A Queen

Chapter 1,128 6 people! (Fei Yeyu and Shibi+)

Chapter 1128

Since you don't want to take action, you have to grab the Chibi Fruit.

Ran Lao and Song Peibai just walked over.

Here they faced Feng Shaoling, Xu Yidao, Xie Li, Huo Jiangli, E Hongyuan and Dai Li from the Hua Gulong siege group. When the six of them stood in the same direction, they said something.

"Xiao Xie, originally I thought we would just take the big ones to give them a little way to survive, and give them all the other Chibi fruits. But since these people want to gang up on me, and their spiritual pets also want to gang up on you, then Don't be polite... This red cliff tree... is only allowed to get close to that beauty, and no one else... will be allowed to get close to it!"


Dai Li is angry?

Rather than saying anger, it is better to say arrogance and cruelty!

Are you besieging me? very good!

I told you not to get a single Chibi Fruit!

As soon as she said this, Su Li was stunned, and then raised her eyebrows. Why did she feel that this man cared about her, no, he especially cared about women.

Just like her reputation, she pities and cherishes the young master.

However, Xu Yidao and others were very angry at this guy's arrogance and domineering behavior.

"Jun Zili, you underestimate us too much... Do you really think that your spiritual pet is the only powerful one in this world? You should still worry about yourself!"

"Take action!"

Six directions, six attacks!

In the main attacking position, Feng Shaoling's Feng Wang Ce attacks a large area! storm!

Xu Yidao sacrificed a sword, the strongest sword! There is no negotiation among the seven counties!

Xie Ru, fire method, fire method filling the sky! Once you cooperate with Feng Shaoling's style, the war will continue! Almost as powerful as Xu Yidao!

E Hongyuan, the arm that had grown out, used the sword technique of the sword pavilion!

Huagulong, his hand bone knife is the most unique attack here!

Huo Jiangli, the magic palace method! Demonic energy Xiao Xiao! Eight counties! He is the most powerful attacker after Feng Shaoling! One sword after another, each sword is filled with blood!

A sword gushing into the river's blood!

Six people attack! Hexagonal shape!

Boom boom boom!

The intensive attack directly penetrated the Thousand Machine Sword Network!

The sword net was cut off from its rotation trajectory in an instant...

The terrifying Thousand Machine Sword Network is going to be broken?

"Six people besieging one? It's rare in the Qishan assessment."

"It's really rare..."

Many senior officials of the Qishan Pavilion and some powerful people were talking about it, and their tone was a bit strange, perhaps in admiration or disdain.

After all, this is not a glorious thing.

However, many people feel that if there is a real fight to the death, as long as they can kill each other, it doesn't matter if they join forces. This gentleman is too far away from threatening them. If they don't join forces to kill them, the first level of the Qishan Road assessment will be entirely theirs. That gentleman was a stepping stone.

"Just kill her..."

"Kill her!"

The Xie family, the Wind King clan, the Xu family and other forces were all cheering for their masters. Chun Shisanniang smiled at this: "The winner is the king and the loser is the bandit. If you lose, although there is not much glory in joining forces like this, but At least something is gained”

"What if we lose?" Yu Linglong is still very optimistic about Mr. Jun, who has been in her brothel for a long time.

Well, it would be better to say that I think so out of habit.

"Lost? That means a complete defeat, adding insult to injury. You are worse than a pig or a dog. What else can you do!"



The powerful spiral cutting sword net indeed cracked when the six tyrannical forces blasted in. That crack gave all six people hope, and they were about to pursue the victory, but suddenly...

Dai Li shook his hand and laughed!

Thousands of birds fly away from the mountains, thousands of human clans are wiped out, and ghosts and heroes are sealed with swords and blood. Guess what’s behind it?

Seven swords descending the Tianshan Mountains!

The fourth high-end sword power! assimilate into!

The Fourfold Sword Power Thousand Machine Sword Network!

In an instant, the original trajectory of the collapse was completed.

And it instantly became no less than five times stronger!

The main reason is that Seven Swords under Tianshan combines the strongest seven swords, and its power is more than the combined power of the three previous swords.


Four stacks!

Swish, brush, brush!

The Thousand Machine Sword Network's rotation speed increased ten times! There are ten times more sword shadows!

The more sword shadows there are, the faster they spin, and the more dragon scales there are on the sword pattern.

It's like a dragon coiling its long body, coiling, coiling, coiling!

Tangled, entangled, entangled, six attacks were entangled!

Stretch, stretch, stretch! In the distortion, the light of the sword was crushed! The wind and fire laws were dispelled and invisible!

Break, break, break!

Xu Yidao and others were shocked!

The swords in their hands couldn't withstand the terrifying spiral strangulation force, and they were all clamoring to be swept out...

Back, back, back!

What's even scarier is...

The Thousand Machine Sword Network is expanding!

Clang, clang, clang, clang, from the original strong attack to being suppressed in the blink of an eye, the six people's emotions fluctuated greatly, but their hope was not completely destroyed, at least they can still resist now.

Moreover, they all have some trump cards!

Attack, attack, attack!

But when their fighting spirit was rising and their anger was high, they suddenly heard a terrible sound.

A glance from the corner of my eye,

Over there at the Red Cliff Tree, the masters were fighting fiercely, and the spiritual pets were also fighting. There were many rare spiritual beasts such as the Wind-Chasing Thunder Leopard, the Green-maned Beast, the Jade-crested Fire Dragon Colt, etc. Except for the Huagulong, there were no other spiritual beasts. In addition, Xie Ru and others had spirit beasts to take action, while on the other side, Ran Lao and Song Peibai, who were directly put on the rejection list by Dai Li, had to prepare to take action.


