A Queen

Chapter 1,132 Statues of Heroes from Four Parties!

(If you want to hear more of your voices and receive more of your suggestions, search the WeChat public account "qdread" now and follow it to give more support to "One Female Royal Emperor"!) Chapter 1132

For example, the girl in Qingyi frowned, what's wrong?

There are so many hooligans these days. Dai Li raised the corner of his mouth, raised his eyebrows, showed a sultry smile, and said, "Don't tell me to show you, just let you touch it. It's okay."

This tone was so bold and bold, Duan Qingyi and others finally heard that something was wrong, but Dai Li had already taken out the Chibi Fruit.

In fact, it can't be considered as taking, because she was completely in an upside down position, and when she waved her hand, clatter...

The large open space originally used to hold Chibi fruits was paved over in the blink of an eye.

The people watching were stunned, obediently, so many!

"It's so big!"

"so big!"

It’s not unusual to have many red-bill fruits, but quite a few of these fruits in Daili are very big, many of them the size of a washbasin.

This made many people who only harvested chibi fruits the size of small tomatoes roll their eyes.

The shouts came, making the many Wind Kings or people from other forces who were serious but always watching in the distance feel more and more uneasy.

Feng Wenlun looked gentle and asked Feng Shaoling: "Third brother, what was your previous competition..."

Feng Shaoling's face was very gloomy and she gave him a sinister look, "Shut up!"

By the way, from these two simple words, it can be seen that the Third Young Master is disdainful and contemptuous towards his eldest brother, and those people from the Feng King Clan next to him have not dared to ask questions from the beginning to the end. This also shows that the Third Young Master is in the Feng King Clan. status.

pity. Such a status would eventually be overshadowed by the incident between Dai Li and Taohuayuan. Feng Shaoling knew it well and showed great resentment in the face of Dai Li's murderous intention. While thinking about how to get rid of such a shadow, he did not notice the haze under the helpless expression of the humiliated Feng Wenlun for a moment.

On the other side, Yu Ran glanced at the surprise in his heart but did not show it on his face, covered it with his thoughts, calculated very quickly, and wrote some words directly on the paper. Then the two Qishan Pavilion staff who were responsible for handling the red bi fruits moved quickly to collect all the red bi fruits.

"Okay, done," Yu Ran said and was about to close the registration book.

So anxious.

"Wait a minute. I'm not healed yet...Why are you in such a hurry?" Dai Li couldn't help but muttered, Yu Ran stared at him, "Do you still have it?"

Dai Li picked up the Scorpion on his shoulder and shook it hard! "Don't sleep. Take out the fruit for me before we talk..."

The Scorpion woke up after being thrown away. When he saw Dai Li's fierce eyes, he immediately became alert and hurriedly took out the fruits he had picked.

Another pile, the quantity is slightly different from what Daili brought out, but the head~~

"So many chibi fruits again!"

"Who is this person?"

"Junzili! Why does she have so many Chibi fruits?"

If it were people like Hu Yanjue, no matter who got such a red cliff fruit, it would not cause such turmoil, but the problem is... Jun Zili got so many red cliff fruits.

Jun Zili, is she comparable to people like Hu Yanjue?


Comparable to people like Gong Bo Jingxiu?


It can't even compare. But this man got so much fruit...

In fact, most of the people present were surprised, except for the people who were most familiar with Dai Li. They were not surprised, and Yu Ran took a deep look at Dai Li. Secretly, it seems that this guy won the previous battle, otherwise how could he have kept so many trophies.

Before the people present were shocked and suspicious, and before the people in the distance heard the noise and rushed over, Yu Ran had already quickly leveled up the scores, and all the large piles of Chibi Fruits had been put away.

"Okay, those who have registered will rest aside. Wait for up to half an hour, and your results will be released. Of course, you can look at the red cliff. When your name disappears, it means you have been eliminated. Those who stay will naturally pass the test."

In fact, it was agreed that one thousand points would be required to pass the test. Many people had counted their scores before. Those who could pass the test knew what they were doing. Those who could not pass the test must have failed. So whether they could pass the test was not the important point.

What matters is the scores and rankings of those who passed the test.

Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes, and where there are rivers and lakes, there are strengths and weaknesses. Even Dai Li wants to know where those people rank in the first level.

"Don't you want to know where you can rank?" Ming Jian asked lightly.

These people actually didn't count how many Chibi Fruits they had, maybe it was their nature, maybe it was their self-confidence, but Ming Jian didn't find it strange that Dai Li had such strong curiosity about Hu Yanjue, and just asked.

"Myself? How should I put it, I'm in the South District... You know the South District, there are not as many experts as you do in the East, West and North Districts... By the way, have you met any powerful people?"


Ming Jian understood it as soon as he thought about it and said: "Yes"


"Your cousin"

Dai Li was stunned for a moment, and then he hugged Ming Jian's waist tightly, wishing he could hang it on like a koala, "Oh, Xiao Jian Jian, you have a sweet mouth and a sharp eye~~"

Famous sword: "..."

What's wrong with this guy?

Others: "..."

