A Queen

Chapter 1,136 The Qishan Crystal that is Difficult to Absorb

Chapter 1136

She walked in an area filled with demonic energy, and stood out among those crazy people.

She said, General Ye Ran, I am your sister.

I'm coming to find you.

He violated his ancestral teachings and risked his life just to find him.

Being twin brothers and sisters, they recognized each other as soon as they met.

That feeling of throbbing blood...

Not in this niece.

"Perhaps you will blame me... But everything started with her, and it will end with her... The Ye family cannot die in vain, let alone sit and wait for death, she will definitely die too."

"But if you hadn't come to look for me, those things wouldn't have happened... The root cause is me."

Everyone in the Ye family and the niece seemed to think that she liked orchids, had a gentle temperament, and was neither happy nor sad...

It wasn't like this before.

I'm a bit domineering and have a devilish temper. I didn't like orchids that much before. Although I like reading, I don't indulge in reading. I like to travel around and make friends...

Then everything changed.

The evil man...

He lowered his eyes, and his body turned into black energy and disappeared.


Dozens of masters disappeared in an instant, including those at the peak of the monarch level, and even some at the king level who were a little tight on money...

All the people in the dark retracted their claws in unison. Forget about the fear in his heart, Daili just returned to the Demon Palace with Shi Shiran, and happened to see Chun Shisanniang and others.

"Ouch. I was thinking of sending someone to escort you back... Why are you still unharmed?" Chun Shisanniang patted Dai Li on the shoulder and said with a smile.

But she was really surprised.

"I'm lucky...but you want to send someone to rescue me? Are you sure you're not collecting corpses?"

Just because of this person’s urine quality,

He probably would have moved a stool and sat next to him, eating melon seeds and watching the show.

"Hey, look at what you said, I didn't go there not because I didn't want to go, but because someone had already gone... You didn't meet Gong Zangxue?"

"Uh? No?"

Gong Zangxue came back from behind, accompanied by Xiao Bai and others...

All right. Are you going to escort Xiao Bai and others?

Dai Li curled her lips, luckily she was moved...

"Okay. You guys have performed pretty well. This time you go back and absorb the Qishan Crystal..." These words were said by Duan Ze while speaking. He looked at Dai Li and added: "Especially you, Jun Zili, you have gained a lot, work hard."

These words made Huo Jiangli and other people present change their expressions...

The five Demon Palace examiners quickly separated from Chun Shisanniang and other senior officials. They were just walking away when someone blocked the road.

Che Yuankai.

Could it be that this guy also wanted to comment on her achievements?

It seems like this guy is not at the top of the rankings.

However, Dai Li seemed to have underestimated this Che Yuankai.

"Jun Zili, your strength is not as good as yours. This Qishan Crystal is just a waste in your hands. It would be more beneficial to my Demon Palace if you donate them to me."

hehe. They don't talk about your achievements at all, but directly ask for your rewards!

There is a future...

Of course, Daili looked at him as if he was crazy.

"Che Yuankai? Your name seems to be this."

Che Yuankai did not deny it. He just looked at her coldly and proudly.

"It seems to be correct..."

"Che Yuankai" Dai Li called again.

"You have a mind for clubbing"

How mentally ill does this person have to be to stop her in the middle of the road and rob her... Do you really think she was made of mud?

Che Yuankai's arrogance suddenly tensed up and then burst.

"What did you say!!!"

His body instantly surged with murderous intent, "Jun Zili, you just relied on your luck. You happened to be in the South District and killed Xie Ru's group of people who were not that good. Do you really think you are the best in the world?"

Chapter 1137

"I dare not say that I am number one in the world, but you are definitely not number one in the Demon Palace... Look at how angry you are. You better not dare to take action, otherwise you would have just taken the initiative in front of those people..."

"Che Yuankai, you can't deny it even if you want. Between you and me, the Demon Palace may not favor you."

"If you have the ability, just give it a try."

"If you dare to challenge the authority of the higher-ups in the Demon Palace!"

Daili Shi Shiran said, and then managed to see the twisted expression on Che Yuankai's face...

Duan Ze never liked talking nonsense, and whenever he spoke, he always had a purpose.

The previous sentence undoubtedly saw through the intrigue between these assessors and was intended as a warning.

Che Yuankai, who had been in the Demon Palace for many years, certainly knew it, but he didn't expect that this gentleman would figure out the rules of survival in the Demon Palace so quickly.

Damn, this was trickier than he thought.


Dai Li passed him and walked away with his wooden clogs.

Turning around and looking at her back, Che Yuankai couldn't help but sneer: "If you succeed, let's see how successful you are in the subsequent assessment!"

His score is also over 20,000 points. Although there is a gap between him and Daili, the most important thing is his potential and absorption ability. Coupled with their original gap, there will be many ways to ravage this bastard in the future!

As soon as Che Yuankai left, two figures appeared on the big rock next to them.

It was Duan Ze and another deputy palace official.

