A Queen

Chapter 1114: Encounter the Huagulong, escape?

Chapter 1114

Dai Li's eyes are red!

One glance with insightful eyes...calculate in one second!

"A red cliff tree...five hundred points~~hehe~~\

,"Someone's smile was so radiant that his reserved aura revealed a trace...


The winged green wolf suddenly opened its emerald eyes.

As soon as he turned his head, his eyes glowed with green light. With a sweep, he saw Dai Li's side...

Eh? no one?

It was stunned for a moment, shook its big head, and was a little confused. Just now it was clear~~

suddenly! The cold and sharp light above my head...

The Thirteenth Eye Technique - Instant Shock!


A moment of dizziness...

The figure of Dai Li suddenly appeared on the top of his head, offering the Eye of Moment, with his hands folded!

Double dragon claws!

The power of five dragon claws!

The spear of martial arts comes out of the palm!

Three counties?

Martial arts attack!

The second true meaning of martial arts!

Double martial arts!


That spear stabbed down brazenly!


A spear to the head!

For a second, the green fire wolf's spread wings fell softly on the stone surface. Daili jumped off its head and clapped his hands.


The timing was good, but you are the first opponent today who can force me to use the true meaning of dual martial arts..."

Dai Li patted the wolf's head, then turned and looked to the right,

The direction Scorpion went to was to the left. On the right...she met the second examiner.

And he is not an ordinary assessor.


At this moment, Huagulong looked at the people on the platform of the Red Cliff Peak in front of him through the towering and floating cold wind.

Of course he knew who this man was.

Jun Zili from the Demon Palace, a recognized playboy, and the most popular person with women in the Qishan Road assessment...

A male cultivator hates existence.

"Junzili...hehe~~ It seems that I have good luck."

He said this.

The voice easily drifted to Dai Li's side.

Dai Li smiled: "Are you talking about meeting me, or meeting me? I just killed this wolf and haven't picked these red cliff fruits yet."

"Forget it." Hua Gulong smiled, then stretched out his hand, and the flesh and blood of his left arm disappeared in the blink of an eye, turning into a bare bone hand. With a scrape, the bone arm was detached and shot out through the void... with a head behind it. A long chain of bones.

Snap, the hand bones grabbed a stone on the Chibi Peak of Daili.

It is quite similar to her bloodline.

——He is obviously coming to kill people and seize treasures.

The two sides faced off for a moment, with murderous intent and a strange atmosphere.

This scene was just captured by Water Mirror Technique.

The local people in Fenchuan laughed and said, "This gentleman is also unlucky. He met the Huagulong. What a disaster."

"But it's not easy for the Bone Dragon to capture her..."

These are the majority of people who are very familiar with and confident about the Bone Dragon, but a few people have very sharp eyes. Although they don’t know the specific height of the Red Cliff Peak, at that moment a wolf corpse flashed past the Red Cliff Tree and Daili. It can be speculated that Daili's strength is also very powerful.

"It's still unclear who will win, but I can finally see two people who are not weak in a fight."

In the past, more than 18,000 people were sent to different places, and some people often met each other on narrow roads, but there were still very few high-ranking people who met them, and even fewer of them were willing to fight.

Because it is still just the beginning, and the number of Chibi Fruits searched individually is not very large. In order to preserve their strength and prevent others who are waiting for opportunities to take advantage of the loopholes, few people will take action.

Unless they are confident that they can easily deal with the other party, or they are people of Snow Fish's level...

Obviously Huagulong and Daili have not yet been recognized at this level, but they far surpass most of the examiners, and they are both good at fighting and fierce, so the onlookers are a little excited.

Well, let’s crack the melon seeds!

Bao Zifeng was sitting cross-legged on the grass. There was a row of long tables, and a bunch of Taohuayuan masters were smacking melon seeds and eating sugar-fried chestnuts...

As soon as they saw Dai Li appear, the group of people cheered~~


"I'm coming"

Bao Zifeng grinned broadly and said, "What's that kid's name? Bone Dragon, right? Will he be my son-in-law's rival? You're kidding! My son-in-law can crush him to death with one finger... No, one fingernail." !”

These words angered some people in Fenchuan and others who were envious, jealous and hateful of Jun Zili..

Shang Biejie, who was not far away, coughed lightly in embarrassment. Bao Zifeng turned back and raised his eyebrows: "Bieju, you don't need to remind me, I'm not partial to her...even if she is my son-in-law."


Dai Li, who has been dubbed the son-in-law of Peach Blossom Land with high frequency, has now firmly clung to this title...

This caused Gong Zangxue and these people to look at Shang Farewell with complicated eyes from time to time...


"Hey! That boy!" Yue Shan from Jiange suddenly laughed.

Because in the Water Mirror Technique, Dai Li glanced at Hua Gu Long, his expression was inexplicably calm, but he had to put away the green fire wolf's body as if no one else was around, and slowly picked the red cliff fruit...

Hua Gulong felt that he had been provoked, "What a bastard! He's always been so arrogant."

