A Queen

Chapter 1,138 The second level of assessment is very simple

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Suddenly there was a message.


"That's right, there's still a little bit to go, what about you?"

“Not even close”

"Hey, it's fate~~"

Qianshan Muxue immediately smiled when she heard this very personal laughter... The corners of her mouth curled up slightly, and the originally dull color suddenly gained a touch of moving beauty, like a touch of rouge snow on the top of an ice-snow mountain.

This made Suli, who happened to be looking over not far away, stunned. With a glance, she saw Huang next to Qianshan Muxue and some people not far away who were also looking at the two women...it seemed... Stunned for a moment.

Just like herself.

"Ali, apart from Dongfang Yanlu and Mo Yao, the ones that I can't understand at all so far are also these two, especially Qianshan Muxue." Zhongli Guiwan's elegant and soft voice came into the room. She came back to her senses at the raccoon ear, turned around and smiled: "Does distance create a sense of mystery?"

They all knew Zhongli Guiwan from the Four Pavilions to a certain extent, and they also had a lot of knowledge about the north. However, they found the most mysterious east and the most remote and weird west very difficult.

"Maybe" Zhongli Guiwan smiled, and suddenly added: "It seems there is one more person to add."

"Huh?" Su Li's eyes flashed.

"Her points seem to be 97,000 points... After all, there should be no Xiaoqishan Crystal in the 100th category."

So...it's a thousandth?


Now it seems that the default is Daqishan crystal. For example, there are nine Daqishan crystals in Daili. A thousandth percentile Zhongqishan crystal is a 100% small Qishan crystal, and a thousandth percentile is a small Qishan crystal, and anything below 100% can only be regarded as Qishan crystal fragments~~

So Xie Ru and those people were talking about Xiaoqishan Crystal, but most of the three thousand people couldn't even absorb the fragments, so they naturally defaulted to Qishan Crystal.

I guess no one would have thought that Dai Li could absorb most of the Zhongqishan crystals, just a little bit, which is far different from three or a few small Qishan crystals.

Are the ten small ones comparable to the medium one?


Still a little short of that.

It must be considered that fifteen small ones are comparable to one in the middle!

But how many people have noticed that someone's points are only 97,000, not a fraction of it?

She only has nine ten thousand Daqishan crystals and seven Zhongqishan crystals.

So... one is still a little short~~


Ye Ziqing, Mingjian and others all understood it instantly and had no doubts. Only Tang Junyi and others didn't think so much.

And the bow hides blood...

"It's just a little bit short...it's amazing. Ah Gong, this guy in your family has this potential. He will be able to enter the Third Palace in just a few years."


Gong Zangxue turned his head and gave Bai Jin a cold look. "I wonder what the outcome of your granddaughter's family is?"

"I asked"

"How to say?"

How to say? Bai Jin looked at the famous sword not far away who was talking to Dai Li and others. Narrow your eyes. Smiling lightly: "Guess!"

"Maybe she didn't tell you"

"On the contrary, she told me directly... seven."

Seven! Gong Zangxue was shocked. With such an absorption efficiency... how powerful is Gongbo Jingxiu?

No wonder this sword can be held with such high tolerance by Jiange.

But it’s really atmospheric. Bai Jin asked and said...

Anyway, Gong Zangxue would not think that Mingjian had any thoughts about Bai Jin.

Just like that woman... her brain and heart are actually the same.


"The famous sword has seven small ones, my cousin has nine small ones, Jingyuan has six... By the way, Qianshan is about the same as me." Dai Li mentally calculated the data he had just asked privately, and then weighed his own data. .

Luan Qingyi didn't ask Daili. After all, it was Qinghuanghai's business. If she asked too much, she seemed to be interfering in the other party's internal affairs, so Daili didn't take the initiative. She didn't take the initiative. Luan Qingyi now has a calm and indifferent temper They won't take the initiative to tell them. Anyway, both of them know that the other party's potential is definitely very high, and this is only the absorption rate for three days, so it cannot be accurate...

So Dai Li didn't ask Xue Zhiyu about their absorption rate.

But it seems like these people in Nanlin are all playing cheats... Each of them has terrible potential. Maybe they are really related to the bloodline left in Southern Xinjiang... Of course, you can't explain this kind of thing to others. Otherwise, it would be difficult to ensure that anyone would pay attention to Nanlin.

Because of this, people like Nan Lin didn't ask much, and Ming Jian and others didn't say it to the outside world. Even if it was necessary to say it, it would cut off more than half of the efficiency. Only his own family didn't have to hide it.

"I just told Bai Jin," Ming Jian said to Dai Li.

"Ah? It's okay... That woman is actually not bad-hearted, but her hobbies are a bit unique and she is a bit weird... Didn't you notice that she is especially interested in Gong Zangxue? I guess she is interested in Gong Zangxue after me. There was a misunderstanding about our relationship, and she thought that the two of us were hooking up, and so on, so she came to you to take revenge on me and then on Gong Zangxue... What do you think?"

Someone is crazy about black and white brocade, in order to satisfy her weird fetish for the male god.

Mingjian fell silent, perhaps digesting the black hole in this man's brain that opened in an instant.

After a while, Mingjian said one sentence, "She saved Shang Biejie."


Dai Li was stunned for a moment, then...

