A Queen

Chapter 1,139: 1 pool, 2 people, another bug? !

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Chapter 1139

Hey, if it really doesn't work, then let's use my daughter to escape.

Anyway, let her get a boy's body...

I can't get over it psychologically.

Despite the various obstacles, three thousand people still gathered together, and some people were even mentally prepared for this.

——To take it off or not to take it off, that is the question.

Of course, starting to take off your clothes in public...

"Don't think too much." Yu Ran glanced at the excited men in the front row and said, "The assessment location is in the Qishan Pavilion... The second level is the simplest assessment, just check it."

Not many people believed what she said. Whether to take off her clothes or not take them off occupied most people's minds.

Daili was also one of them, but he still followed the crowd into the Qishan Pavilion...

Bao Zifeng, carrying a kitchen knife, wanted to follow.

"Hey, what are you doing here?"

"Go in..."

"No one other than Qishan Hall staff and assessors is allowed to enter..."

The tone was as if Japanese soldiers and dogs were not allowed inside.

Yu Ran glanced at him up and down, "Uncle, you'd better go back."

Uncle! Am I that old?

Bao Zifeng stood there stunned, watching the graceful and hot-figured beauty Yu Da leave.

Outside, Shang Biere, Yiye Xiaoxiang and others had strange expressions. Daili also went in... Do you really want to take off your clothes?

Forget it, it doesn't matter if you take it off, they are all women... It shouldn't matter...

At this moment, they heard Yu Ran's voice in the distance: "After entering, men on the left and women on the right, check separately... Junzili, what are you looking at..."


They just watched Dai Li being pushed to the left by Yu Ran.

Dai Li scratched the wall, and just as he was about to say something, Yu Ran covered his mouth... and was pushed to the left.

Cough cough cough!

Ye Xiaoxiang and Shang Fei both coughed.

Gong Zangxue's face turned blue and white. the other side. Zi Weiyang silently breathed out the fragrance of tea.

It seems like this plot is going in a wrong direction.

In the crowd, Ye Ranjiang frowned. The gender of this niece is really...


The main hall of Qishan Pavilion is so luxurious, elegant and classy that it doesn't care about generation and separation. There was a drop of cold sweat on her forehead now. Tell Yu Ran: "Sister, you don't want Jiang Zi..."

"How am I doing?"

Yu Ran actually knew that this guy was a Xibei guy, and he was just making fun of her. Seeing Daili rolled his eyes and turned to Tianling Gai. He still smiled and said: "Explain the evil you have done yourself. Anyway, if you want to be with girls... you must at least let them know that you are actually a woman."

This is no nonsense!

As expected, Daili looked towards Qianshan Muxue and the hundreds of female cultivators...

In fact, many people have seen the pushback between Daili and Yuran. Although they don’t know why, it seems that Daili doesn’t want to be with the man on the left...

It's not as good as the men's side, that's... the women's side?

Many female cultivators are very bright.

Who can tell me what Jun Zili is trying to do?

This is so courageous!

Everyone in the Confucian and Taoist Pavilion planned to use the orthodox spirit of Confucianism and Taoism to reprimand this guy...

Suddenly, Yu Li already said: "The inspection compartments have been arranged on the left and right sides. There are 1,500 clear pools inside. Two people in each seat can freely choose a clear pool companion. Anyway, everyone is alone in the pool. Just soak it in the pool for an hour, and the rings you wear on your hands will mark your identity with the pool water."

So advanced...but...two people per seat, free choice?

Dai Li was stunned.

"Let me add one more thing. Although this assessment is easy and does not require any effort from you, it is very important. It is related to your last and most important assessment. Therefore, if there is something to hide or someone who is prohibited by our Qishan Pavilion, Now you can stand up and confess..."

Yu Ran's words are undoubtedly directed at people like Dai Li, who disguise themselves as women or women disguise themselves as men...

As a result, when she finished speaking and looked at Dai Li, Dai Li, who was standing in the middle, suddenly turned around. Just when Ye Ziqing and others thought that this guy was going to confess everything... he openly inserted himself into the huge group of men and hugged him. He grabbed Mingjian's arm and said, "Xiao Jianjian, this is God's arrangement. We are destined to be together..."

The two men and one pool, which were originally relatively normal, were instantly cast into a strange color because of this guy's behavior.

Is there a nervous breakdown?

The expressions of these people in Tsing Yi...

Chu Xiuling's collapsed expression...

Gui Jianchou's tense expression... (Suddenly I felt that the male god was still a little lacking)

By the way, there is also Lou Lanting. This guy is standing in the crowd with an expression that seems to be smiling but not smiling.

As for those female cultivators who like famous swords, especially Xi Liuying and others, they almost want to crush their handkerchiefs.

Ye Ziqing's eyes were extremely cold as he entered the ruthless state. He glanced at Daili lightly, his little eyes...

Dai Li made a smart move, and then Shi Shiran stood behind the famous sword...

Ye Ziqing: "..."

You are so promising, but you still know how to find a shield!

Yu Ran had lost his temper. He looked down at this guy's shamelessness with his eyes, and secretly scolded her for being lecherous and taking advantage of the famous male god...

