford to offend.

At Jiangwang Pavilion, Ye Ziqing walked up to the old man who called her and said something. It was no different from before, and her words were as concise and concise as before. There is no interest in talking more. The older generation has long been accustomed to it and doesn't care. After all, the younger generation feels a little unfair.

Feng Yingxun was near Ye Ziqing. When Ye Ziqing stood alone, looking sideways into the distance thoughtfully, he frowned and sighed slightly: "It's rare to see Ye Ziqing be so familiar with a person. In the past, this person I don’t talk much to others.”

My attitudes toward these three are average.

Just occasionally exchange a few words when the elders were summoned to meet in the royal pavilion.

But he didn't see anything special about the gentleman. He was just a bit soft-spoken and sharp-tongued. He looked a bit like a playboy. How could Ye Ziqing be on good terms with such a person?


The man next to Feng Yingxun was taller and more handsome than him. He had a very masculine beauty and his eyes were as deep as a wolf.

He is like a wolf himself.

He didn't seem to be very interested in this, and just replied coldly: "The way she practices is destined not to have superfluous emotions. This gentleman is just one who will be discarded in the future, and now he is just used." A chess piece that tempers ruthless ways."

It is said that the three little giants in Jiangwang Pavilion are extraordinary. When others are jealous and suspicious, they can already see the essence through phenomena, and their imaginations are wide open.

Feng Yingxun raised his eyebrows thoughtfully: "It's really possible. If we don't break it, we won't establish it. But our Hu Yanjue seems to want to conquer this dangerous woman. Of course, the most dangerous one is this poor chess piece."

Dai Li, who has been turned into chess pieces by the two little giants in Wang Pavilion, is already looking for someone.

In other words, although she is nominally from the Demon Palace, she has never had the intuition in this regard. In addition, the Demon Palace has always had freedom of movement, so she has no intention of trying to build relationships with the Demon Palace.

Therefore, the group of people in the Demon Palace who were ready to meet this new comer could only watch as he happily ran towards Nanlin's group. (To be continued)

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