A Queen

Chapter 1,130 Level 1, over!

Chapter 1130

Sekirei's voice, come!

This sound spread throughout the Red Cliff Forest, including the three directions: east, west, north and west.

At one point, Mingjian had already nodded with Ye Ziqing and left, but when she was leaving, she saw a person, who came slowly.

Looking at Ye Ziqing.

Subconsciously, Mingjian paused and turned to look at Ye Ziqing.

Ye Ziqing glanced at the person, his eyes moved slightly, "I know him."

Do you know each other?

Mingjian turned around and passed this man.

"I didn't expect that our Nanlin would have such a kendo genius besides Qianshan Duxue... Of course, you are not considered a kendo expert." The person who came was a man. His appearance was not outstanding, but his skin was fair and delicate.

Our Nanlin...

Ye Ziqing looked at him: "You are not considered to be from the Southern Forest, at most you are a clan that fled to the Southern Forest."

"You're so cold-blooded. You can erase the past feelings so easily... Oh, yes, you are already ruthless..."

"So you came to me to see how ruthless I can be?"

Ye Ziqing's fingers pressed on the hilt of the sword. There was no murderous intention, but it didn't mean that she couldn't kill.

The two were ten meters away and Ye Ziqing was about to take action.

"Don't you want to know where your good cousin... no, where does the blood of your good cousin come from? Don't you want to know where the enemy of your Ye family who destroyed the family comes from?"

The sword was not sent out after all.


The top of Chibi Peak in the southern area. Dai Li sat on the trunk of the red cliff tree, drinking wine and looking at the giant face. But she was thinking about other things. Suddenly, she asked Su Li: "Can I ask a casual question?"


After a while, someone still pretended not to hear and asked: "Has your senior sister's strength reached the level of a second-level king?"

Su Li raised his eyebrows.

Smile: "The top three elite disciples in the four pavilions are at least the second-level monarch, what do you think?"

It's really awesome...

Daili's eyes flashed. No more words.

"What, are you feeling stressed?"

"No..." Dai Li narrowed his eyes. Her current strength in all aspects can indeed reach the ten counties, but it certainly does not exceed it by much. If she is a second-level monarch with a stronger foundation, she will not be sure...

That's why she had specifically invited Feng Shaoling and a bunch of other people to come and fight with her...

If those people knew when they were just killing them. She also truly touched the threshold of the realm of control, and she would definitely be so angry that she died again.

"But although controlling the realm is a great weapon, it still requires other things..."

What trump cards does she have left unused?

The third type of mystery that I had learned in seclusion before was not touched. It is the real mystery of attack. The importance can be imagined. This is the first trump card.

Most of the true meaning of martial arts has not yet been touched. In terms of real power, it may be much more powerful than thunder magic and blood energy. This is the second trump card.

Now that I have reached the threshold of control, let’s consider it as the third trump card. The power is still unknown because it has not yet been truly controlled.

In fact, another trump card is the symbiotic possession of the Scorpion, but Dai Li is not sure whether he can use spiritual pets in the following games. Based on her belief that personal strength has always been the criterion, Scorpion was excluded.

Just three trump cards? Perhaps any method that falls on others can be regarded as a terrible guarantee, but generation and separation are very unsatisfactory.

Not to mention the first-ranked elites like Zhongli Guiwan, even the people on the next level have to be careful.

That does not work.

Dai Li has great ambitions. When others are thinking about killing her mortal enemies at the same level, she is already thinking about killing a large group of people by leapfrogging...

"I still have some spiritual fire in my body, but even if I cook it all, it can only increase to 12,000 clouds of energy. Now if I want to improve my strength in a short period of time, I can only start from three aspects. One, delve into the realm of control!, two, Break through to the prince level, three, make a clone."

The first step is promising, the second step requires hard work, and the third step... Dai Li is not sure, but at least this path has been set.

The rest depends on how much time the Qishan Road assessment can give her~~

Just when she was deep in thought, suddenly, there was a boom, and she looked up...

Heaven and earth were annihilated and turned into powder...


Everyone is empty!

Now the scene has changed...

Puff puff, everyone fell down or stood on the Lili grassland.

It is surprisingly the place where Chi Ling created the Chibi Forest before.

At this moment, it is intact and all assessors are present.

Including those who were killed...

Naturally, this also includes Feng Shaoling and others.

The expressions of these people who were killed at this moment were very complicated, happy? Of course, he came back alive.

Then comes resentment and shame.

Because hundreds of thousands of people were staring at them, and by the way, they also saw the giant water mirror screen.

So, everything before has been seen?

Xu Yidao and others' faces were ashen!

Some people who perform well and have good harvests are full of joy. Oh, I am famous?

When Dai Li appeared, I felt that many people looked away. Of course, many people also glanced at him.

Anyway, her skin was thick and resistant to radiation, so she pretended that she didn't see it, and Shi Shiran had to look at the others.

