A Queen

Chapter 1,133 Central, 4 sides!

(If you want to hear more of your voices and receive more of your suggestions, search the WeChat public account "qdread" now and follow it to give more support to "One Female Emperor"!) Chapter 1133

In the four directions of heaven and earth, everyone returns to his place?

Dai Li and others flew up together and reached a certain height. They were able to see all three thousand statues in front of their eyes. They also saw the four sides, which were like chess pieces.

"Look, the person in the center!"

It is human nature. When it comes to rankings, everyone's first reaction is how high am I? The second reaction is who is second?

But the list is clear at a glance, but this group of statues can only be noticed at first glance in the middle.

A statue.

A top-quality purple gold crystal statue.

This statue is of a man.

A tall and cold man.

"It's Hu Yanjue!"

"It's Hu Yanjue from our pavilion!"

Wow! Everyone in Jiangwang Pavilion was honored and overjoyed, but the joy they showed was the domineering and arrogant they were born with or cultivated later. The arrogance was so obvious and powerful that they immediately surrounded them. A group of people from the Confucian and Taoist Pavilion compared themselves to a blink of an eye.

However, if the Jiangwang Pavilion is not more arrogant than the Confucian and Taoist Pavilion, then the four pavilions will have no meaning in their existence.

"It's Hu Yanjue... He's not considered a dark horse."

“It’s not surprising anymore”

Hu Yanjue won the first place, which did not cause much resentment among the others. The main reason was that this person's strength and reputation were there. However, Qin Hai and others who had experienced the past generations were almost unanimously appointed as the first place as soon as they appeared. One is different.

There are many people who have the ability to compete for first place in the Qishan Road assessment. In fact, there are several players who are not inferior to Hu Yanjue in all aspects, and they all have their own supporters, so even if Hu Yanjue wins the championship. The reactions of others were not taken for granted, but they were not too suspicious.

To put it bluntly, if this number one is generational separation, 90% of people here will suspect that there is a bug in it.

"Since Hu Yanjue is number one, does that mean Yun Yiyi has lost?"

"I just heard someone say that they did have a battle in their own area.

But the result was unclear later..."

The voices of Hu Yanjue winning the championship were heard one after another, but Yun Yiyi was soon mentioned - the swordsman who had been compared to Hu Yanjue by people in Fenchuan for decades.

How about victory or defeat?

Dai Li glanced at the statue of Hu Yanjue. Black crystals, very strange crystals. It looks like black jade, but it feels very restrained and deep.

Just like the feeling Hu Yanjue makes others feel.

He was very introverted, not showing any trace of happiness or pride. He just looked on indifferently. Not a single breath leaked out from around me...

The more reserved it is, the scarier it is.

After just looking at it for a while, Daili's eyes moved to the side of the first statue.

There are also four statues.

"Those four statues are..."

Two men and two women.

Four directions: southeast, northwest and northwest.

The man in the east is a handsome man, a very ascetic and indifferent handsome man, full of oriental intellectual and mysterious aura. Even if you give him a copy of Jin Ping Mei, he can produce an aura like reading the Bible.

His statue is carved from a piece of purple jade, which is indeed in line with the noble characteristics of the Oriental Purple.

Just like him.

To the south is a woman.

The woman in black clothes and masked face has a graceful figure and perfect proportions. But he was shrouded in a black robe, half-covering his face, exposing the upper part. It's not as scary as a real person, and it's not deep enough to make people feel suffocated.

——Only if you can restrain yourself from being pulled into the abyss of the whirlpool by her eyes.

But it is enough for people to appreciate how extraordinary this person is.

Her statue is also black, pure black, black to the extreme.

Just like her.

West is still a woman.

If the woman on the south side is black, mysterious and profound, then the woman on the west side is the most naked enchantment.

The figure is slender and not fiery, but as soft as a bone. She didn't actually do anything, she just stood there. It's just a statue, but it has an indescribable taste...

——A charming, charming and cold person who makes people fall completely in love with her at just one glance! !

Cold as ice and charming to the bone.

These two possibly opposite characteristics appear in one person, which makes people feel weird.

Her statue is a white jade.

Such a person turned out to be Bai Yu!

To the north is a man.

Tall and mighty, with red hair and red eyes, extreme flames, extreme violence, and extreme redness.

A red flame amber stone.

These are the four strong men from the four directions of southeast, northwest and northwest.

Who are they?

Everyone was talking a lot, guessing the identities of these four people.

Because what surprised them was that these four people were not from Fenchuan... Even if they were local, they were certainly not people with outstanding reputations, otherwise they would not have been impressed.

So who are they?

"I know the banquet code in the east and Mo Yao in the south," Dai Li said.

"How do you know? Have you seen them?" People in Nanlin were a little curious, especially Jingjingyuan and others. Jingjingyuan glanced at her and said, "As far as I know, the names of these two people are rarely known to outsiders. , have you met them?"

"Well... the latter was told to me by others, but the former..." Dai Li touched his chin and smiled: "It's a story that can't be told."

Can we say that your expression is a bit lewd?

But Dai Li didn't say anything, so they didn't ask, but Ming Jian said that she knew the people in the north.

"The ones in the north are burning for a night"

"Fen? It can't be..."