"Xiao Jianjian... I think I should pledge myself to you... When will you marry me?"

No response for a long time.

Because Mingjian has unilaterally cut off the sound transmission.

On the other side, Xiangxi Palace stood next to Duan Qingyi, and sent Duan Yidan away with a few words, and then said: "Beauty, your Yidan brother has the efficiency of four Qishan crystals, what about you?"

Duan Qingyi glanced at Xiangxi Palace and said, "Based on the principle of fairness, there seems to be no need for me to tell you."

"I can also tell you mine."

"It must be worse than mine. I'm not interested in knowing."


Xiangxi Palace feels that Qing Yi is becoming more and more unlovable. I really miss the old man in Daqin who was in Qingyi...

There is a young girl in my family who has just grown up, but unfortunately she is aloof and sinister and is not a human being.

But she herself has the efficiency of nine Xiaoqishan crystals, and this woman must have at least ten...

Of course, this cannot fully explain their potential.

It can only show the absorption capacity.


Dang Dang Dang!

The bell of the Qishan Pavilion interrupted everyone's discussion. Looking back, the Jade-faced Man was as graceful as a green bamboo, standing gracefully. He was much more popular than Fen Sanye. Standing on the stage, he was definitely sad...

Yu Li came forward and said softly with a unique and gentle voice: "Everyone, today is the second level of the Qishan Road assessment. This level is very simple."

Very simple again!

Grass mud horse!

The first level was also said to be very simple, okay?

As a result, he was so crazy that he killed five out of six people!

How can it be simpler this time?

The eliminated people were squatting in the corner one by one, drawing mushrooms. The 3,000 selected people all had scalp numbness and subconsciously looked at Chibi...

"You don't have to watch Red Cliff. This level has nothing to do with Red Cliff. It's an assessment hosted by our Qishan Pavilion..." There was a pause. Yuli coughed. Said: "It is to check your personal physical fitness and even various conditions... to determine the purity and accuracy of your cultivation."

Although the voice is nice and the person is pretty good-looking, as for the purity and precision of this cultivation...

Almost everyone present was confused. After all, Emperor Ming and others couldn't help but complain, and said that the Qishan Road assessment was no different this time. This was called no different, but the professional terminology was different!

Yu Li frowned slightly and was about to speak when Yu Ran, who was not far away, suddenly said concisely, powerfully and energetically: "To put it simply, I'm checking your body."

After a pause, she added: "Take off all your clothes."


Everyone in the movie squirted,

The expression of the three thousand examiners...

A considerable number of them, about seven to eight hundred female cultivators, were immediately targeted by hundreds of thousands of glances...

Especially the outstanding female cultivators, the ones that attract everyone’s attention...

"Ha, this reform is good!"

"It is indeed different, there is progress."

"Times are progressing, and so is the Qishan Pavilion. This is possible!"

Bao Zifeng slapped his thigh and laughed. Emperor Ming and the others were more subtle, just smiling elegantly and silently looking at Mr. Fen's head with admiring glances...

King Yan, who had always been orthodox in Confucianism and Taoism, could only shake his head at this: "People's hearts are not ancient... Are you talking about open air?"

Before Bao Zifeng and others could ask any more questions, he turned to Yan Qi and said, "It would be terrible if it was outdoors... eh~~"

Yan Qi: "..."

What do you mean by this? Do you really think I dare not go back and tell my parents?

The large number of likes made these female cultivators finally lose their expressions.

Do you really want to strip naked?

But no matter what, there was still no one who jumped out to object, because they didn't believe that Qishan Hall dared to go so far, let alone...

"The same goes for male cultivators. If you want to strip naked, they may not be willing to do it," a female cultivator said to the female companion next to her.

Immediately a male cultivator spoke to him: "If necessary, we are willing..."

If you take it off...even if it means peeling off the skin, we are totally willing to do it.

Female nun: "...."

Men are indeed wretched.

In fact, people like Ming Taihe... their eyes were somewhat obscure.

I can't say it's vulgar or anything else, but just because of my nature, I'm somewhat curious and excited. After all, there are so many outstanding women... or men present.

Zhongli Guiwan, Mo Yao, Xue Zhiyu, Fu Ruoshui, Su Li, Cen Banlan and other famous beauties are undoubtedly devastated by the gaze.

The most painful thing is undoubtedly the separation...

I'm a woman and I'm about to take off my clothes? Will the illusion be seen through?

"Famous sword, what should I do?"


"We are women, what if we take off our clothes!"

"Probably not together"

"What if we were together!"

"Then take it off"

"...You are not a famous sword. Your account has been hacked."

Dai Li didn't expect Ming Jian to give such a rude and powerful answer. Well, it's probably because this person's mind is too pure and she doesn't seem to have much concern about the identity of a man or a woman. But she herself... (Novel "One Female Royal Guard" "Emperor" will have more fresh content on the official WeChat platform, and there will also be a 100% lucky draw gift for everyone! Open WeChat now, click on the "+" sign on the upper right "Add Friend", search the official account "qdread" and Pay attention and hurry up!) (To be continued...)

ps: I’m obsessed with this coding system. It takes more than an hour to post an update each time. The imperial treasure is not yet big enough, and thanks to Fei Yeyu’s He Shibi. I really don’t have the energy to update it. Recently... depressed


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