A Queen

Chapter 1,106 No one came

Chapter 1106

Huo Jiangli: "This person really doesn't have any consciousness of being a member of my Demon Palace."

Chun Shisanniang; "She has never been a human being, let alone a member of the Demon Palace. Calm down~~"

Huo Jiangli felt a little better after saying this and said nothing more.

It’s just that Chun Shisanniang smiled charmingly on the surface, but secretly

"If you don't come back, I'm afraid these four people from the Demon Palace will become your enemies one by one. After all, you don't give them any face."

Dai Liquan acted as if he didn't hear it. The people in the Demon Palace were all more powerful than Xie Ru and the others. How could the competitive relationship be eased just because she smiled and asked a few words about the relationship? Spring Thirteenth Mother asked her to go over. I just want to see them fight

She wouldn't be that stupid~~

By the way, Nanlin is better here~~

When the Nanlin people saw Dai Li approaching, they looked towards Gui Jianchou.

"Are you really worried about ghosts?"

His expression was serious, especially like that of an elder~

But everyone knew it.

This guy is actually horny!

Those who didn't look good, such as Kong Kong'er, were ignored by Dai Li.

Gui Jianchou had always been cold, and he was the same now. He glanced at her and curled his lips.

No response either.

"Sure enough, he is still as virtuous as ever." Dai Li rolled his eyes, said a few words to Tang Junyi and others, and then looked at Chu Xiuling.

Did you finally see me?

Chu Xiuling sighed, but he still said: "You want to ask me about the separation?"

"Yes, yes. You are getting smarter and smarter."

You are so used to it, okay?

Chu Xiuling didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and said, "She should have come out of Peach Blossom Spring with Senior Bao and the others.

Because there are also evaluators in Taohuayuan who are participating in this assessment but have the strength to separate."

"Strength is not important." Dai Li interrupted Chu Xiuling, "I just want her to survive the disaster well. Has the poison been cured?"

After hearing this, Chu Xiuling paused, glanced at Dai Li, and smiled: "Well, she was in good condition, but I left Peach Blossom Spring first, and I'm not sure what happened next."

Chu Xiuling talked about Bai Jin and others again

Bai Jin has undoubtedly practiced a complete medical education. Dai Li thought that this person should be the only one who had collected three complete Tao scrolls among the eight Tao scrolls. The others were probably scattered.

"But" Chu Xiuling paused. Said: "There is something wrong with Yingzheng"

Forehead? Dai Li was surprised, but the people in Nanlin seemed to already know. At this moment, a group of people gathered together, and their original smiles were restrained.

The situation seems serious?

"You haven't seen Jing Jingyuan either. Because she has been dealing with Ying Zheng's problem."

"What's wrong with him?" Dai Li frowned. In her plan, if Nanlin wants to rise, Ying Zheng must exist, because he is the only candidate for the emperor among them, but

"The reason why I came out first when I was unconscious was to arrange some things with Qin Mingyue. At least to ensure that Nanlin's losses after his accident are minimized, and to make peace with Jiang Chuan and the others."

Jiangchuan and these people are all the successors of the major forces in Nanlin, and they are also the pillars of Nanlin. If something happens to Ying Zheng. Nanlin is bound to be in chaos, and they must undoubtedly make preparations.

So now Daili is the last one to know.

"Bai Jin didn't say why?"

"She only said that she couldn't find out. She also said that the change in Ying Zheng should be related to the incident in Guiwei Gorge. It's just what happened next." Chu Xiuling still smiled bitterly. It was really strange. Bai Jin, the Body of Due Everything has been found out, but there is no clue about Ying Zheng.

It can only show that the root of this matter is very high-end.

It's not something Bai Jin can get involved in.

Dai Li suddenly thought of a few things he might be suspicious of, but he didn't say much. He just asked about Ying Zheng's life safety.

for this man. She kind of feels like a bitch to a bitch.

"My life is fine, I just don't know when I will wake up. I am still in the Peach Blossom Spring under the care of Senior Bai Shuang."

Just because he didn't know when he woke up, and if it was too long, it would definitely not work, so Chu Xiuling had to come out to inform Jiang Chuan and others.

For this matter, Dai Li can't make any arrangements, he can only say

"If there is any movement around Nanlin, if there is a fight or killing, please inform me and I will ask the Vatican to come over."

Upon hearing this, the people in Nanlin instantly felt at ease.

By the way, the combat power of the 20,000 people in the Vatican can overthrow the small group areas around Nanlin, okay?

Well, they don’t know that there are far more than 20,000 people in the Vatican~~

This topic was a bit heavy, so Tang Junyi changed the subject: "Kid, where have you been hanging out these years? Look at how much you have changed."

It is recognized that Gui Jianchou has great talent, but he was left behind because he was too young before and not as good as Dai Li. Now, the speed at which he is catching up is really abnormal.

The great master ~ (⊙﹏⊙)b!

This is also what Daili is curious about.

Gui Jianchou's eyes flashed when he heard this.

"I will tell you after the Qishan Road assessment is over."


A group of people gave him the middle finger! (Hey, there are so many characters, and if I write about them all, the plot will be very slow, so I’ll forget some people first and take my time~~Okay, this will create the illusion that the queen is in love with another person~~~).

