A Queen

Chapter 1,134 90,000!

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Chapter 1134

People like Xie Ru were surrounded by many eyes, and they felt all kinds of sorrow and resentment in their hearts. Naturally, they put their hatred value on Dai Li.

Kun Yan actually didn't know whether he should cry or laugh, because he was also one of the people killed, but it seemed that he was forgotten by Mr. Fen because of his lack of identity, so no one knew that he should be counted as the ninth person killed by PK.

It's so strange, why do I feel so sorry...

It was said that Kun Yan felt aggrieved, so when he saw Ran Lao, he felt like he had been given a shot of blood, mocking him for being so timid that he didn't even go to the Great Red Cliff Peak.

Ran Lao's response to such a provocation was very direct.

"First, I went to Red Cliff and climbed to the top, but you were killed at the foot of the mountain! Second, if you want to say why I was not killed by Jun Zili at the top, are you cowardly? If you are afraid of getting into trouble, all I can say is...it’s none of your business!”

Kun Yan was confronted!

Kun Lie next to him had an expressionless face: "Ran Lao...you do have two brushes, but cowardice is cowardice, no reason is needed."

Regarding the number one ranking of the Ran family, both the eldest and the youngest of the Kun family are consistent, but Kun Lie is obviously a bit more fierce.

No one can refute it.

Ran Lao didn't refute, just smiled: "Young Master Kun, I hope you will face that Jun Zili yourself. I think the result will be very interesting."

What does this mean?

Inciting hatred?

Kun Lie took a deep look: "Although I know you are a provocateur, but you will... there will be no second result."

"I guess so"

In terms of strength, Kun Lie is indeed the number one among the four families. He has the capital to despise Jun Zili!


"Damn Junzili!" Feng Shaoling wanted to chop Daili into pieces and feed him to the dogs, but he also understood that his current strength was no match for him.

"This is just the first level, the subsequent assessment is the most important... If you want to beat her, then..." Feng Shaoling made a vague decision.

Xie Ru and others on the other side also had their eyes flickering.

Among them, Hua Gulong squinted his eyes and rubbed his fingers, not knowing what he was thinking in his heart...

However, the situation of generational separation on the other side is not as glorious as they envied and resented.

After all, she was rarely seen killing these people in person. Even with Mr. Fen's verbal explanation, she could not make those young and powerful men who thought highly of themselves face her.

Just as Ming Taihe was dismissive, Dongguo Ziyi didn't say anything. After all, Junzili was not their main target.

However, compared to the "shamelessness" of people like Xie Ru, Xu Yidao, who was a little ashamed, always felt very embarrassed, but it was not because he cared about other people's opinions, but... He was looking at Ye Ziqing, was she the same? Do you think I'm not as good as Jun Zili...

Perhaps Xu Yidao was so absorbed in his thoughts that he never looked back...

Ye Ziqing felt it and just frowned and glanced sideways at him...

A glance that was bone-chillingly cold.

Xu Yidao immediately came to his senses.

Xu Liu looked at the extremely ugly Xu Yidao next to him, frowned, and said solemnly: "This woman's heart is not with you, don't make yourself too stupid."


If the person who said this was not his elder brother, Xu Yidao might draw his sword against him.

"If it were you to my sister-in-law, how could you give up just like that?"

Xu Yidao still had some counterattacks.

Xu Liu only glanced at him.

"I'm not you"

Instant kill.


Less than above, more than below,

This is the current state of Daili, but the sixth place is real, and it is still ahead of absolute masters such as Yun Yiyi, so it also attracts a lot of hatred and black points.

Being gorgeous may not necessarily be lovable...

Many people were dying, but Daili didn't pay attention to these clowns. She only looked at the statue that represented herself.

The blood-red blood stone had a layer of white thunder and lightning underneath, which really set off her.

However, she turned around and glanced around, and happened to see a statue on the outer layer where there were almost two to three hundred people.

Colorless glass, I don't know if it is jade, stone, or diamond.

She stood like that, holding the sword in one hand and hanging lightly on her waist with the other, looking into the distance.

There is no sharp sword aura, nor any outstanding heroic aura. She is as calm as water, colorless and tasteless, and just exists.

Thousands of mountains are covered with snow at dusk.

To be honest, Dai Li never thought that Qianshan Muxue would be so far behind. On the other hand, Su Li was also stunned and muttered: "How come she is so far behind? Did she lose to another strong person?" (You said she was so far behind?) Did you lose to Mo Yao?)

"Qianshan Muxue?" After hearing these words, Zhongli Guiwan's eyes drifted and fell on the statue of Qianshan Muxue. He gently closed his eyes and smiled: "Ali, this result in the first level doesn't mean anything. ..”

She turned around: "Those whose names are not revealed now may not be able to climb to the top in the future."

"Those who reach the top now may not be able to be defeated and pulled down hard."

The strength and weakness are unknown, and it is absolutely impossible for one family to dominate. This is the characteristic of previous Qishan assessments.

But there is another characteristic... the first place in the end will always be far superior to the others.

"The Qishan Road assessment... itself is an extraordinary experience."

The strong one rises to the top, and the one who rises to the top...must become the strong one!

