A Queen

Chapter 1,125 East, West, North, South

Chapter 1125

Good guy! Blood energy also has double explosive power? ! !

Many people were thinking about it and were shocked. On the side, when the people in Jiange became hostile to Dai Li, Yue Shan quickly ran to a leader and mumbled something. The leader's expression suddenly relaxed and he whispered. : "You said before that he is the one who has a good relationship with Ming Jian and whose talent is terrible?"

"That's right! This boy's strength at that time was only that of a Grand Master..."

In just a few months...the strength of Seven Counties has been achieved!

The leader is very bright, and his progress is faster than that of Mingjian. You must know that Mingjian was secretly trained in their sword pavilion, and was personally taught by that adult...

But this Junzili is completely wild and climbed up on her own. How many of her talents have not been discovered?

The top management of Jiange were heartbroken...

The people of Confucianism and Taoism revealed their murderous intentions.

The old gods of the people in Jiangwang Pavilion are still there, and their majesty remains as before.

Qinhuang Pavilion's...

ha! People from Peach Blossom Spring are undoubtedly the happiest...

"Blast him!"

"As expected of our Taohuayuan's son-in-law! Amazing!"

"My son-in-law is mighty!"

Shang Biejie had already calmed down. While drinking tea, he glanced away and suddenly saw Yiye Xiaoxiang standing alone.

After thinking for a moment, she walked over.


Damn Junzili!

Such huge resentment was brewing at the top of the Great Red Cliff Peak when it reached the top. In fact, it was when the eleven kilometers away was only ten meters away...

And Feng Shaoling was four to five hundred meters below her...

The gap is a bit big.

After all, the ten-meter difference in height is enough for Xu Yidao and others to climb exhausted.

Not to mention four to five hundred meters!

"Feng Shaoling lost!"

"He actually lost!"

Xu Yidao and others were all surprised, and the people watching the battle were even more surprised. This result was beyond all of their expectations, and with such a long distance, it was obvious that Feng Shaoling would not be able to catch up in a short time.

He was defeated!

I failed when I climbed to the top of Dachibi Peak!

But immediately Huo Jiangli and others discovered something that made them even more troubled.

——They also lost!

Fail even worse!

Su Li may be the most ordinary-minded among these people. The main reason is that Qin Xiu is better at adjusting his mood, and such competition is not in line with their ordinary cultivation. Most Qin Xiu do not have a strong competitive spirit. So right now she mainly focuses on watching the fun.

Just seeing the young man with short hair leading the way to the top, she still had an inexplicable feeling.

It was like the slovenly and handsome young man next door suddenly became taller and taller, making her feel a little strange. Somewhat natural.

——If she can kill people like Feng Shaoling and Xu Yidao below.

"Junzili, Junzili..." Feng Shaoling gritted his teeth. Just when Daili's body was about to touch the invisible film...

"go to hell!"

Feng Shaoling finally couldn't bear it any longer. He raised his hand and unleashed a sharp wind whirlpool, the Wind King's third move!

No matter who is ahead of him, it will be unbearable. What's more, this person is Jun Zili, whom he hates very much!

So he finally took action!

A wind whirlpool shot up from Dai Li's head. It was very fast. After all, it was from the wind system.


It's empty!

Dai Li, who was turning sideways, dodged to avoid the wind whirlpool, and then made a gesture to Feng Shaoling below.

That gesture is...

"I'll leave first, you crawl slowly~~"

Dai Li grabbed the edge of the peak with his hand, and then...


Bravely rushed to the top platform!


Feng Shaoling was roaring in her heart, and Xu Yidao and others were almost there, feeling extremely hungry, when a delicious pastry was placed in front of them. Just when I was about to eat... pig trotters came over, grabbed the pastry in my hand, and swallowed it whole!

! ! !

But they reacted quickly.

Pig's trotters... The one who stole the cake was a pig, a very fat pig!

As long as they slaughter the pig, they can still fill their stomachs, or even eat more!

Of course, the premise is that they catch and kill the pig before it has enough food and water to escape!

"Junzili...you can't escape!"

Feng Shaoling suddenly took out a bottle, and similarly, Xu Yidao and others. It is unknown what kind of treasures the bottles or elixirs in their hands are. Anyway, the effects are similar to Red Bull.

And now on the other side. The Scorpion, which had secretly climbed onto Dai Li's shoulder, watched the scene in front of him along with Dai Li.

A tree, a big, big tree.

At first glance, it looks like a big banyan tree. Some of its thick roots protrude from the ground. It is a hundred meters high and its branches and leaves cover an area of ​​thousands of square meters.

The green branches and leaves are dotted with redbill fruits, as red as blood and fire. The smallest one is as big as ten points, and the largest one is as big as Dai Li!

I go!

"Quick! Xiao Xie, pick the biggest one, or the people below will come up!"


The two people who had already seized the treasure and gained professional experience were quick with their hands and feet, and they picked the biggest red-bill fruits, using all means...

One hundred, two hundred, three hundred!

