A Queen

Chapter 1,129 I’ll kill you without any eye skills!

Chapter 1129

The 11th Eye Technique - Instant Photography!

The 13th Eye Technique - Instant Shock!

Double soul shock!

Another sword!

The 12th Eye Technique - The Sword of the Moment!


Feng Shaoling's pupils suddenly shrank, and the aura of his soul leaked out!


The soul magic weapon was broken!

not good!

Feng Shaoling turned around and was about to run away...but there was a sharp pain in her back, boom!

He was kicked in the air and kicked into the ground!

Deep pit in the ground!

"Jun Zili!!! You are just relying on your talent in eye skills, you are not as good as me at all else!" Feng Shaoling roared with an extremely ferocious expression.

In fact, everyone who heard it found it quite funny.

What's even more funny is that Dai Li actually thinks it makes sense, "It seems that I have been bullying you with my pupil skills. Then I won't use my pupil skills."

Jun Zili, you have a brain in the bar!

"Even without using eye skills... I can kill them one by one... Feng Shaoling, watch out."


Feng Shaoling suddenly felt the feet on her back leave, and Xu Yidao and others saw Dai Li looking up.

Absolute murderous intent.

Finally took action to kill...

Take action!

Five people take action together!

Almost reflexively, he took action in panic!


It’s Thousand Machine Sword Network again!

boom! The group attack is broken!

Left hand square formation wheel! Twenty-four times the power!

Twenty-four times what?

10,000 Lei Yuan! Plus the blessing of absolute death!



Just approaching ten counties!

It's just a little short of the thunder array of ten counties!

boom! !

Mass killing!

Puff puff!

The armor is broken!

Only then did I realize that these six people actually had body-protecting magic weapons. Feng Shaoling was the strongest, and the rest were not much different. But at this moment, their armors were like fuses, exploding and exploding!

The armor is broken!

Terrifying paralysis enters the body!

Thunder invades....

Xu Yidao and others felt that they could not move. They had been attacked by this terrifying thunder and were seriously injured! Even after the armor defense was broken, he was still seriously injured!

If it weren't for these armors, all of them would have died collectively under this thunder formation!

Because the difference in strength is too big!

One glance is so long. Under such a long glance.

Come with a sword!

Pingzhongyuan? Seven swords descending the Tianshan Mountains?

I have seen many terrifying sword moves from Dai Li, but this sword in front of me has never been seen in my life.

In fact, I didn't see the sword either.

Then the sound was heard.


Very slight sound.

Feng Shaoling and Huo Jiangli happened to see a little blood on E Hongyuan's forehead.

Plop. The sword fell to the ground and he fell to the ground, falling~!

The twentieth sword of Qian Ji - a little red.

After leveling the Central Plains, there is a little red.

The sword leaves no one behind. The eyebrows are a little red.

E Hongyuan, who was without his defensive armor, was the first to die!

Just like tofu, it will break when you touch it!

There is a drop of blood on the tip of the sword. .

Blood overflowed from the center of his eyebrows, a little.

Xie Ru and others were in disbelief and were shocked and angry.

Is this guy kidding? ..

Is she really going to kill them?

Xu Yidao and others: "..."

So this is not a joke?

Kill E Hongyuan, kill the people in Jiange...

This also means..this person dares to kill them all!

Including Xu Yidao, who was born in the Xu family, including Xie Ru, and also~~~

Then the second one...


Boom boom boom!

The paralyzed group of people burned their essence and blood one after another!

My nerves and nerves were all stimulated... Run away!

Swish, brush, brush, Xu Yidao turns into sword light, Xie Ruo turns into Hokage...

Everyone wants to escape, they must escape!

The shadow of an instant! A long black shadow... appeared in front of Xie Ru instantly.

"Jun Zili. You can't kill me~!!!"

Xie Ru's scream...

Frontal backhand cut, throat cut!

When the head flies up and falls in the blink of an eye...

Brush...the shadow will grow longer and distorted!

Xu Yidao!

Worthy of being a swordsman. He reacted quickly and immediately blocked his eyebrows and throat with the back of his sword!

Even if you use a knife, you can block the redness and the power of cutting the throat...

It should be possible, it should be...

But there was no one in front of him.

It's behind!

A chill ran down his spine...

It wasn't the Thousand Machine Sword, but a gun, the head of which pierced his heart directly!

Pfft. Pulling it out again... He clutched his chest and turned around, seeing the Thousand Machine Guns being flipped by Dai Li's wrist. Turn into bows and arrows!

Draw the bow and load the arrow!

call out!

Shoot the arrow!

shoot with great precision? At least it can go through the wall for thousands of miles!

That power...


The Huagulong, who was about to jump off the peak, had an arrow stuck in his chest! Land!

On the other side, Huo Jiangli avoided the second arrow, but found that this arrow was not the main attack, but...

The main attack is the sword!

A little red!

Six people, six breaths, a total defeat!

Feng Shaoling looked at this scene in disbelief. Song Peibai also stopped playing the piano and watched Dai Li, whose sword was stained with blood, turn around.

