A Queen

Chapter 1,113 Get out of my sight immediately! (Shaosi Mingchen Yuling’s favor + ten)

Chapter 1113

"There are more than just these two people... Let's see. Anyway, although the results of this first level of assessment cannot clearly represent strength or weakness, most of the strong ones will stand out... We just need to determine who these people are~~ Mr. Na Just give me an explanation..."


As for who the young master they are talking about is, no one knows.


One by one, the red wall fruits were picked off, and each spirit fire was killed.

These 18887 people will never lack people who are luckier than Dai Li, nor will they lack people who are better than her...

As time passed, these highly capable assessors finally entered the fierce plundering mode!

Spread out in the huge red cliff forest, tense battles are everywhere!

In the Red Cliff Plains, the giant water mirror technique was released.

Hundreds of thousands of people looked at the images that appeared on the screen from time to time...

The tables were finally set out.

There are crowds of people playing chess, mahjong, chatting, chatting over tea or fighting...

Life is so pleasant~~


When the first hour just passed, Dai Li had already picked fifty fruits.

"Most of the Red Fire Guard Red Cliff Fruits are worth less than five points, which adds up to three hundred and fifty points~~"

Three hundred and fifty points for one hour, and six hundred and fifty points for the next eleven boys who just mess around. Although I am not worried about not passing the test, after all, Daili is not very satisfied with such results.

So she thought about changing her ways~~

"Xiao Xie, can you sense whether there is much spiritual fire above?"

"Okay, I can tell you clearly that there are many, many spiritual fires above, but..."

Scorpion looked up at the majestic and endless Chibi Peak. The peak could not be seen from here.

At first, when they stood on the cliff, it was difficult to estimate how deep the rift valley was and how high the Red Cliff Peak was in front of them. But now that they were at a height of 700 to 800 meters, they could still appreciate the strong influence of gravity.

"The higher you go, the stronger the gravity becomes. Boss, I'm afraid you won't be able to climb up~~"

"Let's try it. I feel that instead of plundering the Red Cliff Fruits from the low heights of these Red Cliff Peaks, it would be better to go up there and challenge the higher difficulty level..."

Daili felt that according to the rules of the game, the more difficult the dungeon, the greater the income.

Well, no matter what game it is, it will always be purple.

"Okay, let's work hard! Fight for first place!" Scorpion raised his pliers, and then...


After yawning, it lay on Dai Li's shoulder and took a nap.

Damn it!

It is indeed undesirable for a spiritual pet to be lazy or something like that.

Dai Li rolled his eyes and didn't bother this guy. Anyway, this guy's alert and detection system is dual-activated and continuous. As long as the spiritual fire is found, he will wake up automatically. Besides, she is also a good hand, so she has to do it by herself. .

call out! The blood line shot up into the sky, and Dai Li fully activated his Spider-Man mode, climbing up the towering Red Cliff Peak at a fast speed.

One thousand meters..

"There is spiritual fire..."

Scorpion suddenly opened his eyes, but saw that Dai Li had stopped.

She found out too.

"Twenty-five yellow fires"

"There were only ten of them at 700 meters just now. Now they have jumped more than twice. It's too exaggerated!" The scorpion couldn't help complaining. Although it has an appetite for spiritual fire, there are too many. Quite disturbing.

"But haven't you noticed that the number of red cliff fruits has doubled?" Dai Li smiled softly.

Eh? When Scorpion took a look, he saw a two-meter-high Chibi tree growing next to the group of yellow fires above. There were three bright red Chibi fruits hanging on the branches. They were not small in size. Knowing that this is a Chibi fruit worth twenty points, three is sixty points!

Suddenly it was comparable to her performance in searching three or four Chibi Peaks!

"It seems that it is more reliable to climb up. Our previous strategy was wrong. Fortunately, we corrected it quickly."

Scorpion also agreed very much, but... "You do it or do I do it?"

Before "I come", it was Scorpio who was responsible for climbing, but now...

Squinting his eyes, Daili opened his eyes for a moment.

A moment of light!

Vision is dim!

The twenty-five spirit fires were instantly blinded by the light, and before they could react...

A huge dragon claw has been photographed!


Mass killing!

Dai Li took another fish out of his hand and put all twenty-five spirit fires into the cage.

so easy!

Demon Scorpion was stunned for a moment...then he shouted: "It's too easy for you. You have no use for Lei Yuan or blood energy, and no use for pupil skills. You only use physical strength and martial arts. Isn't this to maintain peak condition at all times?"

Although I already knew that my master was very powerful, but he could kill this group of spiritual fires so easily with just a little power from his fingertips, which was much more powerful than that.

"To deal with any kind of opponent, as long as it can be solved, just do it just right. There is no need to waste too much power and energy. 100% perfect combat effect and the least combat power output are the strongest combat capabilities of the top warriors. This is It's called micromanagement! Xiao Xie, you monsters will never learn this." Dai Li, who has always been a bit data-savvy and never exposed all his trump cards from the beginning, has a say in this.

