A Queen

Chapter 1140 3 people in 1 room

ps: I want to hear more of your voices and receive more of your suggestions. Now search the WeChat public account "qdread" and follow it to give more support to "One Female Royal Emperor"! Chapter 1140

If it weren't for the seriousness of this assessment, I almost thought you were trying to trick me.

Yuli shook his head and sighed softly: "It is indeed a rare sight in a thousand years... and it has only appeared here in your place."

Um...what do you mean?

Dai Li narrowed his eyes and was about to say something... Yu Li smiled and said: "This formation was designed by Miss Luan."

Then Mingjian immediately saw Mr. Jun who was planning to turn on the chatter mode and immediately said obediently: "It's next door, right? I'll go there... Mingjian, stay here."

"I'll go, you stay." Mingjian felt that going next door or something... didn't Daili have to face two men?

Just as Ming Jian's body flashed, someone was faster than her!

A long leg was stretched across the door, blocking her in front of her. He crossed his hands across his chest and raised his eyebrows at Mingjian: "I have watched no less than three hundred live erotic palaces in the Evernight Tower in a month, with an average of two men per scene, so men are In my eyes, it’s just like a cucumber. I’ve seen a cart full of cucumbers, but I still care about two cucumbers?”

These words are a bit lethal, whether it is Yuli, Yuran, Lanke or Mingjian, they are all instantly Spartan.

The result was that someone who had seen countless live sex palaces knocked on the door, opened the door next door, and started with: "You two, I'm sorry, your next door, that is, our place accidentally broke down, so we need to come to you." I'll borrow it here. If you don't mind..."

Before he could say anything, Daili saw the faces of the two people in front of him.

When she saw the first face, her reaction was quite calm, but the second face...

Instantly Spartan.

Um...can she turn around and call Ming Jian over?


Gui Jianchou definitely didn't expect that someone would knock on the door when they were about to start the test. Then the door opened.

Saw generation and separation.

What is this woman doing here! ! !

Wasn't she with Ming Jian...?

Gui Jianchou's expression was relaxed at that moment.

And then...

"Gui Jianchou...Yanlu, right? You two are going to be wronged. Jun Zili also has to test in this pool."

Yu Ran came in and spoke, then looked at Gui Jianchou and the two.

"Of course, you can choose to refuse. I will take her to other pools with others..."

"It's up to me," Gui Jianchou responded quickly. But very indifferent.

"So..." Yu Ran looked at Yan Lu who was aside.

Yanlu didn't look at Daili and just nodded lightly. Doesn't seem to care.

"Then Jun Zili, you are right here." Yu Ran left quickly.

Then, the three of them looked at each other.

"Well...it's nice that you two are together..." Dai Li said very politely.

This kind of politeness is probably because of the banquet rules.

But why does this tone sound so...

Do you think everyone is like you?

Gui Jianchou glanced at Yan Lu, did she recognize this person?


In silence. Yanlu suddenly said: "Let's start, you are the first one"


Tell me?

Dai Li was stunned for a moment, then said politely: "No, no, I'll be fine in the end...you go first"

Yanlu: "I'm not used to taking off my clothes in front of others. Those who have completed the assessment can just leave."

It sounds like I just like to take off my clothes in front of others.

Dai Li complained in his heart, but he didn't dare to confront this person. Firstly, he was dependent on others, and secondly, this guy was too powerful and he didn't have the capital to compete at the moment...

"That's it. So I have to go first? Can you two stay away from each other? Well, I'm not used to being in front of others..."

"I'll go first. Mr. Yanlu, you're second, let her be third..."

Gui Jianchou suddenly interrupted Dai Li's words, and when Yan Lu raised his eyebrows, he added: "She has a hidden physical illness and has low self-esteem. Mr. Yan, please forgive me."

Yanlu was obviously a little surprised. He turned around and looked at Dai Li with a strange look in his eyes. There was still a little pity, and suddenly the tolerance was overwhelming.

Nodding, very simply.


Daili: "..."

Can I say, kid, you are so witty!


"That's it, kid, you have a good idea, then first...take off your clothes!"


The pond is not far away, and you can see it when you turn around. This compartment is not big... The evil Qishan Pavilion, you are so wealthy, but you make the compartments so small, must you be doing this on purpose!

However, even though Gui Jianchou said that, he was still somewhat polite at the moment. He looked at Dai Li and the two of them and said, "Please stay out of the way."

Yanlu was noncommittal and turned around...

"Still shy...what kind of man have I never seen before?"

Gui Jianchou took a breath and frowned, "What about you first?"

Dai Li immediately smiled, waved his hand, and pulled out a large screen in front of him. With another wave of his hand, two chairs and a tea seat appeared.

"You go ahead and wash it, we'll just wait."


So you are here to travel!

Gui Jianchou twitched the corner of his mouth and walked past the screen...

"Your Excellency Yan, please take a seat..."

Yanlu did not refuse. After sitting down, he saw Dai Li bringing out a plate of tomatoes and took one.


Keep eating.

Outside the screen, Gui Jianchou was taking off his clothes...

"Have you finished taking off your clothes?"

"It's too slow. If it were someone else, I could have taken it off three times."

