A Queen

Chapter 1120: Battle!

Chapter 1120

But it doesn't have the slightest violence of the thunder system, but is very restrained, and seems to have lowered the temperature a bit...

Cold thunder?

It’s really like a human being!

He is also a thunder monk!

It's so perfect that it can be used as a work of art. Just swipe your finger and go!

boom! Hundreds of thunder threads rushed towards Daili in the blink of an eye~~

This time Dai Li did not hide, but raised his eyes, buzz~~

boom! ! !

The thunder line collided with the oval-shaped thunder shield covering all directions!



Thunder shield shattered! Breaks easily!

"Oh no! This man is so powerful. He is at least a second-level king, boss!"

"Stop talking nonsense, I can see it!"

The physical body was completely bombarded, and a shadow appeared on the ground for a moment, and just when the body shape was revealed...

Dai Li found that everything in front of him was thunder.


Boom boom boom!

There is a huge pit around the river.

The man looked on expressionlessly.

The storm gradually stopped and the water calmed down. After a moment, his head tilted slightly... and his hand was raised!


A much smaller fist struck the palm of a condensed thunder!

Peng! ! !

The power disintegrated instantly, like an adult catching a child's punch easily.

The size of the two palms is extremely clear.

He looked indifferent and put his hands behind his back. When he lowered his head, he could see the heroic short hair of this young man who was much shorter than him...

His eyes narrowed. A wide, thundering hand grasped the small fist.

His eyes were locked on the storage ring on his fist...

“Get it yourself”

He doesn't even want to do it himself!

What responded to him was...buzz~~Qian Ji was unsheathed!


Qianji was unsheathed, and the dragon scales on the blade were flowing with a cold metallic luster.

A moment of dragon power. A moment of icy death...

The sword edge slit his neck...


The sword passed! Neck...Phantom!

No, not a phantom!

Dai Li felt his left hand being pushed hard by the opponent, and then twisted again!


The body spins and flies...

What a powerful force!

brush! With a flip of his wrist, Qianji instantly changed from cutting to backhand stabbing in his hand!

After Dai Li's body was twisted, the sword...



The sword's edge was at the man's ear.

One thunderous hand grabbed Dai Li's left hand and twisted her in front of him, while the other thunderous finger... the two fingers slowly separated the Thousand Machine Sword.

"A good sword...but it's a bit weak..."

He remained motionless throughout.

Dai Li blinked. Turning his back to the other person, he chuckled: "Speaking to others behind their backs is also your etiquette?"

"You turned your back to me... shouldn't you be rude? If you can, just come forward." The man's words made Dai Li narrow his eyes.

"You are holding my hand, Your Excellency."

"You still have a sword in your hand"

As they faced each other, their expressions were either as calm as a spring breeze or as calm as water.

I can't see them fighting at all...

At least in the eyes of people like Emperor Ming. that is...

This scene in Water Mirror Technique scared everyone.

The tall and handsome man imprisoned the handsome and delicate beauty in front of him. The beauty bowed her waist slightly, with a smile on her face. The wind blew, and the hair beside her ears fluttered slightly. The latter had an ascetic look on his face. His eyes were light and looked down. The person in front of me...


Emperor Ming and others sprayed!

The hands of Gong Zangxue and others were shaking!

——The cup was broken.

Fortunately, this man didn't use his real hands, otherwise...

Women all over the world really hit the wall.

However, they saw the man behind him saying slowly, "It seems you are more stubborn than I thought, so I have to let me do it myself."

And then...then it's gone?

The scene switches to another monk fighting!

Damn it!

Emperor Ming and others smashed the cups and other things at this water mirror technique!

Why aren't the ads in the middle so cheap?

Mr. Fen looked embarrassed. This really has nothing to do with me~~


In fact, the thunder hand opened the fingers of Dai Li's left hand and slowly opened them one by one. He held the ring on his middle finger with his fingers and slowly pulled it out...

What a powerful manipulation technique!

Um, I can't dial it out. Because the fingers of generation are curled up,

"No one can take away what I don't want to give..."

The man's eyes flashed.

However, at this moment!

That imprisoned beauty...

Eye of the moment!

A sudden shock!

Plus the devil scorpion in Dai Li's pocket...

The soul is dizzy!

Double soul impact!

boom! ! !

Wow, Dai Li's left hand escaped smoothly. In a flash, he took the Scorpion with him and jumped out of the river in the blink of an eye. He was about to run away...

Suddenly there is pressure from above! Her shoulders were held down by thunderous hands.


Even the man and the scorpion...

Blast into the water! ?

The sound of water rushing...

A flash of light!

A flash that was dozens of times faster than before. Before the man's eyes flashed and failed to reflect...

It’s here!

One hand, snap. Pressed directly on his chest!


No, Daili didn't attack!

Just pressed it hard, and the man didn't even move at all. He just stared at Dai Li, a little surprised and a little cold.

He saw this man smiling, as bright as a spring flower!

"My strength doesn't seem to be able to break through your defense, but...you must be mysophobic."