Their preparations paused for a moment, because the seemingly tiny scorpion had grown in size. The domineering energy from the last mutant scorpion in ancient times leaked out in an instant, and one of its talents exploded.

Soul spell dizziness!


A group of tigers and leopards were all stunned in an instant!

Then, the poisonous scorpion raised its tail!

There is a black poisonous needle!


The black light pierced out at a very fast speed, no less than the terrifying speed of its owner, in the blink of an eye.

Puff puff!

Hit! The stunned spiritual pets were hit, poisonous light entered the body, and black energy began to penetrate from the inside...


There was no time to roar in pain, bang bang bang, the spiritual beasts fell down one after another!

The weaker two ends turned black all over, with blood corroding out...

The remaining heads fell to the ground much weaker, desperately trying to force out the poisonous blood.

Just one face-to-face, one stun and one poisonous needle, all done? .

I go!

"A poisonous beast that knows soul magic!"

It's still a poisonous beast that can stun a group. How strong is its soul power?

Ran Lao and Song Peibai were so frightened that they immediately stopped thinking about taking action and retreated quickly. Su Li was also speechless. This spiritual pet is too terrifying. Its strength is definitely no less than that of Jiujun!

No wonder that gentleman left his heart alone to guard this red cliff tree...

Even if Feng Shaoling wanted to touch it, he would have to risk his life.

"Hey, Su Meiren, my boss said you can pick fruits... Come here and pick fruits, and I'll kill the other ones too..."

The scorpion swung its tail and waved its pincers happily towards the fox...

Very spiritual, um...a bit lustful.

Su Li was invited, and Ran Lao and the others were in embarrassment. On the other side, Xu Yidao and others suddenly saw their spiritual pets being killed instantly with one move. It felt like...

Angry, shocked, sad!


The resentment is overwhelming!

Extremely murderous!

The six people intensified their attacks one by one in anger, but Daili was even slower than before.

She said: "It's useless to call me by my name. I've fought so many times. Haven't you noticed that what I'm best at is counter-attacking?"

The words were still contemptuous.

Group contempt.

"So, what if you add me?" Song Peibai intervened, but instead of attacking, he sat cross-legged on the ground and took out his piano.

Qinyin assists in killing!

He finally couldn't help the hostility and jealousy towards Daili in his heart, nor could he bear the greed, so he took action!

Play the piano!

Dai Li glanced at this man and asked loudly: "Su Meiren, if I take action against him, you will be angry."


"Will Qinhuang Pavilion be angry?"

"You're asking about my uncle?"


"Not even"

"Very good, then count him as one! And you, Ran Lao, are you sure you want to expose some of your trump cards to me?"

Seeing Dai Li's calm and comfortable posture even under the attack of many people, and looking at her half-smiling eyes, Ran Lao's eyes flashed: "I'm not sure..."

At that moment, he suppressed any thought of being an enemy of this man.

He didn't forget that she had the poisonous soul scorpion. By the way, she also had the pupil technique.

Humans and spiritual pets both have soul skills. Haha, as long as this person and the beast join forces, what can they do?

Ran Lao, who was very rational, gave up, but the other seven people were murderous. 1

No matter what, this person must be killed here today!

The sound of the piano has started!

The song of murder and confusion!

When Qin Yin was together, the strength of the six people was affected by the killing aura, which increased their momentum and strength, but Dai Li was distracted and wanted to weaken!


"Kill her!!!"

In ancient times, there was an ordinary man who could guard against ten thousand men, and his horizontal sword immediately made him famous. Daili was not a common man, but a high-ranking killer who held a sword and controlled thunder. He was calm, elegant, and ruthless.

With dragon claws in both hands, a sword in his right hand, and thunder in his left hand, when the potential of the six people increased by 30%...

The sound of the piano reaches my ears and disturbs my heart?

As soon as he opened his eyes, his eyes were filled with blood.

The sound of the piano breaks!

The right hand counterpresses, dual-core explosion, and the blood sword power of Thousand Machine Sword Network is doubled!

Break the group attack!

The wind king moved and broke!

Thousand Machine Sword Nets are overwhelming!


A group of people retreated together!

Taking three steps back, Jun Zili was already in front of him!

To capture the thief, capture the king first!

Kill the strongest one!

Feng Shaoling! ! !

Peng! ! !

Seven swords descending the Tianshan Mountains!

Seven swords stacked up, stab!

Feng Shaoling was hit hard with a sword in the chest, her Adam's apple gushed, and she vomited a large mouthful of blood.

But it was just vomiting blood!

He has a magic weapon for body protection!

"Jun Zili, you can't kill me! You..."

First, what he saw was a pair of eyes.

Eye of the moment.

The 11th Eye Technique, after the moment of shooting... the sword of the moment!

Weakened, soul stabbed!


Soul block!

Feng Shaoling is completely fine!

"Repeat your old tricks! I have a soul defense magic weapon! Your pupil technique is a joke to me!"

Magic weapon meets magic weapon again!

The hardware equipment of Feng Wang Sanshao is indeed the strongest!

Xu Yidao and others next to him felt their balls ache.

Secretly, Jun Zili was afraid that she really couldn't kill this person. After all, her body and soul had double defenses. No matter how strong she was, she couldn't break through these two defenses...

"Really~~What if this is the case?" R1152

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