Scorpio, who was still a little impressed by Dai Li, suddenly became angry, "Who, who, who said I can't learn it! I'll learn it for you...see..."

After saying that, it found itself aroused.

"You...you did it on purpose!"

"Ha ha!"

Dai Li really did it on purpose. She had discovered long ago that the Scorpion's fighting style was open and closed. Although it was amazingly powerful, it was too wasteful. Although the monster's physique and energy had always been superior to humans, since he followed her, Some things that should be improved still need to be improved.

Who says monsters can’t have micromanagement!

"In a fight, the first thing to do is to judge the opponent's strength limit and the power required to destroy them. You, like me, have soul talents. This is not difficult for us. Then, we only need to use our souls to The attack shackled the opponent at the first glance, not giving them a chance to unite, and then immediately used the power to destroy them... Stun and strengthen the attack! Only two moves can take them down!

In this way, our efficiency can be added up very quickly..."

Scorpion was always smart, so after thinking about it for a moment, he suddenly said: "Do you want me to go to another Chibi Peak to collect Chibi Fruits with you?"

"What do you think?"

"good idea"

Click, click, click, Dai Li picked three crispy red cliff fruits. With a flick of his fingertips, a blood line passed through more than a hundred meters and connected to a nearby Red Cliff Peak: "Climb over."

"Climb?" Mo Scorpion gave Dai Li a strange look.

"What are you doing?" Dai Li didn't understand the look in this guy's eyes.

"I suddenly feel that you have made another stupid mistake?" Mo Scorpion thought thoughtfully, then jumped up from Dai Li's shoulders...


"My body has always been like this from ancient times to the present, and so is my weight. This place should have defaulted to my body weight, so gravity has little effect on me... I seem to be able to fly freely."

"!!!" After being shocked, Dai Li said with a dull face, "That's your mistake, right? You didn't even know you could fly, yet you had the nerve to rest on my shoulder for so long!"

"As my boss, I listen to whatever you say. You said flying is too luxurious. How could I, as a spiritual pet, doubt it? So, this is naturally your mistake~~"

What you said makes sense. Daili was speechless for a moment... The problem is that you haven't been very obedient before~~

Suddenly, I could only give two sentences.

"Get out of my sight immediately!"

"If the Chibi fruits you find are not three times what I found, don't come back!"


After Scorpion, the spiritual pet of the heartbroken master, turned into a stream of light and flew away in the blink of an eye, Dai Li hugged the stone wall and groaned for a while, then climbed up alone...

The probability of encountering Chibi Fruit is getting higher and higher!

One thousand two hundred meters, four twenty-cent Chibi fruits! Eighty points!

One thousand five hundred meters, six twenty-cent red cliff fruits, one hundred and twenty points!

Two thousand meters, three thousand meters, four thousand meters!

As she said before, she must take it seriously.

If you take it seriously, your efficiency will be high.

It only took less than half a day to climb to a height of 5,000 meters!

However, in order to resist the exponentially increasing gravity, the consumption of blood energy was also very large. When Dai Li climbed to five thousand meters, all her blood energy was exhausted.

At this moment, she was leaning against the steep and dangerous stone wall, looking sideways at the platform in the distance.

The platform was not small, with an irregular area of ​​about a thousand square meters, but most of it was occupied by spiritual fire.

But it's not a bunch of spirit fires, but a green wolf with two wings, which is covered in green. It's as big as two hippopotamuses, and its wings are at least ten meters long. It's lying on the platform at the moment, with green hair floating all over its body. , very soft and delicate, with a pair of wolf eyes closed, dozing lazily.

"Damn it, there were ten green fires before, but they haven't merged yet, and now they have directly merged into a green fire monster..." Daili continued to climb up from below, so he could clearly feel the change in height. The lineup of Spirit Fire is also constantly increasing, especially after four thousand meters, it is completely abnormal growth.

She estimated that the attack power of this green fire wolf was at least three times more powerful than the strength of the ten green fire groups. Before, she used the pupil technique to restrain the ten green fires, and then weakened the three green fires in one move. The attack power of the seven green fire fusions was greatly reduced, but even so, the seven green fire fusions were comparable to the sword masters of the three counties...

Moreover, the gravity restriction power of five thousand here is comparable to the power of the four counties. Coupled with the influence of the stone wall climbing environment, it is destined to make a three-county combined spirit fire monster several times more difficult to deal with than usual...

If Xu Yidao and others were here, they might turn around and run away as soon as they see this two-winged green fire wolf, but Daili~~

She only looked at the five-meter-high red cliff tree growing at the front of the platform in front of the wolf.

On top is a large piece of redbill fruit..

Each one is big or small, but the big one is as big as a pumpkin~r1152


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