"You have the right to refuse some people's shameless and despicable demands."


Both male and female cultivators had various looks coming over them. The defensive power of the famous sword is actually not bad, although it is not resistant to radiation...

——It’s a rebound, okay!

A faint look, and everything rebounded!

"No need to refuse"

Wow, Yu Ran seems to have seen that there is a little person crying and fainting in the toilet deep in the hearts of many people.

He twitched his lips and cursed secretly. Could it be that this woman really abducted the famous sword?

A famous sword, a god of genuine value. Even among people like Hu Yanjue, her appearance, temperament, and talent are all top-notch!

To be so ruined...

"Uh... Okay, then it's just the two of you. Who else wants to join us next? If you don't ask to soak in a pool, then we at Qishan Pavilion can arrange everything freely..."

I don’t know why, but after Dai Li’s incident, some male or female cultivators who were originally close to each other have now eliminated the opportunity to form a group with their good friends...

"It's strange, there isn't even a couple... then that's it... the next two people who randomly reported their names will go to their respective pools together."

Daili and Mingjian solved the hidden danger of being exposed to others, and the latter was okay. The former is very light. His expression was very calm, and Mingjian and Mingjian were holding signs and preparing to find their own pool.

"You two, please come with me." Fifteen hundred managers of the Qishan Pavilion came over. As soon as he met Dai Li, he smiled at the handsome young man in front of him.

"Hey, it's you!"

Don't smile too brightly. It caused many people to criticize. This man really has connections wherever he goes. Of course, there are more haters.

Lan Ke smiled slightly: "It's me... Mr. Jun, Mr. Ming. Come this way."

After a while.

"No. 1138...is this right?"

Daili and Mingjian were actually curious about what this so-called physical examination was like, and they actually asked them to take off their clothes...

Lan Ke's expression at the door became more solemn. Ming Jian noticed that the other party looked at her with hidden eyes many times, which was a bit high.

Ming Jian was a little surprised at first, until he found that every time he said something, Lan Ke immediately showed a bright and gentle smile and answered very carefully... That look in his eyes...

I see.

"By the way, Lan Ke, you have to take off your clothes and jump into the pool after entering, right?"

Sister, can you not be so straightforward?

Lan Ke's expression was a little suffocated, his ears were a little red, and he said awkwardly: "It's like this, there are five hours in total, you two can take turns to soak for an hour each..."

"Oh..." Dai Li nodded, and when Ming Jian was about to walk in first...

"Can we come together then?"

Lan Ke: "..."

You clearly heard what Yu Ran and the others said before, why do you want Jiang Zi to say something deliberately now?

Ming Jian glanced sideways and glanced at Dai Li who was blocked at the door, his eyes were a bit inexplicable.

Then he walked in.

Dai Li grinned and walked in.

Of course, Lan Ke also went in.

"What are you doing here? You don't need supervision, right?" Dai Li, who was originally smiling, suddenly had a fierce look in his eyes.

Lan Ke had no doubt that the other party would kill him directly after he nodded.

"No, I need to activate the pool clearing array... and start the test array"

As Lan Ke said this, he walked to a big stone on the side. There was a circular sky disk on top, which was the control formation disk. Dai Li watched Lan Ke's men quickly write complex formation inscriptions on it...

"This Qishan Pavilion is really full of talents," Dai Li said to Ming Jian while touching his chin.

"Well... when it comes to formations, no one in Qishan Pavilion can match Tsing Yi's subordinates," Mingjian said.

"Eh? It's not that exaggerated, isn't it? There are still those giants..."

"Many of the famous formations in the Qishan Pavilion were designed by Lun Qingyi. Otherwise, why do you think she would be in a high-level position? Her status as a member of the Qing Royal Family is not enough to make people from the Fen and Sichuan families relent."

Um... Only then did Dai Li realize the powerful aura of Liao Meiren's god of learning...

Lan Ke suddenly stopped, looking a little embarrassed and frustrated.

"Sorry, you two, there seems to be some problem with this formation."


Dai Li and Mingjian were both stunned. Is it broken? They wouldn't carry it to this extent.

Lan Ke quickly contacted Yu Ran and others to come.

Also here is Yu Li, he is the master of formation. After playing with it for a few times, buzz~~

The array is turned on.

The clear water in the pool suddenly turned a charming lavender color.

It's about 70% transparent, but faintly visible purple silk threads...


Dai Li breathed a sigh of relief... but Yu Li glanced at the two of them and said: "There is something wrong with the water connected to the Qing Pond. It burned the normal essence water. Now there is only enough for one person to use."

so what?

"One of you can stay and use this pool, and the other one can go next door and make do with it."

Make do with your sister!

Dai Li couldn't help complaining: "Can't you just repair it? It's said that your Qishan Hall rarely makes such mistakes." (The novel "A Female Royal Emperor" will have more fresh content on the official WeChat platform, and there will also be 100 % The lucky draw gift is for everyone! Open WeChat now, click on the "+" sign in the upper right corner "Add Friend", search the official account "qdread" and follow it, hurry up!) (To be continued...)

ps: The previous 1135 error has been corrected. This system is really difficult to use. I am considering changing to another one. It’s pity that I have more than 40 yuan.


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