It seems that their positions are still along the four directions of southeast, northwest and northwest.

People like Hu Yanjue are naturally there. There are strong people standing in the east, west, north and west. With a glance, you can easily catch Zhongli Guiwan and other outstanding people...

This group of people also noticed the south...

A monk from the north said in a sour tone: "It's better to be south of you. There are so few masters... Feng Shaoling must be the first."


Feng Shaoling and others' faces suddenly turned even more ugly.

Such expressions made the Wind King clan and other forces, who were anxious about the result of the previous competition, feel a little nervous. That... couldn't be...

After all, I didn’t have time to ask carefully, because the people from Qishan Pavilion had already arrived.

"Assessors all go to the previous assessor to count the Chibi Fruit points."

18,888 people. Except for Ying Zheng who didn't come, everyone else came. 18,887 people, how many can pass the first level?

Dai Li was from Yu Ran's side. There were only so many people anyway, and she was too lazy to squeeze in. She just fell behind, and Ye Ziqing and others were also behind.

Yu Ran did not make a sound during the level calculation, which convinced many people who were a little uneasy. But the fat man's team was in trouble, this guy was particularly bad. When no one came to register, I gave my name.

"Zhang Yuan, 15 Chibi Fruits, only 200 points, too bad!"

"Li Guo. I'm quite lucky to have a name, but it's a pity that it's only 400 points! It's also very bad!"

It’s okay to just report it, why not give it a review!

The people in his team were all complaining, but Yu Ran was very indifferent to this. He looked at the nervous assessors in front of him and said, "Don't worry, I'm too lazy to waste my time. People who haven't passed the test haven't passed the test. Who should give their name?" ..Those who pass the customs will naturally leave their names on Red Cliff, and there is no need to report them.”

Are you trying to comfort me?

Why do we feel like we really want you to tell us your name?

Although Dai Li didn't queue up in front. But I also saw some people taking out Chibi fruits...

There are many, there are very few, probably only one or two. Or none at all.

This is the most unlucky one, it must have been robbed at the last minute.

Some have more than a thousand points.

Daili counted, and there was probably one out of ten.

The fat man's voice suddenly became gentle: "Yan Qi, one hundred and fifty Chibi fruits, one thousand eight hundred points. You passed the test, little girl. Come on!"

Huh, I finally passed the test. Yan Qi breathed a sigh of relief and smiled at the fat man: "Yeah."

Hey, passed!

King Yan was actually quite happy. This kind of happiness seemed a bit inexplicable to others.

Such as some of his old friends.

"Let me tell you, Lao Yan, you have a very good vision of traveling all over the world. Why do you have such low expectations for your niece? She will definitely be at the bottom among these elites." The man spoke a bit directly.

"It doesn't matter if we are at the bottom. People from my Yan family have never liked fighting. They are good at academic research. The talent of the little chess piece is one of the best in our Yan family. It doesn't matter if the cultivation talent is not as good as others. As long as we can protect ourselves."

"That's what I say, but in this world, strength is still respected..."

"Strength?" King Yan lowered his chin silently and smiled: "One day you will understand that the way of literature is also a powerful force! It is enough for people to stand in the world."

Everyone was silent, and then an old man said in a strange tone: "Similar to the Confucian and Taoist Pavilion?"

Confucianism and Taoism Pavilion?

King Yan curled his lips.

"I'm talking about Confucianism in large groups..."

Their conversation came to an abrupt end when someone in the crowd watching the registration results suddenly heard an exclamation.

What's wrong?

"Five thousand points"

"Who is this kid?!!"

Rao Shidaili's expression was a little strange at the moment, because she recognized this person.

Everyone in Nanlin recognizes it.

Ghost sword is sad.

"They're from Nanlin!" Huo Huowu and others looked even weirder,

It’s not that I don’t know that Nanlin has a lot of geniuses and should not be underestimated, but who is this person?

Also one of the previous assessment candidates?

The problem is that this person is not included in the list of Nanlin contestants she got.

Gui Que and others, who also passed the test at this moment, but mostly qualified with scores of more than 1,000 or 2,000, were both surprised and surprised.

This guy is too fierce, he seems to have a somewhat detached style...

What a blockbuster!

"I think we have to ask how this kid has made such great progress." Gui Que has a good relationship with Gui Jianchou, so things that others think are transgressive are normal to him.

"Don't you think it's more important which way he takes to take the assessment?" Linjiang Xian said with a chuckle.

Which path means where Gui Jianchou has been practicing all these years...

At least I can touch some traces.

Of course, this is just their curiosity. Most of Nanlin's group...are of good character and cannot do such jealous things, unless it's...Gui Que vs. Lin Jiangxue or Jiang Chuan vs. Jue Ge. kind.

Gui Jianchou came over, and Gong Zangxue and others were so distressed when they saw Dai Li that they quickly got close to him.

Are you very fond of Nanlin?


Just to see how well people are raised! (To be continued)



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