"You guessed it right...Fen Chuan's blood lineage, Fen Yiye, corresponds to Chuan Ancestor's descendant, Chuan BuMeng. I think since he can stand out, either Chuan BuMeng met other powerful enemies, or the two of them met , and then Fen Yiye won.”

"After all, this first level is affected by luck. If you are unlucky and encounter a strong enemy, your performance will be greatly affected. For example, if Feng Shaoling meets you."

The identities of the three individuals were revealed, and the last one...

"Linghu Bai from the west, if you meet her...be careful" came the message from Qianshan Muxue. He knew the voice as soon as he heard it. Dai Li looked around and found that this woman was standing with Huang, seemingly saying something.

"Why? Could it still hurt me?" Dai Li laughed.

"? If you hadn't taken the initiative to sacrifice yourself, otherwise the person in this world who she could actively seduce would not have been born yet."

"Well, what a shame..."


Then she discovered that Qianshan Muxue decisively cut off the sound transmission.

"Huyan in the middle, Yanlu in the east. Moyao in the south, Linghu in the west. Fenyi in the north"

These are the five giants born after the first level!

The third ring beyond that is sixteen people.

The statues of the sixteen people were recognized more often.

At this moment, Dai Li no longer cared about the identities of these statues. Instead, he was looking for his own statue like everyone else.

However, other people's voices kept coming to my ears, and I quickly understood who the sixth to seventeenth people were.

Viagra. Tsing Yi, Feng Wen Lun, Dongguo Ziyi, Xu Liu, Zhongli Guiwan, Gong Bo Jingxiu, Zi Sangyu, Nie Yongshang, Huang. The uncle is quiet and beautiful, Ren Yin Yin, the leaves are clear.

These were the names of fourteen people who were read out. Dai Li corresponded carefully with some people in his heart, but soon someone said: "There is another Yun Yiyi! I guess he is the first in the East, which is the sixth place, you see... eh!"




Then it turns into layers and layers of undulations - real and fake!

Holy shit!

Wait for the call.

Daili already knew why these people reacted this way.

"Junzili...is that Junzili?!!!"

"She is actually standing next to Yun Yiyi!"

"I go!"

Too many people couldn't believe it, and too many people were suspicious. They ran to her statue faster than Dai Li. I can't wait to use a microscope to observe what this person really looks like...

Regarding these people's disbelief, Daili was not as pretentious as ordinary people should be. He just landed directly in front of his own statue. He looked up and down at this handsome man wearing wooden clogs and with short hair flying around. He thought for a moment and smiled: "Not as good-looking as the real person."

Vomiting blood!

All the people nearby who had heart problems were vomiting blood,

Some people were dissatisfied and made a loud noise, which soon reached the Qishan Pavilion.

Mr. Fen Sanye had a good temper and was not angry. He smiled and said, "Do you think she is not qualified to be the sixth in this first level?"

"Of course! Let's look at the people ranked later. Which one is not very powerful? Does this gentleman also have the strength of a second-level monarch?"

Mr. Fen shook his head, "Young man, the first level tests not only your strength, but also your detection and reaction abilities. When you encounter a strong enemy, run away! When you encounter a weak enemy, grab it! In addition, you have to deal with the Chibi Fruit and the Spirit." The ability to track fire, and then luck...Junzili's ability in this aspect far exceeds that of many second-level monarchs."

What an advantage a single pupil technique has!

Experts like Emperor Ming knew this very well.

It’s just that the other examiners are too young to understand and are unwilling to accept it.

"Then she must have strength, right? How strong is she? Does she have seven counties? Eight counties?"

"Eight counties?" Mr. Fen continued to laugh and said, "Although I didn't see it, I think she should have broken Feng Shaoling, Xie Ru, Huo Jiangli, and Xu Yidao at the Great Red Cliff Peak in the north. Transforming Bones Long, E Hongyuan, Song Peibai, Xia Houdun and other eight people with an average strength of seven or eight counties joined forces and killed them one by one..."

The person whose name was called one by one was instantly covered by a large gaze, and his face was dark!

But Mr. Fen seems to have made another stab at it.

"She still hasn't used her spiritual pet, whose strength is also at the level of nine counties."

"She has taken over the big red cliff tree in the south. Do you think she should be the number one?"

Haha, it turns out that the examiners who were clamoring all kinds of things were quiet.

On the contrary, the hundreds of thousands of viewers who are usually the most ignorant accepted it very quickly, because they had seen some of the battles on the Great Red Cliff Peak, but they did not see the key points. Now that Junzili's ranking comes out, it will undoubtedly tell everyone .

——She won!

This is undoubtedly bad news for the examinees whose average strength is exactly at the point of Jiu County, which means they will have one more strong competitor at the same level.

Most of the people at the second-level monarch level just lamented or complained about Dai Li's good luck, and happened to dominate the south where the experts were the least and weakest... It was also the case that Feng Shaoling and others were so unsatisfactory that even group PKs were killed by counter-PKs. Got it! (My novel "A Female Royal Emperor" will have more fresh content on the official WeChat platform, and there will also be a 100% lucky draw gift for everyone! Open WeChat now, click the "+" sign on the upper right to "Add a Friend", Search the official account "qdread" and follow it, hurry up!) (To be continued)


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