"Kid, I think this screen seems a bit transparent..." (Someone is still wilted and damaged)


Just know that this woman's heart is as black as her clothes!

She doesn't kill the donkey...she just teases the donkey!

Gui Jianchou was so remorseful that his intestines were clear. He quickly took off his clothes and stepped into the pool. The sound of water rushing...

"Are you diving in the three-meter springboard? It's so noisy... Kid, are you feeling comfortable?"

"Jun Zili. If you keep making noise, I'll tell Ye Ziqing to go away!"

Someone quickly became quiet.


In fact, an hour was not short. Dai Li did not dare to practice in front of Yan Lu, so he could only pass the time in the most primitive and effective way.


When Gui Jianchou came out, what he saw was a person sleeping with his legs crossed, head tilted, and sideways...

That posture isn't ugly, just a bit awkward.

This woman actually fell asleep!

There is a man next to you!

Bai Bai Bai that person. He turned his face and lowered his voice slightly. "Your Excellency Yanlu, it's your turn"

Yanlu nodded and stood up.

"Your Excellency Yanlu, can you let me stay here for a while. Then we leave together, how about"

Yanlu could obviously understand Gui Jianchou's intention instantly. He looked at Gui Jianchou, then looked at the man on the ground, and said, "I don't have such a hobby... but it's up to you."

Just as he was about to leave, Dai Li suddenly woke up. When he saw Gui Jianchou and the two of them, they rubbed their foreheads and said lazily, "Hey, you're out... Is it Yanlu's turn to take off your clothes?"

Maybe it was because I was unprepared for the moment I just woke up. Gui Jianchou watched the man tilt his body, inserted a hand into his short hair to lift it up, and squinted his eyes... He could clearly hear that the man's voice was lazy and slightly hoarse. There is something uniquely feminine about her beauty...and those eyes cannot be concealed no matter what.


But your main point is to take off your clothes?

"..." Yanlu glanced at her and walked across the screen.

Gui Jianchou looked at Dai Li silently; "You don't have to say anything."

"Oh...so you want me to sing?"

I didn't mean that... Gui Jianchou had no time to stop him.

Yanlu, who was taking off his clothes behind the screen, suddenly heard a pleasant tune coming from outside.

"Girl, lift up your hijab and reveal your little face. The water is dripping. Wash your legs and hands... Take off your coat and inner condoms. Wash the top and bottom..."

Is the soul suffocated?

Yanlu's movements froze. I didn't react for a while.

Gui Jianchou outside was not breathing either.

elder sister. sister! Do you really have to make fun of Jiang Zi?

But although the lyrics are difficult to hear, but listen to it...

It's actually quite good.

The main thing is to represent someone who can sing well, can compose music, is not out of tune, and has a charming voice...

Gui Jianchou and Gui Jianchou quickly got used to it, and allowed the melody and lyrics to take root in their minds... (It's so scary to get used to it).

Speaking of which, Gui Jianchou obviously didn't expect that although Gui Daili was not a person who could throw eggs at stones, she was also very vindictive. She would also hold grudges against her enemies or hidden enemies, or people who had suffered a loss for her, even if her current strength was not as good as hers. rack your brains to get revenge from other aspects.

For example now...

The master of the banquet was shamelessly and cruelly turned into a hooligan,

Next door, the famous sword that had been soaked walked out of the pool. When she put on her clothes, she unconsciously looked towards the opposite wall, her fingers slightly curled... I wonder how she was doing.

After going out, Mingjian saw that there were already many people in the main hall. As soon as he saw Mingjian coming out...

Everyone looked over.

Actually... Mingjian must have just taken a bath now, and there seems to be a little bit of water vapor all over his body. His eyebrows, hair, and eyes are shiny black, his skin is like gelatin, and his lips are rouged...

But he is a man.

Most of the female cultivators on the spot were stunned.

The male cultivators were also stunned and found it difficult to look back.

To be honest, in just that moment, many men may have been turned upside down by cruelty.

For example, Baili Blood Seal...

Yu Ran smiled immediately when he saw the famous sword.

"I guess you're coming out soon"


Ming Jian looked around, she didn't come out?

At the back of the queue?

"Are you worried about whether she was taken advantage of?" Yu Ran still smiled.

"No" Ming Jian shook his head.

"exactly the opposite"

exactly the opposite?



Worried that others will be taken advantage of by her?

Another compartment.

Sitting in Xiangxi Palace, looking at Ye Ziqing in the pool not far away.

Covered by the water and light, she could only see her bare shoulders and long black hair...

But I have to say that every woman Jun bitch hooks up with is pretty and delicious...

By the way, this is my cousin, right~

The genes of this family are really incredible...

"Miss Ye and Mr. Jun have a really good relationship...I rarely see her respect other women like that..."

You say good feelings and respect, what do you mean?

With his back turned, he couldn't see Ye Ziqing's expression clearly, but he could imagine that this girl who had fallen into the ruthless way must have an expressionless face. (The novel "A Female Emperor" will have more fresh content on the official WeChat platform, and there will also be a 100% lucky draw gift for everyone! Open WeChat now, click the "+" sign on the upper right "Add Friend", and search the public Number "qdread" and follow it, hurry up!) (To be continued)


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