"I can confirm that Jun Zili is the big man who changed his appearance to play with Feng Shaoling before. This guy is very good at it," the old man next to Duan Ze said with a smile.

Duan Zetou: "It's indeed amazing, much better than Che Yuankai and Huo Jiangli."

"It's a pity that the master of Shachuan Palace seems to be very optimistic about him, and Thirteenth Mother is intervening, so it's not easy to drag her directly to our Wanhuo..."

"Don't worry, if this person is really so talented, Shachuan Palace will not be able to keep her. Just like our outstanding geniuses in the past, they will be absorbed..."


Shachuan, Jiangxue, Hanfeng, Wanhuo and Gongli are actually the feeding troughs of the Demon Palace. A steady stream of the top three strongest.

"Let's see how much potential she can unleash with the Naqishan Crystal."

Everyone is looking forward to how much potential the three thousand examinees who have passed the first level can use these Qishan crystals to unleash...

After Dai Li silently returned to the room, he took out a Qishan Crystal. This thing undoubtedly solved her urgent need, but Mr. Fen specifically reminded him that the Qishan Crystal was difficult to absorb...

"It's just three days, I don't know how many pieces can be absorbed..."

Dai Li quickly paid the price of a slap in the face for her words, because as soon as she took out the top piece, which was the Qishan Crystal worth a thousand points. Hold it in your hand, take a deep breath...

Activate your most perfect state of absorption. calmly...

Hold the Qishan Crystal tightly...

After a while, she opened her eyes with a strange expression.

"Is this stuff really absorbable? Why is it as hard as the stones in the toilet..."

Although he complained like this, Dai Li couldn't regard it as a stone. It's just a bit frustrating, because her absorption power has always been the best in the world, but she didn't expect to fall down on this Qishan Crystal.

"Boss, with your talent you shouldn't be like this. Could it be that the way you absorb it is wrong?"

It is said that Scorpio is often lazy, but he can still get it right at critical moments. Dai Li's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he touched his chin, "It's possible... Under normal circumstances, these treasures are absorbed by the body's constitution. But some special things are not necessarily evil, don’t sleep...help me.”

Soon, Dai Li opened the Scorpion Sharing Talent...

really. When she touched the Qishan Crystal with her powerful soul power, she immediately felt the cold mysterious power contained inside the crystal...

It was the kind of feeling that made her blood burn and her bones tingle at the touch.

Very cool, very cool!

It feels like I've smoked marijuana...

"It's right! Xie, work harder, and I'll bring out the original energy..."

Dai Li urged him with all his strength. Finally, I took out the original energy that was too lazy to live and took a walk.

The soul's talent reaches its peak at this moment!


The liquid in the Qishan Crystal was finally sucked out and seeped into Dai Li's palm...

Drop by drop. The speed is very different from the normal speed of absorbing spiritual crystals or other treasures, but the feeling is completely different.

Maintaining the ultimate feeling of refreshment all the time, all the cells in the body are relaxing, and this feeling is constantly strengthening, from the flesh and blood, from the bones, from the depths of the soul...


One day passes, three days are over.

On the fourth day, when the second level of the Qishan Road assessment was opened, Dai Li's appearance in Chibi Plain provoked sharp and cold looks from people like Che Yuankai and Xie Shu.

——I will kill you with my eyes!

However, perhaps due to hatred, their observation of generational separation was not so detailed.

Anyway, Luan Qingyi, Ming Jian and others all vaguely felt that Dai Li's eyes were different from before.

After the meeting, none of the group of people mentioned the results of their absorption of Qishan Crystal. It was as if everyone was deliberately avoiding it, or to avoid showing off in front of people like Lin Jiangxue.

However, from time to time, chatter could be heard from the nearby assessors in groups of two or three.

"Fuck, I spent three days absorbing the Qishan crystal as big as a fingernail, and I couldn't even absorb a hair."

"I'm not the same. It's so hard to suck... I'm going to be constipated!"

Complaints and resentments abounded, and there was all kinds of dislike for Qishan Jing. As Dai Li listened, he turned to the three evaluators and asked: "Since you don't like it so much, then sell it to me. I will sell you three cucumbers."

The three of them immediately dispersed.

Well, people are so mean. They are really not willing to sell these derogatory Qishan Crystals to others. On the contrary, they will value it more because they can't suck it out.

It's just a mouthful.

Tang Junyi burst out laughing when he saw that Dai Li had sent people away with just one word.

"You're such a bad person! You actually gave out three cucumbers!" Linjiang Xue gave Dai Li a white look, "If it were me, I would give out at least four!"

Mingjian and others are silent...You two are about the same.

But speaking of this Qishan Crystal...

"I don't know how many Qishan crystals those people in Hu Yanjue can absorb... Anyway, I can't absorb the Qishan crystal with one thousand points. Even if it's 100 points, there will be no reaction..." Guique frowned, obviously this kind of Qishan crystal Efficiency frustrates him a bit.

After all, he is also a generation of heroes in Nanlin!

——————To be continued


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