A Queen

Chapter 1,135 The Strongest Uncle

ps: I want to hear more of your voices and receive more of your suggestions. Now search the WeChat public account "qdread" and follow it to give more support to "One Female Royal Emperor"! Chapter 1135

Ye Ranjiang closed his eyes slightly to calm down his worries, "Is there anything else you want to ask?"

"Wait a minute, what you said is a bit beyond my belief. I have a lot to ask, let me sort it out."

Ye Ranjiang wasn't in a hurry, he didn't seem to be in a hurry.

From beginning to end, he was just calmly telling an ordinary thing.

Dai Li calmed down and said, "Why did the Ye family send you to the Demon Realm? What is the origin of the Ye family?"

"The Ye family is one of the guard clan of the Soul Clan, one of the seven clans in Southern Xinjiang. I am the selected guard general of the Ye family's guard clan. As for why I was sent to the Demon Realm, it is because of the Soul Clan. Can’t know with you”


Another secret that cannot be told!


Dai Li scratched his head in his heart, but calmly asked: "I know something about the Seven Clans. Qinghuang and Feng Wang are both from the Seven Clans."

"They are one of the two weakest tribes, the Qi tribe"

Um... Dai Lige responded, a little unable to drink the cup of tea in his hand. Damn it, Qing Huang and Feng Wang can only be regarded as the weakest clan?

"There are so many clans in the Qi clan?"

"Qinghuang, Fengwang, and Yunhai are the main branches of the weakest clan among the seven clans. They are good at cultivating Qi. Most of them have strong origins and are easy to cultivate, but they are also the most common talents."

It turns out there is a sea of ​​clouds?

Dai Li felt that this person might be the most formidable person in the Ye family... Although her mother was sharp. But it was hidden too deeply. Even before his death, he didn’t have all his strength...

Perhaps you can guess my strength from this person.

"Then what other clans are there and how strong are they?"

"The Great Wilderness is divided into seven points. Essence, energy, spirit, blood, bone, body, and soul. Generally speaking, the soul is the strongest, but the bloodline is extremely rare. The gods with the next largest number of people are the strongest, and the bones are the strongest. But the bones have perished and disappeared,

The vampires were suppressed and weakened by the gods. It is the second largest elf clan, and the elf is a demon spirit. Among them, the real dragon and the phoenix are the most respected. As for the third and subsequent ones, they did not fight because of the age. The strength of each clan is not yet known, but it does not mean that these seven clans are the strongest. As time has changed, new and cutting-edge clans have emerged outside the seven clans, and their power is very huge. Among them, Mosha and Immortal Emperor are the most powerful. The pulse is the most powerful, and there are countless immortals and demons, that is, the top families in the immortal and demonic ways."

To be honest, the initial arrangement should be Soul, Blood, Bone, Essence and Qi.

call. Dai Li exhaled and said, "The Mo Sha clan you mentioned is in the Demon Realm? The Immortal Emperor clan is in the large group zone?"


"According to you, the God Clan is the strongest. It is the dominant clan, with few souls, bones disappearing, and blood being suppressed? Has the Bone Clan really disappeared?"

Dai Li still couldn't imagine that the ancient clan that should be ranked third would be completely wiped out.

"Disappeared on the surface"

Ouch, this word is so ambiguous.

Daili understood the ambiguity in an instant. Is the dark side unknown? Too. The Ye family was destroyed, not only her and Ye Ziqing... but also the person in front of them.

"Then now you can answer my second question."

"Second. Ziqing has now entered the ruthless path. If I appear and aggravate her hatred, there will be no chance of a change. The reason why I am looking for you is because you can bear more and are the most resilient. It’s time to let you know and I can let you know.”

"You mean I have the thickest skin?"

“That’s understandable”


"Okay, tell me, let me listen... I think you should know who took action against the Ye family."

"The Immortal Emperor Clan"


Dai Li took a deep breath, and then exhaled again, "Very good, not too much beyond my expectations."

Having been attacked by an Immortal level, I expected that the opponent would not be an ordinary single Immortal, and it was not surprising that there was an Immortal Emperor clan behind him.

Well, her endurance is indeed excellent.

"Is their action related to the orders of the Soul Clan behind the Ye family? Or is it a personal grudge?"

Ye Ranjiang did not answer directly, but just said: "I can only tell you that in their view, Southern Xinjiang must be destroyed. Daxia, which was the core of Southern Xinjiang, whether it is the Ye family or others, should be destroyed. ..”

"The Ye family is the first to bear the brunt."

Dai Li nodded, "I understand. Fortunately, you told me, otherwise I would have to spend a lot of time and effort to investigate in the future..."

"I thought you would blame me for putting all this on you."

"Press? I carried it myself. It's up to you..."

It's none of your business to get stuck in your throat... Dai Li put on an elegant and reserved smile: "Then I have one last question. Is there any way to save my mother, your sister?"

"Yes, when you have the ability to step into the gate of the Immortal Emperor Clan and come out, and... your mother is my sister."

"Okay... how long can you stay here?"

"The Qishan Road assessment is over"

"You came here just to find me?"

"No, the Demon Realm needs new blood and is looking for candidates."

"It seems I'm being too sentimental..."

"On the contrary, you are also on my assessment list, but you have already entered the Demon Palace. If you perform better in the future, entering the Demon Realm is inevitable."

"Are you sure you don't want to meet your cousin?"

"No, there is a reason to meet you. Meeting her will easily expose you...you should go"

Are there any of you who chase people away just by saying that?

Dai Li stood up, but did not leave directly. Instead, he picked up the teapot and filled Ye Ranjiang's tea cup: "I think people like you don't like drinking, so let's use tea instead of wine... Goodbye, uncle."

After drinking it all, Dai Li turned around and left.

But as soon as she walked out of the inn downstairs, she immediately felt dozens of powerful qi locked on her. She felt awe in her heart, and her palms were ready to explode...

In an instant, these dozens of qi machines disappeared.



There were more than fifty pieces of powder in the air for no reason, falling from all directions and corners...

There is blood mist.

Many people on the street were startled, and they suddenly felt their hearts skip a beat, and reflexively looked towards the second floor of Houtou Inn.

Behind the window, Ye Ranjiang looked calm.

Well, she seems to have recognized a very scary little uncle. (The strongest little uncle is here too~~ he is as reserved and sinister as Ye Ranqiu).

Looking at Dai Li's leaving figure, a layer of stirring emotion finally appeared in Ye Ranjiang's eyes...

No one can understand how a person who has been sent away from his family due to inexplicable reasons since birth, and who will probably never be able to return to his family for the rest of his life, feels at that moment. (My novel "A Female Royal Emperor" will have more fresh content on the official WeChat platform, and there will also be a 100% lucky draw gift for everyone! Open WeChat now, click the "+" sign on the upper right to "Add a Friend", Search the official account "qdread" and follow it, hurry up!) (To be continued)



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