Only then did the man realize that the hand pressing on his chest was full of mud!

And, with a crash, the hand struck hard from his chest to his abdomen!

A trace of mud! Rough and powerful!

The man's expression changes rapidly...

The next second!


Ice-cold murderous explosion!

The speed of generation and separation is at full speed. People are already drifting out...

But she seemed to have underestimated this man's strength when he was angry!

The aura had already covered her.

Terrifying pressure!

Second level monarch level? It is indeed the second level!

What a second peak! There are nearly 30 counties in power!

Damn pervert! Old antique!

Even if all her strength is unleashed, it won't be enough for someone to squeeze it with one hand!

Dai Li's face turned green!

I turned around and wanted to run!


Perfect strength suppression!

The furious man reached out and grabbed Dai Li's arm, trying to forcefully drag the man back.


Hiss~ the sound of tearing came. From torn joints to wrists~

Snapped! Daili's wrist was caught!

Slender fingers completely grasped her wrist, and two torn sleeves hung down.

At that moment, Dai Li turned his head and the other party raised his eyes.

The moment their skins touched, their expressions changed drastically!


The other party flicked his hand away, and Dai Li quickly retreated.

Across the river bank, each looked at the other in surprise...

Scorpion doesn't know what's going on. But he had a gut feeling that something unusual had just happened.

whats the matter?

Daili pressed his wrist that was held just now and frowned. Staring at the man ahead...

And the man looked at his palms...


Crazy, when their skin came into contact just now... they got an electric shock!

Well, it's actually not that unbelievable that two lightning-type people electrocute each other. The problem is that this kind of electrocution...

From heart palpitations.

It was as if...the heart and brain were inexplicably shocked! Then my mind went blank.

Dai Li was startled. Obviously the other party was even more surprised, that's why the reaction was so big.

Well, it seemed like this guy touched her out of anger, with that disgusted expression...

After thinking for a moment, Dai Li twisted his wrist, looked at the other person, and suddenly raised his eyebrows.

She knows why!

This person actually has that in him!


Now it’s tricky!

With his eyes flickering, Dai Li suddenly spoke: "Your Excellency, your mysophobia is so severe that you cannot touch other people's bodies?"

The other party didn't deny it, just glanced at her. His eyes are slightly darker; "Your body is very strange." He may just be unable to accept and feel disgusted with other people's touches, but this person...

The heart reacts too much. unusual.

After a pause, he said: "Maybe you have something I want in you."

So perceptive!

Dai Li's heart skipped a beat and he smiled: "Besides the Red Cliff Fruit, it turns out that Your Excellency has also taken a fancy to other things in me. Should I feel honored?"

"This is your freedom"

"Taking treasures from living people is banditry, and it doesn't seem to be in line with etiquette."

"You exchanged your life for the chibi fruit. You earned it."

This tone... is so arrogant.

Dai Li scratched his head, rolled his eyes and gritted his teeth, smiling softly: "Speaking of exchange. Maybe we should change to a more elegant way."


"Three years later you and I will fight. The winner can take away any treasure owned by the loser. The loser cannot refuse."

Three years?

The man looked at Dai Li, his stern and ascetic face showed no signs of relaxation, his eyes turned dark blue and turned black, and he said lightly: "Three years is too long."

"Are you scared?"

"With your current hidden strength and talent, my winning rate will be much lower in three years than it is today. What qualifications do you have to ask me to agree to this proposal that is not good for me at all? Besides, I don't have to agree."


Dai Li's eyes flickered. This person was indeed terrifying. He actually knew that she had hidden most of her strength. Unfortunately, she was no match for her when she exploded.

"It's limited to the last test period. If it doesn't work, we won't talk about it," he said slowly.

Well...it seems like I can't refuse.

Dai Li thought for a moment and said, "Okay."


"Say!" Dai Li gritted his teeth.

"The loser must be enslaved to the winner for a hundred years!"

"!!!" Dai Li was stunned, "What do you mean..."

"I'm short of a valet... you can barely do the job." He looked at Dai Li as if he wasn't as picky as before. Maybe it was because Dai Li's performance and capital were not too bad...

Servant, your sister!

Dai Li rolled his eyes and smiled instead of being angry: "Thank you for everything! But on the contrary, if I win, you have to fulfill this condition."

"I won't lose"

"This sentence is not elegant at all, but rather rogue! Your Excellency!"

Dai Li gritted his teeth and spoke loudly, his eyes burning... The man raised his eyebrows lightly.

"I won't break my promise"

"hope so.."

Dai Li looked at the other party deeply and said, "Then can I leave?"


Just as he was about to turn around, Dai Li suddenly paused, "Can I ask... why did you agree to my proposal?"

It stands to reason that this person's strength far exceeds hers, so it is not difficult to keep her...

"I need a manservant who is willing to surrender completely. Violent subjugation is not in good taste." (Want to know more exciting news about "One Female Emperor"? Open WeChat now, click on the "+" sign in the upper right corner, and select Add Friends to add public Account, search "wang", follow the official account, and never miss every update!) (To be continued)



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