Do you two male idols have to do this? Can't we allocate resources reasonably?

Bao Zifeng: Let go of my son-in-law!

Bai Jin: Let go of the famous sword and let me do it!

Gong Zangxue: There is no taboo between men and women, there is no taboo against rawness and coldness, as long as you are good-looking, how can you still be so worthless?

Chun Shisanniang: I bet a load of cucumbers...she can do it.

"Look, look, I said the two of them have a good relationship. It would be great if we could bring that Jun Zili into our sword pavilion!"

Yue Shan kept chattering.

"She is already a member of the Demon Palace. You want our Jiange to snatch someone from the Demon Palace?"

"That's why I said it's a pity...but it also depends on whether the Demon Palace values ​​her..."

"If she performs well and is worthy of our sword pavilion, how can she not be valued by the Demon Palace... I can only say that it is too late."

The old man looked at Yue Shan, then narrowed his eyes. But after all, there is no shortage of top talents in Jiange. Although Jun Zili is amazing, he is not enough to make them desperate.


In fact, Dai Li always felt that someone was looking at her. When she told Nanlin and the others, Lin Jiangxue said, "Are you sure it's not because you have been insulting others with your eyes that they have to passively fight back?"

Daili: "Are you sure you're not targeting me like this because I haven't molested you?"

Lin Jiangxue: "Haha, do I need you to molest me?"

Dai Li: "That's right. Do you have someone who is a full-time professional in indecent assault?"

Guique: "Are you talking about me?"

Tang Junyi: "Actually, I think your dressing up is too... can't you be a little more virtuous?"

Everyone looked at this man's tight red leather jacket...

The topic stopped abruptly.

Daili looked around, and she really felt like someone was watching her. But I'm sure it's not the vicissitudes of life uncle from before...

So who else?

"Is there someone who is missing me silently without me knowing?"

The man touched his chin and thought deeply.

Gui Jianchou on the side twitched his lips.


Less than half an hour later, a large group of people sitting on the green plain, drinking, eating and chatting, were all attracted by the movement in Chibi.


The 18,887 names on Red Cliff have changed, and a large number of names have begun to fade away.

Of course the owners of these names are complicated and frustrated. Still a little annoyed.

Unexpectedly, they came out of the local area to fight fiercely, but were eliminated in the first level. Not to mention that they couldn't pass this level, even the people at home would be disappointed.

This is probably what it means to have no face to see Jiangdong's elders.

Swish, brush, brush!

The names disappeared one by one, and soon the number was reduced to no less than 10,000...

After a while, the darkness above was finally fixed.

In the end, only part of the name remained on it.

The rankings vary, some are lonely on one side, and some exist in groups.

"I've heard that the Qishan Road exam is difficult, but I didn't expect it to be so difficult."

"I went directly to five out of six. Only one out of six was left. This elimination rate..."

Many people who were eliminated were just watching the show and were quite emotional about this.

"The first level of the Qishan Road assessment, the Red Cliff Peak level, has ended. The results of the competition are now announced, such as the names on the top of Red Cliff. There are a total of 3,000 people who passed the level this time. Anyone who passes the level will be rewarded. All the above 3,000 people will be listed. , come here!”

Master Fen pointed his finger...crash. Blah, blah!

The ground surface suddenly cracked. Pieces of stone were drilled out!

No, it doesn't seem to be a stone, but... a stone sculpture!

There are three thousand human statues, but not all of them are stone sculptures. There are also glass crystal ones, white stone ones, and there seem to be sculptures made of various materials such as diamonds.

Covered by one, at first glance it looks like there is a row of sculptures on the edge of the red cliff.

"What's this?"

"And every statue seems to correspond to a real person."

Each statue is lifelike and looks like a 1:1 real-life physical statue. It is more exquisite than any carving technology in the world.

"Is this a statue that only examinees who have passed the level will have?"

Before Dai Li found his statue, he heard Mr. Fen San said: "This is the hero statue on Qishan Road. Everyone who passes the level can find their own statue from it and get your first level reward." , this reward is determined based on your Chibi Fruit results..."

There are rewards and hero statues. It seems to have followed the hero list model of the local Qishan Road assessment, but this time it is more shocking and a statue is also given.

"Statue? It still looks like a group of tombs..." In the past, she regarded the Hero Monument as a tombstone. Now Daili has inherited her original ability to complain and slanders these statues in her heart. However, other people's concerns are obviously different from hers. .

"Senior Third Master, is there a ranking for this first test?"

Ranking is what everyone pays most attention to.

Fen Sanye didn't seem surprised at all, he just said with a smile: "Yes... You can see the arrangement of these statues... The four squares are the sky and the earth, and the hero statues are also arranged in the same way. , the one in the middle is the first place, and next to the first place are the second to fifth place. They are arranged in such a pile. There are three thousand people among them, and you can all find your place." (My novel " "One Female Emperor" will have more fresh content on the official WeChat platform, and there will also be a 100% lucky draw gift for everyone! Open WeChat now, click on the "+" sign "Add Friend" in the upper right corner, and search the official account "qdread" "And pay attention, hurry up!) (To be continued)


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