A Queen

Chapter 1131 You are not my father, are you?

(If you want to hear more of your voices and receive more of your suggestions, search the WeChat public account "qdread" now and follow it to give more support to "One Female Royal Emperor"!) Chapter 1131

"Oh, you little carrot, you have done a great job today... Your grades are very good." As soon as Dai Li came over, he wanted to wipe Gui Jianchou's head...

But I found that they were too tall.

Can't touch it.

Well, the next best thing, she slapped him on the back instead.

However, some people thought that this person might want to pat the handsome man's buttocks.

After all, the area where her claws hit is very close to the buttocks...

Maybe the picture was indeed of the buttocks!

Because Gui Jianchou actually blushed...

Indeed, he blushed slightly, turned his head and glared at Dai Li, frowning: "Can you please stop being like this..."

The smiling Dai Li was stunned for a moment, then looked confused: "What didn't I do...what did I do!"

She felt so innocent.

The people in Nanlin had all sorts of incomprehensible expressions, but Guique narrowed his eyes. This kid's sensitive point is still around his waist. He's very ticklish...

But it’s not to the point where I blush as soon as I take the photo...

Gui Jianchou ignored him and left.

After asking, Dai Li found out that all these people had passed, and he immediately beamed.

"Thanks to you this time, otherwise we would definitely not have passed the first level," Linjiang Xian said very frankly.

At first, they didn't know that the Qishan Road test was so difficult. They just saw that many unlucky Grandmasters had been eliminated. Being robbed just because you don't have enough points or you have enough points is extremely unlucky anyway, which also reflects the harshness of this first level of assessment.

But they all made it through!

Without the help of Daili's treasures. They were certain that their entire army would be killed.

"It has nothing to do with me, you are just working hard... Besides, even if I don't help, Mingjian and the others will help."

Speaking of famous swords,

Daili saw her arrival immediately.

Famous Swordsman, Ning Jingyuan, Yu Ji, these three were supposed to go to the sword pavilion. Three people from Qingyuan Tower and Qinhuang Pavilion came here, which surprised many people.

By the way, these three people are too disrespectful to the three forces behind them. It's okay for Jing Jingyuan. The owner of Qingyuan Building doesn't care that much after all, but Jiange and Qinhuang Pavilion have such great reputations, how can they tolerate it?

In fact, there is nothing we can do if we don’t tolerate it. The famous sword has never been obedient at all!

As for Yu Ji, she had just joined, but Emperor Ming was behind her, and the big guys in the cabinet seemed to have a strange attitude and were extremely polite to her, so...

Privilege! Privilege!

But...it was snowing in the mountains, and Ye Ziqing also walked over.

Yes, there is another one in Tsing Yi.

Jiangwangge and Qinghuanghai both wanted to cry and fainted in the toilet.

Miss Ye, you have been with us for three years. It’s okay to be ruthless to us in the past, but why are you suddenly so loving now!

Miss Yuanyi, you are from Qinghuanghai. How can you not even look at us?

As a member of the same family, Luan Yidan wanted to complain, but when I thought of this clan girl's beautiful and supreme temperament, her outrageous methods and IQ...

He fell silent, comforting himself that it was okay, she was just going through the motions, after all, she was participating in the assessment as a person from Nanlin...

Gotta give some face...


"I heard that you told others that I was stingy. I never gave you anything?"

As soon as Lian Qingyi looked at each other, he said a faint word.

Dai Li took a breath, and Jing Jingyuan and others all looked over.

"Uh. No!" Dai Li was puzzled, where had she ever said such a thing...

Suddenly, she remembered what Feng Shaoling had asked her before. If there was a water mirror technique, someone had obviously seen it and spread the rumors?

"No?" Duan Qingyi looked at her lightly.

As soon as she came out of the assessment, she saw many people looking at her strangely and whispering...

Don't those people know how to soundproof themselves so that she can hear their discussions?

"Sure enough, Luan Qingyi has nothing to do with Jun Zili. He probably has a good relationship with another friend of hers, so he takes care of her a little..."

"I'm sure, she is from Qinghuanghai..."

Are these people so sure?

Um... Dai Li quickly struck a chord and said, "I told you that you gave Qin Ji a sword... it's none of my business!"

Qin Ji just walked over, uh... she was lying on the ground?

"That's right. I'm just asking why you are nervous." Duan Qingyi said coolly.

By the way, Qianshan Muxue looked at Luo Qingyi. She could only guess from the background of Qinghuanghai that Luan Qingyi, whose appearance was concealed as ordinary but whose temperament had changed greatly, narrowed her eyes slightly at the state of her conversation with Daili at the moment.

It's indeed a big change...

It's just that someone seems to be less promising than before.

But now that they have met, their respective Chibi Fruit achievements...

Gui Que and the others looked back and forth at Dai Li, Ye Ziqing, and others, secretly thinking that all of them were extremely restrained, and they didn't know how many Chibi fruits they had harvested.

However, they are all more wary of people like Ye Ziqing, but they are not wary of Daili. They are wary because of the presence of these people. Good guy, they didn't forget Qianshan Muxue and the others when Luan Qingyi was talking to Daili. That look...

