A Queen

Chapter 1,112: Seize the Red Cliff Fruit!

Chapter 1112

The blood thread hangs people up...

"Handsome!" Scorpion praised!

This is much less laborious than relying on physical strength to climb!

It just consumes blood energy. As for blood energy consumption?

"I have prepared a lot of spiritual blood. I can probably hold on for a long time. Anyway, the assessment period is only twelve hours." Dai Li's abacus rattled, but he quickly headed up to the location of Chibi Peak, which is almost 500 meters away. near..

But suddenly!

"Ahh!!" A scream suddenly came from below, and Dai Li and Mo Xie looked down.

In the forest road where she was standing just now, a monk was running for his life, and his breath was exposed as he ran.

However, his running speed is about the same as that of ordinary athletes, slightly better than that of ordinary people.

From Dai Li's point of view, it was extremely slow, but unfortunately the thing chasing him behind him was very fast.

"That thing is a spiritual fire?" Dai Li and Mo Scorpion were both surprised.

It was a cow, a cow covered in flames. To be precise, it was a two-meter-tall strong spiritual fire cow, covered in blood and running wildly. Its hooves kicked up a cloud of dust and quickly shortened the distance from the monk. .

Just in front of the stone wall peak she was climbing on, the man was pushed out by the cow. When he was pushed out, he turned around and attacked!

Great Master, this man.

However, the fire bull's horns hit it, and the attack was shattered, and then it was trampled!


The mouth opened, like a giant snake's jaw expanding, and the man was swallowed directly.

Daili: "..."

Is this still booming? The fighting power is off the charts! It's more than ten times more powerful than ordinary red fire...

After the cow swallowed the man. He mooed a few times, stepped on his hooves and shook his head, then suddenly looked up.

I saw Daili more than two hundred meters away.

The blood eyes are fierce!

"Damn it.

Can this stupid cow still fly up? Cows can't climb trees, right~~" Scorpion said proudly.

But the next second...

The fire bull separated instantly and turned into five red flames.. Howling and flying up from below!


Dai Li and Mo Scorpion cursed at the same time. How could these spiritual fires be combined? Transformers failed!

And why can spiritual fire still fly?

No gravity?

It is really possible that there is nothing like spiritual fire, it is just a pure energy body, the total amount is almost negligible, so it can fly...

"Seeking death!" Scorpion opened his mouth. Create a bloody mouth out of thin air...


Five red fires were swallowed up in one gulp.

As soon as he closed it, his little mouth chewed. While saying: "Boss, it seems that the previous estimate needs to be improved. If these spiritual fires can be combined together, the threat will be much improved..."

"Yeah" Dai Li looked at the group of spirit fires about five hundred meters above him. Narrow your eyes.

It seems to be a yellow fire.

Daili and Scorpion are both a collection of plug-ins that can restrain spiritual fire. When they silently approached the height of 500 meters from the other side, Daili, who was standing on an isolated green pine branch, tilted his head slightly and could see ahead. There are seven yellow fires clinging to the stone wall, and there is a small tree between them. Only the green branches and leaves can be seen, but there is no red wall fruit inside.


"Do it, Xiaoxie!"

The scorpion has already crawled out. It is small and the best at pretending to be weak. After crawling over silently...

Being so close to the group of spiritual fires, these yellow fires didn't take this scorpion seriously at all, they just thought it would be nice to have a small life form as a dessert...

So I rushed over.

The next second this little scorpion became a hundred times bigger. The long scorpion tail wrapped around the peak body, and the pincers waved!

The Yellow Fires were frightened and screamed...

Come on, a bunch of combinations!


A golden flame bird with a wingspan of seven to eight meters appeared just like that, and it immediately started fighting with the scorpion...

At this time, Dai Li had slowly climbed to the edge of the small tree. Look at the pineapple-sized chibi fruit in front of you.

It's red and looks a bit like a giant blood bodhi at first glance.

"Pick it first!"

Dai Li picked the red cliff fruit at hand. The yellow fire bird had already seen Dai Li and was furious, screaming sharply...

Dai Li didn't even bother to look back, since Scorpion would take care of this bird.

She was looking at the chibi fruit in front of her.

"Hey, there are still numbers."


Looking at the big black characters on the bright red peel, Daili speculated that this might mean that this fruit represents...

Only ten points!

How difficult is that one thousand points? A hundred such fruits!

Within twelve hours?

Dai Li smiled, it was really difficult.

Putting away the red wall fruit, Dai Li turned around and said, "Okay, are you done with it, Xiao Xie..."

She looked at the scorpion that was pressing the yellow fire bird against the stone wall and plucking out the flame hair with its big pliers...

"Let you be arrogant, let you be arrogant... I will strip you of your hair!"

Suddenly I feel that family education is very important...

"Swallow it, we are in a hurry"


Half of the yellow fire was swallowed, and the other half was collected by Dai Li into the spiritual fire cage as a resource reserve.

"Boss, it may be a bit slow to get the red biscuits like this. Let's go rob some people then..."

