A Queen

Chapter 1,126 If you can’t catch it, you can’t get out!

Chapter 1126

Moreover, a fierce fight broke out next to them!

Not only the four of them, but also Zhongli Guiwan, Wan Aidanlin and other geniuses who are recognized as the strongest class...

This is a brawl!

The most eye-catching person in this brawl is undoubtedly Hu Yanjue!

There was an opponent before him.

Yun Yiyi from Jiange!

Among the four Jiange, Jiangge is the two most powerful people on the surface!

In the West District, Huang's red clothes are fluttering, and opposite her is Yu Shanliu of the Confucian and Taoist Pavilion.

"In my opinion, no matter how mysterious you are in the west, how mysterious you are in the east, and how powerful you are in the north, they are all incomparable to the power of my Fenchuan center." Yu Shanliu's tone was very gentle and slightly low.

Huang glanced at him, pressed her palms slightly, and the red fire rose. She smiled: "That only proves that your vision is limited to the small Fenchuan."

On the other side, Xiao Bai from the Demon Palace faced Feng Yingxun from General Wang Ge!

"The Demon Palace is an outsider. Our general, King Pavilion, is the Lord of Fenchuan and the most suitable candidate for the Qishan Road assessment. How did you get to the Demon Palace? You should go back!"

Xiao Bai looked expressionless and glanced at him, his eyes as dark as ink.

His Qi machine was locked in an instant.

"So much nonsense!"

The demonic energy was so black, as black as her eyes. The moment she took action, she saw a patch of white coming from the distance.

Landing on the top of the red cliff peak opposite, looking over here from a distance.

She fell in love with a woman.

Woman in black.

One black and one white. Looking at each other is like an eternal encounter, a glance that lasts for thousands of years, all the energy... tense!


Ruodaili saw a man walking calmly on the battlefield at the top of the mountain harvesting red cliff fruits.

Will definitely complain.

Snake spirit disease, walking from the South District to the North District, your legs are so long!

By the way, speaking of exiting, Ye Ziqing, who is considered to have very long legs among women, met Ming Jian in the North District. They looked at each other and were speechless. The two slowly drew out their swords...

The sword is pointed at the opponent!

——The person behind the opponent.

There was chaos in the three districts, east, west, north and west. Attacks flew, and the tyrannical power cracked the sky, causing many spiritual fires to die out in an instant.

Compared to these three districts, the South District is definitely a coffee shop-like place. Very quiet.

Because there are only two people who have climbed to the top, and they are still looking at each other silently...

Feng Shaoling stared at Dai Li with a fleeting gaze, as if he was about to pierce Dai Li like a needle. However, he soon discovered that the other person was too thick-skinned and could not be pierced, so he could only attack him verbally.

"Your sword is pretty good. I guess it was Luan Qingyi who gave it to you."

Upon hearing this, Dai Li was stunned for a moment. Then she was puzzled. Feng Shaoling had never seen him so imaginative before, especially when they first met, he was so tall and cool. That aristocrat is extremely high-end, so why do you feel not only timid but also nervous when you meet him this time~~

Dai Li guessed that it had something to do with the humiliation of Bao Zi Feng's appearance.

It is also related to her own improvement in strength.

It's totally different...

Of course, Daili felt it was necessary to fill in the other person's imagination, so as not to let others misunderstand the pure relationship between her and Ling Qingyi.

So she explained in a very serious tone: "You think too much... This is not a gift from her."

Hmm, that's quite modest. There is no shame in getting involved with a beautiful woman.

This made Feng Shaoling feel relieved.

Well, actually this person is also cheap. What you say with your mouth may not actually be what you think in your heart...

"This is not the sword she gave me."

Well...many people were silent for a moment...

Then the people in Qinghuanghai looked a little strange. Could it be that their high-ranking Miss Yuan was really with this person...

"You seem very uncomfortable," Dai Li said, looking at Feng Shaoling.

Feng Shaoling's face turned dark and he was about to speak.

"I seem to have forgotten to say...that sword was not given to me. Why are you so anxious...by the way, you really think I am a good match for her?...So I am so good?"

Haha, otherwise how can we say that this man has a very good relationship with women.

What he said was that when he was boasting about himself, he also praised the girl supremely...

Feng Shaoling, whose intention was to humiliate Daili, could not take a breath, as if he had returned to the feeling of suffocation at Guiwei Gorge.

"You bastard, if Luo Qingyi isn't here, let me see how you still behave!"

Being scolded again... Dai Li narrowed his eyes and dug Qian Ji on the ground. Anyone who knew her knew that this guy had silently started killing mode.

Well, parallel to that is the poisonous mouth mode.

"I really should be embarrassed. Mr. Feng has been climbing up for so long panting like a dog, but he still hasn't noticed that the fruits on the red cliff tree are getting less... Did you climb up just to chat with me?..."

After she said this slowly and leisurely, Feng Shaoling suddenly realized that there seemed to be a lot less fruits on the tree, especially the big ones!

"Your spiritual pet!"

"Congratulations, you answered correctly!"


The health tank is half empty.

The people of the Wind King clan were also surrounded by jeers.

"I bet a cucumber, today will definitely be the most embarrassing time for the Feng King clan in their lives." Bao Zifeng chuckled and pressed a cucumber on the table.

A man not far away glanced at him and said faintly: "I bet that a cart of cucumbers may not be the most embarrassing thing."

