A Queen

Chapter 1,121 Up or Down! (Black 999 and Shibi+)

Chapter 1121

It is said that Zuo Wei, who prided himself on having a noble character and a pure mind, had a first reaction of Jiang Zi!

——Damn it, this old antique won’t fall in love with my good deeds, will he? It is said that many nobles have the perverted hobby of raising prostitutes! This old antique looks serious on the surface, but as the saying goes, the more you suppress it, the crazier it gets inside. Maybe he has this special hobby!

When I think of the sight of myself being trained...

grass! He's also a nobleman, bah! You gangster! (Someone's narcissism has actually been cured, but it has turned into persecutory paranoia...)

Daili is more and more sure that he will never lose to this guy! Not even death!

Hehe laughed, Dai Li stuffed the Scorpion on his shoulder into his pocket, packed up a large pot of food, and asked: "Since the agreement has been reached, then... what's your name?"

"Feasting Rules"

It turned out to be this person! Although he had heard this name from others long ago, Daili still didn't expect that the banquet rules in the East were so terrifying.

"Well, Your Excellency Yanlu... I welcome you to be my male favorite in the future."

After saying that, the man seemed to be flying away!

Leaving behind the expression of Yanlu on the other side of the river...

Servant, male favorite? (This is the Queen's strategy. Fighting fire with fire has absolutely nothing to do with her personal thoughts and character! It's definitely not because she covets this person's beauty! Well, just Jiang Zi!)


"What a tragedy, the fifth fragment of the origin of the thunder path is actually in this person!"

"How can I do this guy who is probably at the peak of the second-level monarch level during the Qishan Road assessment!"

"Heaven will not wait for me!"

The wail of generational separation filled my heart deep in my heart. Even her expression continued to be ugly.

Unexpectedly, before her strength was revealed, she had already encountered a strong enemy... Well, she is very motivated in the future.

Scorpion didn't dare to say anything. He could only follow Dai Li all the way to the Great Red Cliff Peak, and then vent his anger by PKing other unlucky monks along the way.

Big Chibi Peak,

Ten hours had passed when Dai Li arrived.

There are still the last two hours.

At the foot of the Great Red Cliff Peak, one to ten red cliff fruits hang on the red cliff trees. However, all the red cliff fruits have been plundered, and there are a large number of monks below looking up.

"What are you doing? What are you doing? This is it!"

"What are you doing? You can't read it yourself!"

When someone saw that the person asking the question was a handsome young man with short hair, black clothes and wooden clogs, they were startled and took a few steps back in suspicion.

"Oh my god. This guy can't be..."

"That Junzili?"

"Fuck, she's here too!"

Dai Li walked over carelessly and with a glance, these whispering people fell silent instantly. Make way for a big space,

——The name of the Demon Palace is still very useful.

"I said, if you don't climb up, what are you going to see here?" Dai Li snorted.

But no one seems to dare to respond to her. Um, is her reputation so bad now?

She is not a wild man now...

In fact, she didn't seem to notice at all that the two actions of Huoyan Mountain and Qinyuan made her reputation much more cruel than a wild man.

"You, come out!" Dai Li slowly pointed at a fair-skinned young man from the military academy. The young man was just a grand master. He hesitated when he heard the words. After all, this man had a very bad reputation...


"Jun Zili. It's you!" An angry voice came from one side. Dai Li turned around and saw that it was Xie Huan and Kun Yan's group!

Xie Huan gritted his teeth. Kun Yan also drew his weapon.

The murderous intention is revealed!

The people next to him immediately ran away when they saw this.

"Hey, is it just you?" Dai Li stretched out his hand and hooked his fingers, "Come on, I'll use one hand..."

What a bully!

Kun Yan gritted his teeth and endured. He knew that this gentleman was very powerful. So he endured... and suddenly sneered: "Jun Zili, it doesn't matter if your strength is not bad. You are neither Xie Ru nor my eldest brother's opponent. If you offend my Kun family and Xie family, I don't know how they will die in the future. I advise you to be sensible." Just hand over all your chibi fruits to me!"


This tone is so confident!

Dai Li smiled and laughed.

"Hey, you are still such a arrogant kid. These days, there are still people who rob someone by saying their family name! I suggest you hang a sign around your neck next time. You don't even have to open your mouth. You can collect money wherever you go... "

Irony, so ironic!

This is calling Kun Yan a dog!

"Seeking death!" Kun Yan was furious, and for a moment he forgot that Dai Li was much stronger than him, and the Kun family had huge influence. What was he afraid of!

Just like Daili still didn't dare to kill him last time in the Flame Mountain...

Just take action when you're angry!

By the way, compared with the previous combat power, this guy has indeed improved a lot. Now his combat power has reached seven or eight in a county.

On the other side, Xie Huan and other subordinates ranged from low-level monarchs to high-level distractions. Anyway, there were a lot of people. At this moment, they were all gathered around, using various attack methods...

Various, various?


a slap!

Kunyang was slapped on the ground, creating a big crater!

In fact, there are no people in sight anymore, they are all just minced meat.

Then various attacks hit her... The air within one meter of her body twisted and dissipated...

With one look, Xie Huan and others' legs went weak.

"You, you killed Kun Yan?"

"Uh huh" Dai Li smiled..

Everyone was also frightened, including Yan Qi and others in the crowd, as well as Nan Lin and others...

After not seeing each other for a while, he is so cruel when he comes?

You didn’t even give me a chance to lay the groundwork!