"Xiao Xie, you are so bad, how could you rob some people?"


"A lot of people should be robbed..."

Both Dai Li and Dai Li, who were carrying cheats, wanted to take shortcuts, but they didn't know that not many others could obtain the Chibi Fruit. Obviously, most people were in a state of embarrassment at the beginning.

Even Xiang Yunhong is like this.

The couple was lucky. They landed in the same place at the beginning and found a red wall fruit. However, the attack of the pile of yellow fire made them waste a lot of effort before they succeeded in killing it.

"It's too difficult, and we are still two people. If there are other single people, it will be even harder." Hua Yushang smiled bitterly.

"It depends on the person. It will be much easier for those above the monarch level. It is not too difficult to get at least a hundred ten-point Chibi Fruits. Don't forget that these are the Chibi Fruits guarded by the yellow fire. If it is a high-level spiritual fire If you protect it, the score of the Chibi Fruit will be higher."

The two of them reasoned about some details of this assessment, and they both succeeded, but they were worried about another thing.

"It's okay now. Most people haven't found any Chibi Fruit, and those at the monarch level won't take action yet. In the last three or four hours... the hunting will begin, so before that, we must find others. "Hold together"

The two couples with high IQ and EQ have begun to prepare for a way out. Of course, the so-called alliance is definitely not an alliance with other people from Jade Bird or other Dongyuan groups.

But Nanlin.

They have analyzed it, and everyone in Nanlin has fallen apart. But the overall lineup is too strong, including Mingjian, Jingjingyuan, Yu Ji, etc., which one is not very capable...

Whenever you find someone, you will find a group behind you to rely on.

"And Qianshan Muxue seems to be from Nanlin too? I checked their assessment rankings... Nanlin is really secretive."

"Yes, so our group of friends is worth it. There is also a gentleman~~"

Thinking of Jun Zili, this young couple who have always been self-reliant have a strong affection for each other.

This person is protecting his shortcomings. The methods are ruthless, but the people are kind and righteous! When her people are safe and secure!

Um, does this count as depravity?

The young couple is in good order here. Linjiang Xue's balls hurt.

"Climb if you climb, why are you holding my waist?"

"I'm afraid you'll fall"


And just far away to the east of them, Xie Ru grabbed a chibi fruit marked thirty points and sneered: "This first place will definitely be mine!"

"Haha, good luck." Che Yuankai also caught a fruit.

Zhongli Guiwan sighed softly: "For Qin Xiu, such an assessment seems a bit unfair..."

It's really unfair, but if she saw some tall and strong geniuses like Zong Haoyu bouncing on the spot with all their strength... after only jumping 0.1 meter high, they would hit the ground like heavy bears. Embarrassed. She won't feel that this assessment is unfair.

——At least she is thin.

And...she can easily jump fifteen meters high.

Haha~~ (Miss Zuo is about to cry when she sees it)

But others also cried when they saw it, such as a male cultivator who was currently a hundred meters away from Zhongli Guiwan. When I suddenly saw the isolated and beautiful Young Pavilion Master Zhongli, I was very happy. I was thinking of coming over to hug my thigh, but in a second, she jumped to a height of fifteen meters and looked down at him lightly...

He knelt.

Goddess, please give me a chance to hold your thigh up close.

"Fifteen meters...the limit is very big..." Zhongli Guiwan frowned slightly, and suddenly seemed to sense something, and looked far away...

At that place, Hu Yanjue jumped twenty meters high in an instant...

As soon as he grasped the stone edge with his palm, his body strength tensed up, and then he bounced again!

Brush, shot out like a cannonball, standing at a height of fifty meters!

Extremely tyrannical!

And when he landed at a height of fifty meters... the nest of red fire was instantly annihilated by the terrifying pressure of the General King that he invisibly released. With a move of his hand, the Red Cliff Fruit fell into his hand.

It's just a blink of an eye.

After the Chibi Fruit was obtained, Hu Yanjue saw the person not far away from him. He only glanced at it and then turned into an afterimage as if he saw nothing.

Ming Taihe was stunned, then frowned: "Is this the number one general in the Four Pavilions? What a terrible person."

Dong Guo Ziyi smiled: "It's not scary how he can defeat Wan Aidan Lin, Feng Yingxun, and Ye Ziqing... But it is not necessarily said that he is the number one in the Four Pavilions. According to my information, Yun Yiyi of the Jiang Pavilion But he's very powerful... I've just been wandering around and haven't had a fight with Hu Yanjue in ten years."

"What about ten years ago?" Ming Taihe asked.


One Hu Yanjue is terrifying enough, and there is also Yun Yiyi... Ming Taihe's eyes flickered: "No wonder Fenchuan has been able to overpower us in the east and north to occupy the central position in recent years, and even made people in large groups occasionally look at him... But it’s not necessarily true that these two are the strongest. We in the East have Yanlu and her, not to mention you and me..."

Ming Taihe is a bit arrogant in his character, and he has always felt that his strength is not bad, at least among the more than 18,000 people, he is among the best. (To be continued)



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