The biggest red cliff fruits were harvested by the two people at a terrifying speed. Every minute and every second, the race against the clock was thrilling...

Not long after... Scorpion suddenly saw a hand grabbing the edge of the stone.

"Boss! That bad guy is coming up!"

"Very good, you pick it and I'll kill him!!"


Why do I think your tone is very exciting~~ Scorpion is bright and energetic, but he readily agreed to this arrangement, mainly to harvest the spoils of war. It feels so good!

At this moment, Feng Shaoling's head just popped up from the edge of the platform and saw the tree... of course. And a pair of boots.

This boot was so harsh that he stepped hard on his left hand!

I go!

The third young master of the Feng King clan was trampled like this!

Angry! Everyone in the Feng King clan was angry, let alone the person involved.

However, a savage slapped him three times before, but now it seems that being stepped on is nothing.



Feng Shaoling was so angry that he suddenly pushed up his body and jumped up from below. As soon as he met his face, he raised his right hand, and the wind swirl under his palm instantly formed a wind sword!

Sword energy. The sword falls, the storm of swords!

A storm swept through. The dynasty left the front door and blasted away!

Wind is the fastest.

The fast warrior is undoubtedly the most difficult to deal with, because the attack cannot hit him and there is no time to block his attack.

There is a saying that martial arts is respected by speed. This sentence is not unreasonable. Anyway, this sword at this moment is definitely unstoppable for most sword masters at the first level. After all, Dai Li...

One side of the foot, elegant.

Qianji draws his sword, simply.

The sword is sharp and sharp!

Taken together, it is completely weird.

She dodged the sword and raised the Qian Ji Sword to block the sword!

Clang! ! !

Sword to sword!

Edge versus edge!

The dragon scales glow golden!

The sharp edge, the ultimate dragon light!

The awning point cut through... the condensed wind sword made a clanging sound~~ it broke!

Cut off with a sword!

The severed wind whirlpool sword exploded into a chaotic wave!

The robes worn by Dai Li and Feng Shaoling rustled fiercely.

call out. call out!

The two of them flashed at the same time, Dai Li stood a little in front of the red cliff tree, and Feng Shaoling was at the edge of the platform.

Face to face. 1vs1, king versus king?

Anyway, now the people from the Demon Palace and the Wind King clan are looking at each other in a strange tacit understanding.

"That's right"

"Although the Feng King clan did what they did before, the Third Young Master Feng is still pretty good."

"Among the four areas of Chibi Forest, this area seems to have the least top ones and rarely appears. Therefore, Feng Shaoling may be the strongest. Anyway, it seems to be the case on the Great Red Cliff Peak. Although Junzili is a rising star, he may not be able to do it. Enemy"

"It's not necessarily, but definitely. Think about it, if she can defeat Feng Shaoling, doesn't it mean that her strength is at least as good as that of Jiujun? That progress is too incredible and absolutely impossible!"

Regardless of their personal feelings of favoritism towards the two of them, judging from the most basic possibilities, most people felt that it was absolutely impossible for Dai Li to resist Feng Shaoling with his strength in the seven counties.

Even the people in the Demon Palace are not optimistic about it, but on the surface at least they will not give in.

On the other side, the argument that this area is the weakest...

"The weakest?" Yu Ran narrowed his eyes and asked Yu Li, "The man I met that guy by the river before... was Yan Lu, right? That man is amazing."

"It's amazing, but it's a pity that he doesn't seem to be in this area."

Daili had not noticed before that the riverside where she was was a dividing line. Yanlu and Qianshan Muxue both left from the opposite direction and did not enter her area...

So, where were they when Dai Li followed Feng Shaoling on the top of the Red Cliff Peak?

There are four districts in the southeast, northwest and northwest. Dai Li and others are in the south district. At this moment in the east district, the Great Red Cliff Peak is also a very huge red cliff tree, but there are more than one, and the largest one is three or four times the size of the one in the south district. .

But there are many people competing!

Dongguo Ziyi looked at the Snow Fish opposite.

"It's really rare that Miss Xue and Miss Fu actually gave up treating each other as enemies, and instead wanted to fight with each other. As the saying goes, if you want to fight against the outside world, you must first make peace with yourself, right?"

The Snow Fish said nothing, but the Snow Demon on his shoulder made a slight moving sound, and the crystal snow flew everywhere.

"Master Dongguo, don't you know that there is a saying in the East that says this..." Fu Ruoshui gently teased his charming long hair and smiled: "The snipe and the clam compete for the fisherman's profit. If you want to be the fisherman, you have to Let’s see if the snipe and clam are stupid... Or you can understand that we are fighting on the bedside and the bedside, and when the foreign enemy comes, we will get on the bed..."

The first sentence was okay, but the second sentence, Snow Fish pretended not to hear it, just moved his fingertips, and the wind and snow flew.

The snow demon is moving!

Rush to the nearest chibi tree!

Dongguo Ziyi and Snow Fish take action at the same time!

On the other side, Fu Ruoshui's black water pressed towards the Mingtai River! (To be continued)


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