Hey, are you trying to ruin things?

Bao Zifeng rolled up his sleeves, picked up a kitchen knife, and walked to the other party's table. When he saw the person... he was stunned.

"Ah, it's you! It's so rare that you're here too!"

“Come to see someone”

"Who are you looking at?"

"none of your business!"

"Then you were against me just now"

"With you? Haha~~ I mean they may be even more embarrassed." The man glanced at the people in Qinghuanghai.

Don’t you think that in a fateful place like Wind King and Qinghuang, the only person who can deal the biggest blow to each other is the other party?

Qinghuang's Qingyi... is not easy.

The two looked at each other silently. There was a flash of light in his eyes.

In Qinghuanghai, there is no one among the hidden tribes that is simple.

not far away. Ye Xiaoxiang and Shang Biejie both saw this person.

Shang did not know this person personally, but he could guess some of his possible identity, but he was not as sure as the people around him.

"Fu Chong, the fourth supervisory envoy, code name Chong"

Yi Ye Xiaoxiang's voice made Shang Bieli turn his head and look at her. He stared at her for a while, and she smiled: "Dai Li is indeed right. If you say you are sure, you are sure. It's just that most people in the Xie family are crazy. There is no limit, please be careful.”

"Well, thank you." Yiye Xiaoxiang smiled.

Perhaps this was the first smile she showed after coming to Fenchuan.

It is as stunning as the rain of flowers in Xiaoxiang.


Feng Shaoling on the big screen of Water Mirror Technique also made a stunning sword move!

Hehe, there is also the Dacheng level of Sword Intent and the Perfect Level 3 of the Mystery of the Edge. This sword directly exploded the power of Jiujun!

Coupled with the increased power of Feng Wangce, this sword made it impossible for most people to catch the trajectory of the sword.

The sword comes like the wind, goes like the wind, and kills like the wind!


There was a white mark on Dai Li's neck, and the moment it was cut, the afterimage shattered!

The shadow of an instant!

Dodge, perfect dodge!

Feng Shaoling was not in a hurry, because his strength indeed overwhelmed his opponent. What he needs to be wary of is the opponent's pupil insight.

"This time is just a test, next..." His wind sword suddenly released a green air flow, which quickly became thicker. It seems liquid...

Are you going to make a bigger move?

Anyway, the opponent's wind has become distorted, and under the eyes of insight, it has become much more elusive than before.

Dai Li was not nervous, but smiled.

"Feng Shaoling, do you know what battle rhythm is?"

What? Not to mention Feng Shaoling, everyone else was also stunned, including Xu Yidao and others who were approaching below.

"The so-called rhythm. It's... like this!!"

speed! !

Extreme speed!

She's gone!

There is a bunch of thunder in the sky.

There is also a majestic and mysterious energy.

Shadow Mystery, complete the third level!

Superimpose the instant shadow of the vampire body!


The prepared wind sword has not yet been released. There was another person in front of Feng Shaoling.

So close, the short hair is floating and the blood is burning.

The sword roared.

There is a dragon roaring.

Blood energy, 6000 clouds!

Dual core boot!


12,000 clouds!

This is the main body. At the same time, the bloodline colossus rises, pulls out, swallows, and sacrifices in three layers!

The realm of absolute killing, open! Overlay again!

What kind of power can 12,000 clouds detonate?

Wow, Thousands of Opportunities are divided left and right, with one backhand, it cuts everything!

Two swords come, two sword shadows, superimposed!

The sword seals the ghost hero with blood!

Nine counties, seal your throat and stab your heart!

Karma! !

The cold light that seals the throat, the heart-piercing attack 1

boom! ! !

Feng Shaoling was knocked away with one look and one breath!

He flew a hundred meters away, bent down and grabbed the ground with his sword...

The sword marks were sharp, he stood up, a magic weapon armor was exposed on his clothes, with a ferocious white mark on it, and his neck...

Feng Shaoling said nothing because there was blood in her throat.

His Adam's apple moved and he swallowed blood!

Jiujun, the pretty boy he had always looked down on, the person who was only a Grand Master in Guiwei Gorge, turned around and was on the same level as him.

Even though he knew he shouldn't have such ups and downs of mentality at the moment, he still had such a feeling.

——A lot of grass and mud horses are grazing in various troughs.

It has to be said that the attack that Dai Li unleashed right from the start was quite lethal, killing people like the Feng King clan and even Bao Zifeng who couldn't help but be stunned.

So what, who just said that Junzi only has the combat power of seven counties and cannot counterattack if he is to die?

The group seemed to have been slapped in the face.

Looking carefully at the inside of the water mirror technique, Feng Shaoling, whose expression could not be concealed, as if she was bleeding from her aunt, was being photographed and cherished by many people. Opposite him, standing sideways, holding a sword in one hand, with short hair flying, he looked like a peerless master and a male god. The young master walked against the wind and stepped on the sand, with ripples of light in his eyes and fluttering sleeves. He glanced at Feng Shaoling and said something clearly and audibly, neither light nor heavy.

"The so-called rhythm is that you can't catch my sword, but your sword can't be released!"

By the way, the scene was somewhat frozen at that moment, including Xu Yidao and others who were already very close to the peak, including many people on the Chibi Plain, many female nuns...

All heard. (To be continued)

ps: 1122 is indeed a mistake. The paragraph is at the beginning and moved to the back. It has been modified.


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