I didn’t say it was scary, I just felt that if you want to talk to Daili, you have to bear the baptism of eyes of this group of people. If you say something wrong...

"How many fruits do you have?" As soon as Gui Jianchou asked, Gui Que couldn't help but light a candle for his junior brother.

But Daili didn't have a chance to answer, because over there...

"It's Hu Yanjue!"

"Oh my god, there are so many chibi fruits!"

"And Yun Yiyi! Oh my god, why do they all have so many fruits!"

There were shouts of xxx having so many fruits one after another. Dai Li touched his chin, wondering if he should go over and see how many red cliff fruits these people had. But when I saw the people surrounding each other, well...

Forget it.

At this time, Yu Ran also shouted: "Everyone who hasn't been counted yet, get over here!"

All right. Groups of people passed by quickly.

Ye Ziqing and the others were in front, and Daili was about to go there together, but was stopped by someone.

This person is not an assessor, but an old man with a vicissitudes of life, but his appearance is not bad, and there is an indescribable smell all over his body. Standing in the crowd, he might be on the verge of being buried. But when you take a closer look, you feel that this person looks like a book that has been sealed for countless years. Hidden in a dusty corner, once you open it, you can see many ancient and charming stories.

The man stopped her but didn't speak. But with a look.

Dai Li seemed to remember this person. She seemed to have seen this person before in the Peerless Peach Blossom Forest...

She felt like this person recognized her before, but he never came up to her, like a stranger, and now he finally came to her?

Dai Li paused and said, "You guys go over there first, I'll be back in a minute."

The others glanced at the man and said nothing. Ye Ziqing frowned, glanced at the man, and turned to leave.


A little further away. A place with few people.

Dai Li was trying to figure out the other party's purpose and identity, but the other party said something very straightforward.

"Do you like orchids?"



Dai Li's eyes flashed, and he looked deeply at the man. He became a little wary and said, "It's not that I like him, I just don't dislike him."

“Some Qiu likes it very much”


Dai Li suddenly froze...looking this man up and down. This person did not shy away from her gaze...

After a while, Daili uttered: "You can't be my father, right?"

Now it was the man's turn to be stunned. Frowning: "Are you... longing for your father?"

What nonsense!

"It's okay, so-so, just a little curious, but looking at you, I don't think you look like..."


Because you are not a vampire! Can you have anything to do with me?

"Your appearance is not that good, but your temperament is better."

The subtext is that even if your appearance condition is improved by Ye Ranqiu's genes, you will never be able to produce an excellent breed like me.


The man was silent for a while, but still couldn't laugh. Perhaps it was because his heart was too dark and sank to the bottom of the abyss.

In the silence, a message came from Yu Ran's side: "Jun Zili, come here and die!"

Is it my turn to be the last one so soon?

"If you are not ready to confess your purpose and identity to me, then I have no choice but to leave first...I'm sorry."

For some reason, Daili always felt that he needed to maintain some respect for this person...

When passing by...

"It is said that the clouds are opening and the frost will dye the autumn."

"I am one of them"

The last generation of the Ye family known to Daxia were five people including Ye Ranqiu.

The name does match the above, Yun, Chuan, Yunkai, Qingshuang, Dyeing Autumn.

At this moment, there are two more words.

dye general.

Dai Li's steps suddenly stopped and he quickly turned his head to look at this person.

The light flashed across my eyes instantly...

Staring at the many gray spots in this man's bun...

"Sir, I think we must find a time to talk, but not now."


Dai Li's expression was a little solemn as he turned to leave, but he still went to Yu Ran's side.


"Aside from killing, you are as slow as ever~~"

"For a man, Senior Yu Ran, your words are not a compliment." Dai Li glanced at Yu Ran.

"Are you a man? You are prettier than many women..." Yu Rannuo said with a teasing smile.

It’s not that we have a good relationship, most people really don’t dare to make such a joke.

However, the news that Jun Zili was going to calculate the results still made many people prick up their ears or eyes, but because there were a lot of people around, and a group of people were self-proclaimed, they didn't take a closer look to see what was going on.

People like Feng Shaoling wanted to hide far away, out of sight, although they were also curious about how many Chibi fruits this guy had stolen.

"I like to hear this...but I think many of the women you talk about will definitely not embrace the few next to you, including you, sister."

Ouch, I will be a sister soon.


Yu Ran gave her an angry look, "Quickly take out your fruit and show it to sister..."

These words...

It's okay that they didn't think wrongly, and their expressions were very serious, but because some people laughed so hard, they became unnatural. (My novel "A Female Royal Emperor" will have more fresh content on the official WeChat platform, and there will also be a 100% lucky draw gift for everyone! Open WeChat now, click the "+" sign on the upper right to "Add a Friend", Search the official account "qdread" and follow it, hurry up!) (To be continued)

ps: Damn it, I spent a whole day sweeping graves today. I am so tired. I have used up the only remaining manuscript. I will add less updates during this period because a friend in Hangzhou said that he wanted to go out with me... deposit I can’t afford to be hurt!


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