Xie Huan suddenly raised his head and shouted towards the Great Red Cliff Peak: "Brother!!! Help!! It's Junzili!"

This voice howled, and it reverberated thousands of meters above the ground!

The Great Red Cliff Peak is very huge, thirty or forty times the size of the Middle Red Cliff Peak. Many people heard it in the huge and towering clouds.

Xie Rui, who had just climbed to a height of 3,000 meters, knew as soon as he heard that it was his incompetent person who had been bullied. Originally, he didn't mind if this person lived or died, but if he really died, it would be a disgrace to the family, and it would also cause him to be lowered in the family's evaluation. After all, if you can't even protect your own brothers, how can you inherit the Xie family in the future!

And it’s Junzili again!

"Damn it!"

He lowered his head and growled coldly: "Jun Zili, if you dare to touch my family, I will kill you!"

This sentence quickly spread to the foot of Chibi Peak... Xie Huan calmed down as soon as he heard it. He looked proudly at Dai Li in front of him, and then... he saw the man lift his feet!



Power rolls along the surface...


Xie Huan's group of people were instantly blown away!

The minced meat turns into minced meat, and the goddess scatters flowers. Dancing infinitely..

Dai Li raised his head and spoke: "He has been trampled to death by me. You can come down now."

Everyone: "..."

Sure enough, he is still as domineering as ever!

Xie Ru was also startled. This is wrong. Why did Jun Zili suddenly become so arrogant? Isn't he afraid of completely offending my Xie family?

Could it be...

"Haha. If you have the guts, come up!" Xie Ru did not go down, but asked Dai Li to come up.

The tone was very cold, and it spread in the air, making most people below shiver.

"Okay," Dai Li responded in a very friendly manner, and then asked the person next to him: "Now can you tell me what the boss is doing... I don't want to kill anyone."

Someone quickly answered: "The Great Red Cliff Peak is occupied by these people. Most people who go up there will be killed."

"Oh? It means it's been contracted...someone has come up."

"As far as we know, there are already E Hongyuan from Jiange, Su Li and Song Peibai from Qinhuang Pavilion. Xie Ru, Xu Yidao, Huo Jiangli from Demon Palace, Feng Shaoling from Feng Wang, etc."

Woo. It's all the same guy, but there may be others...

After getting this news, Dai Li stepped down a little, jumped up to the Great Red Cliff Peak, turned around and glanced at the people in Nanlin, eh. It seems that Ye Ziqing and Yu Ji are not here... they should be separated.

After thinking for a moment, Dai Li jumped up.

That speed scared many people.

"We already have so many experts. Now that we have such a cruel Jun Zili added to the mix, we really have no way out."

"Who made those people so domineering? We were killed as soon as we went up!"

In fact, it's not really a contract. The main reason is that those who were weak before were killed. Over time, it became a clearing contract.

Generally speaking, it is still because the strength is not enough.

On the Great Red Cliff Peak, the strong will come out on top!

"Anyway, now that she has gone up, there will definitely be a battle with Xie Ru. I don't know what the outcome will be..." Jiang Chuan said lightly.

"Needless to say? That person doesn't engage in loss-making business. I dare say that it won't be long before Xie Ru and the others will be thrown down one by one," Linjiang Xue said nonchalantly.

But it was unanimously recognized by the people of Nanlin. Hey, don't say they are too arrogant, too confident, too overestimated, etc., the main reason is...

Change has inertia, and inertia becomes natural.


Xie Ru didn't wait for Dai Li. In his opinion, there was nothing more important than plundering the Red Cliff Fruit. As for Xie Huan's revenge... haha, at most he felt that it was just a loss of face, and there was no pressure to take revenge later.

Jun Zili's strength was only that, he was sure of it.

Three thousand meters, four thousand meters, five thousand meters...

At five thousand meters, he saw Xu Yidao and Hua Gulong. The two were fighting, and there were some monarchs nearby.

Because there is a red cliff tree worth about 200 cents right behind Xu Yidao and Hua Gulong...

Haha~~The fisherman will benefit~~

Just as Xie Ru was about to take action, he suddenly heard a faint and cool voice coming from below.

"Oh, there is such a big red cliff tree... I came just in time?"

He looked down in disbelief, hey, no one?

Also, how could that person climb so fast...

However, when he turned around... Dai Li was standing on a big tree at the same height as him.

Smile at him.

Xie Ru's pupils shrank, and then he took action quickly!

Very cruel and vicious!

When the fire dragon roared out, both Xu Yidao and other monarchs felt it and looked at it...

Fire dragon, attack!

It's empty!

"Over there!" one person exclaimed!

People are above Xie Ru!

Check out your left hand!

Dragon Claw!

The claw edge lifted from half an arc and tore apart!


Too fast! Too powerful!

boom! (Want to know more exciting news about "One Female Royal Emperor"? Open WeChat now, click on the "+" sign in the upper right corner, choose to add a friend to add a public account, search for "wang", follow the public account, and never miss every moment again Updates!) (To be continued)

ps: After the Ling Chong Yuan, the speed of adding more updates was very slow. With the addition of He Shibi, it has been a month and still hasn’t been paid off... It’s been so long that I can’t even remember clearly. Just now I went to look through the reward records and clicked on them. Starting from behind Shao Si Ming Chen Yu, Hei Jiujiujiu, Fei Yeyu Hawke, they have nothing to do and are strolling around ~ four of them, right? I still owe you four updates... if There are some leaks. If you find any children's shoes, you can remind me, because I have always been careless, hehe~~



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