Dai Li only found people like Nanlin, abandoned the Demon Palace, ignored people like Xiangxi Palace, and did not see some acquaintances hidden in the crowd. There was a bad feeling that made countless people gnash their teeth, but this place was not It's a good time to reminisce about the past, at least there will be a bunch of Qinghuang Hai masters behind him, and Dai Li will never get along with him.

The time and occasion are not suitable.

Obviously Luan Qingyi also meant this, so he didn't even look at Daili during the whole process.

It's just that Dai Li searched almost most of the people present, but she didn't find what she wanted to see.


Thousands of mountains are covered with snow at dusk. Jingjing is far away, Shang is away, and Mingjian and the others haven't come yet.

Even Huang is not there.

Did something happen that she didn't know about?

It seems that he is aware of the worries about generation and separation. Chu Xiuling and others also started searching around.

Not many people from Nanlin came to take the assessment, only twenty people

Ying Hai, Linjiang Immortal, famous sword, Dai Li, Ya Sha, Xi Qing Yi. Ghost Tower, a beautiful song. Feng Ling, snow on thousands of mountains, rivers and rivers, Phoenix. Green radish, Tibetan economics, clear leaves, Yingzheng, Linjiang snow, tranquility and distance, Zijunhou, Hengshan Mountain.

These are the top twenty in the Nanlin Qishan Road assessment, but this place is a bit unlucky. The second Yinghai was killed, the first generation Li "died" again, and Ya Sha was also killed. Huang rebelled, Ye Ziqing entered the King's Pavilion, the famous sword entered the Jiang Pavilion, Xi Qingyi, also known as Luan Qingyi, is from Qinghuanghai, and Zi Junhou is from Dongyuan.

In total, eight people went!

Now the calculation means that twelve people can participate in the assessment, but now we have counted. That is Linjiang Fairy and Ghost Tower. Juege, Feng Ling, Jiangchuan, Qingluo, Zangjinglun, Linjiangxue and Hengshanyue are here.

There are still three people, Jing Jingyuan, Ying Zheng, Qianshan Muxue who haven't arrived yet.

Excluding Ying Zheng, whose life and death are unknown, the other two should have arrived long ago!

Worried, Dai Li saw two people in front of him, one was Yue Shan and the other was Xi Liuying.

Their intentions were clear.

"Master Jun, you are Ming Jian's best friend. I wonder if you know her whereabouts?" Yue Shan's attitude towards Dai Li was much better than when they first met.

"Mingjian, I didn't see it. I thought you knew that I was going to look for it." Dai Li frowned. Mingjian rarely made such mistakes. What happened this time did not even inform Jiange. , was there an accident?

Daili couldn't bear the thought of this and wished he could find someone now.

Seeing that Dai Li was leaving here to find someone, Yue Shan and the other two were surprised, "Um, no need, you still have to take the exam. I can just send someone to look for him. Don't worry, we still have some connections in Jiange."

Somehow it’s become them to appease and leave, damn, there’s something wrong with this~~

But what they said was not an exaggeration. Looking at the huge Fenchuan, there were very few things that Jiange wanted to investigate that they couldn't find.

When Dai Li saw Yue Shan's attitude, he felt that the famous sword's status in the sword pavilion was probably not low, otherwise the old man wouldn't be so nervous.

Just when they were ready to take action

Xi Liuying's expression of joy at one moment and gloom at the other made Dai Li turn his head to look.

The famous sword came, but Bai Jin was also followed beside him.

Handsome men and beautiful women, one is noble and elegant, as sharp as a sword, the other is fresh and casual, as gentle as the wind.

It's a perfect fit.

But once the word "fresh" is applied to Bai Jin, I don't know how to feel like my limbs are being poked by needles~~

And when the fresh girl Bai walked next to Mingjian, the poking needles turned 360 degrees, and she sighed: "I didn't expect that if I wasn't by Xiaojianjian's side for a day, she would be targeted by a wolf~~"

Everyone around: Why do you think she is safer with Bai Jin?

However, it was obvious that the appearance of these two people caused some people present to feel uneasy.

For example, Xi Liuying, who admires famous swords, and some who admire Bai Jin.

Most of them are people from the Demon Palace.

At the Demon Palace, Chun Shisanniang sensed Che Yuankai’s murderous intention. Well, it seems that it is no longer news that this number one elite loves Bai Jin of the Divine Gong Palace~~

He was undoubtedly stabbed by a famous sword right now.

The famous sword Sensen sensed the killing intent, glanced at it, and then looked away as if he saw nothing.

Bai Jin pretended not to see this and just smiled: "It seems that you and I have to leave separately, otherwise those girls will bury me on the spot."

This is a bit teasing

Mingjian lowered his eyes: "Farewell"

He turned around and left without saying a word, perhaps just waiting for Bai Jin's words.

Bai Jin was stunned for a moment, and then he also laughed. He walked over under the scorching eyes of the Demon Palace people. When he passed by Dai Li, he glanced at Dai Li's waist badge, and then smiled casually: "One of your own?"

"Huh huh" Dai Li smiled. (To be continued)

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