With a smile on his face, he said: "I told you, I can kill you all without using eye magic."

It's you, not them. The subtext is...it's your turn.

"You still want to drive us all away, Jun Zili, have you thought about the consequences?"

Feng Shaoling said the second sentence that made Dai Li laugh.

"Do you know that there is a habit in the world - since you have killed one, then kill the second, third... and even countless others after that?"

Dai Li has already approached Feng Shaoling...

suddenly. The piano sounds!

A dark shadow came behind Dai Li.

Absolute assassination!

It was Xiahou Dun who rushed forward after recovering from a serious injury!

Four golden characters, use all your strength to match Song Peibai's piano music...

Turn around. The sickle rises!

The expressionless face must be killed!

The long-handled sickle slashed vertically, and the four golden characters were broken!

Turn your wrist horizontally, vertical becomes horizontal!

Cut in half!


Xiahou Dun opened his eyes wide, his waist felt cold... When his upper body was cut off, he also exploded when he saw Feng Shaoling behind Dai Li!

Jun Zili, arrogance is also your biggest weakness!

He actually left his back to Feng Shaoling! ! !

A blow pressed down on Dai Li's back!

"go to hell!!!"

go to hell! ! Song Peibai's fear and regret about Dai Li turned into desperate madness!

The sound of the piano reaches the top and spreads around. It also spread to the ears of many people below at the foot of Dachibi Peak...

Then, the music suddenly stopped.

The wind is blowing. Clothes were floating, Feng Shaoling stared blankly at the empty air in front of her, with cold sweat on her forehead.

Because there was a sword against the back of his head.

"Game over...thank you for your help"

help? What's the meaning?

Feng Shaoling only heard a little bit of wind in the end...

Then there was a pop.

The sword light passed through the head and reached the center of the eyebrows.

Still a little red.

Draw your sword. Dai Li turned to look at Song Peibai not far away...

Meet this man's calm eyes.

Song Peibai was covered in cold sweat and his face was pale. He felt that none of his limbs and bones were his. His lips trembled and he said, "I... Qinhuang Pavilion... Su Li! Please beg him quickly!"

He suddenly shouted to Su Li...

Only Suli can save him now!

Su Li, who was slowly picking fruits, looked over and frowned: "I can't stop the person she wants to kill."

"It's definitely possible. She must like you. Please beg her..."

Why does this sound so weird?

Do I have to sacrifice my appearance to beg her to let you go?

What do you think of me?

Su Li's eyes flashed slightly. He simply said to Daili: "Kill him!"

"my pleasure"


The person and the piano were immediately split in half!

Blood and water splash!

Looking at the body on the ground, Dai Li shook his head and smiled: "Poor man. He actually regards you as an ordinary girl, thinking that you will be soft-hearted..."

"It's just that you take yourself too seriously," Su Li said lightly.

"That's it? I think he misjudged you...you don't have much sympathy."

"Oh, do you think I'm bad?"


"What about yourself?"

"Me? Anyway, I can be worse than anyone else when it comes to my enemies."

That's why they kept humiliating Feng Shaoling, Xie Ru and Xiahou Dun?

Su Li glanced at him and said, "You seem to be particularly cruel to these three people."

"Because they are the most annoying!"

How annoying is it?

Su Li looked at this person while talking to her. While kicking out Xie Ru's unsightly mutilated body...

Then it’s Xiahou Dun’s, and finally Feng Shaoling’s...

oh. Feng Shaoling's body was still intact, so she accidentally cut it with her sword...cut off the person's head, and then kicked him out together!

That behavior was outrageous.

Su Li raised his eyebrows: "Are you really not afraid of trouble later?"

Does the Demon Palace already value this person to this extent?

No, maybe after this assessment, we must take it seriously.

"Trouble? Do you think they will really die?" Dai Li's words made people stunned.

Su Li's eyes flickered and he smiled.



"What if I really die?"

"Then let them die"


Lawlessness is nothing more than this.

Suddenly, Scorpion spoke.

"Do you two have to chat face to face like this at this time? It's getting late now, it's already the last hour..." Scorpion muttered, while imitating the movements of generation and separation, he also removed the corpses of those spiritual beasts. Just throw it out with your tail!

It seems that no one noticed that this scorpion was also very efficient in killing those spiritual pets in the dark, even more easily than its owner.

But they all have the same virtue.



Bodies fell one after another!



The corpse was smashed to a bloody pulp on the ground.

"what is that?"

"The corpse, it fell from above."

If you look carefully, um, the face is still a little unclear and blurry, but the clothes and some marks...

The people below looked at each other.

Impossible, how could it be these people...

Who could kill these people so brutally and leave their bodies behind?

The people in Chibi Plain didn't know either, because their water mirror technique had already been transferred at the critical moment.

Watching this movie is a bit painful, and I can only find out the details after the results of the competition come out. The people in the movie were shocked and confused, and the time passed by minute by minute, and it quickly stopped at the last second.


A giant square face appeared in the sky.

"The time is up, the first level is over, everyone stays put..." (To be continued)



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