Neither escape nor prevent him from passing...

Are you so sure that he is not her opponent?

Even those who were watching the battle felt that Dai Li might have a very powerful back-up, otherwise...

Hua Gulong sneered, and his body was about to grab the bone chain and eject.

Suddenly, Daili stopped picking the red cliff fruit and turned his head to look to the right.

After just one glance, he moved his hand and drew out a thousand streaks of blood in the blink of an eye to collect all the Chibi Fruits. Then his figure flashed and swiped!

At an altitude of five thousand meters, jump out!

Huagulong was stunned, and so were the theatergoers.

Damn it, did this kid escape on purpose?

But is she crazy? She jumped out without any support. Did she not know that she would definitely die if she fell from such a height?

"Jun Zili! You coward!" As soon as he scolded him, he saw Dai Li jumping out with a bottle of wine in his hand... he drank it in a gulp, and then...

The moment he fell, his fingertips flicked!


A straight blood line passed through the sky...

Shoot out quickly!


Dai Li was three hundred meters away in the blink of an eye, followed by several more ejections...

Escape so fast!

This speed and method made Hua Gulong, who thought he was already unique, change his face.

"This person... am I that scary?" Hua Gulong was suspicious, and his eardrums suddenly shook!

In the distance, just on the far right, there is a huge fighting aura coming...

Someone is fighting!

Hua Gulong's whole body was shocked! Then he was surprised, could it be that the boy had already felt it? impossible...

Daili did feel it, but what came before him was a message from Scorpion.

"Come on, boss! There are a lot of chibi fruits here...a good place. I'm surrounded and can't get out..."

"Where are you? Why are you so far away?"

"I followed the spirit fire aura to find it, and I arrived at Zhongchibi Peak... Come on, I'm blocked."

"Spirit fire?

"There's someone else!"

people? You can understand the little scorpion that is besieging us with spiritual fire. It is biological instinct. If it is a human being...

Dai Li sneered.


Zhongchibi Peak, Mo Scorpion used this word to describe it, indicating that this Chibi Peak was much larger than the average Chibi Peak. Dai Li quickly saw this Chibi Peak...

Visual inspection from a distance... It was more than ten times larger than the one she had climbed before, and it must have been at least five thousand meters in circumference.

"It's really far away." Dai Li knew the allusion to Wangshan's running to death. He couldn't let his spiritual pet be bullied. His eyes flashed, and the bloodline suddenly stretched...

People who originally climbed straight across the Red Cliff Peaks fell rapidly along the direction of the pendulum...

The Huagulong behind also lowered its flying height when it saw it.

Because such high-altitude parallel movement consumes too much power. If the distance you want to go is too far, it is better to land first and then run wildly on the ground.

Swipe, as soon as Daili hits the ground, he runs at a terrifying speed, and the afterimage passes by!

While running, he took out bottles of spiritual blood...

Replenish blood energy!

At this moment, a large-scale fierce battle is taking place on the ground in this direction!

There were more than thirty people in total. As the water mirror technique stretched, Shang Biejie and others could just see the faces of these people...

"Ah! It's from our Nanlin!" Tang Junyi cursed.

Juege, Feng Ling, Jiangchuan and even Linjiangxian were not lucky, but they had a strategy from the beginning. They used the scent potion given by Lou Lanting to leave a mark on themselves, and then quickly found the opponent with this scent. After forming an alliance, the efficiency of searching for Chibi Fruit became higher as it grew stronger, and they were also looking for Linjiangxue and the others along the way, but they were blocked before they could find anyone.

They are no strangers to these people in front of them.

People from the Goryeo group! And Bunge!

Zakuye and Yin Ruzhang had clashed with them from the beginning, and this group of people was already working together, and there were many people. With good luck, there were more people in this place than they were, and now more than twenty people were surrounding them. , Naturally, the situation of Jiang Chuan and others was in crisis!

But let this fight end...

"Damn it, how come their strength has improved so much!"

A few months ago, they were all barely at the Grand Master level. How about these few months later, they are all Grand Masters?

This is great progress!

If you have Wan Xue's background in the group domain or his background in the Demon Palace, it's okay to say that he has the background and the ability to greatly improve your strength. The problem is that Nanlin...

Watching Jiang Chuan and others killing everyone...

"It must be Jun Zili, Ming Jian and others who gave them a lot of treasures!" Zakuye was angry and jealous!

"Hmph! Jiangchuan, you are just relying on Junzi Li to pity you, but now you are definitely no match for us."

Junzili is definitely not someone they can provoke at the moment, even if they have the forces behind him, they don't dare to provoke him. After all, there is a huge monster Demon Palace behind them.

It's just that he's not here now!


"go to hell!"

Zakuye and Yin Ruzhang turned their hands and launched their strongest attacks. Seeing this, the people beside them also increased their strength, trying to defeat Jiang Chuan and others' defense line in one go.

How could Jiang Chuan and others surrender? They had already fought bloody battles, and now they all broke out and rushed towards this group of people... r1152


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