After seeing the statue of Qianshan Muxue, Daili actually didn't worry much. She understood this woman's careless calmness very well. Since she didn't show up, it meant that she felt that this first level was not important. Since it was not important, she What a rush!

It’s better to find your own reward first.

Dai Li turned around and saw the statue next to him.

He was slender and thin, his robes fluttered at a very sharp angle, and his facial features were also very upright and sharp. He was extremely handsome and heroic, with sword-shaped eyebrows on his temples, sunken eye sockets, and his hands standing with swords in hand.

This is a piece of dark blue jade, pure and clean but also very cold.

There were also people in front of this statue.

Seventh, Jiange Yunyi Yiyi.

He glanced at Dai Li, then calmly withdrew his gaze.

Well, I can't say it was contempt, but I just didn't take it to heart.

Dai Li raised his eyebrows, looked at his statue, and found a ring on the right hand of the statue.

Can it be taken down?

She turned around and looked at the rings on Yun Yiyi's statue. They were exactly the same, with the Qishan Road sign on them.

It seems like this is the reward.

Dai Li immediately pulled off the ring with a quick and skillful movement.

Take it off, and then naturally recognize the owner, as if a drop of blood goes in.

"Junzi Li, 3,500 red cliff fruits, 97,000 points, ranked sixth, the reward has been taken."

"Yun Yiyi, 3,300 red cliff fruits, 83,000 points, ranked seventh, the reward has been taken."

Then the assessment results of Ye Ziqing and others were revealed one by one from the ring.

In total, the points from last place Ren Yinyin to sixth generation Li range from 30,000 to 97,000 points.

This is their score.

This result shocked many people, especially those who were stuck at 1,000 points. They all felt that the gap in the world was really too big!

So what about the second to fifth and fourth people, and Hu Yanjue?

Dai Li subconsciously pricked up his ears.

"Yanlu, seven thousand five hundred red cliff fruits, two hundred and seventy thousand points, ranked second, the reward has been taken."

"Mo Yao, 6,300 red cliff fruits, 263,000 points, ranked third, the reward has been taken."

"Linghu Bai, six thousand red cliff fruits, two hundred and fifty thousand points, ranked fourth, the reward has been taken."

"Burn overnight, six thousand five hundred red cliff fruits, two hundred and thirty-two thousand points, ranked fifth, the reward has been taken."

Damn, it suddenly jumped to more than 200,000, and it’s still more than 200,000!

"Hu Yanjue, nine thousand red cliff fruits, three hundred and fifty thousand points, ranked first, the reward has been taken."

If Daili's 90,000 points emptied half of many people's health tanks, then the result of Yanlu and the four others was that they emptied all their health tanks instantly.

What about Hu Yanjue?

He had emptied the blood tanks of everyone, including Dai Li and others.


Amidst the hustle and bustle, the results came out, but he still didn’t know what the reward would be. Dai Li immediately reached into the ring to take a look.


A bunch of rhombus crystals?

Like a diamond.

There are big ones and small ones. The big one is as big as a palm and costs nine yuan. The small one is as big as a pigeon egg and costs seven yuan.

The big one is worth ten thousand points, and the small one is worth one thousand?

"Have you seen your reward? This is the Qishan Crystal, but it's a treasure you can't buy anywhere..."

"Third Master, I don't know what the Qishan Crystal is used for."

To be honest, the four Xie family members are considered the local tyrants in Fenchuan. They don’t know much about the Qishan Pavilion. As a result, they don’t know what the Qishan Crystal is.

In fact, people like Emperor Ming don't recognize this thing. It seems that there was no such reward in the previous Qishan Road assessment. However, the rewards will change in previous years. This time there is a special assessment mode like Chibi Forest, so it doesn't matter if the assessment rewards are different. strangeness.

But Sanye Fen's words still shocked everyone in the audience.

"The Qishan Crystal... is not a treasure that improves your cultivation or allows you to understand mysteries...


So you don’t mean that this thing is useless, right?

"It is used to tap out your potential... The higher the potential, the more it can tap out. The more Qishan Crystals there are, the more potential it can tap out... Of course, the most important thing is to succeed. Absorbing the Qishan Crystal... is the most difficult thing."

In this way, the first level of the Qishan Road assessment ended in this way.

The ending is more than ten times more lively than the beginning or the process, like a pot of hot water finally boiling...

Uncover the potential of Qishan Crystal? Haha, are big guys like Emperor Ming trying to rob me?

But then there were still people who dared to leave alone!


When Daili arrived at an inn in the Fenchuan residential area, her mood was still a little ups and down...

"Oh no! Xiao Xie, we have lost money! If I had known better, I shouldn't have wasted so much time on those scumbags like Xie Ru... It's only 90,000! Ninety thousand! That's nine Daqishan crystals, damn. Those people in Yanlu have more than 20 Daqishan crystals...the gap is even bigger, let me go!" (My novel "One Female Royal Emperor" will have more fresh content on the official WeChat platform, and there will also be 100 A lucky draw gift for everyone! Open WeChat now, click on the "+" sign in the upper right corner "Add Friend", search the official account "qdread" and follow it, hurry up!) R1152

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